Love Bites! ( A Vampire!Matt...

By TaeGodd

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I know the title sucks but, coming up with names has always been a bit of a challenge for me and this my firs... More

Ready for The Night...
Teens these days...
Choked by my sins.
Left in the Dark
You're Mine
For Comfort
Early Mourning
Hey Guys!


3.3K 68 143
By TaeGodd

                       Hey , guys! I'm Tots not dead , okay . I was just really sick. Not like sneezez and coughs sick but , food won't stay down sick. So, I'll hurry up and update this shitty story , ok. GOOD, let's get on with it , shall we luvs!

Mattula POV-

                  It has been a couple months since , Edd has been staying at my home . It is now Winter so , the plants and animals that were edible are now in hibernation or covered with snow so, Edd only has a little bit of food left . GAH ! I'm a terrible caretaker . 

              Ever since Edd has sorta rejected me , I kept my distance . We don't take baths together anymore , no more pesky , sneaky kisses on the lips , no more holding hands and DEFINATELY no cuddling . Edd comes to me for hugs and he kisses me if he sees me down. I've been trying to hide it  but , I am slowly slipping into depression. I have to force smiles , when I'm around Edd , I don't go for that many flys around the forest , I don't even care about my appearance that much , anymore. Ok , now I know , I'm broken . I've also stopped feeding myself . I've become paler and my build has become skinnier . Christ, Edd has really broken me.

              Cola boi's POV-

   We were currently outside in the soft , crispy January snow . Matt had built dozens upon dozens of Matt snowmen claiming to be guards and honestly , it was getting creepy . The vampire was currently looking up at the grey skies , frowning like usual. I sighed. For the past month or so , my usually happy friend has been a sad sac and I think it's because , of me . Matt doesn't even speak to me that much anymore , so the house just sits still and quiet. The hallways are always lonely and the bedroom is always cold . Matt doesn't even bother , lighting candles for me anymore. I thought I was his princess. 

        The only time he truly smiled was on Christmas Day. He jumped around in an adult footie pajamas . He literally ran up the walls and was jumping off the ceiling . He allowed us to pick a tree from the woods and the bats helped us decorate it. He also managed to bake a gingerbread house , chocolate chip cookies, a triple decker chocalate cake , red velvet cupcakes . For dinner he went all out . Mash potatoes with extra gravy , a huge Ham , sweet corn , pasta , hot cross buns , salads ,rice and a golden cooked goose. I was so full after that , I passed out on the step and Matt had to carry me to bed .

     Anyway , I was chasing after Ringo and dodging all the Vampire snowmen through the crunchy snow. I had on a grey cat ears beanie , a dark green scarf my grandma made me , my trusty green hoodie , grey jeans and some black snow boots . Ringo just leaped and dived , while I was huffing and puffing . How was that dang cat so , fast? I had finally , decided to give up on catching the speed ball so , I just collapsed in the snow panting. I then realized , where I was. I was in the backyard ! I've never been here .... Am I allowed to be here ?

             I sat up and looked around. There was the edge of the forest but, something was standing near it . I looked around to see if Matt was watching and slowly made my way over. The snow crunched under my feet , making me slightly nervous . When I reached , I realized it was just another snowMatt and a shorter one holding it's hand . WAIT , IS THAT ME. I stared at the two things , both with a cheerful expression drawn on their faces . I couldn't help but , smile at this . Aww, he still loves me. Creepy but , cute. I was then broken out of thought , when I heard a twig snap in the distance in the forest. I whipped my head in the direction of the noise and stared. Hmm, must have been a bunny or something. So , I slowly turn around to come face to face with a fuming Matt. His eyes were that bright red and his eyebrows were knitted together. Nose scrunched up and he was doing that thing guys do with their jaw when they get mad. Dang , he looks sexy when he's pissed. No , Edd he's actually mad. I swear to God , smoke was slowly leaking from his ears. I whimpered at his sight . His dark shadow looming over me and I was sorta crouched down waiting for the blow.

   "Edd", he said with a stern voice, keeping his facial features firm and hard (like his lil' Matt)

"Y- Yes , Matty ", I squeaked out.

          I was on the verge of tears and was shaking slightly. I thought I was going to be slaughtered right then and there. I looked up to see Matt's red peircing gaze still stuck on me but , he took a step closer . So , I took a step back. Sheesh , he's probably been upset with me for a long time and I keep on adding up to the stress bar. I mean we're always complaining and just being an attention whore. I swear , Matthew could of grow gray hair because , of us if he could. So , whatever he lays on us , just remember : we deserve it. Just then , I saw Matt's long taloned hand raise above his head , in a motion that's all to fast so , I quickly flinch and duck my head down to protect my face from the blow.

