By honeeylovee

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"My heart is torn between two. I love them both. I have to let one go" . . Jazmin thought she found everyth... More

Chapter One Intro: Sunset Views (Diary)
Chapter Two: Jacksonville (Diary)
Chapter Three: First Night In Redwood-Ville
Chapter Four: The Next Door Neighbor
Chapter Five: Senior Year
Chapter Six: Bright Stars
Chapter Seven: Late Night Thoughts
Chapter Nine: A New Vibe
Chapter Ten: Mixed Emotions
Chapter Eleven: The Heartbreak
Chapter Twelve: Me Myself & I
Chapter Thirteen: School Project
Chapter Fourteen: War Declared
Chapter Fifteen: School Field Trip
Chapter Sixteen: The Healer
Chapter Seventeen: Take Me To Paradise
Chapter Eighteen: Facing Reality
Chapter Nineteen: Troubling Young Love
Chapter Twenty: Mending A Shattered Heart
Chapter Twenty-One: A Chance On Bad
Chapter Twenty-Two: Rumors
Chapter Twenty-Three: Rage
Chapter Twenty-Four: Burning Passion
Chapter Twenty-Five: A Dangerous Ex
Chapter Twenty-Six: Faded Memories
Chapter Twenty-Seven: A Vivid Nightmare
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Aching Hearts
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Singing The Blues
Chapter Thirty: Singing The Blues (pt.2)
Chapter Thirty-One: Letting Go
Chapter Thirty-Two: An Old Friend
Chapter Thirty-Three: A Ghost From The Past
Chapter Thirty-Four: Secrets (Pt.1)
Chapter Thirty-Five: Secrets (Pt.2)
Chapter Thirty-Six: The Offer
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Open Wound
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Time Heals
Chapter Thirty-Nine: A Night Of Romance
Chapter Forty: Unfortunate Event
Chapter Forty-One: A Lustful Kiss?
Chapter Forty-Two: Bad Lies
Chapter Forty-Three: The Call
Chapter Forty-Four: Deception
Chapter Forty-Five: The Proposal
Chapter Forty-Six: The Hide Out (Pt.1)
Chapter Forty-Seven: The Hide Out (Pt.2)
Chapter Forty-Eight: The Decision
Chapter Forty-Nine: The Capture
Chapter Fifty: A Dreadful Death
Chapter Fifty-One: Ticking Bomb
Chapter Fifty-Two: Life Goes On
Chapter Fifty-Three: Birth To A New Beginning
Chapter Fifty-Four: The Agreement
Chapter Fifty-Five: Back To A Loving Home
Chapter Fifty-Six: Birthday Surprise
Chapter Fifty-Seven: The Confession
Chapter Fifty-Eight: A Passionate Night
Chapter Fifty-Nine: The Halloween Party
Chapter Sixty: Calling It Quits?
Chapter Sixty-One: The Reason Comes Out
Chapter Sixty-Two: The Return
Chapter Sixty-Three: Out For Blood
Chapter Sixty-Four: The Choice
Chapter Sixty-Five: Closing Two Chapters
Chapter Sixty-Six: A New Home
Chapter Sixty-Seven: Fateful Accident
Chapter Sixty-Eight: Farewell My Love
Chapter Sixty-Nine: A Life Changing Decision
Chapter Seventy: Sunset Views In Jacksonville

Chapter Eight: Letting Demons Out

1.4K 17 2
By honeeylovee

"Noo....James don't!...Please help...Stop them...Someone Help..*Bang*Bang.." I suddenly woke up screaming and crying.

Rose- Honey Jazmin look at me..Hun look at me I'm right here ..

Jazmin- (I couldn't control myself the tears kept on flowing as I felt my whole body shaking)..Mom...They killed him...

Rose- What are you talking about? Who killed who?

Jazmin- James!!! I need to go see him! (I got up with quickness and ran out of my room leaving my mom clueless..)

Rose- Honey!!! Wait it was just a nightmare come back here!

I rushed over to James house and desperately knocked on the door but nobody opened. I started to knock harder until the woman I had seen in James room before opened the door. She was wearing a scrub uniform and holding a coffee mug that read 'Best Mom In The World'. She looked a bit younger than my mom. She must've been James mother but looked nothing like him. James had dark black hair and piercing blue eyes. While she had light brown hair and hazel eyes with a sweet loving stare. The only thing they had in common was their skin-tone.

