By CharlesHawkmoon

42K 2.7K 52

Keel has the difficult task of surviving, keeping his friends and trying to make a difference during the Mill... More

1 - Air Raid
2 - Rendezvous at Tleos
3 - Journey to Mount Hostenoist
4 - The Forgery
First Interlude - Past Echoes in the present - The Ruby Chamber
5 - The Campaign of the arms
7 - The Ice Warrior
8 - Desire to Burn
9 - Terminating Queens
10 - Demonslayer
11 - Alliance against the Duke
12 - On the Shores of the Divine Lake of Kiv
13 - The Battle of the Three Peaked Mountain
14 - Meeting Again
Second Interlude - In the Present, Cold and Tedious - Voices from Beyond
15 - Midrakus' Tower
16 - Stealthy Invasion
17 - A Terrible Secret
18 - Holy Fire

6 - My Centennial

1.7K 130 0
By CharlesHawkmoon

My one hundred years, my marriage, the elven capital of the empire and a great misfortune...

Raastad insisted "Keel, I repeat, there is more to life than war. It is the time to take a repose".

"But now that the hordes have withdrawn, it's time to move forward! It is our first significant victory in this war, general".

"There is much more to consider. For instance, do you really know what the key hordes are? Where are they? Who are their masters? What are their weaknesses?"

I knew some of the answers, but perhaps more rumors than facts. I didn't get all of the reports for my rank as captain, and I knew he wanted no responses. They were rhetorical questions.

"Well then, trust me. It's time to withdraw from the battlefront. You must return the Nelfária immediately. It's time to celebrate your centenary and to take a wife".

I was upset and saw no point in withdrawing. My presence was too important. Balcatemi and I would make a huge difference in each of the battles.

"Will you order me, sir?"

"No, but let's make a deal".

"A deal?"

"Yes, you go back, rest for a year and I will visit you to provide intelligence about your next mission".

Raastad sensed my reluctance and said "Besides, the second and third generation of Hostenoist weapons are now on the front lines".

"What about Nish? It's getting worse for sure..."

"Lazeth and the human fleet from Bendomar are taking reinforcements there. They are carrying five of the newest elemental blades".

"Why can't I join them?"

"I have already explained, your next mission will begin within a year. And the siege against Nish won't be broken before that".

"To Nelfária then..."


Nelfária, capital of the Elven Empire was a glorious city. It was crossed by a network of water channels, a number of geometrical lakes, temples, palaces and gardens. Home to about one tenth of the population before the war. Now it was a sad and desolate place with abandoned sectors and districts. The central area still had much of the past's routines. The temples close to the magnificent palace of the three silver towers still bore some movement and life.

My centennial celebration occurred in the Gallzu, twenty-fifth of 9415, the date on which the three emperors, Nell Devarsh, Bzir Naldiir and Tell Mozeth gathered to pay their respects. Everyone wanted to see the beautiful Balcatemi. But I didn't feel comfortable showing it to everyone. I felt envy and greed in the eyes of some.

It was an extravagant party prepared for more than two thousand guests and extremely stressful to me. It began in the afternoon with an endless retinue of nobles and soldiers who wanted to know the notorious Captain Keel and his legendary sword Bimu Balcatemi.

Fortunately, they gave me a break in which I was led to a reserved area. There I had good surprises.

"Keel, my son, what a huge blessing! I can't believe you're actually here!"

"Mother?" I was surprised to see her because our hometown was really far away from the capital.

For the first time, I thanked Raastad for convincing me to come.

She held my face gently and said with eyes full of tears "Son, I'm so happy to see you. A true hero! Almost an adult now... and you look just like your father!"

My mother hadn't changed at all; however, those thirty-odd years of war were already wiping her face from my memory. She had the same big green eyes and gentle smile. She wore a white dress with light yellow embroidered flower designs. Others waited to see me. My sister, Laize and three of my half-brothers, very grown, now almost adults. I barely recognized them.

"Great to see you again, little brother!" My sister smiled gently "you don't realize how extensive your list of wedding suitors is!"

"Tell me about it" I also noticed there, two children in the room.

"These are your nephews" Laize showed me "my children, Mudi and Arsena".

"Is it true that your sword has killed a thousand devils?" asked the little Mudi.

"I have faced many battles, but I'm not good with numbers".

"Excuse me, Captain Keel, forgive me my interruption but you should come now. It's time to see the emperros".

"We'll talk again later" I waved goodbye and returned to the hall.


Under the gaze of the emperors, my legs buckled. I had confronted dire demons, three times my height with scary eyes, but those six ancient eyes seemed to penetrate my flesh like daggers.

