Wrong Passion {Zarry} ✔️

By Esi-jenny

221K 11.4K 22.6K

Highest ranking #1 Zarry Highest ranking # 2 Mysteryromance Highest ranking # 1 Niam Liam turned towards zayn... More

† Prologue †
† Chapter 1 †
† Chapter 2 †
† Chapter 3 †
†Charter 4†
† Chapter 5 †
†Chapter 6†
† Chapter 7 †
† Charpter 8 †
†Chapter 10†
† Chapter 11 †
† charter 12 †
†Chapter 13†
†Chapter 14†
†Chapter 15†
†Chapter 16†
†Chapter 18†
†Chapter 17†
†Chapter 19†
†Chapter 20†
†Chapter 21†
†Chapter 22†
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
New Story

†Chapter 9†

5.3K 292 443
By Esi-jenny

Another long chapter
If you are are not comfortable. Don't read it.  Jump to the next chapter. Thank you.

Zayn moved his lips from Harry's and dips it to his neck, where he would be leaving his mark in a few minutes as he claims Harry as his. Harry kept whimpering with littles sounds leaving his mouth.

"Z-ee am co-ld" Harry said in between the small sounds coming from his mouth, he was shivering with his eyes closed. Zayn immediately stopped kissing Harry's neck and looked back at his princess and frowns.

He decided to bring Harry deeper into the forest this time around so no one could interpret their mating, but its seems the weather was very cold.

Zayn gently picked him up bridal style and took him into a tent he had built earlier before picking up Harry.. He bends and enters it.. He placed Harry down gently on the blanket and stripped his shirt off before climbing back in between Harry's legs hovering over him.

"Is it okay now princess?" Zayn asked. You could feel the worry and desperation in his voice. Harry nodded his head. Zayn then removed Harry's little pink boots from his feet's and kissed his feet, Harry giggled when his felt a tickle in his feet.

Zayn smiled and breath nervously as hovered over Harry and starts rubbing his lower body against Harry's while kissing his neck. Harry eyes widened at the weird and funny sensation which shot through his body.

"Z-ee, Z-zee.. he whimpers "Z-ee s-top"

"Shhh princess, it's okay" ..Zayn whispers as he looked into Harry's green eyes. The younger boy hasn't felt this way before and its scares him.

"Princess I have to make you mine and this is the only way, Please let me make you mine"...

"Bu-t I feel fun-ny" Harry said with a confused voice, his innocence written all over his face as he frowns.

"Don't worry you will start feeling good I promise okay?" Zayn assured him while kissing his cheeks.

Harry nodded his head without his naive mind knowing what Zayn meant by making him his, Harry closed his eyes again still shivering a little. Zayn pecks Harry's cheek, stood up and slips off his pants together with his boxers. Zayn was fully naked and hard.

He hovered over Harry as he licked and kissed the junction where Harry's neck and shoulder meets.. He smiled proudly, finally Harry will be his. He starts unbuttoning Harry's pants slip it off him but Zayn realized Harry wasn't wearing any underwear. Then his eyes widened when he remembered he had forgotten to bring his father's lube. Then he remembered something.

He put his finger in his mouth and lubricates it with his saliva. He then removes it and he swallowed with nervousness as he spreads Harry's butt cheeks and tried pushing his finger in Harry's entrance gently, making Harry whimper and tears starts falling from his eyes. When his finger wasn't going in, he pushed it in a bit harder and when he finally got in, he started moving in and out of Harry's hole with his finger.

"Does it hurt?" Zayn asked as he looked at Harry's face with concern and nervousness. Harry nodded with his eyes closed as tears keeps falling from his eyes. Zayn frowns, nothing in the books which he had read secretly in his father's office did say this process would hurt.

He must be doing something wrong so he removed his finger and went straight to his main mission. Besides the books says this part feels good, and he wanted Harry to feel good.

Zayn hovered closer over Harry again making his member bushed against Harry's hole while he kissed Harry's tears. "I love you princess" he whispers into Harry's ear then aligned his member against Harry's entrance and ...

