Sirui black AND HARRY Potter...

By onedirectionfan35

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Harry Potter always thought Sirui black was is god father because that is what dumbledore as told him but the... More

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By onedirectionfan35


I woke up with strong arms around me and I'm so happy because I got my mate and the family that I had always want it because it not always a easy thing .and it makes me happy because never will have to deal with those Muggles who treat me like blood carp but. I'm not saying that all Muggles are. That way because there are alot of this world and that a good thing because there more good the better I just don't want to deal with the hell. That we. Have been put through and we need to be working on it

But like I said I'm only talking about being free from the Muggles that made me feel .like a freak I am not about to let anything happen to those around me that I left and that's what matters right now I'm home Happy safe with my family and I'm glad that I was able to get Dudley out of there and back with the people that he should be

Siruis: wakes up) morning babe I think we should get up and head downstairs because it breakfast time

Harry : good idea

As soon as we all walked into a  dinner room we saw one of. The house elfs  getting everything ready

Wonky the elf : good morning young Master anymore a master's mate everything is ready for breakfast everyone else should be down within a minute wonkey be back with the last minute but this food

And with that he was of and how did the elf get the name wonkey .as me and sisrus sat down the rest of the family came into the dinner room and they start to eat as well and I had to ask my dad how did he get wonkey

Harry : dad how did we get wonkey because sometimes he a bit jumpy and I've been wondering how he's okay

Severus: yes will he is okay but I first got him for the family and everything years ago and you are a baby used to always try watched  you and your sister and everything we got him when. He was being hurt by a crazy old man that used to be his master and everything and that's why he's so jumpy but he's not as bad as he used to be but he loves it here and he's really happy that you and your sister about here safe and sound the whole family is because I don't treat wonkey a house elf I treat him more like family even though he is my house else but he knows able have fresh clothes and whatever he wants when it comes to food and stuff like that because I find he is a living breathing creature and we all deserve to have our rights that's why he loves working for her family so much because he gets treated properly even has his own bed in the laundry room and stuff like that

Wonkey : yes I am happy to be part of the family and house elf for a family that loved me cuz a lot of people don't think that us house elfs have feeling to

Harry : you remind me a lot of that doobie he was sweet and everything I miss him every day

Wonkey : Doobie was my brother you kept him safe for me young master I did everything in my power to watch over you at the school when I was not here because when I am not here at the house at the Manor or I'm at the school because Master severus  always takes me with him

Severus: well I'm very comfortable with all the work that you do when everything working and you're like a friend to me and everything like that it was good to have somebody I can talk to you even if you are an elf you understand my books and everything like that and you like to find things

Wonky : well living with you you learn the Finer Things

Harry : yes I'm definitely going to enjoy seeing you around a lot of wonky as one of the head house-elves and everything like that and you do remind me a lot of doobie but that's in a very good way

Wonkey: love that you say that because I always looked up to my older brother

We all kind of might help the laugh and smile yep it's fun to be able to have a house elf that you can count on and not treat you like they don't deserve to be treated their humans just like everybody else will you know what I mean creatures they are living they deserve to have food clothing I mean even my family here treats the house elf better than I was actually treated when I was living with those Muggles

Sisrus : what going on inside of that head of yours babe

Harry : thinking the back when I was living with the Muggles that this house elf gets treated way better than I got treated I mean I got treated worse than I have self would be treated if they weren't being treated good you know what I mean it's just crazy that I had to live in a cover 10 everything back then

Wonkey: they made young master Harry stay inside of a cupboard that makes wonky want to go and put some bad pranks and stuff on them and make them learn to respect you  wonkey don't like that

I could not help a laugh at that knowing the fact that wonky wanted to try to get them back for me was so funny and everything like that we all started cracking up and laughing yet I definitely feel like I can live my life free and work the job that I always dreamed of and finish my education at Hogwarts without having to deal with all the bull crap from my past I mean I have my mom and My Two Dads my mate and everything now one more can I ask . Out  of life but the downfall of Albus Dumbledore because he is not going to f*** up the Wizard World if I know anything about it sorry if I'm using a lot more of a language that they use in the Muggles but that's what I know mostly when it comes to bad words because I had hered them us them alot

With that me and my hole Family enjoy the rest of the day and everything and I guess you can say that the soon as the month of August is going to fly by will be all heading back to Hogwarts before you know it let's just. Are going to be very quite different this year

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