
Da Supreme_Enchantress

123K 2.7K 192

Charlotte's peculiar nature often keeps others at bay, resulting in few friendships. Orphaned at a young age... Altro

~ Charlotte ~
~ Prologue ~
Chapter One: Bella
Chapter Two: Bikes, Bars and Friends.
Chapter Four: The Truth Is Told!
Chapter Five: Vampire Chick
Chapter Six: Alice!
Chapter Seven: Close Call!
Chapter Eight: The Cullens
Chapter Nine: Questions
Chapter Ten: Victoria
Chapter Eleven: Emmett
Chapter Twelve: The Slaughtered
Chapter Thirteen: Nomad!
Chapter Fourteen: The Witch
Chapter Fifteenth: Shifts
Chapter Sixteen: The Quileutes
Chapter Seventeen: Smell
Chapter Eighteen: Destruction
Chapter Nineteen: Medaow
Chapter Twenty: Graduation
Chapter Twenty-One: Party & Battle Planning
Chapter Twenty-Two: Training
Chapter Twenty-Three: Witchcraft
Chapter Twenty-Four: Here and Now
Chapter Twenty-Five: Nightmare
Chapter Twenty-Six: Devoted
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Safeguard
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Battle
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Together
~ Epilogue ~
~ Important Notes ~

Chapter Three: The Truth Shall Be Told.

5.7K 133 4
Da Supreme_Enchantress

As several days passed, the bikes began to take shape, and the parts on the blanket gradually diminished. Jacob, always one for antics, entertained Bella and me with his playful gestures, at one point pretending to skewer himself with a pipe, eliciting laughter from both of us. His playful touches were frequent, though he seemed to show Bella more affection, a fact not lost on either of us. I noticed a change in Bella's demeanour when she was with me and Jacob; her spirits seemed to be lifting.

As we finished up for the day, we stepped out of Jacob's garage and made our way across the yard to Bella's truck. The sun was still hanging in the sky, casting a warm glow over everything. Bella appeared noticeably lighter, and happier than she had been before. It was a relief to see her beginning to find joy again.

"Quill keeps asking to come over. I think he likes you both a little too much," Jacob remarked as he escorted us back to Bella's truck.

"Tell him I'm not into the cougar thing," Bella quipped, shooting Jacob a playful glance. I couldn't help but smirk at her response.

"What's with you and age? I mean, how old was that Cullen guy? Didn't seem to bother you," Jacob retorted, instantly realizing his mistake as soon as he mentioned the name. I climbed into the truck while Bella exchanged her farewells with Jacob. As we drove off, I waved to him from the window. Bella dropped me off at home, and as she drove away, I couldn't help but smile to myself. It felt good to have such lively banter with friends.

"Grams, I'm back!" My voice reverberated through the house as I dropped my keys into the familiar pot by the door. The house had transformed since I left in the morning. Every corner was now adorned with warmth and character. The kitchen hummed with activity as I found my grandmother bustling around, orchestrating a culinary masterpiece.

"How was your day, sweetheart?" she inquired, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"Fantastic! Jacob finished fixing the bikes, so tomorrow we're hitting the road to test them out. It's going to be a blast," I exclaimed, excitement evident in every word.

"Just remember to stay safe, dear," she spoke, as I had told her about the bikes, and what we were doing at Jacob's near enough every day. "Tonight, we're having homemade soup, with a twist," she added, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. I couldn't help but smile, memories of us cooking together flooding back. As I joined her in the kitchen, I knew this evening would be filled with warmth, laughter, and delicious food.


After finishing the dishes, I found myself lost in my thoughts as I helped Grams tidy up. Her culinary skills never ceased to amaze me; that soup was truly a work of art. Yet, amidst the clinking of plates and the rush of water, my mind drifted to Bella. She seemed genuinely content when she was with Jacob and me, her laughter echoing through our conversations. It was a relief to see her finally breaking free from the shadows of her past. And yet, a nagging thought lingered in the back of my mind.

