A Second Chance (Under Editin...

By Purplepulu

438K 16.9K 2.9K

Tsuna was supposed to be dead,but fate has another plan for him. Waking up into a parallel world where everyt... More

Reborn Again
Devil's Child
Ladro di Cielo
Reborn Enters!
Observation Day 1
Buried in Secrets
Flashback to the Past
The Reason Why....
Figlio di Diavolo
Gokudera Hayato
Just another Day
The Rain Guardian
Let's Hang Out!
Enter: Marshmallow Addict!
The Lightning Cow
The EXTREMELY Loud Sun and the Shy Bomb
Bucking Horse Dino
Another Precognition
Fuuta De La Stella
Undergoing Preparations
Rokudo Mukuro
Diary Entry #27: The Life of A Forgotten Child
The Messenger & The Message
Onward to Battle!
Special Chapter: A Day to Remember
Meeting with Vongola Nono (Cielo)
The Start of Another Conflict
Face to Face With the Varia
Battle for the Rings: Sun & Lightning
Battle For the Rings: Storm & Rain
Battle for the Rings: Mist
Battle for the Rings: Disappearance
Battle for the Rings: Brothers
Battle for the Rings: Intermission
Battle for the Rings: Recovery
Battles for the Rings: Sky (そら)
Battle for the Rings: Conclusion
Extra: Ignorance is Bliss
The Calm Before the Storm
The Giglio Nero Famigila
A Battle of Strength
Back in Time
Day 1 Of The Arcobaleno Trials
The Arcobaleno Trials: Sun and Cloud
The Arcobaleno Trials: The Missing Sky Arcobaleno
The Arcobaleno Trials: Reborn's Trial
The Arcobaleno Trials: Verde's Trial?
Journey Across the Stormy Seas
Box Weapons
Air Bikes
The Tartaruga Family
Choice Battle Starts
Open Box Carnage
A Sudden Turn For the Worse
Right Back Where We Started
Special: Valentine's Day! <3
Let's Go Home.
Now They Know
Where I Stand
Tying Up Loose Ends
Farewells & Goodbyes
A New Beginning
A Mundane But Peaceful Life
The Bonds of A Family
Extra: The Skylark's Memories
Last A/N I SWEAR!!!

Meeting with Vongola Nono (Tsuna)

6K 232 105
By Purplepulu

-Tsuna's POV-

It's been a week since the Kokuyou incident. Both girls were absent from school for a while to recover. But today, I saw Kyoko and Haru at the gate talking, along with Gokudera and Onii-san.

"Ohaiyo minna!"

"Ohaiyo Tsu-Kun/Tsuna/Otouto/Tsuna-sama!" They greeted.

"Are you two alright? It must have been a scary experience for you." I asked.

"We're fine now. It's not really scary because we don't quite remember what happened. We were on our way back home when I heard someone came up to us, then the next thing we knew, we awoke at some unfamiliar place with some mean-looking guys who brought us back home safely." Kyoko explained.

"Hai desu~ They explained that it was a kidnapper who wanted to trade us for a ransom but gave up when he was cornered. But I have a feeling that they're not telling us the full story." Haru continued.

"Eh. Why would you say that?" I asked, a little worried by her statement.

"My memories may not be clear but I vaguely recall a walking pineapple Kufufu-ing at me and later on when I woke up again, I saw a silver fox, grinning right at me desu!"

"Ehhhh!!!" Both me and Kyoko were shocked. Anyone else listening to her would think that she's gone crazy but I knew what she was talking about of course. I was shocked because I didn't know she saw me then.

"But Kitsune-san wasn't scary at all compared to the pineapple. He was warm and gives out an comforting feeling. I wasn't so scared anymore after seeing him." Haru grinned widely.

"OHHH! You must be talking about Cielo!!" Onii-San cut in.

"Tch. Not that guy again..." Gokudera, who had been quiet this whole time clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Cielo?" Both girls said.

