A guard's Child (Felix voltur...

By Adhd-Demetri

106K 2.3K 388

When a particular guard member finds you in a burnt down home, he ends up taking you in as his own child. Fe... More

chpt 1.
Chpt 4
Chpt: 6
Chpt: 8
Chpt 9
A snow day
Chpt: 11
chpt: 13. Winterfest
Chpt 14.
chpt 15


9.6K 204 72
By Adhd-Demetri

Once we arrived at the hotel room, Alec and Nessie had took off to the pool, leaving me and you alone.

I sighed and laid you down on the bed, making a make shift crib out of pillows and blankets. You were still asleep.

I sat down on the bed with you, grabbed the remote and started to channel surf. Nothing seemed to be on.

I sighed and settled on this x-men movie. It didn't seem to bad but was kind of hard to follow.

It was kind of interesting. The colossus guy looked pretty cool. But it was kind of sad he got ripped in half by those sentinels. Even more sad when storm was stabbed.

I ended up getting lost in my thoughts. Getting bored of the movie.

'What would Aro think? Me bringing back a baby?
What would he make me do with you? Would he let me keep you or kill you?'

I leaned back into the bed and flicked off the t.v.
Turning to you I gently stroked your rosy little cheek. You lightly moved, letting out a soft sigh.

You started to squirm. A small whimper escaped your mouth. Your tiny little hand made a grabby motion, imidiently my hand quickly caught yours. Your little fingers wrapped around my own, giving it a gentle squeeze. The sound of your heart beating softly was almost hypnotic.

I honestly had never felt this happy before.
It felt like a place in my heart that I never knew was there was filled with joy just having you.

It was so peaceful in the hotel room. I could hear the other people in the other rooms close to mine talking, little kids running the hallway, a couple talking about their life goals.

A knock on my door snapped me out of my daze, who is that? I couldnt detect a heart beat so it definitely wasn't Alec and Nessie. I quickly got up and opened the door.

"Demetri? What are you doing here?"

"Aro sent me to take care of a newborn who isn't familiar with our laws a state over, so I thought i'd stop by and say hello. You were kind of on my route anyway."

"Oh! Well uh come in!"
I said gesturing for him to come in.

He walked in and I could see him stiffen up a little bit. He turned back to me. His eyes black.

"Felix? "


"Why do you have a baby?"

".. they're... well... kind of mine now?" I blurted out.

I waited for his reaction, making uncomfortable eye contact with him.

He started laughing, much to my surprise.

"Well I, personally, am not surprised. You have often talked about wanting to be a dad and I guess this is probably your only chance outside of adopting the twins as your own."

I chuckled and sat back down on the bed with a huph, grabbing you.
Demetri sat down on the edge. Getting himself comfy. You gave a small whine, opening your eyes to see what was going on.

You started to cry. Clearly not happy about being woken up.

"I know (y/n) I know, you aren't happy" I said placing a small kiss on your forehead. I lightly bounced you in my arms.

Your eyes darted to my crest. Your crying slowly came to a stop as you reach up for it.
I panicked and hid it, scared you'd somehow choke on it. You suddenly let out an ear piercing scream.

Demetri only laughed and pulled off his crest, dangling it in front of you. Your crying once again stopped as you reached for it.

"Heh, guess I'm not as bad with kids as I thought." He said giving me a smirk.

I glared at him, only making him smirk even more. Show off.

He pulled off the golden chain and let you have your way with the crest. You gave a happy gurgle as you chewed on it.

"So what's the kid's name again?"


Your eyes went straight to me when I said your name. You gave me a gummy smile.

"Your a shrimp! How old is (y/p)?"

"Only 5 month olds. So (y/p)'s got a lot to grow."

"Clearly!" He laughed, gently taking you into his arms and bouncing you easily.

You let out happy gargless as he did so. Your arms doing a cute up and down motion. You kicked your feet, delighted.

It made me feel so warm hearing your laughter, it was like a melody to me. Demetri also seemed happy to hear you laughing, because on his face was a genuine smile.

"So where's Alec at?"

"He's down at the pool with Nessie, I think those two like each other?"

"Oh really? Do you wanna play love doctor?"

"...... sure? What are we gonna do?"

"Ill bring Alec with me so he can spend a bit more time with her, you can head back home with your child once your done checking on her.
Before then, all you gotta do is constantly push those two together until I get back!"

I nodded and smiled, this was going to be brilliant!

Speaking of the two, we could hear them coming down the hallway, talking and giggling like school girls.

It was honestly sweet, they both seemed like they deserved a good night to themselves.

I quickly got up and opened the door for them. Then sat back down on the bed. Both of the two were still wet from the pool.

"So did you two have fun?"

Demetri asked them.

"Yeah we had lots of fun! We went on the giant water slide and we got into the hot tub to relax a little bit!" Nessie exclaimed excitedly, but then her face suddenly dropped into a frown.

Nessie's eyes went wide when she spotted Demetri. She eyed him scared.

"You know, I'm not here to hurt you kid, I'm here for another reason. So you're safe." He said winking at her.

I could see her visibly relaxing again. Alec shrugged it off and grabbed her hand, pulling her into their own room. Shutting the door behind them.

Demetri turned to me with a huge grin on his face.

"They so like each other." He whispered to low for them to hear.

I nodded in response. I learned back into the bed, while Demetri played with you. Bouncing and tickling you. You didn't seem to mind him to much.

