By -harryshallway

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You will drown in the sweet sorrow of the passion. More

The Prologue
The Epilogue.
New Book


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By -harryshallway

My destination was almost in front of me. My book and bed where close and I desperately wanted to be home. To sit back and let it all wash over me.

In ten minutes I would have been there, that's what I told my dear mother at least. But it never were ten minutes, oh what an irony.

At my fast pace, I gasped when two muscular and strong arms wrapped themselves around my walking and warm body. Being alarmed I looked down at them.

My back was met with a hard chest. The two of them colliding rather roughly when the arms pulled me even tighter in their suffocating hold. My eyes growing wide out of pure fear and shock.

Parting my lips, so I could scream, the one behind me knew my plan and covered my mouth with his large hand. Preventing me from screaming so loud, someone might be able to hear it.

I knew it was him. From the way his ringed hand was covering my mouth; the way his skin burned mine when we touched; from the way my heart found its fast pace.

I felt his breathing next to my ears. His minty breath invading me and my space. His rock-hard chest vibrating with every groan and breathe Harry takes behind my body.

Nobody was there to witness and just like every time, Harry picked the right time and location -- with nobody to witness and hear.

"Don't do anything you'll regret, darling. Just focus on me and you'll see." He breathed out.

His touch left my body and I cleared my throat, "Where is Elijah? I know you have something to do with this. Just tell me."

He was already facing me, looking me deep in the eyes after he turned me around with his hands. He observed my face and said nothing, leaving me inpatient and in fear.

"Just tell me Harry! I want to know where he is and I am sure you have something to do with this," I let out, getting angrier and frustrated, "So spit it out! I can't do this anymore, please."

He just shook his head and eyed me seductively. I let out a sigh and with his strong hand around my wrist, he prevented me from escaping.

Suddenly he dragged me with him and I did everything to stop him and resist. He was too strong and before I knew what was happening, he opened his familiar black car.

Moving his head, letting me know I was supposed to get in, he furrowed his eyebrows when I refused. Loud and fuming breaths escaping his well-shaped lips.

"Get in the car, June."
His voice was rasp and suprisingly soothing, but as soothing as it may be,
I will not set foot in his car. Never.

He rolled with his eyes and
grabbed my arm roughly, dragging me towards the seat and pushing me in it. The massive size of his hands against my small back.

"No! Leave me alone! You sick bastard!" I protest, still struggling with keeping myself out of his car,
"Bloody hell! You are fucking crazy!"

I felt all different emotions now, clouding my functioning mind. Tears streaming over my cheeks, making their journey down my face. I let out silent cries and tried to prevent myself from being pushed in the back of his car.

"Is everything alright here?"
we suddenly heard a female voice asking. Her soft voice pausing Harry his violent attempt to lure and push me in his car.

We both turned our heads to look at her. Her frowning face glanced at us with worry and incomprehension. Her lips, decorated with a fierce red lipstick were in a small thin line.

I felt Harry's grip on my arm tightening, his rings pressing in the flesh of my skin. Probably marking it with his iron decorations. I flinched a bit, because of the pain it gave me, but I knew what he wanted to make clear. I had to do one thing -- lying.

"Yeah, we're fine. D-don't worry." I finally managed to croak out, almost choking it out. The unknown woman squinted her eyes and after some more examing, she nodded and walked away.

When she was out of sight and my mind was still processing all that was happening, Harry's massive hands pushed me forwards, making me land on the couch in the back of his car. Too suprised about his sudden move, there was not time left for me to resist and I was hopeless again.

My head colliding with the soft material of the seats, I blinked a couple times and looked behind me to see him looking down at me, winking and after that, slamming the door shut with a loud bang.

Remembering I had my phone in my pocket, I quickly pulled the thing out and tried to contact my mother as soon as possible, but before I even properly had the chance to do so, Harry pulled the thing out of my hand and I met his mocking stare.

Already seated in the front of the car, behind the wheel, Harry was turned around to meet my eyes and hid my phone away in the back of his pocket. He chuckled and I murmered some curse words.

"Enjoy the ride, darling."

He turned around and I was met with his back. His long curls on full view now. The car started vibrating -- roaring to life and that was when I understood what was happening.

My heart started to beat so fast along with my breathing rhythm, that I almost passed out from the sudden energy it made me waste.

