Peter Pan & Felix imagines ||

By panlixlovesick

4.6K 54 20

Ha you whores thought I was gone, didn't you? More

Hi again
"Tighter. Harder. More."
The snowflake and the sunrise
Idiot (Robker fluff)

Forever Neverland(Panlix/Petlicity)

1K 6 13
By panlixlovesick

Welcome back to the imagines book!

I hope you didn't really think I was gone because if you did...

You were entirely wrong and I'm just a little disappointed in you

If you were HAPPY that I was ending the last book...

The hell, dude? It wasn't that bad, was it?

Anyways!! Hope you enjoy this first imagine which is about(yeah wow a summery cool Ikr)the alternatives of Peter and Felix.
These alternatives are Petra and Felicity who are the lesbian rulers of ForeverLand which is the second star to the left.


On ForeverLand, there are just a few differences.
Wren: a troubled young boy who fears growing up and still believes in Petra Pan. He tells stories about her to his younger sisters, Joan and Michelle, until one day Petra actually comes to his window and sweeps the children away to the second star to the Left.



Tinker: a jealous pix-en who befriends Petra and her Lost One lover, Felicity.


Lost Girls: basically Lost Boys but switched genders(wow big difference there)

Warnings: Petra and Felicity aren't the nicest people so don't majorly hate on them but they are pretty rude to Peter and Felix

Co-author: my homie Legitfnafshipper

Loosely based on this gif


F o r e v e r L a n d;

Wren bolted through the forest, ducking and jumping over branches and rocks in his path. He swatted at low hanging branches as his heart pounded against his chest. Wren looked behind him, seeing the flames of the torches illuminate in the dark forest.

The Lost Girls hollered and yelled as they neared him. Wren picked his pace and skidded to the left, hoping to shake the girls off his tail.

He tripped and fell onto the ground, dirtying his pale blue shirt. As Wren stood, an arrow whizzed by his head and pinned his shoulder to the tree behind him. Wren screamed as it pierced through his skin, he quickly tried to tug it out when he heard the yells.

They were there.

And he was too late.

Two Lost Girls walked out of the forest, but they weren't just any Lost Girls, they were Joan and Michelle; Wren's younger sisters.

"Joan, please! Don't do this!" Wren cried. "T-there's an alternate world I can go to! A place for lost boys!"

"And what's this place called, Wren?" Joan spat his name as though it was acid on her tongue.

"NeverLand," Wren said. "Please. If you love me, let me go!"

Joan sighed, but nodded. For he was still her brother and she didn't want to see him shredded in the claws of Petra Pan.

"Go," she said, wrapping an arm around Michelle, who was only six. "Quickly. Or Felicity will catch you and skin you alive."

Wren nodded and ripped the arrow from his shoulder. He turned and ran to the beach where the portal to the other world was. He poured the vial of pixie dust he had stolen and lifted off the ground, his happy thought of his freedom granting him the ability to fly.

Wren looked up at the second star to the right and flew straight for NeverLand.

Away from ForeverLand.


N e v e r L a n d;

Peter sat in front of the bonfire, rolling his thoughts around in his head over and over again. That was, until Felix walked over to his leader.

"You looked bored," Felix said, wrapping an arm around the shorter boy's neck. "Need a distraction?"

Peter smirked, "Always."


"Oh my god." Peter groaned.

"I know." Felix smirked.

"I can't believe you!" Peter said.

"Peter, stop being a drama queen and draw four." Felix rolled his eyes and took another bite of his mac and cheese.

Peter sighed and drew four more Uno cards from the pile to add to his already 8+ hand.

Just as he was about to give Felix payback with a double draw four, a Lost Boy slammed the door to the treehouse open.

"Connor! What on earth?!" Peter cried, card falling out of his hand from surprise.

"Is that a double draw four?" Felix asked, inspecting Peter's fallen card.

"There's a boy!" Connor said.

"What?" Peter said standing up, letting the rest of his cards fall onto the table.

"Babe, you shouldn't keep all those high point cards. They count off on your ending score," Felix said as he went through Peter's cards. "How many draw fours do you have?"

"There's a boy here who says he's from ForeverLand!" Connor said.

" 'The hell is 'ForeverLand?'" Peter raised a brow.

"I dunno, but he wants to talk to our leaders, so I came to you, Pan." Connor said, unsure how Peter would react.

"Very well. Connor, you did fine, lad," Peter said. "Now, let's go meet this boy."


