The Girl and Her Breaking Hea...

By Wildfire_247

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Alexandra Queen, she has never had a normal childhood. Her and her mother were abused by her father and his f... More

Welcome to TGHBH
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
No Update this Weekend (NNTR#1)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
A/N Update (NNTR#2)
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
A/N (NNTR#4)
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chatper 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
The Heart Series

Chapter 19

51 7 0
By Wildfire_247

↠ Alexandra Queen ↞

I ran to the police car and looked again for anything to defend myself. The sirens were getting closer. While looking again I saw a picture of the police officer and the doctor from before along with two boys that look nearly the same age and a little girl around five but none of them looked anything alike.

I felt someone's presence behind me. I saw a bat underneath the seat so I grabbed it. I spin around to look at them.

It was a cop so I breathed in relief. "Ma'am where's the officer who's car you were in" I looked behind him feeling like someone was watching.

"I don't know, he went after the guy that was with me but he hasn't come back. I heard gunshots though" he nodded.

"Okay ma'am we'll take it from here" the officer replied. He looked to his left and signaled someone to follow him.

I didn't notice the other two police cars until I saw two other officers come out. They walked behind the officer who had questioned me. One of them looked young around his 20s. He had this hand on his gun ready for an attack.

Not long after they disappear into the woods the one that looked in his 20s came running out looking sick. He goes to the side of the police car I'm next to and throws up.

The officer that was with him before came speed walking after him. He looked much older "It's part of the job kid. It's part of being a police officer" he told the other sounding devastated about something.

I walked up to them. "Is the police alright?" I asked nervously. "No, the person he was chasing... um... killed him..." he mumbled something afterward but I didn't hear because everything around me seem to fade.

I walked to the car I was with Samuel in. The sounds of the cars passing by seemed to fade away.

'It was my fault he's de... dead'

"Ma'am are you ok?" Someone asked. I couldn't bring myself to say anything.

'Pull yourself together Alexandra. Don't think about yourself'

I listened to my head and I nodded to the person. "I'm okay" I say.


So much is happening right now. People keep asking me questions like:
"Are you ok?"
"Who was the person with you?"
"Did you hear anything else?"
"Did you see anything?"
"Do you know why he wanted to take you"
On and on but all I was focused on was the police officers family.

A few minutes ago they called his family and told them what happened. I wanted to do it but they wouldn't let me. It was my fault after all. They came in not long after being called.

The police officers husband was the doctor. It was the doctor that helped Sam out earlier and talked to me.

All the guilt I already had was a million times bigger. Not only did I cause someone's husband but the husband of a guy who saved my best friends life.

He saved a life for me and I cause one to die for him. I haven't been able to look at him in the eye since him and his kids got here.

The doctor was in normal clothing with three kids by his side. I stared at them as I saw there faces change from worried to scared in matter of seconds.

I could see the little girls face. Tears had started to roll down her cheeks and wouldn't stop. She didn't even bother to wipe them away. The doctor bent down on his knees to be at the same level as her.

He talked to her and she seem to clam down just a bit. He hugged her land than pulled his sons towards him to hug them too. They all cried not caring who was watching.

I needed to get out of there but I couldn't bring myself to move.

'If I wasn't such a chicken and fought him off than I didn't have to involve the police into it.' I told myself.

I was to involved in my thoughts that I didn't notice the doctor walking my way. I instantly got up from my seat. He sat the kids next to where I was sitting.

"Can I talk to you?" He asked and I nodded slowly. He walked off to the exit. I looked at the his kids and than followed him.

He was standing by the door waiting. "You don't have to speak" he paused but than continued. "It wasn't your fault, ok? He died doing what he loved" he chuckled softly realizing something.

"I told him over and over that it would kill him" tears started to roll down his cheeks slowly. "But he wouldn't listen. He said 'he loved the rush of saving people'. He loved being able to have power against the villains as my kids use to say." I gave him a hug without thinking twice as I saw more tears rolling down his cheek.

He needed this, he needed to let it all out. "It's ok to cry. You don't have to be strong for your kids. There stronger than you think" I said as tears started to roll down my cheeks as well.


"You'll catch him right?" Christopher asked.

"We'll do what we can. For now I think you should take yourself and the kids for some well deserved sleep. We'll call you if anything happens or comes up" a police officer said. Christopher doesn't seem to agree with the idea.

