Miraculous Breakdance: The Sk...

By Harmony-S-S

14.9K 421 149

Marinette was an ordinary girl, who attended the Agreste Academy of Musical Arts. She has a crush on Adrien... More

Club Miraculous
My Name is Ladybug
The King of Dance
Author's Note (I'm sorry)
The Desicion
Author's Note (Important)
Author's Note
Emergency! Warning!!!
A/N Voting..
Author Hiatus
Stoneheart Part 2
My Name is Chat Noir
Our Days Are Numbered
The Night Before
Our True Selves

Stone Heart Part 1

840 23 8
By Harmony-S-S

Previously on Miraculous Breakdance: The Sky's the Limit...

"Hey, Marinette, did you hear?" 

"Hear what?" 

"There's this dance club downtown, it's called, Club Miraculous." 

"Club Miraculous, isn't that a breakdance club?" 

"Yeah, isn't it awesome?!" Alya said with excitement. 

"Awesome? Alya, you could get expelled!" I whispered. 

"I know, relax girl, but." Alya looked around to see if anyone was listening, then she whispered to me, "Rumor has it that everyone goes Club Miraculous. And by everyone I mean, most of the people at our school." 

"But aren't they worried they might get caught?" 

"No, not really, because everyone wears a disguise, and they have a stage name. So nothing to worry about." 

"But I heard that people were getting attacked." Marinette said with concern. 

"Oh, yeah, there's this vicious breakdance troupe that's been attacking the dancers from the club." Alya answered my question quickly. 


"I think it's because they want to take over Club Miraculous, and make it there own."

Dance class went on the same as it always did. When class over Marinette said goodbye to Alya and went home. She went upstairs and thought about what Alya said. 

 "Hm, I guess it wouldn't hurt to check it out. But I can't go as Marinette, if someone catches me, I'll be expelled. I need a disguise." Marinette took out some red spray paint, closed her eyes, and sprayed the paint on her face to resemble a mask. She wore some red sneakers to match her black sweatpants and red tank top with black poka dots.

She snuck out of her house without her parents noticing, and headed out. It was an old warehouse, and on the walls it read 'Club Miraculous'. "Now then, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Tikki, I'm a DJ and the part-owner of Club Miraculous." 

 "Nice to meet you. I'm--" Then Marinette remembered if she was ever discovered at this club she would be expelled. 

 "Um, my name is-uh-Ladybug. Yeah. My name is Ladybug."

"Welcome to Club Miraculous. I'm Plagg, co-owner and DJ of this fine establishment." 

"Hi, I'm Ladybug. You came at a good time our dance battle is about to begin." Plagg said with excitement. 

"Dance battle?" Marinette asked curiously. 

"Yeah, we have them every week it's a chance to challenge other breakdancers. Like the king." 

"The king?" 

"Yeah, the King of Breakdnace, Chat Noir." 

"Chat Noir? You mean the boy with the pole and the cat bell?" 

"Yup, that's him. He's #1 around here, and no one has ever defeated him." This intrigued Marinette, and let's just say her curiosity was peeked.

"Hey, so how was your first night? Did you enjoy it? Did you have fun?" Tikki asked. 

"Yeah, I'll admit it was pretty cool. So what did you want tell me?" Marinette asked. 

"Oh, right. Here." Tikki handed Marinette a shoe box, and when she opened it she saw a pair of bright red high tops.

"Wow, this look so pretty. Why are you giving me these?" Marinette asked curiously. "You'll see. Just take good care of them."

"All right who's brave enough to challenge our champion?" Plagg looked around, but no one said anything. It looked like no body had the guts to challenge me. 

"I am!" 

 "What's your name?" Plagg asked her over the mic. 

 "My name is Ladybug!" My eyes widened she was so beautiful. 

"Alright everybody it's Ladybug vs. Chat Noir!"