 Matty's POV

      I run a hand through my orange hair trying to stop myself from jumping to conclusions . I then, see Edd duck down and flinch a way as if I was going to hit him. Does he think I'm that type of person ? I breathe out a shaky sigh before , I turn my bright red headlights off and change them to that calm bright green. I took a step towards Edd, the sound of crunching snow filling the silence . I guess  he heard it because , he took a gander of me before hiding his face behind his arms and shoulders . "Edd", I called in the most sweet sounding voice I can muster. No answer . "Eddie ", I said in a sing song voice . Still no answer. I frowned before , my face light up again from receiving an idea. "~ My Chunky Cola Boy ~ ", I purred .  

             His ears instantly turned a bright red and he peeked at me through fingers . "Aren't you gonna answer ?" , I asked trying to egg him on . He gulped before , licking his lips nervously to speak.  Just adorable . "Ye- Yes ... Matthew ?", he quietly replied . "Why were you at the edge of the woods ? You weren't trying to run away , are you ?", I asked putting on a pained expression . Really , if he was trying to run away , I need to know so , I can fix what ever is wrong ....        "n-No", he managed to get out as he started sniffling , "I -I was chas- sing Ringo i-in the ba-ck here and... and I just saw th-the two snowman an- " . he managed to get out between sobs and tears before, I pulled him into a tight hug. My face was a shade of gray because , I knew exactly what snowmen he was talking about. I allowed to short boy to cry into my chest and I patted his soft and crispy locks as I mentally shunned myself for accusing this small precious child of such a crime . "Hey, Eddie. It's okay... I just overreacted ok, bud.", 

 Bud . How that word hurt my insides . It even tasted bitter and was uncomfortable get past my lips . It would've tasted sweet for anyone else but, Edd. It would've been peachy but , Edd wasn't just an anyone . Edd was Edd. MY EDD.

   "Okay , let's get inside. I'll make you something to eat, ok. You should be starved since, you skipped breakfast tis' morning .", I offered. I was trying to make him feel the most comfortable without being touchy and stuff since , he told me those months ago.  He nodded hesitantly before making his way around me and marching towards the house. The sound of black snow boots filled the silence as I slowly levitated behind him letting out a reassuring sigh . Thank Goodness , I haven't lost him. 

          We stepped inside our messed up home . I had been a gentleman and pushed open the big heavy doors for Edd , he just smiled weakly , face still red and tear stained. "Okay , Edward . Time to brew up something for the cola boy! " , I exclaimed. I sounded a bit off since, I never really got excited anymore . Bummer . I levitated to the kitchen , moving my kegs to make it seem I was walking on air, which I really was . I had to be my goofy , old self to make Edd happy. I heard some childish giggles behind me making a smile tug on my face . God , I love this kid. We arrived at the kitchen and Edd sat down in a chair that he dubbed his while, I started to get the fire on the oven going. Hmm, low fire wood. "Edd , buddy. Could you go fetch some twigs from outside for the fire, please? The bats' wings would get cold and freeze , if they went outside right now . " I asked plastering on a pleading smile. "Sure thing, Matthew ! ", he replied cheerily with a thumbs up . And with that he dashed outside. I watched him for a second or few before directing my gaze to the cabinet . I looked through everyone but , to my dismay there wasn't a single lick of food. Wow.  There was even cobwebs , dust and crumbs just to emphasize the emptiness of the cupboards . Sheesh , What is Edd going to it ? I can't starve my guest , he'll definitely want to leave .... It's winter so , all the animals and vegetation are out of the question. Gah, why am I so , STUPID ?  

           I stepped outside to inform Edd of our little crisis. I could see him in the distance with a few twigs in his hands as he tried not to step on ringo as the annoying tabby zoomed between his legs. I let out a dreamy sigh before , walking over there. The crunching sound of my black polished shoes caught his attention and he smiled a cheeky grin . Before , I could open  my mouth to speak , a poorly made snowball splatted me in the chest . I cocked an eyebrow at Edd. He just gave me a nervous laugh before replying with "It was Ringo's Idea " . The cat poked her head up hearing her name . "You're gonna pay for that but , later. We have a problem ." I pointed out . Edd tilted his head to the side to indicate his concern. "Well, Edd. We're more than a bit low on food and the forest can't supply us because , of this nasty weather . ", I slowly got out  while , rubbing one of my forearms . I really didn't want to upset his feelings . "Hmm", he hummed out of nowhere . He dropped the twigs and started to tap his chin with his index finger. He was thinking . "Erh, you might not like this idea. " , Edd hesitantly stated. "You won't know , until you say it . " , I added trying to get him to spit his idea out . "We could uh... go to the market in town ?" , he said trailing off. I froze and furrowed my eyebrows , thinking about the pros and cons of the suggestion. Welp, humans need food to survive and this is a necessity so, yeah I'll go through with it . "Ok , let's go . " I said before, I changed my mind. I held out my arms for Edd to get a grip but , he had an unamused look on his face. "Uhh, Matt. You can't go into town looking like that ", he said pointing to my outfit in a sassy manner. I gave him a confused look. "Capes and puffy dress shirts are outdated ."  "Oh , yeah ", I sheepishly grinned . "C'mon , I think I have a t- shirt large enough for you and an extra scarf and mittens.",babbled as he tugged me back towards the house.


