He shout 'I love you' and I t...

By NekoRex

11 0 1

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He shout 'I love you' and I told him it's not romantic.

11 0 1
By NekoRex

I walk down the path of the large dog park. My mind keeps replaying the scene, what scene? I freaking saved my dad's dog! You see, I never in my life dared to cross the broken bridge. But I had to save him, he was simply adorable when he gave me those eyes.

I thought he would love me after saving him but I thought wrong. When I drop him on the ground, he freaking but me! I swear when he's in trouble, I'm not going to be saving him. Imagine him hanging on the edge of a cliff, what would I do? Push him dog!

I gotta say, the bite wasn't that painful. Apparently where he bit me, there was a small magazine under the sock. I'm glad because if it wasn't that, I'd be bleeding by now. When I see that dog, I'mtaking him to the pound and tell the freaking pounders my dad's freaking dog doesn't have A owner. Hah, imagine Pluto in a cage! Him getting scared and crap.

I'm not that horrible, I wouldn't do that to anyone or animals.

I sat under the tree and plugs the ear phones in my EARS and listen to Listen to your heart by DHT. I love old songs. New songs doesn't gets to my likings.

I grab my manga from my pack back and start reading it. You see, since I saw a little girl reading a manga, it interests me. So I bought a couple of them and finished them in 4 days. I bought another 10, parents are rich so don't ask, and read them again. This is the last one. Sometimes I'm reading some of them online. At first, I didn't know how to read them.

I felt the sun heat went away and the shadow took over. At first, I thought it was only a cloud but when someone tapped my shoulder, I jump from my seating area and bump my head to a hard wall. Forehead I should say. Anyways, I look up and saw, Loser... Kidding, I'm not a horrible person okay. I'm just pissed because he disturbed me from reading my manga! To tell you the truth, I've always liked him. Dimitri Strange.

"Hi Dimitri!" I kind of shouted but at least he didn't look shook at my loud voice, everyone would inkling my dad and Pluto. I wonder if that's the reason why he hates me. I don't know. I put away my book and dusted my pants. "What are you doing here?" I ask normally because I don't want him to know I like him.

"Just walking around but I saw you, so I came to say hello." I nodded my head and furrowed my eyebrows. That's it? Nothing else.. Might as well get on with my reading. "And...." I shook my head no and said.

"Its okay, you can leave now"

"I would li..."

"no no no no.... you don't have to say hello" I cut him off.

"Lilianne, don't cut m.."

"Dimitri can you see? I was bu.."

"I love you Lily!"

"Ah crap, I don't like bei... Say what?!" I stared at him shock, not getting his words.

"I said I like.."

"No you said love, jeez what the hell Dimitri! Don't just shout 'I love you', its not romantic!" I told him.

"You were cutting me off" I gave him a confused look "never mind"


They NOW live happily ever after :D

They had two children named Tyrell and Tyrese.

And had a pet rabbit. One big family house. Two cars.

Lots of manga books and visual novels.

Lilianne and Tyrese watched Anime together

and made fanictions about them :D

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