
By Peircedblackviel666

12 2 0

"You know the price for failing, don't disappoint me." "I promise I'll succeed" Tiffany Fawkes used to be a r... More

First Day

12 2 0
By Peircedblackviel666

Ominous grey clouds loomed over the school as the bell rang for the first lesson.

I walked down the halls ignoring how everyone fell silent and stared at me as I passed.

Hushed whispers rustled down the corridor and I caught a few snatches.

"who's she?" "she's one of those kids"

I held back a sigh and continued down the corridor towards the classroom I had been instructed to go to.

I opened the door and the room fell silent just like the halls as they took in my appearance. Again I ignored the stares and stepped inside, the clunk of the door closing behind me sounding ten times louder.

After a few minutes the teacher seemed to come back to his senses because he cleared his throat and said "well everyone it seems we have a new student. Why don't you introduce yourself?"

I raised an eyebrow at him and looked around at the people in the room. It was kind of amusing that no one seemed to recognise me. Surely I hadn't changed that much?

"my names Tiffany Fawkes and I would really like it if everyone would stop staring at me." I said and almost immediately they looked away, sneaking glances at me as subtly as they could.

I fought from rolling my eyes and headed to the free seat at the back. I was rather confused why no one seemed to recognise me but I knew they'd recognise me eventually and that's when the real fun would begin.

The teacher continued saying whatever he had been saying before I walked in and I took this time to survey the people around me.

I was starting to recognise people now, putting names and faces together.

"but sir, don't you think you're being a bit excessive? Studying is so boring, doing it every night could kill us with boredom."

I clenched my teeth as her voice grated on my nerves and her simpering faked innocent smile made me want to puke.

I recognised her instantly. Rebbeca Grove, the most popular girl in school, and the girl who used to make my life absolute hell.

I kept my eyes on her throughout the rest of the lesson and when it finished I followed her out of the room, keeping her in my sights.

She hadn't changed a bit, it was obvious no one had put her in her place yet.

She was the perfect target.

"Hey Rebbeca!" I called out and Rebbeca turned around slightly confused as her eyes settled on me.

"Hey? You're new right?"she asked and I nodded with a smile. "Well I suppose someone better warn you then." she said with her usual smug smile. "warn me about what?"I asked with a confused expression.

She took a couple steps closer to me so she was right in my face. "Don't get on the wrong side of me or you'll end up 6 feet under like the last girl who dared to try anything." She gave me a sickly sweet smile, patted my cheek and walked off, completely oblivious to the pure rage that I was struggling to hold back. she definitely hadn't changed since I'd been gone but it wouldn't be long until I had the last laugh. She'd pay for what she did. They all would. 

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