Peter, Connor, and Felix walked down from the treehouse to the center of camp where the Lost Boys and the newcomer were gathered.

Rufio sauntered up behind Felix with a smirk.

"So did Connor interrupt anything?" He smirked at the blonde, raising his eyebrows as he did.

"Yeah. Peter almost hit me with a skip and a double draw four!" Felix said. "But Connor saved me from the blow just in time."

Rufio's smirk fell.


"So," Peter said loudly so the sea of Lost Boys parted. Peter put his hands on his hips and fell into his haughty attitude. "Who here is asking for me?"

"Me." A confident voice said.

A boy with messy brown hair stepped out. He wore a dirty pale blue shirt and his feet were bare and dirty as though he never wore any shoes, he was also holding his right shoulder as it bled profusely.

"What's your name, boy? And why are you covered in pixie dust?" Peter asked.

"My name is Wren, I'm from ForeverLand. I stole this pixie dust to come here," Wren said. "Away from ForeverLand."

"As what is 'ForeverLand' exactly?" Peter asked, crossing his arms.

"It's the alternative world to this one." Wren said.

"Mhm...yeah right," Peter scoffed. "Someone patch him up, then find him someplace to sleep."

As Peter turned to leave, Wren grabbed his arm.

"No, please. Petra--" Wren started, but Peter cut him off.

"Did you just...touch me?" Peter hissed, yanking his arm from Wren's grasp. "Boys! After you patch him up..."

He glared at Wren and sneered, "Take him to the cages."

"No!" Wren yelled as some boys grabbed him to take him to the medic tent.

Once again, Peter turned to leave when he noticed Felix walking to the medic tent.

"Fee? Where are you going?" Peter called to Felix.

"I'm the medic." Felix called back.


Felix patted Wren's shoulder after the blonde put it in a sling.

"Time for the cages, buddy boy." Felix said, helping Wren stand.

"This was not how I expected NeverLand to be." Wren said as Felix walked him to the cages.

Felix chortled, "What did you expect? Rainbows and unicorns?"

Wren scoffed. "No. But I expected Peter to be a bit more nicer, I mean, all I did was grab his wrist and he treats it like I twisted his arm and held it there until he said 'uncle.'"

Felix's jaw clicked shut.

"You didn't have to grab his wrist." Felix growled, jealousy overcoming him and his grip on Wren's good shoulder tightened.

"What?" Wren chuckled. "Are you, like, the protective big brother?"

Felix rolled his eyes and tugged Wren, picking up their pace so he didn't have to deal with this idiotic boy anymore. Felix almost laughed loudly at how the idiotic boy was going to spend the rest of his life in a cage next to a similar idiotic girl.

Felix saw the cages up ahead and pulled Wren along, shoving him into the cage after they got there.

"Felix!" Wendy's voice chirped through the air. "What are you doing?"

As Felix locked the cage, he began to pull the rope so the cage hoisted into the air next to Wendy's.

"Got you a new friend, Wendy-Bird," Felix said, tying the rope around the base of the tree so Wren's cage would stay. "Wren, meet Wendy. Wendy, this is Wren."

Felix chuckled at how similar their names were. The two prisoners exchanged soft "hello's" and Felix realized their accent was the same, just not as thick as Peter's.

The prisoners leaned against the bars and Felix could see their faces, see how they looked almost the same.

Felix's smile began to fade as his eyes went from Wendy's nose to the exact one on Wren's face. Their big brown eyes glinted in the moonlight and the frown etched on their faces were identical.

Felix slowly backed away and rushed back to camp, back to the treehouse to tell Peter his theory.


F o r e v e r L a n d;

Felicity growled as she swung her club at a tree, breaking the bark off when the club head slammed into it.

"Where is he?!" she yelled at the tiny six-year-old. Michelle stumbled back onto the ground, crying loudly again.

Felicity groaned and ran a hand through her curly blonde hair.

"There's better ways to get a six-year-old to tell us the whereabouts of her brother." a smooth silky voice drifted through the air.

Felicity whipped around to see Petra Pan leaning against a tree dressed in her normal forest coloured attire.

"Petra," Felicity greeted. "I was just trying to--"

Petra raised her hand and Felicity stopped talking.

"I say we use a different tactic than that, Fee," Petra said, walking swiftly over to Michelle. The young girl whimpered as Petra bent down to her height, a grin on Petra's face. "How would you like some candy?"

Petra opened her palm and a chocolate bar appeared in her hand. Michelle's eyes widened and her chubby little hands reached for the candy bar, only to have it snatched away.