     We were now in the streets of London . The sky was grey and light snowflakes treckled down from the sky littering the sidewalks and cobblestones . I gripped Edd's hand nervously because, there were crowds of people everywhere. I was scared out of my mind . The loud sounds of cars rumbling and their horns , the constant click clacks of people's boots , the loud noises of radios and television , just everything had my nerves on edge and added to my anxiety. Edd gave me a smile to calm me down . He had made a promise that everything was gonna be ok. We had picked up various groceries already such as fruits , vegetables , beverages (mainly cola ) and other things . The people in the store stared at Edd and I and that made me highly uncomfortable but, they could be staring for many reasons . I mean, I have the palest , pastiest skin ever , I came out in this weather without a jacket, Edd and I were holding hands , I was wearing a scarf and beanie similar to Edd's , I have the most handsomest face ever and worst of all, they could've recognized Edd .

        "Matt , here " Edd nudged me . He pulled a light purple hoodie from out of one of the many bags he had , along with a green overcoat . "You must be cold in this dastardly weather .", he continued placing the items in my arms . I looked down at the clothing. The jacket was purple for royalty and the overcoat was green , guess to remind me of Edd but , the thing that stood out the most was how warm it was. It was warm and fluffy just lke a familiar cola boy. I slipped the pieces of fabric on and over my body, instantly ssinking into the warmth. I mean , I'm cold blooded in a literal sense , heat makes me go insane . "You like it , Matthew . " , Edd asked . "Hjxdux " I grumbled feeling drunk with warmth. Edd guffawed at my mad state and continued to lead me. The warmth pierced through my entire body . It had felt like I was surrounded by a block of ice earlier and honestly, I was just trying to act tough in front of Edd . But, ever since the Winter has started the feeling of warmth had been drifting away. No more warm hugs from edd , no more body heat to warm the bed provided by edd and no more warm , fuzzy feelings around Edd. Anything that had to do with warmth , always led back to Edd someway or another . And the thing is , I can't  live without warmth . 

     I suddenly snapped out of my thoughts , realizing I was on a bench all by myself. I groggily looked around my surroundings , the spell of heat still wrapped around me . I had felt a bit of droll drain down my chin, from my intoxicated state. Thank God , the scarf had blocked that embarrassing scene. I appear to be in a park because , dozens of children ran around screaming and laughing and there were many rides and such to be seen. I smiled . The sound of innocent childish laughter made me think of my little sister and Edd . WAIT.  Where's Edd? I quickly whipped my head around trying to look or even smell Edd. I couldn't see him or smell him. Panic soon washed over me. I was in a sea of humans and Edd is missing . I could feel tears start to prick at the sides of my eyes .

           But , before I could start to wallow in my own fears and tears, my senses heightened . Why? Well, my darn animalistic instincts kicked in after , months of of not eating. I could hear everyone's pulses . I could hear everyone 's valves open and close . I could feel the way their hot breaths lace into the cold atmosphere. I could visualize the bright colors of their veins and capillaries and the exact shape of their arteries and ventricles . And is that blood I smell ? I look up in search of the scent . It was really high and it was the only thing I could smell. The scent was pestering and annoying and I just couldn't seem to ignore it . I felt my fangs sharpen slightly and my eyes slowly transform into the familiar red haze as I pinpoint the source of the scent . There in the corner near the bushes , a small child sat there holding his knee. Apparently , he had gotten a scrape . I licked my lips imagining the taste of something so innocent . I don't know , why such a small bruise got me so riled up but , just the coppery scent of blood and the entrancing red color had me hooked . I slowly got up , moving towards the crying figure . The sounds of children shouting and adults talking became white noise as my eyes focused on the prize . He was alone and in a not very noticeable place , it was just to good to be true . I was right in front of the boy . I know I had a crazed expression in my face. The poor child looked up with big weeping eyes , confused . The tears almost moved me but my hunger was stronger. I slowly knelt down to the boy so , we were face to face . He had pale skin and small , slanted eyes that just stared at me filled with water . I felt that familiar insane look in my vibrant eyes finally lite . Adrenaline pumping and the sound of his heart beating ringing throughout my ears . He was afraid , his heart said so. I wiped away his tears with my thumb. Fear painted the boys face . My black talons were now out and in sight . His heart sped up .  I then, looked down at his bleeding knee . The blood lightly gushing out .I took one of my bony , long fingers and swept it across the boys cut to gather up blood.  The bright red substance slowly drained down the tips of my fingers into my palm. The bright, popping color pulling me deeper into a trance .He winced slightly . I then , flashed him a wicked grin exposing my sharp canines before, licking the blood off of my pale finger . The boy looked horrified . Before , I could do anything more , I was snapped out of my deadly trance by a familiar voice. 

