Ppg X Rbb One-shots

By Perfect_Yuriko

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Ppg X Rrb One-Shots ^^ Slow updates #735 in humor 11\22\17 #463 in humor 13\6\17 Have fun Reading ^^ More

Chapter 1 Greens
Chapter 2 Blues
Chapter 3 Reds
Chapter 4 Greens
Chapter 5 Blues
Chapter 6 Reds
Chapter 7 Greens
Chapter 8 Blues
Chapter 9 Reds
Chapter 10 greens *Love part 1*
Chapter 11 Blues *Love part 2*
Chapter 12 Reds *Love part 3*
Chapter 13 Greens
Chapter 14 Blues
Chapter 15 Reds
Chapter 16 Greens
Chapter 17 Blues
i got tagged! ^-^
Chapter 18 Reds
Chapter 19 Greens
Chapter 20 Blues
Chapter 21 Reds
Chapter 22 Greens
Chapter 23 Blues
Chapter 24 Reds
Chapter 25 Greens
Chapter 26 Blues
Chapter 27 Reds
Chapter 28 Greens
Chapter 29 Blues
Chapter 30 Reds
Chapter 31 Greens
Chapter 32 Blues
Chapter 33 Reds
Chapter 34 Greens
Chapter 35 Blues
Chapter 36 Reds
Chapter 37 Greens
Chapter 38 Blues
Chapter 39 Reds
Chapter 40 Greens
Chapter 41 Blues
Chapter 42 Reds
Chapter 43 Greens
Chapter 44 Blues
Chapter 46 Greens
Chapter 47 Blues
Chapter 48 Reds
chapter 49 Greens
chapter 50 blues
chapter 51 Reds
chapter 52 Greens
chapter 53 Blues
chapter 54 Reds
chapter 55 greens
chapter 56 Blues
chapter 57 Reds

Chapter 45 Reds🔴

174 6 0
By Perfect_Yuriko

Chapter 45: Bad For Me

I wore red cause you like that. You're like hey let me get that.

Blossom walked into school and right pass Brick. The red color of her outfit caught his eye. It was his favorite colors, especially when it's the shade of her hair. Not that he would admit that. Blossom smirked at him before completely walking away from him. Brick immediately stood up from his spot and just walked away from his brothers, after Blossom. He found her in her seat in their first period class they just so happened to have together.

"Hey," Brick greeted, a confident smile playing on his lips. Blossom just raised her eyebrows. Brick chuckled slightly in response. She just looked way too cute. "So I was wondering if…"

"If I would go out with you maybe?" Blossom finishes his sentence.

"Yeah, so…?" Brick prompts her.

"Sure, Brick. I guess I'd love to," Blossom responds.

But when I text you don't text back. No you didn't cause you didn't care. Well the game makes me crazy.

Blossom and Brick went on a few dates. Everything seemed to be going very well. He was intio her and she was into him. Bored one night and knowing Brick would be done with his homework like she was done with hers, Blossom pulled out her phone and texted Brick.

The Blossom waited for Brick to text back. Seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned to hours. It wasn't til the very next day that Blossom realized Brick wasn't going to text back. He didn't really care. This was all part of his little game. The game he played to string girls and their poor hearts along. Instantly Blossom knew this game was going to drive her crazy.

Its like yes no maybe and you're calling me baby. When I know that you just don't care. Woah oh oh.

It took no time at all for Blossom to figure out Brick's game. There were three very important steps he had to play; the yes step, the no step, and the maybe step. The yes step is where he seems like he is all into a girl. Like there's no doubts for him, she's definitely the one. Blossom realized that step happened when she wore red, his favorite color, and he eagerly asked her out. Then they went out for a bit and everything was perfect.

She fell for the no step when she texted him. In the no step, he ignored her and made her double guess whether he liked her or not. He's hoping she'll think she did something wrong and come crawling to his feet for forgiveness or something. Too bad she caught onto his game though now she was feeling stupid for falling for his little game.

Blossom was prepared for the maybe step. He was going to make it seem like he's interested but maybe he's not or he's not that interested. She wasn't sure on how Brick was going to go through with this step but Blossom knew it was coming. Just then her phone vibrated. A text from Brick:

Hey baby, wanna hang out? You, mme, some of my friends and some of yours if you wanna.

Blossom just rolled her eyes. He's calling her baby but she knows he doesn't care. This is his feeble attempt at the maybe step. So instead of replying, Blossom gave him a taste of his own medicine . In the no step, he ignored her and now she's ignoring him.

Saying that I quit but its just not true. Like woah oh oh. I say I don't like it but you know I do. Cause you make me feel so right even if it is so wrong. I wanna scream out loud. Boy but I just bite my tongue.

