The New Girl //COMPLETED//

queenofheartsxo द्वारा

376K 14.4K 1.5K

Then a boy steps out from the crowd, standing between me and the office. He looks to be the same age as me an... अधिक

Chapter 1//Demons in the past
Chapter 2//Insistent imbeciles
Chapter 3//The woods
Chapter 4//making a statement
Chapter 5//the dark side
Chapter 6//The bitchy kind..
Chapter 7//The truth hurts
Chapter 8//Ashley's boyfriend
Chapter 9// In the moonlight
Chapter 10// Prison bars
Chapter 11//Temptations
Chapter 12//Netflix is my boyfriend
Chapter 13//The Alpha
Chapter 14//The hunters
Chapters 15// Whispers in the wind
Chapter 16//The great escape
Chapter 17//My alpha
Chapter 18//Into the woods
Chapter 19// Without You
Chapter 20//The light at the end of the tunnel
Chapter 21//This moment
Chapter 22//Finding normal
Chapter 23//Nightmares
Chapter 24//The ice inside
Author note: not a chapter please read anyway
Chapter 25//Rocky hills
Chapter 26//Out of the woods... I think
Chapter 27//Boring politics part 1
Chapter 28// Boring politics part 2
Chapter 29//Destructive hatred
A/N: a contest so plz read anyway
Winners of contest
New book/Sequel discussion
NEW Book trailer
New cover and books
Aesthetics release!

Chapter 30// Our future, together

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queenofheartsxo द्वारा

Hi all!
This is gonna be the last chapter of The New Girl ever! :*(
I hope everyone enjoyed reading this book, soz there's no epilogue, but this is gonna be a realllly long chapter. I stayed up until 1am writing it. Thank you so much for coming on this wonderful journey with me. I really didn't think I was that good of an author before I wrote this book and the amount of support I have received from my readers is crazy. THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!!!! Xx

Plz listen to this song, not necessarily during reading cause that might spoil it but even just after or before to get you do so that you are prepared or really sad before or after reading this final update. I genuinely feel as though this song was written just for this book because it suits it so bloody much. Plus I listened to it after I wrote the chapter so I am experiencing major throwbacks right now and am on the verge of breaking into tears. So plz listen to it, the song is called wolves by Selena Gomez and some other artist to do with marshamllows or something, lol.

I also have shout outs for other books you should read after this one.

-the chosen by me (of course) which I am gonna continue writing right after this

- my new werewolf story called The Hidden Princess which I'm really excited about

-my divergent fanfic (again, of course)

- and last but definitely not least, Picking up the Pieces by stormyrainxx

Now for the final time ever....

Kyle's POV

Her light brown hair casts glorious shadows across her face from the amount of light pouring from her hands. It's as though all of the goodness in her heart and soul has now become one with her abilities. She no longer looks afraid of the amount of power she holds in her palms. Instead she is embracing it like it has been a part of her all along. The strength emanating from within her no longer seems dark or built from demons within her. It is now light. It is now pure. She is now free. Free of that burden of guilt of what her powers would do to others. Free of the fear she held for what she would have to give up to withhold the storm brewing inside her. But most of all, free of any restraints that she may have previously held over herself.

No longer does she have to withhold the enormous strength inside of her gorgeous being. My mate is now finally happy and free to be herself and that is what makes me happier than anything in the world. The light bursting from her palms then releases itself upon her strong figure and seems to flow through her like a cool tide of control. What had once been a hot tide of anger and desperation is now something that she can use at her own will.

She can use it with control.

She can use it for good.

But for now, she can use it to destroy the son of a bitch I call my brother.

Ella's POV

I am in control.

I no longer fear my limits.

I no longer fear hurting people.

So Rocky should fear me.

He should fear the overwhelming heat that will come for him from below. He should fear the sharpness of the ice that will come for him from above. But most of all, he should fear that overwhelming sense of isolation that will come for him as he realises that he is all alone in this world and no one is coming to save him.

So as I spot the fearful expression on his face through the rusted bars of the wickedly curved gate I know that I have successfully put the fear of God inside of him. The fire and ice return to each of my palms and a smirk returns to my victorious face. All it takes is a short moment in which I lock eyes with a grinning Kyle for me to figure out what I have to do.

"All of you amazing supernatural creatures fighting beside me," I shout into the bloodied courtyard" for once we are going to join forces as one race. No longer are we restricted to stereotypical groupings or cultures. For this one battle we will fight as one, and hopefully as we defeat those hideous dick heads across the bridge, you will see that as one we are a force to be reckoned with!"

And for once in history, all races of supernatural creatures join in a unified war cry. It is a cry for blood and revenge for all of the lives of our own that have been sacrificed in this gruelling process. But most of all, it is a cry of joy. Joy at finally being in control of our own futures. Joy at finally getting to feel strong. Powerful.
That is what we are. A powerful, unified army walking into battle with no fear in any of the deep crevices of our mind harbouring all of our darkest thoughts.