   Edd's POV- 

       "Matt ! MATT! MATTHEW! " , I called out towards Matt in the distance . I was running with the bountiful amount of bags throughout the park. I saw Matt peek over his shoulder . Red glowing eyes instantly turned back to ivy green orbs as he quickly got up . He swiftly sensed my panicked state and rushed towards me. I brushed off the fact that his eyes were red and that there was a frozen , pale child in the corner . "Edd, what's wrong ?!? " , Matt asked wildly while , gripping the sides of my face . I could feel his black talons slowly sink back into his skin. "T-the police.... they ... they recognized me. ", I forced out. I was panting excessively because , I had ran a few blocks with about 15 bags in hand . I know what you're thinking . Why the frickle freckle did you leave Matt by himself and wander off? Well, he looked so , comfortable in his jacket and I just decided to let him rest . Matt's eyes widened in realization of what I had just said. 

    "Edd we got get out of here , now !" , he quickly stated about to fly off. "Matt , no! You can't just fly away in public . This crowd is way to big " , I said gripping his waist before , he could leave the ground entirely . Then , right on cue the police arrived . "Hey , stop. We can get you home safely !" , one of the boys in blue shouted as he ran towards us . I gave Matt a panicked expression before , whipping my head around in all directions looking for an escape route . I gave a Eureka expression before , dragging Matt with me into a huge crowd of people . We zoomed and zipped through the sea of people . The sounds and shouts of people chatting and the police officer shouting slowly became static . The sound of my pained breaths filled my ears . I looked back at Matt , who's eyes were wide with fear . "Over there ...", Matt gestured towards a sketchy , dark alley way . I smiled and nodded before , steering us in that direction. We both panted frantically and gave each other wide grins . We just laughed at each others state . God , I was almost caught . Matt gladly took half the bags away from me and motioned for me to get a good grip on him. I more than happily held on tight to Matthew before, he started to float above all the buildings and crowds . I could hear the people gasping and exclaiming , along with the shouts of the angered policeman down below as they watched us fly off into the distance . I smiled widely knowing they can't get me or Matt . 

 Phillip's POV- 

    "...The Guidance in the kingdom. The power and the glory for ever and ever A- " , I was cut short by my phone ringing. I silently cursed as I pulled the cellular device out of my pocket and roughly pressed the buttons to unlock it . I was right , in the middle of prayer , when the stupid thing blared out . I could feel the whole church  stare at their Priest in disbelief and hear the quiet , agitated murmurs of the members. "Ahem" , Edna cleared her throat to get my attention. She swiped the phone away from me and walked to the back room to inspect it . I sheepishly grinned in front of the church before , finishing the prayer . 

    It had been a little over two months since , Edd was filed missing . Edna and I visit the Police Station regularly to make sure the cops haven't forgotten about the case . There has not been any sign of Edd or any trace or clue of where he could be . Edna tries not to show it but , I could tell she's on the verge of a mental breakdown. I just try to support her in anyway I can. 

     "No for a moment of silence for the dearly departed .", I calmly but , loudly announced . The whole church bowed their head in respect and not a pindrop could be heard . Well, that was before , Edna had bursted through the doors interrupting the whole sacredness of the agenda . "Phil! Omg , Phily! " Edna exclaimed . Her mint green dress  bouncing as she made her way over to me . "What is it , woman ? " I gruffly asked . She had just interrupted something very agitated . She wasn't affected by my tone of voice since , she had dealt with it for the past 17 years . "The police station called ! They've spotted Edd and want us to come to the scene ." , she stated in bewilderment . A huge toothy smile that was so , dearly missed was plastered on her face. I couldn't help but , jump with glee. "Well, what are you waiting for ? C'mon !", I said quickly stepping down from the altar and running into the middle of the aisle . "Phil , what about the rest of the church service !" Edna called out . Dang , I forgot about them . "Uh.... Church is dismissed " I screeched before , I ran out the large church doors.  I reved up the engine of our red car as Edna buckled up her seatbelt and we were off . 