Emma- It's a nice mug isn't it? My son gave it to me when he was just a little boy..

Jazmin- (She must've caught me looking at the mug) *Smiles.. I'm sorry to bother..Um is James home?

Emma- No you actually just missed him.

Jazmin- Oh...I see..but um...is he okay??

Emma- Yeah he should be..Why are you crying honey? Oh no don't tell me he did something to you?

Jazmin- No-no...I actually came to see if he was okay..I'm sorry Ma'am I didn't mean to scare you or bother you I should go home...I need to get ready for school either way...

Emma- I'm Emma Dawson..James mother you can address me however you like but please come in for a moment I would like to speak to you if you don't mind..

Jazmin- (This is weird..I shouldn't even be here) Umm...I really need to go get ready Ms. Dawson..

Emma- Please..It won't be long.

Unsure of wether it was a good idea or not. I walked into her home. "Let me warm up some water for a nice soothing tea to calm your nerves down Honey". I gave her a warm smile as I watched her enter the kitchen. I took the time to glance around her living room. Last time I had been inside their home I didn't get the chance to actually take a good look. A family picture sitting on a glass table caught my attention. So I stood up to take a better look. It was a picture of James and his parents. His father also had dark hair and colored eyes almost as green as mine. Maybe James got his piercing blue eyes from another relative, I thought as I held onto the picture.

Emma- You know he use to be a sweet loving young boy..

Jazmin- I'm sorry I..

Emma- No it's fine you can go ahead and look..

Jazmin- I don't know your son well you know..I'm new in town but I had an incident the first day I moved here, your son actually saved my life.

Emma- Did he?..*Smiles

Jazmin- If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be standing here with you today.

Emma- He's a caring person even though he shows otherwise sometimes..Like last night for example..

Jazmin- (Last night??..Did she see?) Umm..

Emma- He isn't a bad person Jazmin he's just misunderstood..

Jazmin- (How does she know my name?..Has James mentioned me to her?) I'm sure he isn't..

Emma- I apologize for the way he mistreated you last night..I spoke with him and he will be apologizing to you and it is not only because I told him but because he recognizes he did wrong.

Jazmin- It's fine Ms. Dawson I have some fault in all this too..I shouldn't have laid hands on him.

Emma- You're honest and sweet..I can see why James likes you..*Smiles

Jazmin- (WHAT!?)...Um Ms. Dawson I should really get going I'll be late for school..

Emma- Of course honey just one question..

Jazmin- Yes?..

Emma- Why did you come here looking for James the way you did?

Jazmin- Oh..Um..(How can I look her in the eyes and tell her I had a nightmare of her son dying in my arms)

Emma- You can confide in me sweetie I won't say anything.

Jazmin- Thank you Ms. Dawson I appreciate it but don't worry..I just wanted to ask him for some notes on a book we're reading in class.

Emma- And the tears I saw in your eyes?

Jazmin- I...I was yawning (Nice Save..ugh)..Um thanks a lot for the tea I feel a lot better it was nice meeting you Ms. Dawson..

Emma- It was nice meeting you too honey..I'll walk you out.

I went home feeling a bit weird about the conversation I had with James mother. What did she mean by she can see why he likes me? That had me so puzzled I mean we barely know anything about each other how can he like me? I still couldn't believe she said he use to be a loving person. I couldn't vision him like that his actions spoke otherwise. One thing was forsure we owe each other an apology. I had already missed the bus so my mom dropped me off to school. As I walked down the hall I heard several voices coming from my class. Great I'm late!

Mr. Jackson- I'm glad you decided to join us Miss Smith..Please take a seat next to your lab partner.

Jazmin- (Did he just say lab partner?? When did we choose a lab partner..I was barely couple minutes late!) Um who may that be Mr. Jackson?

Mr. Jackson- Lina please raise your hand so she can see you..

Lina- No Mr. Jackson! I told you I wanted someone else!

Jazmin-(Ugh! Yeah because I'm excited to be your partner too) ...I don't mind changing partners either Mr. Jackson..