"Ah, ah, ah," Petra tisked. "Tell us where Wren is."

Michelle looked up at Petra with big doe eyes and whinned.

"Candy." she said.

"You'll get the candy when you tell us where he is." Felicity growled.

Michelle nodded and sat down on the ground.

She looked up at Petra and Felicity with wide eyes when they didn't sit as well. Petra exchanged glances with the blond girl and sighed, sitting down on the ground with Michelle.

Michelle smiled when they obliged and reached for the candy once more.

"Tell us his location." Felicity growled again. Michelle nodded and cleared her throat.

"NeverLand." she said, then reached for the candy. Petra held it above her head and out of reach as she narrowed her eyes at the child.

"There's no such place as 'NeverLand' so tell us the truth or you don't get the candy." Petra said.

"That is the truth. Now gimme." Michelle said.

"No it's not! That's far from the truth!" Petra yelled, standing up. "Now tell us! Where is Wren Darling?!"

"NeverLand!" Michelle yelled back.

Just before Petra slapped the little brat, Felicity caught her wrist and shook her head.

"The kid tells the truth," Felicity said. "I've heard girls speak of it. It's an island of boys and nothing but boys. No girls allowed."

Petra smirked and dropped the candy bar at Michelle's feet as she walked off.

"Sounds like you and I need to break some rules." She smirked as she walked up to her treehouse, Felicity on her toes.

"Are you saying we go there ourselves?" Felicity asked as she closed the door behind the two.

Petra shrugged and began to undress, unlacing her corset and shedding herself of any top. She could feel Felicity's eyes on her the whole time and she smirked.

"Like anything you see?" Petra asked sweetly, unbuttoning her pants and shimming them down her thighs, bending over just so Felicity had to stare at her bare ass.

She kicked the pants off the rest of the way and turned around, showing off her almost naked self, only a thong was covering the thing Felicity wanted to see the most. Felicity smirked and undressed herself as well, down to nothing but her undergarments.

Felicity walked over to Petra and kissed her the way the smaller loved to be kissed and then picked her up. Petra wrapped her legs around Felicity's waist as the two continued to kiss, Felicity slowly making her way over to the bed in the corner.

Petra felt the bed under her as Felicity dropped her. Felicity climbed over her and ran her hands over Petra's body, stopping at her chest where the brunette's breasts were. Felicity leaned down and licked a long line from between her tits down to the waistband of her thong.

Petra sighed as she weaved her fingers through Felicity's golden curls. She closed her eyes as she felt Felicity's tongue lick her walls and she smiled.

Petra looked up at the ceiling as she rolled her hips, loving the way Felicity's tongue explored her body and making her feel...loved. She felt Felicity's finger crook and scrape her nail along side of her walls. Petra growled in pleasure and smirked.

She was going to get her back for that.

But instead of thinking about all the naughty things she could do to Felicity, she thought about how she was going to find this "NeverLand" and if it could be another ForeverLand.

Shouldn't be to hard to take that other world over, Petra was a queen.

And the queen always gets what she wants.


N e v e r L a n d;

Felix slammed open the door as he reached the treehouse.

"Peter!" Felix called, shutting the door behind him. "I just--"

Felix stopped when he noticed Peter laying on the bed in women's lingerie. A black sparkling corset, a black thong, and he was wearing blood red lipstick.

"What in the hell are you doing?" Felix mumbled.

Peter sat up and ran his hand over his crotch.

"Just trying a little something," Peter said in a seductive voice. "Like it?"

"I-I-I--" Felix started but Peter cut him off, standing up and walking over to Felix. Peter ran a hand down Felix's chest and licked his lips.

"Something wrong?" Peter asked innocently. "You seem distracted."

"There-there--" Felix stuttered, flushing when he felt Peter's excitement push against his thigh. "Peter, I have to tell you something."

"Mmm... and that is?" Peter whispered into his ear, licking the shell around it.

"I-I-I...oh god...Peter..." Felix moaned, letting Peter guide him over to the bed. Felix fell backwards onto the bed and Peter straddled his hips.

Peter kissed down his jaw to his neck and bit down on the skin, sucking on it as Felix moaned.

"No! Wait!" Felix said, pushing Peter off his body. "Alternates!"

"What?" Peter crinkled his brows, then sighed sadly. He climbed off of Felix and sat on the other side of him. "If you're not in the mood, you can just tell me..."

"No, I'm in the mood, it's just--" Before Felix could finish, Peter pounced on him and ground his hips down on Felix's crotch. "P-Peter! Oh god! Yes!"