"Well I'll be going now, nice running into you and your little one here." He said handing you back to me. You gave an unhappy whine.

He left, leaving me and you to ourselves.

I sighed and placed you back into your little makeshift crib. Your fingers still tightly wrapped around the crest, you nawed on it.

"Tomorrow's going to be one back of a day, huh?"

You only looked at me and smiled.

~The Next Morning~

Before I knew it, morning was already here. Meaning it was time to take Nessie home and that we had to head back to Volterra, well me and you did. Alec still had to stay with Demetri.

Nessie was just now waking up, getting herself ready for the day. Alec was playing with you and I was getting my cloak on.

I dreaded going back to the Cullen's home because I know exactly what her dad was gonna do. Scream and rave about how she stayed with me and Alec.
Or that I let her fall in love with him and vice versa. Or let her have actual fun like a real teenager.

I internally sighed to myself, watching you giggle and play with Alec's hand.

"Alec? You wanna get (your name) dressed for me?"


Gently he changed you into a white oncesie and a pair of pants. You squirmed in an attempt to get away from him. Your hands wrapped themselves around the gray blanket beneath you, trying to pull yourself.

"Would you hold still?"

Alec pulled you up to him and slipped on a (favorite color) jacket. You let out a screech, causing Alec to drop you back onto the couch.

" why are you being difficult? I just wanna put a jacket on you!"

I laughed, watching you squirm and whine. To me, this was all hilarious!
You suddenly went limp, a faint small cloud of blackish gray mist warped around you. Alec quickly pulled your arms through the (favorite color) jacket.
He smiled to himself triumphantly. The mist retracted and your eyes darted around , very confused. You still weren't happy about being in the jacket though. That much I was sure of.

I reached over, taking you gently into my arms. Your little hands started to play with my hair, clearly memorized by it.

"What? Do you like my hair?"

You gave me a toothless grin. I gave you a quick Peck on your cheek, making you giggle. I let your hands explore, grabbing on to what ever it wanted. I reached into my pocket, and grabbed ahold of a small green rattle and shook in front of you.

Your eyes suddenly caught on to it and you snatched it from me. You let out a happy squeal and started banging it on me.

We sat for maybe a few more minutes before Nessie was finally dressed and ready to go. Her hair was up in a ponytail with a plain blue shirt and a set of cute jeans on.

"Ready to head home?"

"No, not really." She looked down at her shoes, shuffling around a little bit. I felt bad for her, I honestly wanted her to stay with us a while longer but I had to go home soon.

We quickly left and in no time we were at the Cullen's home. I could hear Edward pacing and Bella trying to calm him. He quickly opened the door and let us in, glaring viscously at me and Alec. I quickly blocked my thoughts from him so he wouldn't know about Nessie and Alec, I could only hope they did the same.

"Oh my gosh Nessie! Your OK! Thank God my baby's OK!"

He grabbed her into a sudden embrace. Worry clearly plastered all over his face.

I couldn't help myself, I had to laugh at his sudden outburst!

"Why did you take her with you?!" He snarled at me.
I let out a low growl in warning. I wasn't about to have him cause a fight over something so petty.

"Your wife let us take her. She actually had a wonderful time with Alec swimming and playing games all night and having fun." I stated.
I didn't wanna deal with him. Specially when he was getting worked up over nothing.

Bella quickly pulled him down into the couch with her, attempting to calm him, much to my relief.

"Edward! Stop, I let her go with them. Please don't start a fight, we know you won't win."

I let out an angry snarl. He shrank back from me. Good.

The sound of a small woosh of air strtled me slightly.
I suddenly felt a pair of small arms wrap around my neck. Tightly might I add.

It was Nessie. I sighed and gently pulled her off of me and sat her down. She gave me a rather worried look. I couldn't help but suddenly feel bad. I didn't want to fight with him, specially not in front of her.

I sighed and sat down in a chair. Clutching you tightly. I had nearly forgotten all about you.

"It seems she has not caused any trouble and is not a threat, so today I'll be leaving back to Volterra to report this all to Aro as usual. Alec however will be staying in the area to help Demetri with a newborn."

I could see Nessie's face light up slightly.

"Is that all?" Bella asked me

"Yes. That is all." I said.

I got up to leave only to once again feel Nessie's arms wrap around me. I could hear her thoughts though her hands and they went to my cheeks.

'See you and (your name) in a year, I'm gonna miss ya and thanks for letting me stay the night with you and Alec'

I hugged her back and ruffled her hair.

"No problem kid." I said with a smile, handed the hotel keys to Alec, who was silent the whole time, and left.

I didn't want to leave her, but sadly I had to. Edward was way to controlling and overbearing. Poor thing was treated like an adult and not enough like an actual teenager.

As I neared the airport, my mind started racing about how Aro would react to me having you.

I tried to push the thoughts out, focusing on getting our tickets and you settled down in your carrier.

Once we were on the plane and it had taken off, I pulled you out of the carrier and sat you on my lap. I was greatful we didn't get a seat next to, or near a window. Other words I'd be a sparkling disco ball now. You'd probably like it though.

I watched as you calmly played with the toys we had bought for you. You were content with what you were doing. Mostly gargling and chewing on things. 

I relaxed back into my seat. Trying not to think about what might happen to you if Aro decided against me keeping you. I truly hope it didn't come down to that.

For his sake that is.

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