We are a mighty force that will descend upon Rocky like nothing he has ever seen.

With one last loud and victorious battle cry, I continue my sprint across the bridge except this time I have an army of shouting werewolves, vampires, warlocks, witches and fairies behind me. To my left I see Luke yelling at an auburn haired kid to keep up. I'm not sure who the kid is but I'm pretty sure that he had something to do with how charred the bridge is since he is running so close to the beta. On my right I see Kyle, looking just as hot if not even more so. The sunset lighting does justice to his golden hair that is practically glowing in the light. As we meet eyes in that brief moment, nothing has to be said. We both know how we feel about each other, and about all of the anger and sadness we felt while I was asleep and that is all I need to keep me going. Just imagining all of the grief that Kyle went through when I left him.

No. I did not leave him. He was ripped away from me by that dick head across the bridge.

Just as I'm mere metres away from Rocky and his face comes into view I think back to all of the shit he has put me through. He took away my happiness. He took away my mate. He tried to take away my future. But unfortunately for him, I don't go down easy. If anything by pissing me off as much as he has I have become a singular monolith fuelled by hatred. And Im heading right for him.

The two armies collide in a violent array of blood, claws and flying fists. Luke takes on a massive werewolf twice his size. However, Luke is also twice as fast, so as they run at each other he swiftly slides underneath the brute only to rise on the other side of him with his claws angled for his heart. The pathetic slob didn't get the chance to gasp or even grunt in pain as Luke buried his sharp appendages deep into his back, killing him in an instant. As much as it pains me to say it, Luke is actually an excellent fighter. Plus, the swiftness in which he moves from kill to kill must drive the girls crazy. However, my heart lies with my amazingly attractive mate for all of eternity.

Speaking of my angel, as soon we reached Rocky's army Kyle ran straight for the two main commanders leading majority of the offensive. This time they weren't as big as Luke's kill was. They were lean and swift with wickedly curved claws aimed straight for my mate's face. Kyle however, was swifter, avoiding them by leaning under each arm as they came hurtling his way until he was right in front of them, with their jaws in his tightening hands. He effortlessly lifted them off the ground as they desperately clawed at his hands, leaving shallow claw marks up his wrist. For a moment I think of running to him, since the sight of his blood is making me more scared by the second. But he quickly reprieves himself by crushing their jaws in his hands and then bashing their heads together with a sickening crunch.

I savour the satisfaction at seeing both Luke and Kyle's kills as I ram Rocky straight on. I run at him yelling in anger for all that he has done, with my claws and fangs extended. The moment before me meet I am able to see the fiery anger evident on his face, but it only drives me forward further. As I connect with him I wrap my arms around his torso, propelling myself off the ground so that we are shot backwards, knocking out several of his wolves. While I have the advantage being on top of him I start to hurl my fists at him at a steady pace, each fist connecting with a large amount of force and strength. I rotate between each hand until I can't tell whether the blood on my fists are from my split knuckles or his messed up face.

When I finally stop he is breathing heavily, with his head hanging limply off his shoulders like a rag doll. Then after a few moments of recovery a low chuckle escapes his busted lip. His head slowly twists round until he is staring at me with a steady gaze.

"What the fuck is so damn funny?!" I shout at him, clasping his jaw in my tightening hand as Kyle had done.

The devilish grin is wiped from his face just as soon as it had arrived, and is replaced with a purely blank expression. While I'm staring at him in confusion he leans in to whisper something in my ear.

"I got you vulnerable, princess."

Then just as I realise what he has done, a short but sharp dagger is plunged deep into my side. Pain blooms from its entrance into my delicate flesh and spreads throughout my torso. My cry of pain echoes through the clearing and for a moment everything stops and the eyes of all supernatural creatures are on me as I fall. Rocky stands just as I fall back and stops me from hitting the ground by putting one hand behind my back and gripping the dagger in his hand. The pain in my side sharpens as he lifts me back up by the dagger. I cry out once more, this time louder with my anger and fear echoing through my voice. However, my cry is overpowered by Kyle's thunderous howl of anger. It rips through every inch of the battle field as he and Luke do the same thing in an effort to reach me.

Rocky suddenly jerks me around so that I am facing my mate and his beta as my vision clouds from the sudden movement. They arrive a few metres in front of me just as I go limp in Rocky's arms. As much as I try to retreat from his cold touch, my limited strength stops me. Rocky taunts Kyle by slowly wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer to him. Kyle loses it at this point, growling a deep thunderous growl before hurtling towards him. However, Luke and the auburn haired kid  hold him back, with Luke grabbing him from behind and the kid standing in front of him.

