Nothing Like Us (L.H.)

By penguinlukex

18.4K 483 351

"You know how, when things start to fall into place, there comes this big bowling ball to disarrange them aga... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17..
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42.
Chapter 43.
Chapter 44.
Chapter 45.
Chapter 46.
Chapter 47.
Chapter 48.
Chapter 49.
Chapter 50
Chapter 51.
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter *

Chapter 12.

499 10 1
By penguinlukex

Sydny's POV

"So you're saying that Luke didn't plan anything for that night?" Melissa frowned.

She and I were jogging around the streets of L.A. She asked me to recall the stuffs of last night's events.

I nodded.

"And... you liked that fact?"

I looked at her, her chocolate hair bouncing from her ponytail. "Well, I think I like how that turned out."

Melissa nodded in satisfaction. "For me, I'd rather have the guy say 'I've got everything planned for us.' than 'You choose.'" she explained. "I mean, not that I don't like superiority. Every woman wants that... I think? It's just-- I don't know. I think the guy should be the one deciding on those stuffs. You know what I mean? Surprises and shit."

"Yeah. Yeah I get it." I said, staring down as we jog.

"But don't get me wrong, Sydny." Melissa added, her voice a little alarmed. "Luke sounds like a really nice guy. He seems sweet. I don't want to get in your way. I'm just saying. It's from my point of view don't worry." She smiled.

Suddenly, I had an idea. "Hey, why don't we invite Luke for some coffee?"

"Seriously, Sydny? You two just saw each other last night!" Melissa pointed out.

"No. I mean, yes. I mean..." I sighed. "I want you to meet him!"

We turned around the corner. This is the street where Melissa's building is. We left our stuffs on her flat before we went jogging around.

"Yeah, sure." Melissa nodded. "It's not everyday I meet a boyband member."

"Okay, I'll text him as soon as we get to your flat." I laughed. "Oh, and by the way... It's band. Not boyband."

She just rolled her eyes.


We reached Melissa's flat a couple of minutes later. I was just wearing a simple black shorts with a matching sports bra. So I put on this matching jacket that I bought along with my outifit, to cover what was uncovered of my upper body. I was quicker to retrieve all my stuffs than Melissa, so I texted Luke while waiting for her.

A couple of seconds later, my phone rang. It was Luke.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey, Sydny." Luke's voice spoke.

"Hi." I smiled, even though I know he couldn't see it.

"Starbucks in 15?" Luke asked. I said sure. Then he said, "Hey, I was wondering if I could bring Michael with me. Ash and Cal are going to the mall to buy some stuffs, and I was supposed to be with him here and play that FIFA game. But then you texted me for coffee, so he said he doesn't want to be alone."

"Yes, of course!" I said, excitement creeping onto my voice. "We could like set them up together, Michael and Melissa. Is Michael dating someone?"

"Nope. And I think that's a great idea!" Luke exclaimed. "Michael could use some time away from the computer screen, and the game console. He's been spending way too much time on video games."

"Great! So, see you guys in 15?"

"Uh huh." he said. "I missed you."

"Oh shut up. It hasn't even been 24 hours. Bye."

Luke laughed. "Okay. Bye."

Right after we hung up, I heard some crashing on Melissa's room. "Ohmygod. MELISSA? ARE YOU OKAY?" I called out.

"FINE." Her voice was muffled.

I rushed in to see what was going on. She was lying on the floor with some pillows, and some clothes on top of her. "What the fuck happened?" I came over to her, and helped her up.

Melissa sighed. "I was trying to get my stupid make up kit on the top of my dresser, because I was running out of Foundation so I was going to get my spare. But due to the fact that God didn't grant me enough height to rich the stupid make up kit, I ended up pulling everything out, and they crashed over me." She ranted, her expression was funny.

I looked at her for a second, then started to laugh.

"Damn you, woman!" She said, which made me laugh a little harder.

"Sorry. God, I'm sorry. But that's stupid." I tried to stifle my laugh. "You could've just called for help, or grab a stool or something."

Melissa rolled her eyes. "Too late for that, sister."

She and I began to fix the things that fell from her dresser. "Luke said they'll be at Starbucks in 15... So we should probably hurry."

"OOOOH.. I'm so excited to meet this boyfriend of yours."

"He's not my boyfr---" I started.

Melissa shushed me. "Yet. It would end up there, honey. I can see the future."

"Oh yeah? Then why didn't you see these things crashing on you before you do whatever stupid thing you were supposed to do?"

Melissa narrowed her eyes at me. "Touche."





Luke's POV

Michael and I were now at Starbucks, waiting for the girls to come.

"Is it just Sydny that we were waiting for?" Michael asked.

I looked at him. "Nope. Don't think so." I said, pointing over at the door.

Sydny walked in wearing sportswear. Her hair was tied up high in a ponytail, and her face wore the smallest amount of makeup, almost no makeup at all. And damn, she looked beautiful. Beside her was another girl, smaller than her, with chocolate brown hair and a pretty face. Not my type, but she is beautiful.

