A Servant Lost (Alys Book #1)

By BriaVangau

101K 5.5K 755

Alys is an unwanted servant trying to live by any means possible in a land that is threatened by wars and con... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 2.5
Chapter 3
Chapter 3.5
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Quick Note
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Quick Note #2
Chapter 30
Thank You
Edit Note

Chapter 11

2.8K 158 11
By BriaVangau

When Alys emerged from her room the next morning, four guards were posted across from her. She nodded respectfully and hurried off to join Esme for breakfast. Two of the four guards stepped from their spots against the wall and fell into step behind her. Hearing their loud footsteps, Alys turned and looked back.

At her puzzled expression, the men stopped.

"We have been instructed to escort you to wherever it is that you need to go," one of the men said, uncomfortable. Alys sighed and nodded. Why was she not surprised that these orders had been given? Annoyed, she turned and continued to walk to the room she knew Esme would be in. When she arrived, the guards followed her into the room and stood guard by the door, always in eye and ear shot of Alys.

By midday, Alys was completely frustrated with her "escort". Deciding that there was only one place she could have privacy, she escaped to her room. The guards did not object when she closed her door and locked it behind herself, and she guessed that they must have gone back to their places across the hall.

She pulled the large shutters back to open her big window and breathed in the fresh spring air. Sun beamed onto her face and Alys closed her eyes, basking its warmth. She sat in her window seat for the remainder of the afternoon, humming to herself and occupying her mind with trying to pull memories from a foggy place to pass the time. Sometimes, fragments of a memory would pop into the back of her mind, like the face of a horse, or of an older woman with creases on her face, and greying hair. Her mother? Her grandmother? Whose horse was she trying to pull into memory? A neighbor's? Her family's? She tried to pull harder at the simple memories, but they quickly disappeared as fast as they had come, once again being consumed by the fog.

About an hour before the evening meal time, a servant came to the door and informed Alys that she was to come see the prince at her earliest convenience. Fed up with failing at remembering anything, Alys stiffly moved from her spot and closed the shutters. When she stepped out of her room and proceeded to walk down the hall, the four guards fell in place behind her. Once they had reached the Prince's study, the guards stopped, and Alys continued into the room slowly. As usual, Prince Dastrehan sat over a pile of maps and papers spread out on his desk. Alys stood quietly in front of his desk for a few moments, watching him work.

"You've come quickly," he remarked, looking up from his work.

"I did not have much to occupy my time, your Highness," Alys replied, trying not to sound too frustrated.

Dastrehan frowned sympathetically, "I would offer to share some of my work, but I don't think you would enjoy it at all."

Alys shook her head. She could not even imagine the kind of duties he had.

When she did not say anything, Dastrehan changed the subject.

"I suppose you noticed your guards?"

It was more of a statement than an actual question.


"After considering the events that have occurred over the last few days, I have decided that it is best that you have a personal guard accompany you whenever you leave your room."

Alys pressed her lips together and nodded.

"I am concerned now that it is more common knowledge that you are carrying my child, you might become a target for enemies of myself and the crown."

At Alys's look of alarm, Dastrehan stood and walked around his desk to stand in front of her.

"I am not going to let anyone hurt you," he said, taking her injured hand and looking at the fresh bandage, "You will be safe in my palace. But we must be wise about your safety. Which means you must have a personal guard."

Alys understood. It was inconvenient for herself, but it made sense.

"Is there anyone that you would feel comfortable having as your main body guard?" Dastrehan asked her, looking up from her injured hand and into her face.

"Someone you knew before you came to the palace, or maybe someone you have met here?"

Alys shook her head, "I do not know many of the guards, your Highness," she said quietly. She had had no business knowing who the guards were when she had been working in the kitchens. She was meant to obey them. But now that she was living in one of the guest chambers, she had started to recognize a few of the men that were always around when the Prince was.

"I want you to feel safe," Dastrehan opened his fingers from around Alys's hand and she let it drop back down to rest against the skirt of her plain brown dress. She suddenly felt tired, and she mumbled something to him about sitting down. Dastrehan quickly moved to guide her to the sofa. Alys forced a smile to show her thanks.