I placed my hand in his shoulder and he looked down at him and I spoke "Christopher he's right" I looked over my shoulder seeing Chrisha, Anthony and Luke sleeping. He signed and nodded him head "I guess your right than."

"You'll call me right?" Christopher asked and the police officer nodded. "You'll be the first to know anything Chris" Christopher took a breath and than walked to his kids and I followed behind.

He picked up Chrisha up carefully and placed her on his side holding her with one arm. He used the other to tap both Anthony and Luke.

"Anthony, Luke. Come on get up" he said softly. They moved slightly and than opened there eyes slowly. "What happened dad?" asked Anthony.

"We're going home" Christopher whispered. They got up and then started walking outside. Christopher looked at me and smiled.

"Thank you so much for earlier" he whispered while fixing Chrisha in his arms. He was now holding her with the other hand on her back. "You don't have to thank me Christopher. I wish I could have done more" I whispered back.

"Alexandra it wasn't your fault and neither was it mine. I know that now. My husband made a choice that costed him his life. We couldn't have stopped him even if we wanted to" he smiled at me sweetly.

"I know, I know it just....." I traveled off. "Alexandra I understand. Please don't fight yourself over this. This job is dangerous and we both know it. It could've happened anytime but knowing he died saving a life makes it hurt less than if he died just because some kid shot him to not get arrested. Don't worry about my family and I. We'll make it just fine" I nodded and mumbled okay.

"You should go see Sam, he's gotten better fast. He might be able to leave earlier than I thought. He's been asking for you, to make sure your ok" he said. "Ok I'll visit him tonight I first have to find a ride" he laughed "of course I forgot you don't have a ride since they took the car you were in. I'll give you a ride if you want" he offered.

"I couldn't intrude like that. It's ok I'll call my mom to come" I replied.

"I was going to pass by anyway, I had to grab some stuff I left" he started to walking to the car. "Come on now" he said.

I followed "It seems like I can't say no than" I laughed.

Christopher placed Chrisha in her car seat carefully. "I don't like taking no for an answer so yeah."

"You can go and take a seat in the front seat while I get Chrisha into her seat" I nodded and said okay.

I got to the front seat and wait for him. I hear a car close and than an another open. Christopher sits in the drives seat and starts the car.


"Thank god your ok" Sam said in relief as I walked through the door.

I go next to his hospital bed and sit in a chair next to it. "I should be saying that. You're the one in a hospital bed" I said.

"True but you could have also been in one of these beds and I'm happy your not" I nodded laughing. "Me too, do you know when your getting out of here yet? Christopher had told me that when..." I paused not knowing if I should say Samuels name. I don't know why I wouldn't but it just didn't feel right in a way.

"It's ok to say Samuel Lexi" he sighed.

'Stop thinking about your selfish self Alexandra'

"Your not being selfish Alexandra." My eyes widen realizing I had said that out loud. "I understand, my brother has done many things to you and I understand if you don't feel right saying his name out loud it's okay" I didn't realize I was looking away until I felt his hand on my chin. "It's okay Lexi" he said making me face him.

I nodded an okay and smiled. "You should both get some rest. You've both had a ruff day" Christopher said leaning against the frame of the door.

'How long has he been standing there?' I said out loud without knowing.

"Long enough" Christopher said with a small smirk. I felt my cheeks heat up.

'Boys and there smirks I tell you. I have to stop blushing and saying things out loud' I said to myself this time.

"I'll see you tomorrow than?" I ask Sam and he nods "I hope so" I kiss his cheek and head out the door.

We walk down a long hallway. Stopping at the elevators and pressing the down button. I felt someone stop behind and look at them and smile.

"You guys really are cute together" my eyes widen in shock at him. "What no... Do we? Wait what? I mean he's my best friend" I said blushing. Christopher only laughs. "It's ok I won't tell" I laugh nervously and get into the elevator as it opens.

I press the first floor and we soon appear on the first floor. "See you tomorrow Sarah" Christopher said to the desk lady as we passed by. She was blushing none stop as we passed.

"Does she know your... um..." I traveled off not finding the right word. "Gay?" Christopher finished for me. I nodded "No, no one does. People now in days are just so judgmental. Mikel wanted to keep our relationship private. Not a lot of people know of our relationship" he seemed much calmer than before talking about Mikel.