I waved my hand, and Sydny spotted us. The girls walked over, and I found Michael staring at the both of them, but mostly at Sydny's friend, who was muttering over to Sydny. Sydny shot her a look, and said something which looked like 'stay cool' from the movement of her mouth.

"Hi guys. This is Melissa." Sydny smiled, putting her hands over Melissa's shoulder. "She's my classmate from the School. Melissa, this is Luke. And this is Michael, Luke's friend."

"Nice to meet you." I shook her hand. She moved over to shake Michael's but he seemed to be frozen. "Dude." I elbowed him.

"Oh-uh. Hi." Michael said, shaking her hand.

"Hi." Melissa has a small voice, or is it just smaller at that particular moment? I don't know. "Sydny didn't tell me Luke's bringing a friend." Melissa glanced over at Sydny who was just said "What?" all innocently.

"Well, surprise." He smiled.

To cut the awkward tension between those two, I spoke up. "So, let's take a seat?"

"No. Wait." Sydny said. "Luke and I will go to the counter to order, you two stay here."

"What?! But I---" I complained.

Sydny grabbed my hand. "Come on. I'm hungry."

I grinned. "Alright. I'm coming."

"Ohmygod, I can't deal with that everyday." Melissa muttered.

"Same here." Michael agreed. "I'll have an espresso."

"Caramel frappe for me." Melissa said.

"Coming right up."

Sydny and I headed to the counter and waited in line. We were still holding hands. Either she didn't notice, or she doesn't mind.

"So, is this part of your evil plan of hooking them up them up together?" I asked.

She looked at me. "First of all, it's not an 'evil' plan---" she removed her hands from mine (Awwwe) to make the air quote, and put them in her jacket pocket. "--- nor a plan for hooking them up. I just want them to meet each other. Second, they look cute together. Look."

I looked at them. They're both frowning at each other, and saying stuffs. "They're arguing."

Sydny shrugged. "Erm, yeah. They'll get the hang of it."

I laughed. "You know you look really hot in that outfit. You should wear it more often."

She rolled her eyes. "Shut up. I was just jogging around with Melissa before heading here."

"Oh, so you finally decided to get in shape?" I teased. It's not true. Sydny was totally fit. I wouldn't change a thing about her.

"How dare you." She smacked my arm.

I chuckled. "I was just kidding. You're the hottest girl I've ever met, I swear to God."

"Whatever." She said, looking at the ground. Her cheeks were a little pinkish.

A few moments later, it was our turn to order.




Michael's POV

Fuck Luke and Sydny for leaving me with this Melissa girl. Oh yes, I thought she was really hot with her brown her, and that blue eyes. But god, I don't know. We were arguing half the time.

So here's how it started.

I was a little starstrucked when I saw her walking towards us. So at first I couldn't talk. But then I managed to say some stuffs.

And then when Luke and Sydny left us.........

"So..." she said.


"How's it going with the band?" Nice topic to start with, I must say.

"Great! We're having this tour on Europe for five days on five different countries." I said.

"Really? Wow. Are you going to Paris?" she asked, her tone more excited.


"Oh. Okay. That's awesome." She smiled. "So what do you play?"

"Like video games?"

"You're a gamer?" Melissa asked. "Like stay-in-front-of-computer-screen-all-day gamer?!"

I slowly nodded. "Not really all day. I got the ba----" But she interrupted me.

"Oh god. Guys like you... Do you even do anything else? Like why can't you just work like normal men do?"

"But I'm working. I'm in a ba---"

"You don't even have time for your girlfriends! You just love to date with your video games all day."

"But I don't have a--"

"Will you let me talk for a second?" She asked.

"Oh for heaven's sake." I muttered. "What is your problem with gamers? I don't have a girlfriend, and I work with a band. I play video games on free time. Okay?"

That silenced her up. "Ohh. Okay. It's just that..." She sighed. "Nevermind."

"You can tell me." I said.

"My ex boyfriend used to be a gamer. And god he never had enough time for me. Always sitting on the couch, facing the screen. So I felt like I wasn't even there. I felt like we were on two different places even though I'm right beside him. He's a jerk. So I left him."

She showed no emotion on her face. Just that simple expression that says she doesn't regret anything at all. "Well he doesn't deserve you." was all I could say.

"Yeah. I'm happy now, being single." She smiled, and I smiled back. "I'm sorry for nagging at you a while ago."

"It's fine." I shrugged. "I play the guitar by the way."

"Ohh.. Right." She said. "I remember."

"You do? How?"

Melissa looked at me. "I have seen you perform. It was a gig. Sydny invited me and Andy. But we didn't come with her to the dressing room when the big guy came to get her."

So she was with Sydny that night...

"But I remember your hair color was different that night. Or was it just the lights?" Melissa added.

I laughed. "It was different."

"God. How many times have you dyed your hair?" She asked.

I shrugged. "Countless."

"Does it even fall off?" When I shook my head, she said "That thing is titanium." She was looking at my hair like she wanted to touch it, but I didn't let her.