"Yup! He helped us a lot too! He's a good guy!" Onii-San shouted. "He even helped me rescue my precious Imouto, he MUST join the BOXING CLUB!! I'll go find him right now!" He fist pump into the air and ran away full speed. "EXTREME!!!"

"Mou, Onii-san...." Kyoko shook her head but smiled as she picked up her brother's bag that he dropped and ran after him.

I just stared at the two Sasagawa siblings running in the distance and sweat-dropped.

You're never going to find Cielo by just running around...

"Cielo might be closer to us than we think." Gokudera said and I instinctively froze.

"Hahi! Why do you say that?"

"Because, baka-Onna--"

"Hey! I'm not a Baka-Onna, Aho-dera!"

"--The only ones who received the message were the 5 of us who were together at that time. Plus Reborn. Unless Cielo able to fool Reborn by hiding nearby and eavesdropping on us, he wouldn't be able to know where the fight is located or even when or what time we were going to fight. But I don't want to believe that he was able to get past Reborn's senses and spy on us." Gokudera explained.

I was sweating a little now. They are getting a little too close for comfort!

"Maybe you're overthinking this a little to--" I began but was cut off by none other than Reborn.

"Gokudera may be right." Reborn suddenly appeared out of nowhere as usual and hopped onto my head, making himself comfortable. "I have a feeling that Cielo's nearby, watching our every move. Though, I'm not sure what his motive is. Still, it irks me that Cielo thinks he can spy on the World's #1 Hitman and get away with it? No one messes with me and not pay the price." Reborn smiled menacingly, revealing a chill aura around him that made us all flinch.

The first bell rang and we hurried to class before the skylark can hunt us down.


I went home with the others but stayed a few meters behind the group. Even though we went through so much together yesterday, they did not know that it was me but Cielo. I felt a little left out because they always have to be careful around me, watch what they say. Though I understand the reason why, I can't help but feel sad. I have to constantly remind myself that I'm only going to be here till I finish whatever I have to do. The less attachments I have, the better.

"What's on your mind? You're not thinking of something stupid again are you?" Reborn settled on my head with a pleasing smile.

"No. Why would you say that?" I asked, plastering a smile to my face.

"You can't fool me Aho-Tsuna. It's written all over your face."

"Oh...." I didn't have a comeback for that.

We settled into a comfortable silence as we walked home. Reborn sitting on my head the whole way back. This seems like his new resting spot for him. But I was glad to have his quiet company beside me.

It made me miss the times where Reborn was always by my side because he was my tutor. Always torturing me, pushing me on and encouraging me to fight for what's important. The longing to go back home to see everyone again was so great, it felt suffocating but I swallowed all my thoughts, pushing them back down to the depths of my heart.

I'm here for a reason and I plan to find out what is it so I can get back to my real home with my real family....

The moment was broken when we reached home. Natsu walked in first, followed by his guardians and I. Reborn had hopped off my head and onto Natsu's shoulders when we entered, leaving me with a sense of loneness inside but I quickly brushed it off.

"Tadaima Na-kun and I see you got your friends with you~" Nana-san smiled at each of them, but ignored me and returned her gaze to Natsu.

"Why are you so happy Kaa-san and why is there so much food on the table?" Natsu pointed at the table filled with Kaa-san's homemade specialties.

"Oh Na-kun! Your dad's coming home today! And he bought someone important to him over to visit!"

"Whaa!! He's coming back? But he's only been away for like what? 2 months or so? Why is he suddenly coming back? And with who?" Natsu questioned his mom but she had already turned her back to us, walking back to the kitchen to whip up more of her homemade dishes.

Great, he's back again?