"Is that why when he called you a friend when he said you told him about Samuel and me" He nodded. "Yeah, to most people we are just friends who took in some kids. Since I'm don't seem like the gay type people just blow it over." he said looking away.

I was about to say something when someone with something stopped me. I felt a cold and sharp blade against my throat. I could see the horror in Christopher's eyes. "Don't hurt her please." He begged. "If you have to hurt someone hurt me not her." I shook my head at him. "No Christopher you have a family, why the heck would you risk that?" I said angry.

'No one will be getting hurt or drying because of me again'

"So do you Lexi" I was stopped again from talking as the blade was move closer to my throat. "No one will be getting hurt if you just shut up and listen. Got that?" Me and Christopher both nodded.

"Now go on and move" Samuel yelled into my ear making me jump. "Where?" Asked Chris. "To the car" Samuel replied.

We walked to the car slowly "hurry the fvck up. I know you can walk faster than that" Samuel yelled. We started speed walking to the car.

I kept forgetting that he still had the knife on my throat. When I walked faster than him the blade would sink into my throat a bit. He would have to continually pull me back to him.

"Dad can we go now" yawned Anthony while rubbing his eyes not yet looking at us.

Once he looked at us his eyes scanned us and than widen once he meet Samuels hand. "Dad what's going on" he asked scared.

"Nothing Anthony just get in the car" Christopher said scared for Anthony's life. "We're at the car now. What do you want?" Asked Christopher. "Don't ask me questions" Samuel said putting the knife closer to my throat again. "Ok, ok I'm sorry. Please just don't hurt her" I could feel tears running down my cheek.

"I want you to get in the car and drive me somewhere." Christopher nodded without hesitating and gets in the car.


"If you follow I'll make sure she gets worse than a slice to the throat" Samuel threatened Christopher. "I won't" Christopher said.

Samuel told Christopher to drop us off at the police station where they had his car. "I'm warning you now so if I see you following I'll kill her and your kids in front of you. Don't say I didn't warn you" Christopher nodded his head and than looked at me with sadness in his eyes.

I'm sorry he mouthed. I just smiled letting him know it was okay. "Go on now. Leave, or..." he pulled the blade to my throat closer again. Christopher turned his car on again and took off. Samuel moved the blade from my throat. Without hesitation I hit him with my elbow and kick his man hold.

He feel to the floor groaning. I started to run at fast as I could looking behind to make sure he wasn't following. I turned the corner and instantly hit someone's chest. "Now where do you think your again" He smirked down at me and than grabbed me.

Never in my whole life did I think I would see him again. "Let go of me you monster" I yelled trying to get out of his hold. "I'm not the monster here" he laughed.

He held me with one arm and with the other hand he took something out of his pocket. He put it over my nose and mouth. I felt sleepy.

"Please don't do this" I said fading away. "You did this to yourself......." I didn't hear the rest as the darkness over took me.

[Ok so a few days ago my school was on the news because of something that happened. I won't go into a lot of details about what exactly is it that happened. I don't watch the news or listen to rumors about my peers a lot so I just found out about this. A girl was jumped at my school-not outside before or after school but during. The girl is actually transgender-meaning she is actually a he. She was jumped because of this reason by 4 kids in the halls. All I want to say is don't judge people by there sexuality. We are not perfect and you shouldn't push yourself or others to be 'perfect' because it isn't really. There is no such thing as perfection. Let people be who they want to be. If a girl wants to like a other girl romantically than let her. Same thing goes with boy. Or if a girl or a boy want to like both genders romantically than let them be. Treat people as you want to be treated. Don't bully or treat others differently because of this. And I'm not saying this because I like girls romantically because I don't. I'm saying this because it's horrible how people are treated because of how they are. If you are against what I'm saying than please go ahead remove this book from your library and unfollow if you want, I don't care. Like I said "treat people how you want to be treated."]

『 𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚟𝚘𝚝𝚎 𝚋𝚢 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛 𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚘𝚖, 𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚙𝚜 𝚖𝚎 𝚊 𝚕𝚘𝚝 』

~Follow Me For Updates And Talk To Me Whenever You Want~
Twitter: Wildfire_247
Instagram: Wildfire_247

Xoxo ~Wildfire~♥️

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