Lying Lips

By starrylemonade

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It is the year 1904. Sixteen year old Anna Belle Lewis has always dreamed of love. Unfortunately for her, her... More

[1] Run, Benjamin, Run!
[3] Get to work, Benjamin.

[2] What's that sound, Anna?

355 44 38
By starrylemonade

"Hey, Anna, why don't you turn the lights down there?"

I scoffed, tucking a strand of curly, brown hair behind my ear. "I'm sorry, big brother, but I do care about my own eyesight." I turned in my seat, meeting my brother's piercing glare. "Could you be a dear and just go to sleep with a pillow over your head for tonight?"

I smiled as I watched him do my bidding as he grumbled to himself. Although he had been strong and manly enough to fight during the Cuban something war, at home, Alexander had proved to have no defense whatsoever against my whims. I turned back to face my new Incandescent Lamp. It was powered by electricity-- A luxury that only few families (including mine, of course) could afford. It had been a birthday present from Father, but I've never actually used it before. Does my brother really think that I'm going to stop now? I picked up my needle, and began to sing my favorite tune as I resumed my sewing. 

          I love you as I never loved before

          Since first I met you on the village green.

          Come to me, e'er my dream of love is o'er.

I love that song. It's a beautiful, beautiful thing, and I would like to believe that James Thornton is an absolute genius for writing it! Oh, how I wish that I knew someone who would sing that to me someday. Unfortunately, all of Father's favorite suitors are pompous, self absorbed pricks who would probably use me for the "my wife is better than your wife" competitions that they all plan on having in the near future. 

          I love you as I loved you

          When you were sweet, when you were sweet sixtee--.

I was interrupted by the sound of a pillow softly hitting the headboard. "Anna Belle! I'm trying to get some sleep here!"

Oh my goodness, was he really not going to leave me alone? I turned around again, exhasperated. "Is it really that much of a trouble to you, mister soldier man? I thought that army boys were tougher than this"

Alexander threw his hands up. "Yes, madame, it is that big a trouble, and yes, we are." He stood up, rubbing his eyes, trying hard to adjust to the glaring light. My lips formed a proud smile. Even my own brother was blinded by our Father's wonderful gift. He leaned over my desk, looking straight into my eyes. I have to admit, he can be quite intimidating. "It's just that you're worse than the war criminals. So do you mind doing that in your own room instead?"

The look on my face quickly transformed into a pout. "But my room hasn't been wired for it yet!" Surely, he would let me stay here, right? "Father's having that done next week!"

"Then go to the parlor. That's been wired for a few months now."

I sighed, standing up. "You should know that you're a terrible brother." 

This time, it was his turn to smile, mimicking the one I had given him earlier. Suddenly, I regretted being so cocky. Now, he was just using my own actions against me. "I know that. Now, could you be a dear and continue that outside so I could maybe sleep?"

I stomped down on the hard, marble floor, hoping that my point got across. I hurriedly stuffed all my things into my arms. I decided it was best if I left the lamp here for the night. Perhaps I can use it against him on another night, when I think of better comebacks. Besides, there was a chandelier AND a furnace downstairs anyway. "Fine." I walked over to the door, then back at Alexander, who was just watching me with a smug look on his face. "But the next time one of your uniforms gets torn or destroyed, don't even dare come crying to me."

I stormed out, slamming the door behind me. I made my way down the hall, hearing the eerie sound of the wind that was blowing outside. The sky had gotten dark early tonight-- It was barely even half past six. 

It's okay, Anna. It's only six in the evening. Everybody's still awake. If anything happens, you can just scream.. It's not even that dark..

After what seemed like hours, I reached the end of the hall and headed down the stairs, and into the parlor. In the day, it looks like any old, ordinary room. But at night, it looks like the pictures in horror novels. Dark room, chandelier hanging from the ceiling, scary piano in the middle of the floor.. I shuddered. Maybe it was time to turn the lights on and end this nightmare. But before I could, a soft creaking noise came from the kitchen.

Oh my goodness. Is this some kind of joke, Alexander? Now you're going to try and scare me? Great plan.

I left my things on the parlor floor, and opened the door. My hand immediately went to the wall on my left side, and the lights flickered on right as I turned the knob on the switch. "Alexander, seri--"

But the person standing in front of me wasn't Alexander at all. He was a dirty young man, around my age, and the look he was giving me was the same one I was giving him. Despite the shock and confusion, I couldn't help but notice the bright blueish green color of his eyes. Fortunately, I managed a cracked, "W-Who are you?"

He held his hands up, revealing a few cuts and bruises. Some were bleeding, and although I knew that I should've been scared to death, I pitied him. "I'm not going to hurt you, I promise."

I looked straight into his eyes, trying to look as intimidating as Alexander had earlier. "You didn't answer my question."

He opened his mouth, but no sound came out. The longer the silence went on, the more fearful I became. 

Then, I screamed.


The panic grew in his eyes, and he turned to run away. I ran towards him, and grabbed his wrist before he could. "No," I said, sounding more confident than I felt. "You do not run away."

It was only a few seconds before my entire family came rushing down to help me. I had only called for Father, but I guess they all got worried. I turned to face them, but they weren't looking at me. "He wouldn't answer me when I asked him who he was."

But mother ignored my question. Like Alexander, she had played a role in the war, but unlike him, she had been a nurse. She was a healer, and her instinct told her to pay attention to wounds. This was one of the many times that she had decided to listen. 

"Oh, you poor dear!" She approached us quickly, her gentle hands fluttering over his cuts. "What happened to you?" She then turned to me, a look of accusation adorning her face. "Did you do this?"

It was then that Father chose to speak. He was a quiet man, and although he was very intelligent, he only said something when he felt like it needed to be said. "Maria, now is not the time to get distracted. There is a strange man in our house, and I am very interested in knowing why he is here."

Father turned to the boy with the same intimidating look that I'd gotten earlier. Darn, was I the only one who didn't know how to do that? The boy could barely look at Father's face as he stuttered, "T-the pa- paper.."

Mother let go of his arm, clapping her hands excitedly. "Oh, joy!" she said, grinning at us. Why was she so happy? "That advertisement had only been run in the paper once, but we've already gotten an answer!" She looked at him again, then frowned slightly. "But you are a man. Male domestic helpers cost more in wages, and though I'm sure that you would like a larger pay than what we offered, we simply do not wish to pay more."

The boy shook his head quickly. "No, ma'm, I wouldn't ask for a larger pay. I'm willing to work for only half your offer, should you provide me with room and board."

The smile returned to Mother's face. "Of course, of course!" She looked at Father, her eyes brimming with delight. "We've already got the attic prepared for you." She took them both by the hand, leading them both upstairs and leaving my brother and I in the kitchen. As they walked, we could hear her saying, "Come now, come, let's get these wounds treated and we'll discuss your workload."

Alexander nudged me with his elbow. "Well, he's a cute little fellow, isn't he, Anna?"


Author's note;

Omigosh, the new chapter's up! This should feel a little different from the first chapter, since it's from Anna's point of view. Anna's not as secure as Benjamin, and she's just a little more prissy, so I tried to make the chapter feel like that. But I hope that it doesn't stop you Benjamin-lovers from reading! He's coming up next <3 

 This chapter has been dedicated to ZACHROCK, for being giving me my first comment, read and vote! Thank you so much~

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