The music blasted, and the two began to dance. Ladybug went first. Her body flowed with the music, she was lighter than air. When she finished it was Chat Noir's turn to dance. When he danced he lit up the stage, there was a special light that illuminated from him. He finished with a mid air flip that stole the show. All looked hopeless, until Ladybug remembered how it felt to dance. How it felt to free and have fun. Ladybug took the stage, but this time something incredible happened. She was doing a windmill, when her shoes lit up, they were as bright as the morning sun. She kept going faster and faster, and when she slowed down she struck a pose. One hand in the air, another hand on her head, and her feet illuminating the darkness with its vibrant glow. 

 "Wow, what a show! Am I right?" The crowd cheered in response to his question. 

"Sadly, there can only be one winner. So let's hear it for Chat Noir." The crowd cheered for Chat Noir, I could tell he was happy, but at the same time I knew that he was upset. 

"Alright, everyone! Let's hear it for Ladybug." The crowd cheered even louder for me. 

"There you have it folks! The winner and new champion, Ladybug!"

"Congrats, bugaboo, you've earned it." I tried to hide my face of defeat by congratulating her, and showing her that she did a good job. It worked a little bit. I was about to leave, when I heard someone call my name. 

"Chat! Wait!" 

I turned around to see Ladybug running towards me. "Yeah?"

 She was out of breath, but she still answered me. "I have something to ask you." 

"What is it?" 

"Will you be my partner?" 

My eyes widened at her request. "Sorry, you want me to be your partner?" 

"T-that's right." 

"But why? I lost. Shouldn't you pick someone who's better?" 

"But you are better! You're the best Chat, and I want you by my side." 

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. At first I thought it was all a dream, but I realized it couldn't be. Her hand was stretched out in a fist. "Pound it?" 

I smiled, and stretched out my hand a fist. "Pound it."

I started to feel chilly, my whole body was shaking. "Are you okay?" Asked Chat Noir.

 "Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry." He looked at me for a a minute, before taking off his jacket. 

"Here, you need this more than I do." He said as he wrapped his jacket around me. 

"W-wait, I don't need this. I said I was fine." 

"No, you're not your shivering. A lady shouldn't be freezing. She should be warm and gentle. Not cold and hard." My face blushed a little, I tried to hide it from him.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps. I didn't know what it was or who it was. 

"What's wrong?" Asked Chat. 

"I think we're being watched." Chat's eyes widened, then he looked around. 

"I think you're right. Whoever you are, we know you're there! Come out!" We saw a figure come out from the shadows. 

"Well, well, what do we have here?" 

"Who are you?" I said in a stern, yet nervous voice. 

 "Me? Who are you? I've never seen you around here before. I must admit, you are a beauty, so small so helpless."

 "What makes you think I'm helpless?" 

"I can tell just by looking at you." 

"Well, I've got news for you don't judge a book by the cover." I made a fist and punched him in the stomach.

Tikki: [Emergency! Come to the club right now!!!]

I could tell that she needed me right away, and if Tikki had emailed me then that means that Chat was notified too. I checked the time and saw it was 7:05pm. I knew my parents wouldn't bother me because I told them I was sleeping. I quickly got changed into my alter ego. But before I left I stuffed some pillows under my sheets in case my parents checked on me. Just to be on the safe side.

I snuck out of the house, and quickly made my way to the club. When I got there I saw Chat waiting out front. "Ladybug!"

 "Chat!" he shouted.

"So you got Tikki's message?" 

"Yeah, what's going on?" 

"I don't know." "

Then what are we standing here for? Let's go!" We both walked into the club, and saw all eyes on us. I looked over the crowd to see someone in the middle of the room. A man with purple sweatpants, a hoodie, and black sneakers. And what seemed like bandages that covered his face.

"Who are you?" 

"Aw, how sweet you don't recognize me." 

I saw the man from last night. "It's you again." 

"It's told you I'd get revenge." 

"Well, well, what do we have here? Looks like Tikki and Plagg have added someone new to the group." 

"And to whom am I speaking to?" 

"It's should be asking you that my dear." 

"Fine. The name's Ladybug."