At that point, Sydny and Luke came back with our drinks and two large donuts.

"Hey, is that mine?" I asked, gesturing to the doughnuts.

Sydny nodded. "You'll have to share with Melissa. Luke and I will be sharing the other one."

"Oh god. Can't you just be a couple already? Because you two are seriously acting like one." I said.

"Uhh.. Can't friends share a donut?" Sydny asked, sarcasm on her voice.

"Why don't you share with Melissa, then?" I retorted.

Sydny rolled her eyes. "She hates honey-glazed doughnuts. And I don't want to share with you, so.. yeah."

"Why did you only buy 2?"

"What do you care?"

"Guys, guys." Luke said. "Stop your shits."





Sydny's POV

Okay. So Michael was being a jerk for one minute. But it's all fine now. We were just talking about the band, and how big they're getting already.

Michael and Melissa were awkwardly sharing the doughnut, while Luke and I just kept eating. I absent-mindedly get a bit of the doughnut with a fork while listening at Michael explain there 5COUNTRIES5DAYS tour, but all I did was stabbed the plate.

I looked at it to see only little crumbs. "Luke!!!" I cried, which practically startled everyone.

"What?!" He said.

"You finished the stupid doghnut!" I told him.

"You ate half of it, love." Luke said, calmly.

Did I? Shit. "I was a witness." Melissa spoke up.

"Shit. Sorry." I muttered.

"Seriously, Sydny, you need to get over the 'dieting girl' facade." Luke said.

"I hate you, you know that." I told him.

"Woah. Don't fight, you two. It's not good for my eyes and ears." Michael said, covering his ears.

"Yes." Luke smiled. "I know that you hate me."

I rolled my eyes at him. Ughh why does he have to be so charming?

Anyway, Melissa, Luke, and Michael kept on chatting. I just listen to them. Laugh when it's funny, and tune out occasionally.

"Hey. Hey. Sydny Elizabeth Green." Melissa waved her hand in front of my face.

"Oh. Hi. What?" I asked. The three of them were looking at me.

Luke spoke up. "How come I don't know I can call you Elizabeth?"

"God, no. You can't! I hate that part of my name." I said. "It's like... It doesn't sound good with Sydny."

Luke nodded. Then Michael said "Well what sounds good with Sydny?"

"I know!!" Melissa gasped. "Hemmings. Yep."

I felt my cheeks heat up. Luke just smirked and looked down.

"Oooooh. Good one bro." Michael said, giving Melissa a high five.

"Don't call me bro." Melissa said.

Michael just shrugged.

Then Melissa turned to me. "Anyway, Sydny. They were wondering if we could hangout over their place after?"

"Do we got classes this afternoon?" I leaned in closer and asked her.

Luke and Mike were talking about Vegemites and video games.

"Girl, it's a Saturday. No classes, right? Well, Andy needs to meet with his mentor today. But besides that, nuh-uh."

I nodded. "Then, we'll go." I straightened up my position.

"Okay, guys." Melissa said, getting the boys' attention. "The queen has spoken. We will come with you to your royal castle."

"What the fuck, Mel?" Michael laughed.

"Mel?!" I smirked. "She never let me call her that."

Melissa rolled her eyes at me. "I'm just trying to keep the casualties."

Luke was chuckling beside me. "What's wrong with that, Syd?"

I punched him lightly on his biceps. "Don't get on my nerves, Hemmings."

He laughed. "Okay. Your highness." He winked.

"Let's go?" Michael said, getting off his seat.

We all nodded, and went.

We were just going to walk since the boys' place were just a few blocks away. Luke and I were walking side by side, just enjoying the comfortable silence between us, when Melissa walked beside me and shot Luke a glare.

'I guess I'll give you girls some space." He said.

I smiled and nodded. And he jogged over to Michael who was talking to someone on the phone.

"I like Luke Hemmings for you." Melissa said. "You guys look like you're always lost in each other's eyes, even when you're arguing! I know I've never seen anyone look like that to someone before."

I just smiled. I don't know what to say. She made it sound like a fairytale. "So.." I said, trying to change the subject. "How are you and Michael?"

"Ooooooh Sydny. I know you and that Hemmings boy had planned this up, didn't you?" Melissa had this look on her face that looked like an angry gorilla on a girl's body.

"For your information, Michael was alone in their house so Luke decided to tag him along. It was all completely coincidental." I explained.

She rolled her eyes at me. "Well, he's kinda hot. I mean, when he talks... and his voice.." Melissa muttered, her voice smaller than usual. "And he's a gamer. A sort of minus, but he explained the whole thing to me. We had this little fight about it. And ugh, his hair. It's like gold, or alloy, or titanium. Like... Like Iron Man. I just want to touch it. I feel like I could dye it in 100 different colors and not a single hair will fall off."

I chuckled. "You sound like you like him. Well, do you?"

She just looked at me. "Uh, no."

"Damn, if Andy's here, I bet he'd know that in fact you do like Michael Clifford." I smirked.

Melissa shrugged. "Eehhh, whatever."





Sorry for typos, btw. xxx

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