   We hoped out our red locomotive onto the slippery sidewalk. They claimed they had seen Edd walking through the streets with a tall, pale man. I locked the car and started heading towards the downtown police station. I guided Edna , whom had on my large , grey wifebeater because , of the weather . We stepped out of the frosty weather into the warm building . I smiled as the warmth hit my face but , my smile instantly dropped as I saw who would e accompanying us. "Edna ! Phillip." Chief Wilson greeted . "Chief Wilson..."I grumbled . "G'day , Officer Wilson.", Edna hailed back . "Why , Edna don't you look gorgeous in your Sunday's best ." , Chief Wilson flirted making my face go white. "Oh Chief , I'm flattered but, don't we have some business to attend . ", Edna asked eagerly . Chief Wilson's smile dropped for a split second before , putting on that shitty smile again. "Sure , M' lady . Just follow me . " he said before, leading us out the door. 

     We were now in the downtown area of London and there were a few police officers talking to a large crowd of local citizens . "Officer Harley , get over here .", Chief Wilson shouted in a friendly manner to a female cop. She looked up and excusd herself from the citizen whom she had been talking to and waltzed over to us . "Yes , Chief ." she answered . Her short , blonde hair flew around with the wind. "What all information have you received so far ? " Dipshit asked . The blonde pulled a notebook from under her arms which were covered by the sleeves of a navy blue jacket and flipped through the yellow pages with a gloved hands . "Ahh , here it is ", she started. "A short, brunette male was seen touring the town with a tall, pale ginger man buying food items and clothes . They were spotted in various stores suchas the Grocery Store and a soda machine , the park , the center of downtown and was last seen running into analley. But , the strangest part of it all , was that the citizens swore they saw him and the ginger levitate into the air and fly off ." "FLY OFF", both me and chief Wilson exclaimed in unison. "Fly . Off.", Edna finally , said . "You know what. I'm tired of this wild goose chase. All this , BULLSHIT . Call me when you get a decent lead on my son.", she stormed off . She has to be really pissed . She rarely cusses . 

      I had finally , caught up with Edna. She was on the side of the car , slumped over like a sad sac of bones.  I sighed. I hated to see her like this. "Edna , dear . You okay ?" , I asked in a caring tone . "No , I'm not okay , Phil! The police keeps on fucking with my emotions !" she shouted . I could hear the ache in her voice. I unlock the car for us to get inside . I could sense that she wants to go home and get away from all this . We just sat in the car , her venting to me for about an hour . Snot nosed and teary eyed , we finally drove home .

 Tomato's POV-

       White. White is everything , this season. The white snow on the ground , the way my pale skin has become just that and the white noise I am hearing . Tord's talking and smiling , showing off his gap tooth but , I'm not listening .I'm to caught up in my web of thoughts . It's been bad up here , in my thoughts I mean , in my mind . My brain keeps telling me , I'm the cause of everything. Edd's kidnapping, Edd's parents depression , Tord's  new grey hair and my own depression . If only I wasn''t such a clutz and if only I wasn't so , afraid . It would've been better . Have I told you , I've gotten thinner ? Yup. I starve mysef because , I'm shit . I'm not anorexic or anything , I just believe I shouldn't eat. I let that guy sneak off with Edd and take him away from everyone , from me. Am I selfish? Nah, Edd was just special to me . He was the first person to get me  and was - I mean , is my best friend . Edd is not dead . Edd is not dead . Edd is not dead . 

      I was pulled out of my trance by the burn of my hot chocolate . "SHIT !", I winced . I had spilled some of it on my black jeans with the rips at the knees . I had forgotten that we were on Tord's porch drinking hot chocolate . "Thomas ! You okay ", Tord asked worry in his eyes . I just nodded , still recovering from the burn . Tord gripped the sides of my face forcing voids to meet with stone , cold grey . "Promise me . You'll be more careful , yes ." Tord's voice wearily pleaded making his accent lace in with the words. He had a pained expression on his face. Why do I pain everyone around me ? "Okay , Tord . Just for you.", I replied before , looking towards the snow fall. 