They were the eldest elves of our world. Their eyes carried experience of over forty thousand stations. I was very impressed by their entrance. The way they walked, soft and elegant, the life contained in their long and smooth beautiful hair. They looked perfect. Their ceremonial robes glowed before the light of the reception hall's great crystal dome. The thrones with their crystal frames pulsed with magic and the translucent cushions sustained their bodies with lightness.

Emperor Nell Devarsh spoke, his voice was tuneful, low and soft as a storyteller's "We salute you, Captain Keel".

I bowed "I thank the magnificent reception. I am honored with such concern, but I must express with sincerity that this is more than I desserve".

Emperor Bzir Naldiir said, his voice beautiful and golden "No more, no less. Your feats of bravery and the news brought to us gave hope to our people in these difficult times".

Emperor Tell Mozeth asked, his voice firm, but not as remarkable as the other two "Could you unsheathe and show us the Bimu Balcatemi?"

I took a long breath and tried to conceal my discomfort. I removed it from the sheath and everyone gazed at it with awe.

Bzir Naldiir applauded with enthusiasm "Art! A true work of art!"

My vision blurred for a moment and I saw in place of the three emperors, three demons. Other memories of the war came to me. I felt a strong urge to attack them and cut off their heads. I resisted and quickly sheathed the sword.

Tell Mozeth laughed and said "It is precious to you, right?"

I nodded. At that moment, a sudden silence fell followed by comments around the room. I suspected that my attitude was perceived badly, but I was wrong.

What really happened at that moment was princess Jilija's entrance, the only daughter of Emperor Nell Devarsh. She was the most beautiful elf I had ever seen.

The princess came to me and said "Captain Keel".

She was a woman hundreds of years older than me, but as appealing as the young women of my age. I made a strong reverence "Princess Jilija, what a privilege to make your acquaintance".

"Likewise" she responded and went to sit beside her father.

After that ritual, there was music and dancing. At least two dozen daughters of nobles, high officials and priests came forward and asked me to dance. There were many, many suitors... Just like my sister said.

That was just a small sample. because of the law, and at the same time, my absurd fame, I had the luck or misfortune, of having hundreds of marriage suitors. Princesses, warriors and daughters of important figures wanted to have a child with the Great War hero. I was treated as a noble, and more pampered than generals. Maybe I just stayed behind the three emperors and some high nobles and a few other regents. There were hundreds of dinners, parties and games. That life in the capital, alienated from the problems of war, sometimes made ​​me sick. As I said, good or bad luck.


After one month I was exhausted of all that. My sister was trying to help me, as always.

"This is all too hard for me, Laize".

"Yes, many options, is it not, little brother?"

"Tell me about ... I would rather face a horde of demons than to have to choose a wife in these terms".

"You fool! How can I advise you? To choose with your heart? Isn't it too naive?"

"Yeah... I suppose so".

"What about Jilija?"

"How so? She is not a suitor".

"It's not what I heard" she smiled maliciously.

"She's gorgeous!"

"So you like her?"

"Like her? I don't know. But I admire her, yes".

"It's a start".

"But she's not for one like myself".

"And who told you so? Listen to me, the political situation around Jilija's issue is unsustainable".

"How so? What business is this?"

"The law of birth, what else?"

"I see. She is not following the law, right? The imperial decree itself is not followed by their own daughter..."

"Yes, but many say...that the argument for this is that she'd be waiting for someone special, as they say, the chosen one".

"Chosen one? Laize, you gotta be kidding?"

"And many are just talking at you, little brother!"

I do not know how I let my sister convince me of doing that, but a few days later I was back to the three silver towers' palace. A hearing was arranged with the princess.

She was very beautiful that day. She looked like a painting under the perfect lighting of the hearing room.

"Captain Keel" she greeted me formally.

"Princess Jilija".

"Yes? What subject would you like to discuss?"

"Straightforward! I must say it immediately!" I thought.

"How are you doing?" I failed.

"I'm fine and you?"

"Well, actually, a little anxious".

"Anxious? It's not a good state of mind to cultivate".


"About returning to war?"

"Very little about this".

"So about what?"

"About finding a wife".

She got serious and that was a little scary.

"And you think I can help you?"

"Yes... uh, absolutely yes".

"You do have many suitors, Captain Keel, many would give an arm to marry you".

"Well, this is the problem. I don't feel well in this situation".

"I see, but if you want my advice, drop your feelings. They do not matter. It's just a matter of law, a formality. If you use reason, I am sure you will quickly find a solution".

"Oh, of course. And I already found it".

"I do not understand".

I was sweating and apprehensive. That whole situation was very tense. How had Laize convinced me? What was I thinking?

"The fact is that I did not use reason myself, I say, but my sister did".

"Of course. A female is always better suited for such choices".

"Anyway, and that's what led me here".

"Damn!"  I thought  "I should have gone straight to the point from the beginning."