Mr. Jackson- Indoor voice Miss Lina don't have me tell you again..

Lina- I don't want her to be my partner Mr. Jackson!

Jazmin- *Rolls Eyes..Well I agree (If this conversation wasn't already embarrassing enough to have in front of all the class)

Mr. Jackson- Oh look who else decides to join our class...Better late than never Mister Dawson.

James- I was fighting a big old wrinkly dragon in the hallway Mr. J..She wanted to kick me outta school for showing up late..Can you believe that?

For some reason the whole class thought his really bad taste of joke was actually funny. They all began to laugh out loud like wild monkeys.

Mr. Jackson- Class settle down..As for you Mister James you better not be referring to the school Principal when you say that..

William- Of course he ain't Mr. Jay! *Laughs

James- See he knows..

Jazmin- (Great if one smart mouth wasn't enough already)

William- Anytime ma brotha from anotha motha!

Lina- Eeew Willy stop! That is like sooo old..

Mr. Jackson- Okay that's enough. Since you both like coming late to class you can be assigned as lab partners take a seat now.

Jazmin- (WHAT!!!! NO!) Umm Mr. Jackson I..

James- We're thrilled...*Winks

Lina- That's not fair I want James as my partner Mr. Jackson!

William- I don't have a partner Mr. Jay..I don't mind being the partner of Miss sexy Linnnaaa!..Or hey even the pretty hot new girl..

Mr. Jackson- THAT IS ENOUGH!..Jazmin and James SIT DOWN..as for you Miss Lina one more peep out of you without being asked you'll have to leave the class room and William be quite already and sit next to Lina she'll be your partner.

If looks could kill I'd be dead by the way Lina was staring at me. It was noticeable how much it was burning her inside to see me sit next to James. During the class period Mr. Jackson was explaining to us what we were going to do for our project. We had two days to pick an animal that we both had something in common with and write a report on it. After we would get the chance to take a field trip to interact with whatever we chose.

*School Bell Rings*

Mr. Jackson- Okay so before you guys go I need you all to spend some time with your assigned partner to figure out what you will choose, any unfinished work will result as a fail..Mister William and Mister James in order to play football you need a pass in my class I suggest you both try if you still want to play..Class dismissed.

James-*Rolls eyes...Yeah yeah....

Jazmin- Are you always this careless??

James- Only when I don't give a shit..*Laughs

Jazmin- Which is let me guess...ALWAYS? (I began to walk towards an empty hallway while he followed close behind me)

James- C'mon now lets play nice after all we are going to spend lots and lots of time together..*Grins

Jazmin- Relax romeo we're only spending if top 30 minutes together for TWO DAYS..You heard the teacher.

James- You see I'm the type of guy that likes to take it slow I need a lot of extra time to process what I'm learning..So that means we are spending a lot of time together unless you're okay with failing..Which I doubt you are... Little miss perfect..Haha

Jazmin- (I turn around to face him) Listen buddy we are not going to spend more then 30 mins together okay? and I AM NOT FAILING!..Got it?!

James- I'm sorry..

Jazmin- YEAH LIKE I SAID...Wait what?

James- I'm sorry..

Jazmin- (Well I'm confused why is he saying sorry?) Um..it's fine I guess...it's not a big deal..

James- (I get close to her as she starts walking backwards trying to get away from me) I meant for last night..

Jazmin-..Um..I actually wanted to apologize for last night also...

James- (I'm looking at her face to face our lips just a few inches away from touching..My chest was now touching her breast..As she spoke I could smell her cherry bubble gum breath while her voice got softer and lower as if what we were talking about was a secret only us two should know)...You smell so good..

Jazmin- (He was so close to me that I could feel his heart beating just as fast as mine was) James..

James- Yes..

Jazmin- (I bit my bottom lip while looking into his piercing blue eyes)...You need to step back..You're too close..

James- (Once she bit her bottom lip like the first night I met her I knew she wanted the kiss just as bad as I did..So I leaned closer to her as if getting any closer was even possible) I thought I told you not to do that..

My stare dared him while my lips were waiting for his lips. I struggled to hide the need of wanting his touch badly just as bad as he wanted to feel me too.

