Love and Life, it's complicat...

By Shannykins

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Love and Life, it's complicated
Love and Life, it's complicated *2*

Love and Life, it's complicated *3*

4 0 0
By Shannykins

When Daren got to my house I said a quick thanks and bye and got out. I could feel Daren's eyes on my back as I walked up the steps into the house. I took a quick glance at the driveway to see Daren's car still there but Zach's car gone. I sighed and looked up at the sky darkening. There must be a storm coming, Zach knows I hate storms, I hope he comes home before it starts.

A buzzed took me out of my thoughts, it was a text from Zach.

Hey sis! sry but i cant make it home 2night, hav a friend stay over so u dont get scared. luv u -Z

It's okay, i'll hav daren stay over with me bcz he's right now in the driveway as long as he doesn't b all protective again, hope tht's ok with u? luv u 2! -S

It's fine, he can stay as long as u 2 dont do anything stupid bcz i will tell mom. -Z

kk bye c u 2momrrow mayb! -S

k bye! -Z

I shut my phone, and looked at the sky, the storm was getting closer. I ran to Daren's car and knocked on the window. He seem to be deep in thoughts because he didn't notice I was there till like the 5th knock. He rolled down the window.


"My bro texted me saying that he won't be able to make it home tonight, and he said I could have a friend stay over since I'm scared of storms. I asked him and he said that you could stay with me. It's okay if you don't want to I'll just call one of the girls." I said quickly.

"Um.....sure, let me just call my mom."

"Okay." I nodded. I ran back to the house and opened the door. I went up the stairs into my room, dropping my backpack on my bed I went into my walk in closet to grab a big t-shirt and shorts.

When I changed I put my hair in a messy bun, and washed my make up off. I walked down to the kitchen to get a glass of water. When I was walking to the living room Daren came wet (I guess the storm started).

I grabbed a towel from the kitchen and gave it to him.

"Thanks." he smiled, I smiled back.

"Do you want to change? I can lend you some of my brothers clothes?" I asked.

"Sure, thanks."

"Okay, I'll be right back, just stay in the living room 'kay?"


I grabbed my phone and texted Zach..........

bro i'm lending Daren a pair of ur clothes k? -S

k just make sure he doesn't steal it, i want my clothes bak! n do NOT touch anything in my room! -Z

lol kk bro bro, wait what iz this? ooo! zachy wears big boy underwear! -S

hey put it back! :P no seriously i want my clothes bak! bye sissy! -Z

okay i get it! bi big bro! :D -S

I shut my phone and laughed and put away his underwear (I know little sis not scared to touch big bro's underwear. Well that's what happens when you need extra cash; you have to fold clothes, and clean peoples rooms and while you're in there you can find out cool things like Zach wearing big boy underwear!)

I got black some black sweatpants and a white v-neck shirt. (Hmm......Daren's muscles will show if I give him this shirt, awesome!)

I ran downstairs and throw him the clothes. He went to the bathroom while I got a T.V. dinner, when the T.V. dinner was done Daren walked out of the bathroom, I was about to take a bite out of it but I was distracted by Daren's muscles. I dropped my fork and stared.

"Shay are you alright?" Daren said, waving his hand in front of my face.

"Huh? Oh...uh...sorry...I was distracted." I shuttered, blushing.

"Yes you were, by my muscles." he said flexing them.

I slapped him and laughed, "Yeah right you wish."

"Come on, let's watch a movie." he said dragging me to the living room.

"Wait my dinner!"

"Forget about it." he said shaking his head.

"Gasp! How dare you ask me to forget about my food?"

He laughed, "Come on!"

"Okay!" I followed him to the living room and collapsed on the couch.

"So what do ya wanna watch?"

"Let's watch MTV?" he suggested.

""kay." I said going to MTV.

They were talking about the movie Eclipse that's coming out tonight at 12am

(I saw it yesterday! Before it premiered! 'Cause my uncle is the manager of the theater I got to so he got me to see it for free and before it came out!)