It's not that I harbor any ill feelings towards Iemistu-san or anything. Or Nana-san for that matter. I don't but it's just sad to see a familiar face treating me so cold. Back in my world, even though Tou-san wasn't around much, me and Kaa-san get by well and happy each day. Kaa-san was always smiles and love for me but here, everything is different in a cruel way. The face is the same but her attitude isn't, same with Iemitsu-san. That's why I refuse to call them my parents but by their names. This is to remind myself that they are not my parents, they'll never be.

If he's coming back now, I guess it's time for me to go hide in my room and become non-existent.

I lied on my bed in my dark room and sighed.

Alone in my room and hearing the loud yells of my brother and his friends downstairs gave me a unbearable sense of loneness.

To keep my mind off it, I thought back onto the events that happened yesterday.

Oh, that's right! The present Leon made for me. I almost forgot about it.

Fishing into my pocket, i felt for the cold metal and pulled it out. Holding the brass knuckles in front of me, I examine it closely.

It has a glossy onyx coating with a tint of bronze in it. I liked how the moonlight shining through my open window bounces off of the cool metal.

I wore it on my hands and was surprised at how light it was. It fits my hands well as though i had wore it for years.

I'm amazed at how Leon does it. Like my previous weapon. Leon has done a amazing job of producing it in itself. I wasn't sure why Leon gave me a weapon too but I wasn't complaining. At least now I have something comfortable to fight with.

I wonder if it would transform like how my mittens did?

I was tempted to try it out but then I heard the front door slam open and a loud voice resonate throughout the house.

"Honey!! I'm home!!" Iemitsu-san shouted.

Iemitsu-san is the same as Tou-san....but at least Tou-san cared about his family in his own way....

I pocketed the knuckles and took out my headphone, covering my ears and blasting the music loud to block out the unnecessary noise.


-Normal POV-

Downstairs, Iemitsu was hugging Nana in a tight bear hug.

"Oh Sweet Nana! I missed you!!" He cried and kissed her lovingly.

"Mou~ Anata..." Nana laughed.

The rest watch on at the embarrassing couple and smiled except for Natsu who was red in embarrassment.

"Ahem." A cough caught their attention and they turned to see a old man in his 70s standing at the door.

Iemitsu broke apart the hug and chuckled sheepishly.

"Errr... Sorry Nono." He apologized and they proceeded to the living room for an introduction to those who didn't know him.

"Eh! Grandpa?! I don't remember him at all!" Natsu yelled and got kick in the face by Reborn.

"Of course you don't remember me, I only stayed for a while and you were so young back then." Nono chuckled. "So, I see these are your guardians?" Nono looked at Yamamoto, Gokudera, Ryohei and Lambo in the room.


"Extremely nice to meet you!!"

"Vongola Nono! It's an honor to meet you!" Gokudera bowed while Lambo hid at the back, wary of this stranger in the house.

"It's not decided yet, but they do have the potential to be Natsu's guardians." Reborn explained.

"I'm sorry to say this Reborn, but I refuse to follow Natsume after what he said during the Kokuyou incident." Gokudera said humbly. "I'm only here because of Tsuna-sama. He is the one worth following."

Nono brows raised slightly at the mention of Tsuna.

Tsuna-sama? He really thinks highly of this boy. Now, just where is this boy that I've heard so much but haven't seen yet? Nono thought.

"Hey! I wouldn't want you following me about like some lost puppy too!" Natsu retorted.

"Yeah! Tsu-nii is the only one I will follow! I hate that Baka-Natsu! Always being mean to me!" Lambo who has been quiet this whole time finally spoke up, shouting in anger.

"Extremely right!! I have no idea what you're talking about but if you're talking about boxing, I wouldn't want to have Natsu in my team too. Teamwork is important in any kind of sports, but he have no trace of it." Ryohei yelled, making his point loud and clear.

Having all 3 of his so called friends insult him like that, Natsu couldn't find the words to say. Nono who was silently observing Natsu saw the slight pain in his eyes, followed by the anger that replaced it.

"Whatever, I don't need you guys anyway. You're weak, I can always find someone stronger to replace all of you."