"Mmm...I know--" Peter stopped mid-sentence and sat up, looking around.

"W-what is it?" Felix asked sitting up slowly, mind muddled from recent events.

"Someone's here," Peter said, climbing off Felix and grabbing a robe. "On the island."

"Who?" Felix asked.

Peter walked over to the window and looked out.

"I'm not sure but they're powerful. Very powerful." Peter said quietly, as though he was afraid. Felix stood and walked over to Peter, wrapping an arm around Peter's waist and kissing Peter's forehead.

"Not as powerful as you, baby." Felix said, resting his chin on Peter's head.

"Actually," Peter gulped. "They just might be."


F o r e v e r L an d e rs;

"So this is it, eh?" Petra said, looking around NeverLand's forest. "Looks like ForeverLand."

"Well it is our alternate world, I would think it would be the same." Felicity said.

The girls had found a passageway to the other realm by a spell, allowing there to be a door through a tree to the other side. Petra and Felicity thought it would be best if only they and Petra's pix-en, Tinker, went along.

The second the girls entered the other world, Tinker(a two inch fairy) flew off in search of the leaders.

"Don't throw your technical terms at me, Fee," Petra snapped. "Now, let's find the leaders of this place."

Petra and Felicity walked on, off on their hunt to find their alternates.


N e ver L a n d er s;

"What." Felix said, surprised how afraid his boyfriend was. Peter was never scared of anything, especially not strangers on the island.

He normally would treat it like a game. Pirates were 10 points, unknown men were 20 points, women were not his problem and he let them run off(they would end up dead in a week somewhere on the island), and children were 70 points if they were caught because they always needed new Lost Boys.

Peter carded a hand through his hair, brushing the bangs to the side like he did when he was nervous.

"I'm not sure who these people are but one of them has a very powerful magical aura, almost as powerful as mine," Peter said walking away from the window to the closet. He began to put on his regular attire. "Maybe a bit more powerful..."

"But we can beat them? Right?" Felix asked, uneasily shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

Peter sighed as he shimmied off the lacey underwear and pulled on his boxers.

"I...I don't know..." Peter mumbled, tying the laces on his shirt. "But we can sure try."

Peter stopped and looked at Felix.

"Wait," he said. "You were trying to tell me something."

"I was?" Felix asked, mind completely clouded still.

"Yes?" Peter said trying to remember what Felix had said. " It was something about...."

"Alterantes!" They both said in union.

Felix gasped.

"We need Wren." Peter said and they both rushed out of the the treehouse down to the cages.


They arrived at the cages, panting from running all the way there. Felix went over to the ropes and cut the rope holding Wren's cage.

The cage fell and Wren screamed as it fell from the trees to the ground.

"Jesus!" Wren yelled at them. "I literally just got shot with an arrow! My shoulder is still very sensitive!"

Peter unlocked the cage and tugged Wren out. He pulled the boy out and held a knife up to his neck.

"What did you say about alternates?" Peter glared, pushing the knife to where it nearly pierced Wren's skin.

"I'm from the alternate world of this place, ForeverLand," Wren said. "It's horrible there."

Peter sighed and dropped the knife, letting go of Wren and looking over at Felix.

"I'm not sure I know about anything he's saying." Peter said, quietly.

"Me either." Felix sighed.

Peter groaned dramatically and spun around on his heel.

"Wren," He called, and said boy sat up. "Curly has an extra cot in his tent. You may sleep there until we decide it's time for you to leave."

Wren nodded and stood. "Thank you, Peter."

"That's Pan to you," Peter glared. "Now off you trot."

Wren ran off back to camp and Peter turned to Felix.

"This is going to be harder than I thought," Peter sighed. "I don't even know who's here."

Felix put a hand on Peter's shoulder.

"I'll go, see if I can find them." Felix said and Peter nodded, letting Felix walk off into the forest with a simply a goodbye kiss.

Peter sighed again, already missing Felix.

"Am I free too?" Wendy's shrill voice called down to him.

Peter looked up at her and sneered. "The day I claim I'm straight."

Wendy was silent for a moment then smirked.

"If you let me down I might be able to make that day come sooner." She winked.

"Bitch disgusting."

Peter said as his face slowly fell into disgust.

"Excuse me, I have to go throw up now." Peter gagged and walked back to camp.


Felix slunked through the forest with his club resting on his shoulder. He looked around searching for the intruders on the island when he heard voices.

