just keep swimming

By justawritingdiabetic

50 0 0

chanbaek/// chanyeol , swimming's for SM sports agency, has been in london away from his lover for almost fou... More

~some shit you need to know~


11 0 0
By justawritingdiabetic

Chanyeol didn't know how to feel. He was excited and sad, he had grown close to his fellow swimmers over the years but he put that behind him and focused on Baekhyun. He was excited that he was going back to Seoul next week and he could see Baek and his family. He set his phone down for the night a decided to get some sleep.

Back in Seoul Baek was planning something....
Baek wanted to surprise Chanyeol so he sat with Jongdae and came up with a plan. He was going to tell Chanyeol that he will not be able to pick him up from the airport. But that will be a little white lie. He was going to surprise Chanyeol at the airport and have his friend record it. Baek pulled out his phone and began to text Chanyeol....
"Chanyeol-ah I'm so sorry honey so sorry, I won't be able to pick you up from the airport next week ;-;.. My mother decided that it would be good for our family if we went on a trip to the beach In Busan. I begged her to let me stay in Seoul but she would not budge.. I'm sorry honey~~~"

He felt bad for lying to his love but he knew that it would be worth it in the end. CBX had a dance practice video to film but Baek felt uneasy, he had never lied to Chanyeol about anything even the if it would hurt Chanyeol's feelings. He got dressed and started to think about how last year he had told Chanyeol the brutal truth and they didn't talk for 5 days.
He laughed to himself, "How stupid...".
They got to the studio and some juniors were still working in the dance room. They decided to watch and help with footwork.

The group called 'Dream' was going to have their second comeback in the same year. One of the members, Mark Lee, told Baekhyun that he was nervous about the ceo finding out he was dating. Baek only told him one thing and it seemed to reassure Mark "He will allow it if it is real love, anything fake that he can sense then it's over... just think about that. Bye bye Mark looks like the other members are leaving". Mark thanked Baekhyun and ran after the members, he put his arm around another members waist, Ji Young, baek smiled to him self remembering when him and Chanyeol were that young....

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