I started banging on the windows quite loudly, trying to catch someone's attention. The bones of my hands colliding with the thick windows creating a hurting spot on my hand, but I could not care less. Looking around the for an object to break the window with, I heard him chuckling.

Nothing. I grew immensely worried and scanned the area outside the car. All nature, green and colorful passing us by. But nothing that was familiar. We were already far away and with the speed Harry was racing this car, we would be even further away in the blink of an eye.

"Where are you taking me?" I breathed out. Sweat started to break out and licked my dry lips.

He completelt ignored me. With his hands still on the wheel and eyes on the road, he brought us further away from home. Fear was slowly fading, when seeing his way of behaving and instead of that, I felt anger seeping through my veins.

Laying down on the seat, I kicked the door with all my strength. This weird combination of anger and fear making me do the weirdeast things to stop free. I groaned when the movement made my feet hurt and the door did not move a bit.

Seeing Harry was still ignoring my attemps of escaping, I repeated the movement. With all my strength I hit the door with my tiny feet and once again was there no movement at all.

Harry suddenly stopped the car. My head jerked up to meet his angry stare looking down at my laying posture. Fuming and full of anger he pierced through me and it was as if he saw my soul. My heart.

With furrowed eyebrows, anger was so present on his face, but that was not the worst thing that made my eyes grow wide and my hands sweaty. Harry's eyes were a frightening color of dark green -- almost black. The delightful sight of green I have grown to adore has totally faded.

"Stop that, or there will be consequences. Trust me, when I say you won't like them." His hands gripped the steering wheel harshly, his knuckles turning white.

I swallowed, but a sudden rush of bravery made me test his patience. I kicked again and again. Hair falling out my ponytail from the harsh movement and falling in front of my eyes, blocking my vision a bit.

The car was abruptly stopped when he pulled the brakes again and this time he stepped out of the vehicle. I sat up and looked outside. Lost and deserted.

I heard the door slamming shut and for a couple of seconds I was completely alone. Drops of sweat started to form on my forehead and fall down my shirt. Still alone, I waited and breathed out my fear.

I was not alone for long. Harry opened the door I was kicking at and when his eyes met mine, I crawled towards the other end of the couch, away from his angered body and tried to make myself as small as possible.

It was all no use when he bend forward and without any effort he took my foot in his hands, pulling me towards him. My body slid over the couch and I kicked and resist, in vain. Harry was too strong, with ease he made it all seem like nothing. His intimidating stare and body language scaring me even more.

"No, leave me alone! Get off me!"

Setting me down on my feet right in fronf of him, he put his large hand around my chin, lifting it up so our eyes could meet. Anger showing so detailed in his dark eyes.

"Stop behaving like a child." He barked, gripping my arms roughly.

"You expect me to stop behaving like a child? You are insane! Literally insane! Bring me home now!" I hit his chest with my fist, my anger getting the best of me.

"I am finally here, with you. I am finally with my cure. I found you and now I keep you," he breathed out, while looking in my eyes. His eyes staring into mine and making me lose all sense of what was happening.

"What on earth are you rambling about? You are insane! I want-,"
And before I even had the chance to finish, Harry his angelic lips collided with mine. Skin against skin, setting the both of us on fire.

So much anger and passion being felt in the kiss we shared, it made me weak in my knees. Embracing me with his arms and pulling me closer against his body, he groaned into the lustful kiss.

And as always, I was under his spell again, there where he wanted me to be. I was not in a state to resist or protest anymore. All negative emotiones flew out of my body.

Both losing air to breathe on, we parted and his swollen lips looked addictive and soft. Licking my lips, I felt that my cheeks were heated. A blush probably visible on them.

"You're right, darling. I am insane."

His hands touched my face and as always touched every part. The rough tips sliding over my smooth skin, creating friction. A smile crept on his face and his eyes lit up like the moon at night. All dark dissapeared and not their usual green colour is back.

"You're so beautiful, so gorgeous. My pure, innocent, little angel." His rasp voice broke the silence, where in he was once again fascinated with the sight of me right in front of him.

His words were so enchanting, mesmerising and unforgetable. They melt their way into my beating heart. Harry's hands take my head in between them and the only thing he does, is stare at me.

It was like he lost himself, like he was gone -- not there anymore. His soul left his body and something took over. But what kept him here, was me. The only one he ever saw and where his heart lives for. The only thing he needs and wants.


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