The Boy Next Door ✑(h.s.)

By sillystylesxx

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If you live long enough in your past, thats where you'll stay. More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two/epilouge
Thank You.


13K 389 284
By sillystylesxx

Chapter 2

We continued to lay there in silence. I honsetly had no clue where to start with him, but it's not like I really wanted to have a real conversation in the first place. So instead of sharing details about ourselves I decided I'd keep to myself and just soak in the familiar surroundings. It seems sureal really, to think that Angie's really gone. I keep expecting her to come through the glass sliding door with two glasses of lemonade, and some gossip on the celebrity she was obsessed with this week. I lay there smiling like and idiot while reminiscing on old memories that I'm all too scared will fade.

"Why are you smiling?" Harry asked while looking over at me. I hadn't taken notice of him sitting up. He sat with his knees bent, his arms hugging them into his chest. "Is something funny?" He continued.

"No.. it was nothing." I lie, not wanting to inform him of the heartbreak that occured only two weeks ago. I sat up clearing my throat and turned towards Harry. "Okay so, I'm not sure about you, but I really have no intention of getting to know you. I'm only here because my parents wanted to make a good first impression with yours. I'm aware that this is a little harsh, but I just don't really feel like becoming all buddy-buddy with the new boy next door. I just thought I'd inform you now before you actually thought we could be friends." I finished in one big breath.

I had expected Harry to be a little hurt, but I was proven wrong when he started to laugh. He tilted his head back, rocking backwards as well.

"Why on earth did you think I wanted to be friends with you? We're on the same page here, Poppy. My parents wanted me to'make nice' with the girl across the street, and I promised them that I'd do my best." Harry started to reply, while making eye contact. "So how 'bout you and I just tell our parents how we hit it off right away. Might as well please 'em, eh? And then we just pretend to like each other for our parents sake and we can just go on with our lives." He finished while shrugging sholders.

I ran over Harry's propisition in my head, and it seemed like a win-win for the both of us. We just pretend that we were friends, pleasing our parents and I don't have to actually waste my time getting to know someone I didn't want here in the first place.

"Sounds like a plan." I said while standing up from my seated position brushing off the excess grass and debris from my denim shorts. I adjusted my vest and stood there as Harry copying my motion. Once he was standing right in front of me he outstreched his hand awaiting for my hand to take his. I reached my arm out and connected our hands, moving them up and down in a handshake.

"See ya later, Poppy. I have a feeling we'll be around each other more often than either of us would like." Harry said with a smug smile.

I rolled my eyes and disconneted our hands. "Yeah, cause thats what I had planned for my summer break. Showing around some asshole around the tiny town of Staunton, Virgina." I said with yet another eye roll.

I turned on my heel going to exit the backyard I had been forced to go to. Not that I'm complaining, I haven't set foot back here since she moved, and it just feels nolgostic being back here. Opening the steel gate I looked back at Harry, who was already watching me as I went to leave. When we made eye contact he shook his head side to side while chuckling. I left through the steel gate with one more roll of my eyes.


Within a couple of hours the moving van that was sitting in front of Harry's house for an extensive amount of time, finally left. Signaling that they had finally settled in making the move weigh on me even heavier than before. My mom was right I couldn't have changed anything and I knew that this was what was best for Angie. I had to stay optimistic but it's hard. I just really hope Maryland was the best for her, I mean thats what everyones told me so it has to be true. Right?

I plopped down on my bed, letting my blonde hair sprawl out around me and let out a sigh. When I got back from Angi-Harry's house, my parents questioned me just to make sure I "played nice" with the new neighbors. I stuck to the charade Harry and I had came up with, and told them how amazing Harry was, and how we had loads, and loads in common. They were ecstatic that I had put my problems aside saying that I had finally "broken out of your slump". Little did they know that was anything but the truth.

I laid there staring at my celing fan, watching the blades move round and round. I just stayed there for a while, just sitting there. My thoughts were jumbled into knots upon knots. Knots I didn't know how to untie. My emotions, stuck behind a locked glass cage. I was able to see them, but I didn't have the key to unlock them.

I was partially happy I couldn't access my emotions honestly. I didn't want to spiral into this hole forever. I eventually wanted to become myself again.

It's been two weeks Poppy. Why is this so hard for you? You're being selfish. Angie needed to move to get better. Stop making this about you.

My mind was verbally abusing me. But its not like it was wrong. I needed to stop thinking about myself and how I feel about this. Angie moved to get better. She has to get better, I kept telling myself. Yet somehow I could never bring myself to believing it.

I let out yet another sigh and sat up on my bed looking out my window again. I looked straight across the street, and was faced with a window exactly in front of mine. I remember Angie and I used to write notes on poster board to each other when one of us was grounded. We still found a way to communicate. We would hold them up in the window, just talking about everything. We would eventually run out of poster board and we would call it a night after that.

I wondered what would happen to Angie's old room. Who would occupy it? I bet it would just be a home office, or a gym. Turning yet another special place to me, into something minuscule and insignificant.

Still gazing out of the window, I noticed a movement in the room. It was Harry. He moved to the window and opened it. He sat on the ledge and looked around the street, he then looked straight across and made eye contact with me. We just stared for a minute. Neither of us making a facial expression nor movement.

Sitting there for what felt like hours, Harry finally sent a small wave my way along with a small smile. I waved back and returned the gestures. He then turned away and dissapeared into the house.

I remained on my bed now instead of looking out the window I look down at my hands, fiddling with my fingers. I went over to the floor length mirror next to my vanity and adjusted my outfit yet again. I wore a pink t-shirt and a white vest over it, along with high waisted shorts. My outifit was completed with white keds and ankle socks. I looked at my face, checking my makeup. I moved my fingers to the underneaths of my eyes and removed the small, almost microscopic specks of black mascara. I took a double take on myself and nodded turning to exit my room.