"There was this man that I travelled with to Targus," Alys said, her eyebrows knit together in concentration, "I do not remember his name. But he was the head guard for a caravan transporting palace goods."

Dastrehan sat beside her on the sofa, nodding encouragement for her to continue.

"He was very kind to me. The caravan got caught in a storm, and outlaws raided the wagons. He followed them and saved me from a dreadful fait."

"What fait was that?" The prince asked.

Alys's face twisted with disgust, "A brothel."

Dastrehan's eyebrows rose in shock.

"You were going to join a-"

"I was going to be sold to a brothel, by the outlaws," Alys quickly interrupted. She had no intention of anyone, especially the prince of the kingdom, thinking that she would be such a person as to give her services to a brothel for money. She wished this had not come up. It was not something she liked to recall. It would have been so easy for something to have gone wrong with the wagon guards' rescue, and she would have been sold into a life of the worst slavery imaginable.

Dastrehan's mouth was tight, like he had been told someone important had taken ill, or some other grave news had been laid upon him.

Alys held his gaze, so he would know that she was serious about what she had said.

Dastrehan shook his head in disbelief, "You really have had the worst last few months, have you not?"

Alys lowered her gaze to the floor now.

"Others have gone through much worse than I have."

Dastrehan shook his head in disgust. Alys's good hand went unconsciously to her belly. Not everything about the last few months had been bad.

The room became quiet, and Alys kept her hand on her stomach as she watched Dastrehan stare at the carpeted floor. His brows were pressed together in concentration, and he rubbed the palms of his hands together.

The air was cool in the room, as evening was approaching. Quietly, a servant moved into the room and hurried over to the large fireplace to light a fire. After some clunking of logs and the clicking of flint stones being stuck against each other, the servant moved to the large windows and balcony to close shutters and curtains against the chilling, evening spring breezes. When she was finished, the servant left the room.

"I will instruct one of my men to find out who this head guard is you have mentioned," Dastrehan finally voiced, his brows becoming even tighter together, "If he is found, I will talk with him myself. Until then, your current escort will be assigned to you."

Alys did not like the arrangement, but she understood. She supposed she should be grateful that her child should be so protected. Was that not a mother's greatest wish?

Dastrehan stood and walked over to his desk. He stood over it, shuffling papers into stacks and shoving writing tools aside.

"Join me for supper," he said without looking up, "I will not be dining with the visiting Lords and I do not fancy eating by myself, tonight."

Alys wanted to decline. She was tired, and she never felt completely comfortable in the Prince's presence. How could she, when she was equal to dirt next to him?

She was carrying his child, yet she still did not feel worthy of standing in the same room as him. She wished she could just refuse. But that felt rude and disobedient. Alys was not even that hungry. When she did not reply right away, the prince glanced in her direction with a questioning look.

Alys just nodded silently, knowing it would be best not to refuse.

"Excellent!" Dastrehan finished the tidying of his work space and walked back to Alys. He offered his hand to help her up, and Alys timidly reached her hand up in response. Even though her stomach was not as big as Esme's, she still found it exhausting to hoist herself up from the low couch. Dastrehan pulled her to her feet effortlessly.

"Thank you," Alys breathed, pulling her hand away from his the second she was on her feet.

Dastrehan nodded and turned slowly to proceed out of the room. Alys followed behind him, unsure as to where they were going. When they stepped out into the hall, her escort of guards fell into step behind them. Alys firmly told herself not to be annoyed, and focused on the hallway's rooms they were walking through. After a few minute, Dastrehan turned into a small room. Alys stepped in behind him, and was surprised at how small the room really was. Most of the rooms in the palace were overly large, but this one was small and simple. A plain wooden table was set up with a few chairs in the middle of the room, and a large glass window was in the back wall. The evening sun came through the window, casting a warm light onto the table.

"I like to come here to eat sometimes, to get away from all the business of the palace," the prince said, as if reading Alys's puzzled thoughts. Alys said nothing, but she guessed she could understand. She often found the grandness of the palace overwhelming. Dastrehan pulled out a chair for Alys, and she gratefully sat down. She still felt exhausted. A servant entered the room, and Dastrehan instructed for the evening meal to be brought.