We were both breathing heavily our eyes gazing with burning desire of touching each other. I placed my hand on his shoulder to make some space between us. Not that I actually wanted to keep him apart from me but I knew it wasn't right. He grabbed my hand and pressed it hard against his chest and looked at me determined not to let me get away from him this time. At this point our eyes connected and our thirst to taste each-others lips grew intensely.

I couldn't resist the feeling anymore I wanted to taste his lips again just as bad as he did. I was ready to give in as I closed my eyes and leaned towards him. Suddenly I felt a deep gasp of air come out from his mouth. I no longer felt his warm body against mine. I immediately opened my eyes and saw James on the floor bleeding from his mouth while Jake continuously punched him.

"JAKE!!! STOP!!!" I yelled. I had never seen Jake so blacked out of anger before. I tried to pull him away but it was no use. It was like he transformed into some kind of powerful demon with so much strength.

"JAKE PLEASE!! YOU ARE GOING TO KILL HIM STOP!!!" I noticed my shouting wasn't going to make the situation any better. So I ran towards the end of the hallway where I saw William..James football buddy. I urgently told him what was happening. He dropped the football he was holding and ran towards them. A couple of other students that over heard me followed his direction to film the fight.

When I got there William and another guy were holding Jake while James was wiping the blood off his face with his shirt. I saw pure darkness in James eyes he had this hunt for blood written all over his face. I looked over to Jake and his stare were like bullets targeting James. If it wasn't because those two guys were holding Jake back..I don't know what would've happened.

William- Take a free shot James! We got him!

Jazmin- Wait what is going on?? (I look over to James but he was full of anger all he could see was his target....Jake)

William- Go for it James beat the shit out of this clown!!

I couldn't believe what was happening. I didn't want either one of them getting hurt. I thought by calling William he would stop Jake from killing James. Now he was helping his buddy get back at Jake. I saw James hands turn into fists as he walked towards Jake determined to hurt him.

James- You think you can come to my school and throw a couple blows at me without getting hurt pretty boy? Ima show you how you REALLY beat the shit out of someone!

Jake- Come on! Give it your best now that your friends are giving you a free shot!

I saw James rush towards Jake ready to hit him and without thinking I ran towards Jake and stood in front of him facing James. Furiously holding his fist in midair he gave me a stare full of anger. A couple drops of blood were still falling from his injured mouth. "You're going to have to hit me first James!!" as soon as I said that he stopped. It was like the sound of my voice snapped him back to his senses. He gave me a look of disappointment and said to me "Take your stupid-as boyfriend out of here NOW before I lose control". His voice was no longer tender and I knew he meant what he said. So I quickly turned to Jake and got him from the arm pulling him to the schools exit.

James- Keep your back on check next time you won't be so lucky to have Jazmin around!

Jake- Next time let it be a fair fight! One on one so you won't use your bitches to pin me down just to get a free shot!

William- Who you calling a bitch!?

James- Let him walk away. This is far from over. Heck it's actually just beginning.

William- You're really gonna let him walk away like that!?

James- He caught me by surprise..Trust me..I'll make him regret this.

Jazmin- Stop it!!! Lets go Jake!! (I pulled him outside)

Jake- Let go of me!!

He pushed me back making me almost lose balance. Shocked at his sudden raging behavior I looked at him puzzled as he shot a fiery stare at me also.

Jazmin- Jake!..What the hell!

Jake- Don't touch me right now Jazmin I mean it!

Jazmin- Jake..Please calm down you are overreacting nothing happened..(He comes close to me and holds me from my arms tightly) Jake stop what are you doing??

Jake- Look at me and tell me nothing was going to happen even if I hadn't gotten there just in time!

Jazmin- Jake..

Jake- Dammit Jazmin answer me!!!

Jazmin- I'm not talking to you about this right now..look at you...you are not you right now Jake!

Jake- Look me in the eyes Jazmin and answer me!!!!!

Mr. Jackson- Whoah what is going on here?..

Jazmin- Everything is fine Mr. Jackson

Jake- Yeah everything is always fine right Jazmin?! *Walks away

Jazmin- Jake where are you going!? You can't drive like this!