As I made my way downstairs I found my father watching Full House, his favorite show. I wasn't too fond of the show but would watch it if it was on. I sat next to my father on the couch joining him in his Full-House-a-thon.

The studio laughter filled my ears as Michelle did yet another adorable gesture, a fimilar scent filled my nostrails. I got up off the couch and walked into the kitchen to see my mother with an apron tied around her waist, pacing back and forth. Mixing various foods together.

"Need some help?" I asked while placing a hand on her shoulder while she continued whisking from what it looked like some sort of sause.

"Yes please!" My mother said almost begging. I laughed and turned towards the cutting board that held various vegtables. I picked up a cutting knife and began chopping the veggies.

"So whats with all the food?" I asked while cutting.

"Oh I didn't tell you? We invited the Styles' over for dinner as well as a 'Welcome to the Neighborhood' celebration." My mother replies while crossing over to the sink to rinse off the potatoes and started to peel them.

"Well that would've been nice to know earlier." I rolled my eyes, finishing the vegtables. I then tossed them in the pan on the oven and let them cripsen up.

"Well, you know now." My mother gave me the mom smile, basically saying 'deal with it'. I huffed and stood at the island, leaning my back against the counter.

"When are they coming over?" I questioned as my mother had just finished putting everything in the oven.

"I told them 5:45" she replied while washing her hands, and removing her apron.

I glanced over at the oven clock. It was now 5, giving me 45 minutes to prepare my act. I brought my hands to my face and rubbed my eyes.

"I've got to get ready. Tell your father to help tidy up." My mother yelled while dissapearing into her room, closing the door.


Thirty minutes later and my father and I had finished tidying up and my mother had changed into a multi-colored pleated skirt and matching blouse. My father was dressed in khaki pants and a checker-board striped polo. I was still in the outfit I had on earlier and I didn't intend on changing.

"Alright Poppy, watch the door while your father and I set the table." My mom said while pointing towards the dining room.

I nodded and sat on the loveseat near the front door. I leaned my head back and sighed. I really didn't want to spend time with the Styles', but I had made a promise to my mother and I intended to keep that promise.

Right on cue, the doorbell rang. I stood up and walked towards the front door, opening it. I was greeted by the family of three. I pulled on my mosst welcoming smile and motioned for them to enter.

"Thank you Poppy" Theresa said as she and Phil walked past me. I watched them walk in, when I saw someone next to me. Harry stood there with an annoyed look on his face. Well he wasn't the only one.

"Don't worry.." I said to Harry. "I don't want you guys here as much as you don't want to be here." I said putting on an obvious overly fake smile. Harry rolled his eyes and proceded into the kitchen.

"Susan, Rick, it's good to see you two.. again!" Theresea stated while walking over to give welcoming hugs to both my parents. "And thank you again for the invite. That was really thoughtful."

"Oh it's our pleasure!" My mother politely countered, being extremely modest. We really didn't have to make the new neighbors feel at home, but my parents were ones to please everyone.

We all were seated at the table, my parents at the ends of the table, leaving the other side to Theresa and Phil. Great. That means I have to sit next to Harry.

I hesitently took my seat next to him, and tried my best to avoid small talk with the new neighbors. Sadly I knew they would ask all the basic get to know you questions.

Once everyone was served the parents had started to partake in small talk. Simply asking the basics, where they used to live, what they do for a living, how long they've been together, etcetera etcetera.

Through the small talk I find out that Theresa and Phil have been together for 15 years, explaining that they had Harry before they were married. They moved from New York to have a fresh start, I could tell that they didn't want to talk too much on the situation of the move, but I wasn't able to question them further.

My mother kept going on about making plans for her and Theresa should go take pilates together, seeing as how they are both health finatics. My dad and Phil's conversation consisted of sports teams and cars. I realized that Harry and I were the only ones not participating in the conversations taking place, but I was okay with that. As long as no one brought it up, I hadn't planned on sharing much tonight.

Just as I finish the thought, Theresa turns her attention to me. "So Poppy, what are your plans this summer?" she questions while bringing a piece of steak to her mouth.


"Uhm, I dont exactly have much planned really. Just see where it takes me I suppose." I answered with a nervous gulp. I had not one intension of informing the neighbors about Angie. They didn't need to know, and even if they already did know they wouldn't recieve a confirmation out of me.

"Sounds a little boring if you ask me." Harry muttered next to me.

"Harry, be nice!" Theresa said sternly to her son. "I'm sorry for him, he doesn't exactly have a filter sometimes." She nevously continued, hoping her sons outburst didn't create any bad vibes.

"It's okay." I reassured, putting her out of her uncomfort.


The small talk lasted throughout dinner, and my mother had asked my to clear the dishes. I obeyed the orders and started to collect everyones plates.

"Harry why don't you help her while us adults have more.. adult time." Phil said loud enough for everyone to hear, earning laughs from the parents. Harry did as he was told, collecting the rest of the plates and followed me into the kitchen. When the door shut behind him, he came up next to me and placed the dishes next to the sink.

"Why do they treat you like a child? You're 17 years old for god's sake." I asked Harry as I handed him a plate, which he then dried with the towel in his hand.

"I don't know, but it's quite constant, as you can see." He answered setting the plate down on the counter, while grabbing the other one I held out for him.

"Well, for what it's worth, I'm sorry." I said handing over the last plate.

"Well, for what it's worth, thanks." He responded looking into my blue eyes.

It was then when I noticed his bright emerald eyes. They were simply gorgeous. It was then, I knew I would be seeing that same emerald gaze in my sleep later tonight whether I liked it or not.

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