The Chronicles of Narnia: The...

By last_queen_of_narnia

191K 5K 684

The Pevensie siblings think they can't return to Narnia, but what happens when they're sent back to Professor... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Hey, I got a question for you...
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Thank You!!!! XD
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen-Part One
Chapter Fourteen-Part Two
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Just to Clarify
Chapter Eighteen
Watty's 2014!

Chapter Two

12.7K 344 81
By last_queen_of_narnia

Chapter Two

Eustace's POV

I walked into the room Lucy had stayed in during the war. I took the painting of the Dawn Treader off of the wall, planning to hang it in my room.

As soon as the picture was hanging on the wall in my room, my mother called me from downstairs.

"Eustace! Pack your things for the summer! You're going to be staying with your cousins until school starts again!"

"Alright mum!"

The truth was, I didn't mind staying with my cousins over the summer. Mom still thought I disliked them, which was probably why she was having me stay with them; she would want me to learn to get along with them. In reality, I loved talking about Narnia with them and hearing their stories from the times they were there. I got packed immediately.

* * * * * * *

When I got off the train and into the subway station where I was to be picked up, I instantly headed straight for the exit. I hate being in unsanitary places for too long. When I left the station, though, I could tell I wasn't in England anymore.

I looked around, taking note of my surroundings. There was a stone ramp before me, so I walked up it to see what lie ahead.

It was a large field with a gaping hole in the dead center. The hole looked to be an underground fort that had caved in.

I say, could I be back in Narnia?

I suddenly heard hoof beats behind me. Fearfully I turned around, expecting to see someone who would cause me harm.


"Eustace, is that you?!"

"Yes! I-I mean, um, yes, it is."

Caspian dismounted his horse and walked over to me, patting me on the shoulder. "It's good to see you again, Eustace."

"Is something wrong? Because from what my cousins told me, we're only sent to Narnia when we're needed, like when there's some kind of trouble."

Caspian sighed, taking his hand off of my shoulder. "Actually, yes. A few years ago, Narnia was taken over by a very powerful army and I was dethroned."

"Well your army's powerful, why don't you just get Narnia back?"

"It's not that easy, Eustace my friend. You see, this army was lead by a woman, but not just any woman. Oh, no, she is a very powerful ad dangerous woman, wielding all of the same powers her mother possessed."

"Who's her mother?"

"I believe it's correct to assume your cousins told you of the White Witch?"

"Why, yes, but what does she have to do with this? She's dead."

"Well, Eustace, the White Witch is this woman's mother."

So, apparently the White Witch has a daughter! This can't mean anything good.....

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