At this, everyone's anger flared, tension rising high in the air. It was only broken when Nono spoke up.

"Enough. Nana is waiting for us. Let's have dinner shall we?" Nono casually said but Reborn could see the strain behind his eyes as he gripped his cane tightly in anger.

Dinner was quiet and awkward. Gokudera, Yamamoto and Ryohei had excuse themselves from dinner. Gokudera saying that he had something urgent to do, Yamamoto needed to help his dad with the restaurant and for Ryohei, his sister had already prepared dinner for him at home.

During dinner, Lambo was uncharacteristically quiet and ate his dinner reluctantly.

"What's wrong Lambo-chan? Is their something wrong with the food?" Nana asked the boy.

"No...but Lambo wants to eat Tsu-nii's cooking..." Lambo mumbled but it was heard by everyone.

"Oh. Is this Tsu-nii you talked about really good at cooking?" Nono asked.

Lambo immediately brightened up, reverting back to his loud behavior. "Of course! Tsu-nii's cooking is the best! No one can ever compare to Tsu-nii!" Lambo puffed out his chest proud, as though he was talking about himself.

So this Tsuna is really loved by so many people around him. Tsuna will have a chance to be the Decimo, if they become his guardians. Nono thought but quickly shook that thought away.

No, ultimately it would still have to be his decision. After all he went through, it'll be cruel to drag him into a power fight for the Decimo seat. Especially when my son is planning something big right now.....

"So, where is this Tsu-nii you talked about? Why isn't he coming to join us for dinner?" Nono asked and immediately the cow's smile turned upside down.

"Tsu-nii said he wasn't feeling well and is resting in his room right now...." Lambo said worryingly.

"He's sick?"

"I don't know. But Tsu-nii doesn't like it whenever maman is around. His face turns sad and frowny and whenever I see that, I get sad too. Lambo-san don't like to see Tsu-nii sad...." Lambo had tears in his eyes, threatening to spill over but he held it in.

Everyone was silent over what Lambo said, each in their own thoughts but before anyone can say anything, Lambo continued.

"But Tsu-nii strong! So Lambo decided to be strong like Tsu-nii too so Lambo-san can help him!! So Tsu-nii will never be sad again!" Lambo said with determination strong in his twinkling eyes.

Nono smiled and Reborn smirked at how much the crybaby cow had grown. Nono was happy that Tsuna at least have someone supporting him by his side. Nana and Iemitsu were silent, who knows what's going on in their minds right now. Natsu just scowled at the cow.

"HAH! You? Strong? You need at least another 20 years for that. All you are right now is a crybaby nuisance." He scoffed.

"Lambo-san WILL get stronger! Even stronger than baka-Natsu!! Just watch me!!" Lambo yelled and finally cried, unable to bear it any longer.

"WAHHHH!!! Baka-Natsu is being mean to me again!!! Tsu-nii!!!!" He jumped from his seat and ran up the stairs to Tsuna's room.

Reborn glared at Natsu while Nono just shook his head in disappointment.

Upstairs, they heard the door of Tsuna's room opening and the crying cow wailing as he runs in.

"Wahhh!!Tsu-nii!!!" Lambo cried but after a while, his cries settled down into muffled sobs.

"There there...Don't cry now Lambo. Didn't you promise me you'll get stronger? Or are you lying?" Everyone heard Tsuna's voice trying to calm the crying boy down from the dinning room.

"Lambo-san's not lying! Lambo-san will definitely get stronger soon but....not today...." Lambo sniffed.

Reborn called from downstairs. "Oi Aho-Tsuna, why don't you come down and greet our guest. It's rude to just hide in your room when their's a guest in the house."

A loud long sigh was heard followed by footsteps descending the stairs and towards them.

A brunette came into view with a still sniffling boy in his arms. Lambo cling onto him, refusing to let go, thus Tsuna could only carry him until he decides to.