       I remember the winters with Edd as a kid . We would have the most epic  snow ball fights , making snow forts , snow guards and even snow tanks and other weapons . I remember Edd having to explain over and over , why Christmas was so , special and great because , my religion didn't believe in celebrating Holidays . I also , remember the matching sweaters us dorks wore and he would always get me a gift because , he believed I was special. I felt tears start to gloss over my eyes but , I kept going. Do you know what it is to build snow angels with an actual angel ? Or send your best friend secret messages through the window using the fog on the glass? Or the familiar scent of gingerbread cookies , that you two made together ? How about going sledding down the largest hill or ice skating on the frozen lake ? Or even , simple things like catching January snowflakes , like these on your tongue .

     "Tom!", I heard Tord shout . He rushed over and hugged me .He wiped my face and cooed at me . I didn't even realize that I was crying. That's all I was . A big , fat crybaby who couldn't take care of his own self. He always needed someone to comfort him and unfortunately, Tord was the only one who would attend his pity parties. You're the reason , why Tord's hair is turning the same color as his irises. 

         I had enough. Tord has had enough. I push Tord off me and get up dusting off my blue bomber jacket and adjusted my blue scarf . I turned to look at Tord. He had on a red tam , his red hoodie with his black trench coat , grey baggy jeans and his normal red converse. His expression was shocked and confused . That done , it . I was tired . I just walked close to the front yard , near the mailbox and layed down in the snow, not caring if the cold pinched my skin. 

           Wow ,Tom . We're miserable . I really don't care if we got sick or get hypothermia right, now . We deserve to feel the pain of the dirty snow. We deserve all of this since ,all of that is your fault. I burst into more tears as my mind ripped me up into shreds. I was annoying and useless. Loud sobs escaped my throat as I heard the sound of snow scrunching from behind me . I could see Tord through blurry , tear filled vision looking down at me , giving me a look of sympathy . HI then , heard snow crunching on the side of me making me quiet down. It was Tord. He had layed down in the cold , murky snow with me . I turn my head the next way , not wanting for him to be more stressed , more worried . His grey hairs are just stress and worry of me . "Tom...", he spoke . "Hmm...", I hummed not in the mood for talking . He gripped my hand , rubbing soothing circles on the back of my palm . I turn to give him a 'back off' glare. " What's going on with you , my love ? Hmm?", he asked with a genuinely concerning voice. I growled . He pecked my forehead and gave an understanding grin . "If this is about Edd then, you shouldn't be worrying . I promise ." Tord reassured. "Promise ?"I spoke giving him a skeptical look. "Promise .", he retorted firmly. "Cross Your Heart .", I demanded like a child. Tord rolled his eyes and crossed his heart. "Cross My Heart and Hope To Die. If My Heart Was Not Crossed And This Was A Lie , May My Skin Be Fried And Burned Alive. Cross My Heart and Hope To Die." I smiled at him for keeping up with our childish rituals . 

          Tord smiled back and awkwardly scooted over to me and rested his head on my shoulder and kissed it. "You're such a dork.", I joked ."Well, you're a loser."Tord said making an L shape with his fingers. I smiled softly. I like the Winter.

      Then out of no where , a huge pile of snow was dumped on both Tord and I . "Gah! ", I jolted up to see Tord quickly pushing the snow off of us and to hear hysterical laughter , along with wheezing. I turned my head in the direction of the laughter  to see Paul and Pat standing over us with a huge , green bucket laughing , while Pay was nearly to the ground guffawing. ''Really...", I growled . "Y-Yes ,really." , Paul laughed and wiped a tear away for comical effect.  I brushed the snow , off of my chest and jeans before, helping Tord up. He was shaking because , some of the snow got in his pants . -I kinda wished that I was the snow but , nevermind - "Ok, Ok, now why were we pranked .", Tord asked irritably . "It was Patryk's idea !'', Pay quickly squawked. Both Tord and I looked at the other twin in unison with squinted eyes . The tall lanky man grinned a goofy one because , he knew we just declared war. But before Tord and I could build any snowballs to beat the shit out of the three adults , Pat put up his hands to tell us to halt.  "We actually , came outside to deliver some news from the Police Station . They said , they spotted Edd .  " , he calmly stated . "Shut. Up. ", I exclaimed like a teenage girl. Tord dropped his snowball in shock. "Seriously .", he asked the matching couple . Pat and Pau wore matching coats , one pink , one yellow and Pay had on a purple jacket that said 'How about No' and 'Tim's Ownage ' in the back in bold white letters. Tim visited for Christmas and bought him that , along with other gifts. He was currently away for job purposes.

         'Well , what are we waiting for , Tord. Let's go!", I nagged, pulling Tord with me . "Ahem ..."Paul cleared his throat to catch our attention. We slowed down and turned to the shortest adult male . "Before you two go away on your magical adventure , get your frost bitten butts inside and wash those dishes . "Paul added with his eyebrows furrowed. Both Tord and I sighed the most dramatic sigh and slowly trudged inside . Stupid Paul.