While they waited for the food, Dastrehan chatted aimlessly about random things, trying to keep a conversation going. Every now and then, Alys nodded to let him know she was following along. She found the topics he talked about interesting; his interest in well-bred horses and his upcoming crowning. It was nice to see that he had the interests and worries that people who did not have the benefit of being in a royal family have.

"Did you always live in Creb?" The Prince asked her.

Alys took a moment to finish the food she was chewing, "I am not too certain of the answer to that, your Highness."

"Dastrehan," he reminded her softly. His eye brows creased together, "And what do you mean you do not know?"

Alys clasped her hands together, put her elbows up on the table, and leaned her chin on her hands, "I have no memories from before the age of around 15."

She thought it was a simple enough answer, but clearly from the prince's shocked expression, it did not really explain.

"So you're telling me, that you have no idea who you were before?"

Alys shook her head, mouth pressed as she thought.

"So your family, your life, nothing?" The tone of Dastrehan's voice was that of shock, "What about your name?"

"What about it?" Alys frowned, confused.

"You remember your name?"

"No," she replied with a shake of her head, "A woman who took me in briefly to work in her kitchens named me Alys."

Dastrehan shook his head, clearly at a loss for words.

Now worked up, Alys began to talk freely. It was a rarity that she would open up to anyone except Esme at all, but she felt so comfortable and fired up, she simply could not help herself. Besides, this was the father of her child she was talking to; if she could not trust him, who could she trust?

She told him about the day she found herself in some stranger's house, head cloudy and with no memories. She could speak and function like proper young girls her age, it had seemed like a part of her head had been erased. She explained that the woman who had found her had guessed she had been kicked by a horse while out riding in the forest, where she had been found by a hunter. Meetings in surrounding villages had been called to try and find her parents, but no one ever came forward. Alys told Dastrehan that she had worked in the kitchens for a time before she found work as a servant girl for the Fendrel's in the next town over, Creb.

She even told him about the sapphire necklace that she had had on her when she had been found.

"A sapphire, you say?" Dastrehan raised his eyebrows, "Those are very rare gems indeed."

"Maybe I was one of those girls taught to steal at a young age," Alys said, attempting to make a joke.

Dastrehan laughed and shook his head, "No, you don't really seem like the robber type to me."

A servant came and took away their empty plates. Alys continued to talk, telling the Prince about the random dreams and thoughts that she sometimes had.

"I like to think they are memories, that will come back to me one day," She said softy, ending her little speech.

Prince Dastrehan was completely surprised; he had never heard her speak more than a few sentences each time she was in his presence.

They continued to talk about Alys's mysterious past until an older man, who Dastrehan introduced as one of his advisors, Rulf, interrupted them to speak to the Prince. He did not seem to think much of Alys, and he completely ignored her while he spoke,

"May I speak with you in your office, Your Highness?"

The man was much older than Dastrehan. He had a greying beard, and cold grey eyes. He was heavy set, and he reminded Alys of an older version of Gax.

"What is the reason that I must walk all the way back to my study to hear you speak?" Dastrehan asked, leaning back in his chair.

The older man shuffled his feet, "Forgive me, Lord Prince, but I wish to speak in private."

Dastrehan gave an annoyed sigh and gestured to Alys.

"Rulf," he said, leaning forward again, "as you know, this woman is the mother of my child."

Rulf nodded, seeming nervous.

"And as the mother of my child, I trust her. So anything you wish to tell me can be said in front of her, in confidence."

Alys did not wish to be present for this conversation- whatever it was to be about. She just wanted to go back to her room.

"As you wish," Rulf said coolly, "I've received word back from the Marniac Palace. King Lief will be attending your coronation, along with two of his daughters. He wishes for his eldest to spend time in your presence, in the hopes that an even better alliance can be formed between your two kingdoms."

Dastrehan's face remained neutral, but Alys had to drop her gaze to hide her feelings.