Mr. Jackson- Miss Smith I'm going to ask you to leave campus this can't happen on school grounds you understand?

I bumped into Ashanti near the p.e field. She was wearing her soccer uniform and was getting ready to leave school. So she offered me a ride home. Throughout the car ride I was crying to her letting everything I was feeling out in the open. She was understanding and tried giving me the best logical advice anyone could give..to just stay away from both of them. When I got home I searched for my mother but she had left a note on the table saying she was going to stay longer at the Bakery Shop. So after eating leftover pasta from yesterdays meal I took a shower and went to bed.

Before laying down I took a quick glance over to James house. I noticed he had his curtains down covering the bedroom window. There wasn't any light on which meant he wasn't home yet. While laying in bed I kept checking my phone constantly waiting for a text or call from Jake but I got nothing. I must've spammed his phone with so many text messages and calls that he turned it off. I had never seen him react in such a violent way especially towards me. I guess just the thought of another guy touching me turned him into what I had witnessed..a complete different person.

Ashanti was right I was hurting them and I was hurting myself in the process but how can I stay away from them? I had everything with Jake it all seemed enough. Why was it that I craved James touch every time I was near him. His eyes hypnotized me to a whole new level I didn't know existed, while just a simple touch could send chills running through my body pleading for more. Could it all just be lust or an illusion I'm feeling over James? Whatever it was it definitely was putting my relationship with Jake at risk. I suddenly heard the honking of a car near my house. Quickly getting up I looked out the window silently hoping it was Jake. However there was still no sign of him but of James instead. His car was parked on-top of the lawn from his front yard. "Oh no! He must be drunk" I quickly put my shoes on pulled my hair up in a messy bun and ran out of my house.

As I'm making my way towards his car he beeps again making a loud honk that probably woke up other neighbors. I start walking faster to his car expecting to see him super wasted. As I get closer I noticed the windows of his car full of fog. My first thought was that it must've been smoke. "Oh great he's not only wasted but high too".

Jazmin- James..Open the door..(I said as I tapped on the window)


Jazmin- James open up!?..(This time I tapped a bit louder)

Suddenly the door opened and a stench of sweaty sex reached my nose. Right before my eyes Lina poked her head out yelling at me. "WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM THIS IS A NEW CAR YOU CRAZY BITCH". She came out of the car only wearing a bra and a skirt so small if she were to bend down her ass would be exposed. Her hair and make up were all messed up and she had this evil grin on her face like she had accomplished what she wanted. It didn't take a genius to know what was going on inside that car..I felt sick to my stomach.

Lina- What are you doing here??!

Jazmin- I live here!

Lina- WHAT!?

Jazmin- Well....Not here...but next door..the loud honking your fat ass was probably making woke me up!

Lina- Yeah a fat ass my man LOVES to touch..*Whispers..AND to fuck..Something you probably know more about than I do..Since rumor has it you're schools little slut now..

Jazmin- His dick won't be the only thing fucking you up..(I turned my hands into fists as I got closer to her)

James- Easy there Tiger..What are you doing here anyway?

I turned to see him come out his car with a relaxed face expression. I wanted to punch them both for what I had seen. Though I didn't have any reason to explode towards them. After all they had history between them and I was in a relationship as well. Still I couldn't help but feel angry watching James come out of the car and approach me with just a muscle shirt and jeans. I felt my blood boil as I watched him buckle his belt again. That only made my suspicion of them having intimacy unfortunately correct.

Jazmin- Control your hoe and let people sleep! You have your house why don't you take her to your room you prick!

James- Haha...The same room I took you in?

Lina- HA.....Wait WHAT! You took her to your room James!!!!

I stood in shock as I took in his bluntly words that had strike me right in the heart. As much as I was trying to hold the tears back. As much as I wanted to yell at him and fight them both if I had too. I just couldn't his words had weaken me. So I turned around just as tears had rolled down my cheeks. I hurriedly walked back to my house while he yelled after me to stop. I felt his steps getting close to me so I ran inside my house and slammed the door behind me. I could hear Lina shouting at him telling him it was over and he was a worthless piece of shit. If there was something Lina and I could ever agree on was exactly that..He was worthless.

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