Edd's Pov- 

        As I told you guys earlier , I miss Matt.  I know he's right here with me but , I miss the old one . The one who smiles lights up this old , creaky house. The one whom's voice was loud and sounded like sweet honey. The one who cared and comforted me. Not this cold , distance one who barely cracked a smile . I mean , I did admire that he kept his promise and showed me the less insane Matt but , if this Less insane version of Matthew was just a cold , less caring version I hated it. I sighed and stared at Matthew , who was sorting all the foods in the cabinets up above . I was sitting at the pretty , kitchen table sipping my water, SUPRISINGLY and eating a bag of Cheetos. I was in deep thought . 

    I had the perfect plan on how to probably , make Matt happy again but , I was incredibly nervous. While we were flying over the forest, I got a glimpse of the most perfect place to take Matt and was eager to see his smile , once again. "H- hey , Matt...", my voice cracking from nervousness. "Yeah, Edd . Buddy? ", Matt asked turning his focus on me . "You okay ?"he asked . I was sitting at the table with my lips pursed and sweating . Just breathe Edd. I took a deep breath out and calmed myself down. "Put on your jacket , we're going for a walk ." , I calmly stated. "Okay ? ", Matt replied with a raised eyebrow. He then , left the room to throw on his new purple coat. When he left , I jumped on the table and did my happy dance. I can't believe , I was going to do it .

                 Matt closed the big heavy doors and I grabbed his hand to lead him to our destination . It was now , nighttime and the moon was no where to be seen but , the stars twinkled above not shedding a lot of light. The wind howled and blew our scarfs in our face along with cold air . I could tell Matt was cold so , I offered him my green ear muffs and started to pick up the pace. It was kinda  hard since , the snow was sinking beneath our feet making it hard to walk . Damn Snow . I gave a cheery look towards Matt , who was looking around trying to recognize the area . I startd to walk faster , getting a sense that we were close . I then, saw a bush with beautiful , purple flowers on them . "Flowers in this weather and this time of night . " , Matt questioned. He made a face trying to figure out what type of sorcery was going on. "Calm down , Princey. There Four o' clock flowers . They're special . ", I said bending down to pluck one . "Bend down , lamp pole . ",I commanded . Matt tilted his head so , I could reach . "There . ", I smiled . Matt tried to look up at the flower. "How does it look ?", he asked . "Pretty. Just like you. ", I flirted. Matt's face went a slight shade of grey. "Huh, Purple really does suit you...", I added before , grabbing once more. "I know , it really brings out my eyes . ", Matt also added softly. I smiled. I'm getting Matt back. 

              We had finally , made it to our destination.I heard  Matt gasp at the beautiful sight. We were standing by a clearing in the forest. A large , frozen pond occupied it and fireflies danced all around . The stars twinkled above gladly as I took Matt's hand and walked him to the poor man's ice rink . "Edd .. " , Matt  whispered . "Yes , my king " , I bowed towards him in a goofy manor . "May I have this dance ? ", he asked holding out his hands . He was already on the frozen pond . "Of course , your majesty ."I swooned and stepped onto the fragile surface.

      I really did not think this one through. Matt was a pro at skating , while I kept on landing on my butt. "Oww.."I muttered after, falling for the hundredth time . "Having trouble , Eddie boy?"Matt playfully glided by. "This stupid ice won't cooperate ."I whined. "Uh-uh , Edd. You have to cooperate with ice . "He smiled before , pulling me up. I blushed madly as he held me close to his body and started to move us around . He started to drift us apart slowly but , I held close to him. He gave me this confused , hesitated look. Quick Edd , this is your chance . I gulped and out of no where , I started singing. 

 ' Oh sir believer ,    My handsome dreamer, your chrystal eyes are like snow on the road. Your steady hands are comfort in this land , that's as cold as my mind and the winter outside . And I will tell you I love you but , the demons in here just speak of my fears , your nose and feet are running as you start to travel through snow , alone you will go .

      We get colder as we grow older, and I will walk much slower. Oh sir , believer . My perfect weeper . Your shiny hair is like snow on the rooftops. I will take your hand as we walk in foreign land . As you travel through snow alone you will go. Alone you will go . I  will get colder as I grow older  and I will walk so , much slower.