Forming a new alliance? That meant that King Lief was most likely intending for his daughter to marry Prince Dastrehan. But why was this news so surprising to her? Had he not mentioned directly to her that he would be required to marry in the interest of his kingdom?

And why did Alys suddenly feel so sick?

"Great," Dastrehan waved off his advisor, "Send word to him that I will speak with him in person in a few weeks."

Rulf bowed slightly and left the room.

Alys stood, overcome with a sudden nausea.

"Thank you for dinner," she said to the prince.

"Are you leaving?" Dastrehan asked, as if nothing had just transpired.

"Yes," she replied, "I do not feel very well."

He frowned, "I hope it is nothing too bad."

"No no, I will be fine. I just need to lay down," she assured him. The last thing she wanted was him sending a healer to see to her.

"Have one of your guards send for Aldyth if need," Dastrehan instructed, standing up.

Oh right, her guards. Alys mentally cried out in frustration.

Dastrehan insisted on seeing her to her room, along with her guards. It was a very long and quiet walk through the palace.

Alys curled up in her bed in the darkness. Something felt wrong. But what?

Every time her thoughts wandered to the news of the Marniac Royals visiting Tarkam City for the Prince's coronation, she felt the pit of her stomach tighten.


Why, why, why?

Alys knew she had no reason to be upset. It had always been a fact that Prince Dastrehan would marry another woman from most likely another kingdom. But what would that mean for her child? Had not Dastrehan said that the child would be an heir to the throne no matter what?

Once Alys had decided that this was the reason she was upset, she assured herself that it would all work out. Either way, Dastrehan had promised to make sure she and her child were always safe and happy.

Alys's days were long and boring with no duties to keep her busy. Dastrehan had informed her that she would no longer be working in the palace. When she had protested, stating that she would not be earning her keep, he simply replied that she was already doing enough. Frustrated, Alys spent her time lounging in her window seat, taking short walks in the gardens, or visiting with Esme. Her guards were always in tow, never giving her much privacy. But it was necessary. She was now over 5 months in, and it was quite obvious that she was expecting a child. Alys no longer wore dresses like the palace servants: special dresses had been made for her to wear. They were made of comfortable materials, and worn with a belt that went above her baby bump at the front, around her hips at the back, and back down under her tummy in the front. The belt made the front of the dress come tight against Alys's belly. Alys did not fancy the style, but it was custom for women of higher status in Tarkam to wear clothes to show others their condition. Several dresses had been made for Alys; dark blue ones, green ones, and deep red/brown ones. Inwardly, Alys hated wearing dresses that were made for women of higher status then she herself truly was. But it seemed that the prince would not agree with her, so she obeyed.

There was only a week left in April, and the prince and his advisors were constantly busy. The visiting Lords had left the palace the week before. The palace was now getting ready for Prince Dastrehan's coronation and the arrival of royal guests, both to take place in two weeks time.

Alys kept out of everyone's way, mostly sticking to her room and making short trips to see Esme. Esme was in the final 2 months of her pregnancy, and was no longer working for the palace. She was living in the palace nursery, at the expense of Dagan.

Alys was in the middle of visiting Esme when a messenger came to retrieve her to visit the prince.

Alys had not spoken with nor seen Dastrehan for over a week. She quickly said goodbye to her friend and headed towards the prince's study with her guards.

When Alys entered the room, her eyes immediately noticed the clutter. Books, papers, documents and other odd things were scattered on tables and chairs all over Dastrehan's study.

"Please excuse the mess," he said, standing up from the sofa and walking towards her.

Alys shook her head to dismiss his apology. It was not needed.

"Last minute preparations for the coronation," Dastrehan explained. He walked in front of her and reached for both of her hands,

"How are you feeling?"

"Very well, your Highness." Alys watched the Prince turn over her right hand to inspect the area that had been damaged by Balt's dagger. It was healing quite nicely, and it no longer required a bandage. The skin was scarring around the wound though. Dastrehan gently ran his thumb along the healing cut, frowning. He opened his mouth to speak, but decided against it. He gently released her hand and turned his gaze to her stomach.