"Nice to meet you Nono. I apologize that I was not able to greet you just now. I was feeling unwell." Tsuna bowed and greeted Nono with a warm smile.

Nono was shocked. He did not expect to see a boy his age who looks exactly like his twin brother to be so polite.

So this is Sawada Tsunayoshi. The rumored Devil that everyone talks about....

He assessed Tsuna with a keen eye; from the way he conducted himself, the way his eyes looked at him and the way that he moved.

Strange. Nono thought. His body language tells me that he's being wary. But what's there to be wary of in his house? What's more, his eyes showed me that he had seen much more horrible things than I have in my time. What horrible things could a 14 year old boy have seen that made his eyes turn so cold and hard but at the same time, be able to smile with such warmness?

Plus, the way he moved showed that he had training before. Every inch of his movements were not wasted and he moved with grace and power. It tells me that he can hold his own in a fight.

Tsuna knew Nono was assessing him and felt himself grew uncomfortable under his gaze.

"U-um, Lambo's asleep now so I need to put him to bed." True enough, Lambo had cried himself to sleep in Tsuna's arms, snoozing peacefully around the brunette's warmth.

Nono and Reborn remain quiet as they watch Tsuna hurry away from their sights.

"So that's the famous Tsuna I've heard so much about. He's really not what I expected." Nono smiled.

"Right? I find him very interesting too. That's why I wanted you to see him in person rather then reading it from my reports."

"Er Reborn? You were the one who asked Nono to come?" Iemitsu interrupted them. They had been so quiet that Nono and Reborn had forgotten they were still here.

"Yes, Baka-mitsu. You never mention having another son in your reports so I had Nono come down here to see him for himself. He's really a good kid by the way, I can't understand why you don't acknowledge him as one."

"I would like to hear the reason as well Iemitsu." Nono said sternly. As it was a direct order from his boss, he had no choice but to comply.

"I'll never acknowledge him as my son! He's a devil after all. He scared my precious Nana, tried to kill Natsu and made the whole of Namimori turn against us! He made my family suffer because of his lies! Everywhere he goes, death follows. He's a devil, a Shinigami, a demon! He should have stayed dead when that incident happened but he woke up again just to torment us! I'll never ever see him as my son. I wished he never have been born! Natsume is my only child." Iemitsu raged while Reborn and Nono gasped in horror at what he said.

"And you abandon him because of that? Isn't he still your family? Shouldn't you have tried to understand and be there for him?" Reborn was so mad now, his fingers twitched to pull a gun at this idiot in front of him.

"Understand him?! How could I understand what a devil is thinking? He was only here to drag us down, to make our lives miserable and he succeeded in doing that." Iemitsu has now stood up and began pacing back and forth in rage while Nana and Natsu sat there in silence, not defending his son/brother but also not agreeing with him.

Reborn opened his mouth to argue back but Nono stopped him.

"No. Nothing you say would change his mind. He has decided that his son is a monster that his mind has made him out to be and he'll not change it so easily. As frustrating as it is, we need to focus on our other task now, that is to meet up with Cielo."

At the mention of Cielo, Natsu perked up in his seat.

"Cielo? You're meeting him tonight? I wanna come!"

"Dame-Natsu, this is not a field trip. This is a important meeting for an alliance."

"I know I know! I'll be quiet and only observe. Please can I come?" Natsu pleaded and instead of stopping his son, Iemistu laughed.

"Come on, he's going to be the Decimo one day isn't he? So what's the harm in letting him go and see the things he'll be doing in the future?"

"It's not decided that he'll be the Decimo yet. Don't get too cocky Baka-mitsu." Reborn growled out and pointed a gun at him threateningly.

Nono only sighed. "Fine, let's take him along. But you must remain quiet and never interfere. Come on now, we need to go now. Otherwise we'll be late."

"Yes sir." Both Reborn and Iemitsu said and they walked out with Natsume bouncing after them to their destination; Namimori Middle School.

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