"Move Oliver!" Kyle shouts at the kid I now know as Oliver.

"Kyle, breath" the kid responds calmly but urgently.

"There is no way in hell I am letting him take her away from me again!"

"Kyle" the kid says once more, before leaning in to whisper something.

Even with my strengthened hearing I can not make out what he says, only one word.


That's it. Oliver is right, I just need Rocky to take the dagger out so that I can heal myself.

"Rocky" I mumble just loud enough for him to hear "please. Take it out. Let me die quicker. I don't w-want to h-have to w-watch this."

My voice comes out weak and stuttering but my words are still effective. Everyone knows that when stabbed you should always leave the weapon in to prevent blood loss and I'm almost 100% sure that Rocky knows this as well.

My suspicions are confirmed when after a few seconds he reaches to remove it. I brace myself for the pain which comes moments later when he rips it from my flesh. I release one last thunderous howl of pain before I can sense the cells in my flesh swiftly knitting themselves back together. Kyle thrashes against the two wolves holding him as he hears my cry of pain but stops soon after.

"There you go Princess" Rocky whispers in my ear, "now go in peace."

For a second I can almost sense a bit of sadness in his voice but I just nod in return and slump further into his arms, pretending to faint of blood loss. Though I know that Kyle is aware that I am only acting it still hurts me to see a few tears slipping from his eyes. Then as Rocky finally lies me gently on the ground, Kyle explodes.

"YOU HEARTLESS PIECE OF SHIT!!!" He cries as he propels through the arms of Luke and Oliver.

From there chaos is born once more. The fight continues in its vicious path through the battle field as Rocky and Kyle go at it. With a new found strength, Kyle launches himself in a full out assault on Rocky. Claws fly in all direction, with fists pounding on every inch of flesh in sight until both wolves are breathing heavily. Yet, I'm looking only at Kyle. His eyes are growing a particularly bright red, like a fierce fire burning on pure anger and aggression.

The next thing I notice is that Oliver and Luke are both making their way over to me. Closer up the Oliver seems to be only two years younger than I am, with an evident sense of youth in his face. You can guess from his obvious hotness that he would be pretty popular among both genders in his age group, but the thing that draws me the most to him is the  fierce determination in his eyes that I've only ever seen in one other person. Kyle.

Luke stops a few metres away from me and turns to stand guard, fending off several werewolves in the first few moments. Oliver continues towards me until he is kneeling right beside me.

"Ella?" He asks while lifting me into his arms.

"Mm?" I mumble under my breath.

"I'm Oliver, Kyle sent me to get you somewhere safe while you heal."

"I don't need it. I'm almost done."

Suddenly a large werewolf with rotten teeth, long dread locks and a wicked glint in his eye starts barrelling towards the poor boy standing frozen with me in his arms. Then as if he is just realising the situation, he quickly but softly places me back on the ground and dodges the oncoming attack. In the next few moments Oliver amazes me with his fighting skills. He dodges each time a set of claws are thrown at him, then while ducking to avoid another attack, he hurls his own claws across the man's shins, leaving deep rakes in his flesh. As blood starts to ooze out of the cuts and the man starts to swear colourfully, Oliver forward rolls past him and after standing once more, leaps onto the mans shoulders while he is disorientated. He then ends the vicious fight but savagely twisting his neck with a sharp crack signifying a cracked neck.

After leaping from the mans shoulders before he collapsed, Oliver sprints back to me and attempts to pick me up once more.

"No. Just a few more seconds and I'll be alright" I respond politely declining his awaiting arms.

After a few moments of thinking he reluctantly stands once more and turns to face anyone coming my way. A warm sensation emanates from the now healed hole in my stomach as I finally rise from my spot on the ground and turn to face Oliver.

"Where is he?" I growl.

Oliver's eyes widen in fear and I realise that my eyes are now glowing and my claws are extended so I must look pretty terrifying.

He tries to form words but in the end resorts to simply pointing in the direction of most of the action.

Spotting my bloodied mate in the midst of a fierce battle with his bruised and bloodied brother brings a fresh layer of fiery anger into the deepest pit of my stomach and using my telekinesis I slowly rise into the sky above the battle field. Power surges though me like a thunderous storm awaiting its impact. Then just as all eyes fall on me, my hair becoming a swirling array around my head, I release my power onto all of the disgusting evil creatures below who have ever tried to harm me or any of my friends.

The result of my anger is the ground splitting in two, with a massive crevice forming in the centre. Using all the power I have, I swiftly levitate the rest of my glorious army into the air so that they are able to watch at the same height I'm at. The ground quivers and shakes and trembles under my insurmountable rage until it finally gives way below the feet of Rocky and his army.