      Oh , sir believer . My precious keeper. Your chrystal eyes are like snow on the road. Please , take my hand. Your my only comfort in this land . It's as cold as my mind and the winter outside . And I will tell you that I love you but , demons in here just speak of my fears ' 

     Matt listened attentively. Face grey and starry eyed . We just was skating around in circles but , it felt like a performance. Matt slid us to the center of the pond . "Matthew..." I gripped the sides of his face and stared hi  directly in the eye. His green eyes looked back into my hazel ones with worry no, nervousness ... maybe or could it be anxious . "Will you be mine , forever and ever?", I asked not breaking the gaze . He placed on a goofy smile and my heart melted. "Yes,Edd. Til' death due us apart." , he finally , responded and gripped my sides . He hoisted me up into the air and gave me a kiss full of passion. He tasted so , sweet and his lips were ice cold. I made it my personal job to heat those up. Sparks flew between us and I was just happy to feel the immortal's lips attack mine . 

   "My , my , my. Would you look at the time ?", Matt cut the kiss short teasingly . I huffed at that action. "We better start heading home .", he said . He was right , the wind has gotten harsher . We started to walk but , Matt unexpectedly fell near the same four o'clock bush. "Matt !", I exclaimed . He gripped his stomach in pain . Face scrunched up and he was muttering curses. "Matty , what's wrong ? " , I asked frantically. My first boyfriend can't  die now ! I tried to pull him up but , he was to weak. "Matt, you better explain what's wrong or so , help me ..."I threatened.  I felt tears start to form in my eyes."I- it's okay. B-babe.."Matt grunted. "No! No, it is not ... I could feel it . Don't lie ... please ."I gripped him. Tears were streaming down my eyes now . "I ... I haven't eaten in about 2 - 3 months ...", he squeaked out. I pulled away from him with both shock and anger. "WHY HAVEN'T YOU BEEN FEEDING YOURSELF!?!", I exclaimed . "I was sad... because , I thought you didn't like me anymore..", he trailed off looking away. My eyes widened as realization dawned over me . I caused this... I kissed all over his face for comfort , trying to figure out what to do .Then, it hit me.

   "Matt! Bite me ! " I quickly suggested taking off my scarf and starting to pull the hem of my green jacket . "Wha- No, Edd . I can't! I'll hurt you. " , Matt refused but , I could tell he was starving. His canines had grown sharper and his eyes were a familiar red glow . "Matt , please ", I said holding both of his hands. Talons digged into my flesh but, I didn't care. "What if I hurt you ...", he asked drooling a bit. His eyes glowed a bright red now and his words were slurred. "I promise , you won't .", I said even though , doubts picked at the back of my head. This just proved how much I care about him . 

      "Here ." , I stated pulling the collar of my 'smeg head ' shirt to my shoulder , exposing my neck . Matt licked his lips , still a bit hesitant . I was shaking in both fear and the cold . He grabbed my shoulders tightly but , in a caring manner and skimmed his teeth on the skin . This caused a small scrape and a few drop of blood to gush out . He licked up the blood with his long black tongue like a cat , savouring the taste. I could tell he really didn't want to hurt me because , he was going slow . After  he was done with that small amount of blood , he gripped my shoulders more tightly digging his claws into my arms . I winced slightly . He then stopped for a bit , to make sure I was alright and went  back to feeding. He at first gently pushed his sharp fangs against my skin sending shivers down my spine. He then,  applied more pressure making me hiss in pain. I could feel some of my hot blood surface on the new born bruises. The scent must have gotten to him because , without any warning he sunk his sharp pearly whites into my flesh . I moaned out in pain . He sucked up the red substance , grunting in between slurps . He was pushing me back and I was so , weak that I just let him do whatever. The snow around me was cold and my vision was becoming little blurry. My body was starting to become numb and I was starting to become as cold as my surroundings . "Edd..." , I hear a faint voice call. 

    I turned my head in the direction to see a worried looking Matt with fresh blood on is chin. I raised my arms up , gesturing for him to pick me up because , I was weak. He complied and lifted me. I snuggled into the warmth of Matt's hoodie as he licked off any excess blood from my neck . I got a peak of where I had been laying. A little bit of my vibrant , red liquids stained the pure , white snow on the ground. Heh, like something pure being stained by a certain monster, I know . "I'm sorry , my love ", Matt apologized sounding sincere . "It's okay , my love . I only wanted to keep you alive and well. ", I weakly smiled before, darkness came over . 

                     I woke from my slumber , still drowsy as ever . I turned to my side to see a candle flickering  on a familiar looking nightstand. Warm... I looked down to see that I was swaddled with a large green comforter all patched up and clean with fresh pajamas on . I turned to my side to see a happy smiling Matt gripping my waist and snuggling into my stomach. I smiled down and patted his silky ginger locks and drifted back into the abyss of darkness. 

          How ya like that bitches! Oh and maybe some juicy lemon in the nest chapter.

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