"Zayn Javadd Malik"

"Zayn Javadd Malik"

Zayn clenched his fist and closed his eyes. His heart beating faster at the sound of his name.. It wasn't only the sound of his name which made him angry but the voice behind it.

"If you touch that boy I swear you will receive the worst punishment in the history of this pack, Come out now!!"

Zayn growled deeply in his throat causing Harry to open his eyes with fear. Zayn clenches his jaw and looked away, he doesn't want Harry to see him like this. Harry will get scared if he sees his true form. He had wanted to make Harry his before telling him so Harry couldn't reject him"

"Zayn for the last time come out NOW!"

Zayn quickly stood up and went outside to meet his father. Yaser was with two of his warriors standing in front of the tent staring back at an angry naked Zayn.

No, not Zayn but at that moment he was half human half beast and he standing at the entrance of the tent growling loudly. His beast moved forward to fight any threat which might try and take Harry away.

"Zayn, please tell me you didn't do what I think you did?" Yaser grasped with a shocked face when he saw Zayn was naked.

"He is mine, Harry is mine " Zayn beast growled loudly.

"He is not yours this crazy obsession must stop now, he is just a child Zayn"

"A six year old child!" Yaser yelled loudly and furious.

"Now as your Alpha, I command you turn back now!" Yaser shouted with authority in his voice while staring at Zayn. Yaser quickly rushed forward to hold Zayn's body before it fell on the ground as his beast submitted to its Alpha.

Zayn was sobbing hard in his father arms "I love him father, please let me make him mine."

Yaser thanked his stars for getting there faster before Zayn could ruined Harry's life "No Zayn you disobeyed my orders now you have to face the consequences am taking Harry back"

Zayn quickly pulled out from his father's arms and rushed towards the entrance of the tent he looked into his father's eyes.

"You are not taking him anywhere.. Father if you take him back, they will take him away from me and I won't let that happen " Zayn barked loudly with a clenched fist.

"You leave me with no choice son, I will have to take him by force." Zayn's eyes changed colour, his body became tense as his beast took over again ready to fight anyone who dares try to take Harry.

Yaser glanced at his warriors and nods at them. The warriors moved forward and circled around Zayn. But unknown to them Harry had seen everything including Zayn changing into his true form.

"Wait".. Yaser raised his hand to stop his warriors. With their super hearing senses they heard someone crying and running though the forest and by the sound of the footsteps, it belonged to a child..

Zayn quickly changed back into his human form and entered the tent but it was empty and a cut had be made with his pocket knife to create a hole in the tent.

No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No Zayn said with panicked voice as he quickly followed Harry through the hole he had created in the tent. He chased after Harry's scent. Yaser and his warriors followed Zayn quickly.

"Princess...Harry" Harry was running and crying when he heard his name being called but he didn't turned around, all he wanted was to get home to his Mommy, daddy and Liam. Even though he was tired and his feets were bruised by the forest floor.

Everything was dark even though the moon was out but he couldn't see properly, all he hears where birds and insects sounds from everywhere, he fell when his leg hits a tree branch. He yelled out in pain while sobbing hard.

"Princess" he heard Zayn's voice again this time much closer. He didn't want monster zee to kill him or eat him so he kept running even though his vision was blurry and his legs ached. But he didn't get far and didn't see what was in front of him....

"Princess" Zayn whispers out Harry's name with a panicked tone as Harry's scent lead him to a pit.. Tears started falling from his eyes, his heart beating faster as he walked towards the pit, and he saw Harry's unconscious bloody body lying inside the pit..

He quickly jumped in and picked Harry in his arms as he starts sobbing uncontrollably.. "No, No, No please princess don't die....am sorry I couldn't protect you.....forgive me....forgive me....please forgive me."

Zayn held Harry's body tightly against him when he scented his father was closer. Yaser jumped in the pit and when he tried to get closer to them.. Zayn growled loudly at his father. Yaser raised his hands "Zayn I just need to check on him, he is bleeding" Yaser said worriedly.

Yaser walked closer and kneel down as he checked Harry's pulse "he is alive for now but he is seriously injured" Yaser turned Harry's head and saw a deep cut wound. "he hit his head really hard, we have to get him to his parents."