Would Bella still accept me if she knew the truth? The truth about my family's secret, our connection to the supernatural as witches. It was a secret we had guarded for generations, passed down through whispers and rituals. Revealing it now felt like stepping into uncharted territory.

"Grams?" I ventured, breaking the silence. Her gaze met mine, and I felt a surge of apprehension wash over me. But as I voiced my thoughts, her response was unexpectedly gentle, devoid of the expected worry and concern.

"I was thinking," I paused briefly, connecting my gaze with her. "Maybe I should tell Bella about... about being a witch," I confessed, my words trailing off uncertainly. Grams' expression softened, her eyes filled with understanding and warmth as if she had been expecting this moment.

Grams placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, her touch grounding me in her wisdom. "Honey, if you believe in your heart that Bella can keep our secret, then you should tell her," she reassured me, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes. "After all, your mother faced a similar dilemma." A nostalgic smile played on Grams' lips as she recounted the tale of my mother's revelation.

"She told Dad about being a witch," I murmured, the words lingering in the air like a delicate melody. Grams nodded, her eyes shimmering with fond recollection.

"I remember it like it was yesterday. Your mother, just like you, wrestled with the decision. But in the end, she chose to trust your father with her truth," Grams reminisced, her voice tinged with both joy and sadness. My heart ached with the weight of her memories.

"Thank you, Grams," I whispered, enveloping her in a tight embrace. In her arms, I found solace and strength, a reminder of the love that bound us together. Despite the pain of the past, Grams had always been my rock, preserving the memories of my parents with unwavering devotion. As I held her close, I knew that no matter what secrets lay hidden in our family's past, Grams would always be there to guide me with her boundless love and wisdom.


The day arrived, and it was time to put the bikes to the test. Bella steered the truck along the winding roads of La Push, the bikes securely strapped to the back. Jacob's demeanour seemed contemplative as he glanced between Bella and me.

"If I told you I couldn't have fixed these bikes, what would you have said?" Jacob's voice was soft, tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

Bella arched an eyebrow, her gaze fixed on Jacob. "Are you doubting your mad skills?" she teased gently.

Jacob chuckled, but there was a trace of self-doubt in his expression. "No. Definitely not. I mean, they'll run fine. It's just," he allowed a chuckle to break up his words. "Maybe if I was smarter, I would have dragged out the rebuild a bit," he admitted, his tone subdued as he stared at his hands. I sensed the tension between them, the unspoken words hanging in the air. Bella searched for the right response, her eyes never leaving the road ahead.

"If you had told me you couldn't fix these bikes, I would say that's really too bad, but that we're just gonna have to find something else to do," Bella stated firmly, her resolve unwavering.

"Yeah, we would have figured something out," I chimed in, offering my support. Their laughter filled the truck, easing the tension that lingered. As we drove, Bella and I watched the scenery pass by, cliffs looming in the distance. Bella pointed out a familiar figure, and my gaze followed hers.

"Is that Sam Uley?" Bella exclaimed; her voice tinged with disbelief.

Jacob's response was tinged with irritation. "Yeah, him and his cult," he muttered, his eyes fixed on the scene unfolding on the cliffs. One of his friends stepped closer to the cliff. But he was taking too long, so Sam and the others pushed the boy off.

"Oh, my God," I replied, while Bella began to slow and pull the car over. The truck came to a halt, and Bella dashed out of the truck, me following suit.

"Did you see that?" Bella questioned, as the sound of my door slammed shut. She walked over to the railing on the road. Jake began to laugh slightly, as he made his way towards us.

"They're not really fighting, guys. They're cliff diving," Jacob explained, as he leaned on the hood of the truck. "Scary as hell, but a total rush," he announced, making Bella and I turn around to face him briefly, as we turned our attention back to the thrill of screams.

"We leave the showing off to Sam and his disciples," Jake remarked, his tone tinged with bitterness as we returned to the truck.

"Is there some kind of tension between you and him?" I inquired, raising an eyebrow at Jacob.

