Can I? {Josh Dun x Reader}

By Multifandomacc

231 5 3

Josh looked at me. His eyes filled with tears and his cheeks a dark pink. He's crying. "He's gone (Y/N)" Thos... More



44 1 1
By Multifandomacc


No...please..I DON'T WANT THIS!!! NO! NO! NO!!!!!
I jerk awake its 2 am i sob quietly I hear foot steps. Fuck. I lay down and cry harder until i almost throw up I hear someone walk in the room. Jenna. I sit up and look at her.
"Y/N are you Ok? What's wrong?" She gives me a worried look as tears fall down my cheeks. One hand rubbing circles on her stomach the other holding my hand.
"No....i had that dream." I've been having that dream sense i was 15 sense it stopped.
I tell her what happened all those years ago. Tyler is the only one who knew. Not even Jordan
"Why would your dad do that to you!?!?!" I jumped at her yelling.
"Jenna please only Tyler kn-" Tyler walked in.
"...ya....Her dad is a terrible guy. I'm so glad you became a foster kid in my house" he smiles. Ya Tyler's parents were foster parents. His mother is so sweet she helped me alot with my dad. Tyler is like my brother even though my brother did the same to me.
"Ya me too...." I rub my wrist and I look down until I hear Jenna groan and grip her stomach.
"Tyler?" She looks in pain but Tyler doesn't notice cause its 2 in the morning.
"Yes my lover my spouse my wife my true lo-"
"SHES COMING!" She practically screams.
"Who is?" He looks confused but still doesn't get it then Josh runs behind Tyler and slaps the back of his head.
"YOUR DAUGHTER YOU IDIOT!!!" Josh look worried and nervous.
"oh." He takes another sip of his redbull thats in a coffee cup.
"TYLER YOUR WIFE IS HAVING YOUR KID RIGHT NOW YOU IDIOT!!!!" Josh is practically screaming at Tyler. Tyler drops the cup and eyes widen.
"OH! OH FUCK!!!"
"AHHHHHH!!!" Jenna is screaming. I check to see if it's crowning and "WOAH OK THIS BABY IS COMING NOW!!!"
Tyler and Josh start running around like crazy people then Tyler passes out on Josh, Josh pushes him off on the other side of the room.
"What do i need to-"
"Aaand Josh passed out!!" Jenna looks pissed off!
"THEY PASSED OUT!?!?!?" Jenna sqeezes the blanket tightly her fingers start turning white.
"WAIT THIS IS MY BE- OK UH I can do this I can do this" I pull out my phone.
Jenna's POV
Im in brutal pain, Josh and Tyler passed out ,and Y/N is on her phone.
"WHY ARE YOU ON YOUR PHONE?!?!"I practically scream at her on the top of my lungs.
"I'm looking up how to deliver a baby.... ok Jenna uuuh push?" I look at her. She's not qualified to do this but i don't care at this point i push and push mixed with screams and Y/N is looking mortified.
"Ok one more pus- Oh Josh is waki- nevermind." I push again and again until i hear crying I relax and breath heavy and black out.
Tyler's POV
I hear Y/N breathing heavy. I can't hear Jenna I sit up. I see Jenna's eyes closed shes asleep at least I turn to see a small figure in Y/N's hands i tear up and look at the baby. My daughter. I stand up Y/N is doing something she looks scared. I see the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck. I shoot up and start crying.
"IS SHE GONNA DIE!??!" I yelled then at the moment she rubbed to babies back and pushed lightly. The babies face moved and she cired.
"Oh thank god....." I held her and cried tears of joy. She's beautiful. I look for Josh and see him passed out Y/N trying to kick him awake.
"Her names gonna be Alice Jay Joseph."
Y/N looks at me confused. She opens her mouth about to say something and decides not to. I cradle my baby Alice and kiss her head.

Ok thats the end of that chapter!!! Next chapter will be up probably tomorrow or the next week.

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