When I spot Rocky falling into the gaping hole, I can see exactly what he is thinking on his face. He has realised that he is all alone in this world and he has realised that no one is coming to save him. So as his suddenly limp body falls deep into the earth along with those of his army, I feel no remorse or pity what so ever.


When I finally returned my army and I to the ground I was surrounded by nothing but joy. The students of Edgewater High were finally happy. However, what surprised me the most was when Kyle gathered everyone for an announcement.

"I would like to thank everyone for their contribution to concluding this war. Though it had to end with such blood shed, let's just be grateful that it wasn't our own..."

For a moment everyone was silent thinking about all of the lives that had to be destroyed in order to protect our own.

"But, I also have some other news that I've been considering for a while now" he starts "I've decided to give up my role as alpha."

Gasps were heard from all around the crowd but I could tell that I was the one who was the most surprised.

"I've found a mate who makes me a better person" he continued, reaching for my hand "and I like who I am when I'm with her. I want to spend the rest of my life with her, and I wouldn't be able to give her all of my heart if part of it would always belong to the pack. Don't get me wrong, I will always love the pack and I would love to stay a part of it, but for now I would like to pass over my role as alpha..... to Oliver."

Everyone turned to the surprised auburn haired boy at the back of the crowd and for once in Oliver's life, he was actually seen. Not as an unfamiliar face in the midst of many others, but someone who has the potential to stand out. So from that point forward, Oliver became the alpha of the largest pack in New York. The Edgewater pack. Which is now and will always be my home.

Now as Kyle and I sit alone in the bloodied courtyard while everyone else is celebrating inside, I am also filled with joy. We are sitting side by side with his arm wrapped around my shoulder and my head leaning on his.

"So, why did you give up being alpha?" I ask, genuinely curious.

"Oh" he starts, his eyes staying locked on the forest in front of us, "well, I've been thinking about it for a while and I realised that if I ever want to start a family with you and give you all of me, all my sins, demons and imperfections, then I would have to give up that one bit of my life that brought out the bad part of me."

He looks down at me and for once it is abundantly clear that he is telling the whole entirety of the truth. He does want to start a life with me. Start a family. But most of all I want to complete him and for him to complete me.

"Ok" I respond.

Just like that, all that needs to be said is said and we both turn to look back at the horizon. The sunset's glorious light filled with the promise of a perfectly imperfect future. Our future. Together.

1 month later

Oliver's POV

Becoming alpha was a big surprise for me but I was more than happy to accept. For all my life I have been waiting for a chance to stand out amongst the crowd, and thanks to Kyle I get to live out that dream. I can tell that Kyle and Ella were meant for one another. No alpha in history has given up his role for his mate and while some may think that it was foolish, I think that it was the bravest thing he ever did in his time as alpha.

Now, as the new school year approaches, Kyle and Ella get to enjoy one last year at school without any stress or drama until they then get to travel the world together. I hope that they will always be a part of the pack at heart and I'm pretty sure that they will. However, while they may be leaving school, I still have 3 more years left, not to mention the rest of my life as alpha. So with my 16th birthday approaching I can't help but anticipate the future ahead of me.

I'm interrupted from my thoughts by the creak of the school gate and several gasps from my surrounding friends. We are currently sitting in the courtyard enjoying lunch on the first day of school and my first day as alpha. So to have a new student right after such a big tragedy on school grounds is a surprise. Turning around I let my eyes focus on the pure white werewolf walking through the rusted iron gates. Then as it shifts back into human, my heart stops. The graceful white wolf shifts into a beautiful girl with blonde hair, full pink lips and curious green eyes. She struts confidently through the courtyard, ignoring all of the stares she is receiving. I can't help but feel a bit protective of all of the males she has watching her, as though some hidden instinct is rising from inside of me.

Then as she approaches I move to block her way.

"Now who do we have here?" I ask curiously.

Most of the female eyes in the courtyard are on me, I guess it's because of how deep my voice sounded after seeing her. However, the gorgeous girl in front of me seems completely unaffected by my presence, which surprises me.

"I don't see how it is any business of yours" she responds, placing a hand on her hip.

I can't help but grin at her.

"Feisty, I like it" I respond with a wicked smirk on my face.

She merely tosses her shoulder length blonde hair over her shoulder as a cheeky grin appears on her face.

"Move" she hisses.

"Make me" I respond whilst smirking.

However, it is now her turn to smirk as in less than a second she has me pinned on the ground. My heart speeds up a bit as I realise that she is now straddling my hips. She smirks at me from above and the way the light falls on her figure ignites her golden hair likes a thousand crystal stars scattered around her heart shaped face. Then as her eyes begin to glow and mine glow back at her with a brighter red I am reminded of her snowy white wolf when she had first entered the gates.

Realisation seems to spark in both of our eyes and at the same time we both whisper that single life changing word under our breath.


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