I think I was very rude to say it like that "Marry me, Princess Jilija!"

"Excuse me, I don't think I heard you well!" Jilija exclaimed in alarm.

"I mean, Princess Jilija, would you accept me, a mere captain dedicated to his people and to both good and the future of the empire, as your spouse?"

"Frankly, Captain Keel! I am shocked by your statement!"

"Please excuse me, I don't ..."

"Come on, get up. Get up!"

"Yes, Your Highness".

She was angry and said aloud "Now repeat this, if you are really brave enough".

That was a threat. What would be the consequences? I thought for a moment. "Well, if I had confronted thousands of demons, why not a princess?" That tone of her voice irritated me. The blood rushed to my head; I stepped forward, took her by the arm and reinforced my proposition "Marry me, Princess Jilija!"

Again, she said shocked "You really think you can come here and tell me, Marry me?"

"Yes, of course. And what is your answer, yes or no?"

"Of course, I can't say either yes or no!"

"Neither yes or no?"

"But of course sir! It's something you should ask, even if you have the courage, to my father, the Emperor!"

As if by magic, came from behind me, Nell Devarsh's golden voice "Is there something you want to ask me, young Captain Keel?"

Well, there was no turning back. "Yes, Your Highness! Bestow the honor of taking your daughter, Princess Jilija, as my wife?"

"Well, I thought that anyone would ever appear! Yes, I grant you the honor, that is, if it so she wishes... What say you then, my daughter, yes or no?"

Jilija let out a half smile "Oh Dad, under your approval, I can only say yes".

Those were rather strong emotions!

"Yes? It means that..."

"We're engaged, Captain Keel" Jilija finished.

"Well, my daughter, how about General Keel? I'll ask for a promotion to the board, after all, you are a princess. You deserve to marry at least with a superior officer".

The wedding took place just over a month later and was a party full of pomp and honors. The legend grew around me...

Following the marriage came the need to procreate. I ought not talk about my privacy. In fact, during my lifetime, I never mentioned this fact, but after so long, I think it would be interesting to mention this fact just to offer a glimpse of the ancient customs of the Nelfarian Empire. Among the nobles, there was a particularly strange habit that made me feel incredibly embarrassed. The rooms were always full of servants. I repeat—always! There was no exception, even on my wedding night. My first (and other) intercourse experiences took place under close look by all of those servants. You shouldn't think that I enjoyed such occasions, since encounters were very formal and had a functional character. There was no love, no affection. We needed to have a son, and when her pregnancy was finally confirmed, we ceased having sexual intercourse.

Many would think that it was crazy to say so, but when I finally left Nefária and Princess Jilija behind to return to the war, my mood improved a lot. And I missed spending time with my dragon, Aztazûr, whose entrance was prohibited in the capital.

Months later, finally I was summoned to return to war. It was a rainy afternoon and Jilija already showed signs of pregnancy. She walked over to me and we kissed for the first and the last time.

"Lord, my husband ... I am saddened by your departure".

"It saddens me to leave you and the baby".

"I urge you to take care of yourself and return safely as soon as possible".

"Sure, it's a promise".


I finally went back to the war. One day, about a year and a half later, I received terrible news.

"General Keel" said a messenger.

"Yes, soldier".

"A letter from your mother. Here you are".

"Dear son. I am sorry to bring you this dreadful news. Your wife, Princess Jilija has passed away. Before that, she gave birth to two babies, one male and one female. I'm sorry to tell you, but they both were born handicapped. It's said Jilija died of grief, and evil tongues say that the emperor ordered your babies to be sacrificed. Your sister, Laíze, wouldn't allow it. She was declared a criminal and is now being hunted for interfering with the emperor's orders.

They speak many terrible things, son, and I don't know what to think. I am sure that this isn't your fault. It is a fact that in recent years many babies were born as aberrations. They talk about a curse upon our people. I pray to the Gods this is all a lie.

I wonder what fate will come to our people. A righteous citizen like your sister being condemned for protecting two newborn babies? I pray that your children, aberrations, or not, are able to escape the imperial agents and hope they can grow strong and healthy.

I take this opportunity to thank you, son, because I'm getting part of your general's wage and these resources have been good to our family. Laize's children are now under my care. The small Mudi always asks about you. Your brothers are under military training and following your footsteps. They'll soon be serving in the Navy.

Take care, my dear son! And when it's possible, send us news.

With affection, your mother".

I murmured "Accursed emperor! If you ever cross our path, we shall tear you in two halves. Won't we, Balcatemi?"

And then I fell stunned. I'd never see Jilija again! The memory of her gray eyes and her beauty came back to me. I remembered the last time we met that rainy afternoon. I felt a deep grief. Then I thought of my sister and my children. I felt anger and frustration. There was nothing to do from that far away. I hated all of that.

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