"I don't know. They just think they run this place," Jacob replied, his gaze never wavering from the cliffs. "Embry used to call them hall monitors on steroids. Now look at him," Jacob responded, his eyes trained on the cliff.

"That's Embry?!" Bella seemed shocked to learn this, as did I. As not long ago he was in the garage with us, laughing and having fun. Now he was there with Sam and his crew.

"Yeah," Jake replied bluntly, maybe a tinge of anger in his tone.

"What happened to him?" I questioned, tossing my head over my shoulder to stare at Jake.

"He missed some school. Now all of a sudden, he started following Sam around like a little puppy. Same thing happened with Paul and Jared," Jacob explained. "Sam keeps giving me this look, and it's starting to freak me out," he let on, and I could see on his expression that he seemed frighten almost about it.

Bella offered a solution. "Well, you should just avoid him," she suggested, her voice firm.

"I try," Jacob muttered, his expression troubled. We watched as Sam executed a flawless dive, disappearing into the depths below. With that, we resumed our journey, leaving the drama of the cliffs behind us and focusing on the task at hand: testing the bikes.


The bikes were ready for testing, and Bella volunteered to go first. I stood anxiously behind her, my mind clouded with worries that I tried to push aside. Jacob patiently explained the steps to start the bike, his voice calm amidst the excitement. Then, the engine roared to life.

"Now, slowly release the clutch," Jake instructed. Bella hesitated for a moment before obeying, but her hand moved too quickly, causing the bike to jerk forward. She gasped, but determination gleamed in her eyes.

"Are you okay?" I asked concern etched into my features as I watched her closely.

"I'm gonna go again," she declared resolutely. This time, she executed the manoeuvre more smoothly, gradually releasing the clutch and propelling the bike forward. I watched with a mix of pride and apprehension as she rode away from us.

As I watched, a frown creased my forehead, my initial excitement giving way to concern, as Bella's grip on the bike seemed to loosen, and her movements became unsteady.

"Hit the brakes!" I shouted when she appeared to struggle with control, but my words were lost in the wind. Suddenly, the bike veered out of control, and Bella tumbled forward, colliding with a rock. My heart stopped as I witnessed the accident unfold, shock freezing my expression. Without hesitation, Jacob mounted the other bike and raced towards her. Bella slowly rose to her feet as Jake reached her, swiftly removing his shirt and pressing it against her injured head. His back muscles rippled beneath his tanned skin, making me raise my eyebrow for a moment. After a brief exchange of words, Jacob helped Bella to her feet, supporting her as they returned to me.

"Bella, promise me you won't do that again," I exclaimed, my tone a mix of scolding and genuine concern. "You scared me to death," I continued, pulling her into a tight hug, feeling a rush of relief wash over me as I held onto her, unwilling to let her go.


The next day arrived, casting its golden glow through the cafeteria windows as we sat at our usual table. Bella's approach was like a scene from a teen movie, her confident stride drawing every eye in the room. I couldn't help but smile as she gracefully took a seat beside Mike, the embodiment of effortless popularity.

Engrossed in conversation, Mike and Bella seemed to share a private world, their laughter mingling with the ambient noise of the cafeteria. As they chatted animatedly, I found myself drifting into my own thoughts, the murmur of voices fading into the background.

Suddenly, Bella's voice pierced through my reverie like a beacon, calling my name with urgency. Startled, I turned to her, meeting her gaze with a curious expression. "Mia!" she exclaimed, her tone filled with excitement and anticipation.

Caught off guard, I responded with a simple "Yes?" as Bella leaned in, her eyes sparkling with despair, as if whatever they were talking about, she wanted me to help. "Do you wanna see Face Punch with us tonight?" she asked, her words hanging in the air like, her gaze pleading silently with me to go. With a quick nod, I accepted her invitation, a grin spreading across her face in response.

As I returned her smile, I couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation bubbling within me. Tonight promised to be an unforgettable experience, and I couldn't wait to see what awaited us at the movies.


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