"Let's split up, you go North and I'll go South. Maybe we'll find them then." A light, British, female voice said, sternly ordering another person around.

"What happens if I find them, Petra?" another female voice said, but with an accent like Felix's.

Felix peered through the bushes and watched as a small brunette with shoulder length hair turned to the other girl with a smirk on her face and dressed in an outfit similar to Peter's.

"Kill them." she grinned and then walked away into the forest.

Felix turned his head and gasped silently.

There, in the clearing, stood a very tall girl with a hood pulled over waist length, curly, blonde hair. She had a quiver on her back and a bow in her hand, a knife secured against her thigh, and a cloak just like his covered her body.

She looks like me! Felix thought to himself. a woman?!

He moved his foot to creep closer but didn't notice the twig under his foot.


Felix halted and his head shot up just in time to see the girl spin around with her knife.

"Who's there?" She drawled out.

God..Is that how I sound? Felix thought again. He began to back away to return to camp, letting some leaves crunch under his feet. The girl heard it and slowly made her way over to Felix's hiding place with her knife in hand like Felix would when he's ready to kill.

Felix's eyes widened and he bolted off back to camp just as the girl found where he was hiding.


Peter walked up the stairs of his treehouse, his stomach growling like crazy.

"Mmm...gotta eat, eat, eat," he sang in a monotone. He smiled and broke into an awkward dance. "WANNA EAT MY BOYFRIEND'S DICK BUT HE AIN'T HERE SO IMMA EAT SOME REAL FOOOOOODDDD!!"

He danced his way to the kitchen area and yanked open the fridge door, but just as he did he noticed someone walking through the woods.

"What the--" Peter noticed how the g-girl! Peter's eyes widened when he noticed it was a woman. "Aw hell no. No girls on my island. Nu-uh. Not today."

Peter marched down the stairs of his treehouse and followed the girl's foot prints into the woods.

"OI! You!" Peter called as he noticed the girl. "What do--Ahh!"

Peter was tackled into nearby bushes mid-sentence by Felix.

"Felix? What the--" Peter was once again cut off as Felix clasped as hand over his mouth, the blonde holding a finger to his lips.

A rustle of branches echoed and a thick female British accent sounded through the air.

"Who's there?" She asked confidently, holding a knife out to protect herself.

Peter and Felix stayed quiet and waited. The girl looked around, eyes narrowed as she scanned the area for anyone. When she saw no one, she sheathed her knife and walked on.

Felix and Peter exhaled the breath they didn't know they were holding and got up.

"Who was that?" Peter asked.

"Our alternates." Felix said.


F o r e v e r L a n d e r s;

"I saw him." Felicity said as she walked into the makeshift camp.

"Who?" Petra asked.

"My alternative," Felicity explained. "I couldn't catch him though."

Petra nodded.

"Well, I found my alternate too," she said. "He and a blonde boy are staying up in that tree-house."

She pointed to the tree-house through the trees and Felicity watched the shadows of the two through the curtains.

"Shouldn't we go attack?" she asked her lover. Petra smirked at her. "You already have a plan, don't you?"

"Yes, I do," she smirked. "But we must wait until they're asleep, then we'll go."


The two girls stood silently on the porch as they listened to the divided snores from inside. Petra beckoned Felicity over and gestured to the lock. Felicity slid her knife into the keyhole and began to pick the lock.

There was a satisfying click! when the door was open and the two quietly crept inside.

The two boys were sleeping peacefully on the bed, cuddled up together with their pinkies latched.

Petra walked to the left side where a brunette boy slept. She gently brushed her fingers against his cheek, the boy shifted in his sleep. Petra nodded to Felicity, the blonde going along with the plan.


N e v e r L a n d e r s;

Peter slowly cracked his eyes open when he felt something brush his face. It was odd, for Felix was sleeping behind him.

There, in front of him, was a very tall blonde girl and a smaller brunette.

"Wha--" he started but he never finished.

Everything went black when something knocked him out.


Peter awoke, his wrist were bound to the wall held fast by chains. Cold water splashed over his face. His kidnappers. Peter gasped, spitting out water from his mouth and shivering, he was still dressed in his pajamas which were now drenched. His pajamas weren't much to begin with, only consisted of a plain white tee and green flannel pants.

Boots clicked down a dark hall.

"Hello?" Peter called out. A girl stepped forward. Her hair was shoulder length, matching the color of Peter's own. Her eyes shown a vibrant green in a stray of moonlight. The same color of Peter's.

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