"No this is all your fault if you would had.........." But Yaser cuts him off "this is not the time Zayn we have to get him back, his parents are looking for him...

"No, No, No" Zayn held Harry's body tightly against his naked body "I won't allow you to take him away" he growled deeply as more tears falls from his eyes while inhaling Harry's scent.

"For God sake he will die if we don't get him out here and his blood will be on your hands if you really love him as you say, you will let me take him back to his parents, his doctor will save him".. Yaser said worriedly as he stares at his son and Harry.

"We can't take Harry back to our side you know that"

Zayn was sobbing hard with Harry's blood all over his naked body. He looked at Harry's face for one last time and kissed his forehead before he released Harry's body from his grip. Yaser took Harry's body from Zayn arms and climbed out of the pit.

He glanced back at the pit and saw his son as the worst possible way.
"Get Zayn back to the house and lock him up in the cell, the styles must not know we are involved in this." Yaser glanced back at his warriors


Robin had called on all his staff to search for his son in every part of the house and when Harry couldn't be found, James suggested they search for him outside the house but Robin told James his son couldn't have possibly gone out in the middle of the night and Harry was too scared to go anywhere alone especially at night.

But James wanted the search to be extended out just in case Harry might be there. Robin agreed, quickly James sends for flashlights to be brought to them and Robin together with James and a some of the staff went out to search for Harry. James suggested again they spilt in two groups to make the search easier for Harry to be found faster.

Within few minutes one of the male staff ran and met Robin at the back of the mission where he and three of his male staffs were looking for Harry. He told Robin, James had found Harry. Robin immediately runs back to the house and found his staff in the living room with worried faces. He saw James on the stairs and James nods for Robin to come up.

"the doctor is with Harry in his room he is checking up on him" James whispers to Robin.

"Where did you find him?" Robin asked worriedly. "he was lying under the mango tree in the garden, I think he was trying to climb the tree and get some mangos, you know how Harry loves mango's...... But Robin cuts him off

"It doesn't make any sense" Robin yelled. "how the hell could Harry pass security and go out in the middle of the night"..

"Am sorry sir" James said with an unreadable expression

"Am sorry for yelling at you James am just....." Robin held his head as tears starts falling from his eyes.

"I understand sir, there is no need to apologise. James gave Robin a reassuring smile..

"But um your wife fainted when she saw Harry and um Liam is with her right now, but the doctor wants to see immediately you get here" Robin nodded and ran straight to Harry's bedroom.

The moment Robin open the door, the doctor went straight to the point.
"Am sorry but we have to take Harry immediately to the city.


Zayn was still naked with Harry's blood on him as he sat on the bare floor. He heard the sounds of foot steps approaching closer to him, but the steps stopped at the bars separating him from his Harry.

" Am sorry Zayn but its seems they left, Harry was hurt really badly" Niall his best friend said. Zayn nodded his head sadly as tears starts falling from his eyes again and he starts sobbing.. Niall can only stare at his best friend with a sad face..


"I can see they are gone" Yaser said as he sits in the chair.

"Yea they didn't even pick their clothing, the moment the doctor said they had to leave they rushed into their cars and left"

"How is Zayn holding up?" ...

"Not good, he won't eat or do anything my son is now a living dead" Yaser sighs worriedly.

"Don't you think Harry might be his Mate?"

Yaser shakes his head "No it can't be, Zayn is too young to to find a mate."

"Yeah keep telling that to yourself, he nearly claimed and marked the boy yesterday.... Judging from his behavior am hundred percent sure Harry is his mate."

"I will make him forget about that boy".....Yaser said with determination

James rolled his eyes "If you say so Alpha, but I think this is not the end, its just the beginning"....


It was really heartbreaking and intense writing this chapter😞😭.

I know what people were thinking when the saw this sign ⚠.. 😂😂😂

Am really nervous about the next few chapters to come Cos am finally going to move from their childhood to adulthood.. And I know someone is happy about it..@Powerfulmary 1378.

Thoughts about this chapter.

Thought on James.

Thoughts on Zayn.

Thought on Yaser.

Thank you.

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