"No, Brick. I'm done. I give up and I quit. Obviously this isn't working," Blossom tells Brick, gesturing between us. Brick was keeping a cool demeanor even though on the inside his world was falling apart.

"Blossom, you know you that's not true," Brick says, looking at Blossom. For a second Blossom thought she saw actual feeling in his red eyes and it warmed her eyes.

"You want to know what is true? I don't like it… us… you," Blossom says, trying to keep a calm and equal voice. Brick just walks towards her and wraps his arms around her. On instinct, Blossom buries her face into his chest. Its obvious to Brick that she really does like it even if she says she doesn't. Blossom knew that this moment should feel wrong to her. That she should pull herself out of his grasp but it just feels so right. Almost like it was meant to be.

The feelings bubbling up inside her made her want to scream. They were so confusing but Blossom just bit her tongue and enjoyed Brick's warmth. The feeling of him holding her close. It was perfect.

This one's for the girls messing with the boys like he's the melody and she's background noise. Baby why can't you see it feels so good but you're so bad for me. It feels so good but you're so bad for me. It feels so good but you're so bad for me.

Blossom tried numerous times to break it off with Brick but each time ended in a complete and utter failure. She knew he was messing with her head. No matter what she did, he had the perfect countermove. They were like song almost in that way. He was the melody and she was just that background noise. She knew it shouldn't be this way but it just felt so good. Like when he said he loved her. Or when he kissed her. Or even when he just looked at her.

Brick was poison. There was no other explanation. He made her feel so good but really he was bad for her. Blossom knew it. She saw the symptoms but she noticed Brick never noticed them. It was like he wasn't even trying. But she couldn't help but get sucked up into his good feeling even though she knew just how bad he was for her.

I always want what I can't have. Give it all. Never get half. You're like girl where you been at? And I really wanna just not care. But woah oh oh. Saying that I quite but its just not true. Like woah oh oh. I say I don't like it but you know I do. Cause you make me feel so right even if its wrong. I wanna scream out loud. Boy but I just bite my tongue. This one's for the girls messing with the boys like he's the melody and she's background noise. Baby why can't you see it feels so good but you're so bad for me?

Blossom knew Brick's heart and eyes would wander from her. Come on he was Brick Jojo. But that's what made him so irresistible. Blossom always wanted what she couldn't have and if Brick would never truly be hers, she would always want him. She'd put her heart, her mind, her soul, her everything out there on the line for just a chance with him. Though with a Jojo brother it was certain she'd never get half of it back.

Though Brick made her feel special. Whenever she tried to leave, avoid him, ignore him, he'd always persist. Making sure he found out what he did wrong and then try to fix it. He'd text, call, and search for her. She knew his question the instant she see him, Girl where you been at? And when he stood in front of her, waiting for her answer… Blossom would give anything not to care. But Brick had won her heart and her everything. She couldn't help but care and have her heart melt for him. She just didn't know that Brick felt the exact same way about her.

It feels so good but you're so bad for me. I feels so good but you're so bad for me. I'm dying tonight. Trying to hide. Hide what I'm feeling. I'm feeling like I'm dying tonight to keep it inside. When I say hello should be saying goodbye. You make me feel so right even if it so wrong. I wanna scream out loud. Boy but I just bite my tongue. This one's for the girls messing with the boys like he's the melody and she's background noise. Baby why can't you see it feels so good but you're so bad for me? It feels so good but you're so bad for me. It feels so bood but you're so bad for me. La de da da. So bad. You're so bad for me. It feels so good but you're so bad for me.

"Hey Blossom," Brick greets his beautiful girlfriend. Blossom's lips form a tight smile. This is it Blossom just say goodbye. He said hello now you should be saying goodbye.

"Hey Brick," She greets back. Brick notices she's sadder and not his happy girlfriend.

"What's wrong?" He walks over to her. Brick kneels down beside her as she sits on the couch. Blossom tries not to look in his eyes. Those eyes filled with worry and concern. But she just can't help it. She just doesn't want him to know that she feels like she's dying. Dying just to bottle all her feelings up and keep them inside.

"Nothing," She mutters, turning away from him. Brick stands up and sits down on the couch. He picks her up and sets her down in his lap. One of his arms immediately wraps around her and the other starts to rub her back soothingly.

"No there's definitely something wrong and I'm not letting you go until you tell me what it is," Brick says, forcing her to look at him. Blossom sighs and bites her lip. She looks at her boyfriend's face and immediately falls in love with him again.

"I love you Brick," She says before kissing him. Brick kisses her back, holding onto her tight. And all Blossom can think is Screw him being bad for me, it feels too good.

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