"Pleasure. My name is Hawkmoth. And I hope you are prepared for what's coming."


Ladybug's POV

"We're not afraid of you, Hawkmoth!" 

 "Oh, but you should be. You see, I've had my eye on this club for quite sometime now. But as you can tell, it's occupied." 


 "So to make it unoccupied, I'll have to get rid you all!" 

 "Over my dead body!" 

 "That can be arranged."

 "Not while I'm around." Chat Noir jumped in front of me, it was clear that he would always be by my side.

 "Oh, don't be silly. I'm a business man, I would never get my hands dirty." Chat and I merely glared at him.

 "Don't look so upset we will have our fight. Just in a different way." 

 "What do you mean?"

 "Oh you'll find out. Soon enough. Let's go." With that Hawkmoth and his akumas left leaving everyone relieved, except for Tikki and Plagg, who knew that he would be back. Chat and I knew that we hadn't seen the last of Hawkmoth, so we had to prepare for the worst.

 "Okay, you two had better get home. It's been a crazy night, and you two need to get some sleep." I could tell that Tikki was worried about us. So Chat and I agreed which put a relieved smile on her face.

 "Chat walk Ladybug with Ladybug, don't take her to her house, because your identities have to stay secret." Chat nodded and he began to walk me to home.

It was quiet for a bit, very awkward. "M'Lady."


 "Are you okay to walk home from here?"

 "Uh, yeah, yeah. I'm-I'm fine." 

 "Hmm...If you say so. Good night."


 Chat and I parted ways and of course I snuck back into my house, thankfully I didn't wake up my parents. I quickly took a shower and got changed into my pajamas. I flopped on my bed and went right to sleep.

The next day....

Adrien's POV

I don't know how long I slept for. I can remember what happened last night, but just barely. I remember taking Ladybug home, sneaking in through my bedroom window, taking a shower, changing my clothes, and then I suddenly felt dizzy. I think I collapsed. And now, I think it's daytime. I slowly opened my eyes and saw I was in my room. I put my hand on my forehead and I felt something cold and wet. I carefully got up with towel in my hand, wondering what happened. Suddenly, the door opened and I saw Natalie enter.

 "Adrien, you're awake."

 "Yeah, what happened?" 

 "I came in to wake you up, but you weren't responding, then I felt your forehead and realized you had a fever." 

 "Oh. Wait, where's father?" 

 "He left, he couldn't stay long, but he told me that you would be staying home today."

 I just nodded as left. I couldn't believe I caught a cold or fever..Whatever.

Marinette's POV

For once I wasn't late for school, but I wondered where Adrien was. He'd never miss school. I found out what happened from Chloe, she was crying and being her usual annoying self. She kept going on about how her 'Adrikins', was sick with a cold. Of course I was worried, but I knew Adrien would be okay he always is.

Third Person POV

The teacher came in and started class, but during class Kim threw a piece of paper at Ivan. "Ugh! Kim!"

 "What's wrong Ivan? It's true." 

 Just then Chloe took the paper and read it out loud to the entire class. Ivan was so embarrassed that he ran out of the classroom. He wanted revenge on Kim and Chloe for embarrassing him especially in front of Mylène, the girl he loves. But at the same time he felt sad, knowing that Mylène might feel the same way about him. As he walked he came across a purple bag and a letter addressed to him. Curious, he picked up the letter and read it,

 "Stoneheart, my name is Hawkmoth, you wish to get revenge on those who wronged you and get the heart of the one you love. I can grant you that wish, but in return I want only one thing. The destruction of Ladybug and Chat Noir, defeat them in my name and your wish will be granted." 

 "Yes, Hawkmoth."

To be continued....

Hey guys!!! I know you all missed me!  Well, I'm back and better than ever..I think..Oh well!

Anyway, check out this amazing story I just read, it is called Lost in the Land of Time and the author is GummiKitsune!  Honestly, it's more of a short story, but it is amazingly funny and awesome, just like me....*hands clapping* Oh, you're too kind!  Love you guys bye!!

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