"The dresses the maids made for you suit you well," he commented. The one she wore was a soft green, and she wore a leather belt with it that was dyed a darker green than the dress.

Alys did not know how to respond, so she remained silent.

Dastrehan cleared his throat and stepped back.

"I have found the man you told me about," he said, gesturing to a man that Alys had not noticed standing against one wall with the other servants.

She looked towards him now.

A smile broke across Alys's face when she recognized the man as the head guard of the wagon caravan.

The man stepped forward,

"I am glad to see that you have been safe, my Lady," he said. Alys reached out her hands in greeting, and he clasped them tightly. She did not know if she should correct him for calling her lady, but decided to leave it for now.

"Alys," Dastrehan said, "This is Captain Rohan."

Alys bowed slightly, though it was hard to do so in her condition,

"I am glad to finally know your name, my Lord."

Rohan laughed, squeezing her hands again and releasing them, "I highly doubt you should be calling me Lord, my dear. If anything, I should be bowing to you."

Alys also laughed, humbled by that silly idea.

Dastrehan stepped to Alys's right side and put a hand on her back,

"Rohan will be your head guard now, and he will accompany you where ever you go. He will also pick the men who are to be your other guards."

Alys looked sideways at the Prince and smiled, "Thank you, your Highness."

At least now she would know and trust the man who was her head guard. And if he trusted the other guards he would pick, she would trust them too.

Dastrehan ran his hand up and down her back once in response, then stepped back towards his desk. The area his hand had touched tingled.

"I am sorry to say that I must return to my duties. But I will leave you in the capable hands of Captain Rohan."

Alys nodded and tried to bow again before dismissing herself. A smile crept onto Dastrehan's face at her attempt, and he nodded to let her know she had done fine.

Alys did not wish to go back to her room right away, so Rohan dismissed her prior guards and escorted her down to the gardens alone.

"I hope it was not too much of a bother to come to the palace," Alys said to the older man, walking through the palace door that he was holding open for her.

"Of course not. No task is too much of a bother to serve my prince with."

Alys supposed that made sense. They walked down the steps towards the gardens.

"But you must have family that you won't see for a while!"

Rohan smiled, "My wife has accompanied me. She will stay as long as I do."

"But then who will care for your children?" Alys asked, confused. How could parents abandon their children with servants?

"We do not have any children," the man replied simply. Alys thought she heard a note of regret in the man's voice, but did not dare to mention it.

"Well, I'm still sure it must not have been ideal to move here from Targus."

Rohan opened a gate for her and smiled, "I was getting tired of Targus. But you cannot imagine my surprise that you turned out to be the woman I would be guarding. I am pleased to see that you have made out okay. And actually, I have lived at the palace before."

"I asked for you," Alys sat down on a stone bench in front of a bed of tulips, "I did not want to have men following me everywhere I go when I do not know them."

"I understand fully my Lady," Rohan replied, sitting down beside her.

Alys sighed, lowering her head to avoid getting the sun in her eyes.

"I am not a Lady, Captain. I am just a kitchen servant."

The older man frowned, "Surely someone who is carrying the heir to the kingdom must be worthy of a Lady's status?" He suggested.

Alys's eyebrows creased together. Was that so?

After she had had the baby, she would be taking care of it. She would not be going back to the kitchens, but she would still be working in the palace. Unless she married, she would not have a Lady's status. And marriage was not going to happen.

"I think not." she finally answered.

Rohan laughed. Alys snuck a glance at the man sitting beside her. He was much older than Dastrehan, probably around 40 years old. His hair was still blonde, and his eyes a bright blue. Lines creased his face around his eyes and mouth; the kind that you knew only belonged on the faces of kind people. Alys felt safe with his man; especially since he had come to retrieve her after those forest outlaws had taken her.

"Either way," Rohan interrupted Alys's thoughts, "to me, you are a lady, and it would make me more comfortable if you would allow me to refer to you as one."

Alys smiled.

"Very well."

They remained in the garden for some time, getting fresh air and getting to know each other. Alys soon tired, and Captain Rohan escorted her to her bed chamber.

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