"Omg! I really want to see that movie! I just love Taylor Lautner!" I gushed.

"I think Kristen Stewart is hot but Ashley Greene is cute and a model." He said starting into space.

"Wow, weirdo." I laughed.

"I'm weird? Don't you mean you because you said I'm weird which makes you weird because you hang out with me which makes you like me which is weird?"

"I understood none of what you just babbled about, all I heard was blah blah blah." I laughed.

Soon Daren started laughing and we both were clutching our stomachs in pain then all of a sudden the lights go out. I look out the window to see a dark body, lightening crackled and I saw the face, it was a boy with his face covered in blood, his hands were reaching out as if he was going to grab me through the window and choke me.

I screamed as loud as I could and clutched Daren's body close to mine. I kept screaming, my face turning red.

"Shay! Shay! What's wrong? Why are you screaming?" shouted Daren, holding on to me.

"W-wind-d-dow, b-b-oy, b-b-blood, c-c-choke." I stuttered.

"What? What's at the window? I don't see anything. Maybe you're seeing things."

"N-no! I k-know w-w-what I s-s-saw D-d-daren!" I said feeling cold all of a sudden, I held on to Daren tighter and started to cry.

"Shh Shay, it's going to be okay." He said rubbing my back.

"Daren I'm scared. P-please d-don't leave-e m-me." I said closing my eyes.

"I won't go anywhere, I promise. Now let's take you up to your bed."

"Okay, but can you s-sleep i-in the-e-e be-e-d w-with me-e?"

"Sure." When he got to my room, he laid me on the bed and got in with me. I put the cover over us and I held on to Daren, Daren wrapped his arms around my waist and held me close. I felt safe in Daren's arms but I still dreamed about the bloody face.

*Next Morning*

"Shay wake up." said someone shaking me.

I opened my eyes to see Daren.

"Oh! Daren you stayed!" I said hugging him.

"Yeah, I promised didn't I?" he laughed.

"Thank you, you the best-est friend ever! I love you!" he stiffened when I said 'I love you'

"Love you too Shay." I felt a chill go down my spine, I liked it when he said I love you.

I let go of him and said, "Thank you for not leaving me."

"No problem, what are friends for?" he smiled, I smiled back.

"So what do you wanna do? Wait is the power still out?" I asked, looking at my clock, which was off.

"Yeah, but the power's supposed to come back at around 3:30pm."

"Okay, so what do you wanna do till then?" I said getting off the bed and walking to my closet.

"Well it's Saturday, why don't we have the gang come over and we could do something? Like go to the pool?"

"The pool? On Saturday? In my backyard or community pool?" I asked, looking at the bikini's I have.

"Your backyard duh! Why would I pay when I can go for free?"

"Good point. Now tell which one I should wear? The black one or purple with black stripes?"

" one. You'll look hot in black, and I'm talking about the good kind of hot." he winked.

I giggled and blushed. "Um......thanks?"

He laughed and said, "I'm going to go to my house to get my trunks. Will you be okay here alone? or do what me to call someone to stay with you?" he asked, getting off the bed and walking to my bedroom door.

"Daren I'm not a baby, I think I'll be fine for 10 minutes." I said walking into the bathroom.

"Okay, but if anything happens while I'm gone, I'm gonna leave my cell phone on 'kay?"

"Yeah yeah yeah whatever!" I walked into the bathroom while Daren left the house.

I stripped out of my clothes and put on my black bikini, I walked out, put my clothes on the bed and threw on my black sandals and grabbed my phone just encase I'm in the pool and someone calls me. As I went down the stairs I heard a knock come from my window. I ignored it thinking it was a tree branch, but when it knocked 3 more times I turned around to see what it was, it was.....................

AN: Dun dun dunnnnnnn! Who is at Shay's window? Guess! Vote and comment plz! :D

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