Forget Me ∞ teen wolf & the o...

By mydogthinksimgod

144K 3.1K 595

Mieczyslaw Mikaelson. The youngest in the original family. Or Stiles, as he is more commonly called, has bee... More

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Part 1 prolouge
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 9

7K 168 31
By mydogthinksimgod

Stiles watched Klaus as he walked. He wasn't leaving, he was opening the boot of his car and reaching in for something. Stiles already knew what it was. He could hear the heartbeat, the pulse, the breathing. It was a girl, Stiles could hear her pleas before she even came into sight.

But when she did it was even worse. As soon as she saw him her cries intensified. She screamed at him to help her and that this man holding her was a monster. Stiles already knew that though.

The girl was resisting being pulled along by Klaus while screaming her head off for someone to help her. Stiles wondered why Klaus hadn't already compelled her to shut up.

As Klaus dragged the girl Stiles studied her in silence. He decided she looked around sixteen. She had brown hair that kept falling all over her face. Her eye colour was hard to tell because her eyes were so bloodshot but Stiles figured they were brown.

The most important thing was that he didn't recognise her and he hoped she didn't know him. That would make the situation even worse.

Finally Klaus silenced her by looking at her eyes and telling her to stop crying.

"What is the meaning of this brother?" Stiles asked when Klaus got close to him.

"This," Klaus said pushing forward to girl so she landed on her knees close to Stiles' feet, "is an offering." Klaus wiped his hands on his pants as if it was dirtying him to touch the human. Stiles hated how Klaus had gotten like this, in the mindset that humans were just pawns in his games. Stiles vowed never again to be like that, each person had a life, a family, friends and not a part in any vampires games.

"Come on brother, breathe," Klaus said with a smile, "don't look so stoic."

Stiles listened without thinking and took a big breath, in hopes of calming himself down. But he regretted it along with everything else Klaus had ever told him to do. The smell of blood was so strong he could almost taste it and he desperately wanted to. Being dragged and pushed to the ground had worn some of the girls skin thin and Stiles could sense the blood that flowed right behind it. He could simply rip it open and blood would gush out. Sweet, delicious blood.

Get yourself together, Stiles told himself. He was not going to let himself lose it after all this time in front of his brother.

"An offering, for what?" Stiles questioned. His brother, offering? Not likely.

"For peace," Klaus replied.

Peace! Stiles couldn't help but roll his eyes. Klaus asking for peace was like Scott asking for war. It just didn't happen.

"I don't want your peace," Stiles spat, "just let the girl go."

"That is unwise Mieczyslaw, our parents are coming for us. We are going to need to work with one another to get rid of them, once again," Klaus reasoned.

Stiles was pretty sure he had to be dreaming. Klaus wanting to join forces, peace offer. Definitely a dream. What ever Klaus was trying to achieve, Stiles wanted nothing to do with it.

"Forget it Klaus. I want nothing you have to offer."

Klaus' jaw tightened. "Very well, I had a suspicion that you would be like this." He said clasping his hands as his lips formed a line. "I have a new offer; you come back with me to New Orleans or I will kill this innocent little human," Klaus continued. For affect he picked the girl up painfully by the hair and brought his extended fangs to her neck do they grazed over the skin haphazardly.

The girl's eyes were wide open and clearly brown now. She pleaded quietly with Stiles, "Please, please help me, please. Don't let him kill me please."

Stiles desperately wanted to help her, to pull her from Klaus' arms and run away with her. But he couldn't because that would show weakness and that was the one thing you never let Klaus see, your weakness.

Although he was pretty sure Klaus knew all his weaknesses by now.

Bt he had to save the girl. She has friends, she has a family, she has a reason to live. He chanted the line in his head like a motto, hoping it would give him a will to do something. But he couldn't.

"No decision then? Well I might just have her myself anyway. She smells delicious, doesn't she?" Klaus said. Moving the girls brown hair to the side slightly for better access. Klaus then looked up at Stiles his eyes red and fangs ready. His famous smirk was showing like he knew he had all the cards right now and he was daring Stiles todo something about it.

Stiles' mind was everywhere but neither here nor there. The girl in front of him, the wolf near by, his brother, his brother about to kill an innocent girl right in front of him.

"No!" He finally shouted and Klaus looked at him with a raised brow. Stiles was trembling now, whether it was with fear, anger or anticipation he didn't know. Maybe it was all of them.

"Or what," Klaus growled, and without hesitation he plunged his fangs into her neck. But they didn't stay there for long. Klaus pulled them out again licking his lips. What was left was a gruesome sight, a ruff bite mark that was already bleeding and trickling down her neck to her chest. Stiles could tell she was scared, she too was trembling and lots of tears were tracking down her pale face. He wanted to assure her that everything was going to be okay but he couldn't because he didn't believe it himself.

The blood was getting to him. It was right there so fresh and red and so close. So very close. All his strength was depleting, draining away into the road below. He could feel himself changing. Not only physically but mentally. All he was focused on was the blood.

Stiles' eyes were blood red now and black veins were starting to appear below them. Klaus could see the joy in his brothers eyes. He was winning, everything was going to plan. Once quick glance into the trees confirmed this for Klaus.

Stiles took a step towards the girl. Except Stiles was gone all that was there was a blood-thirsty monster who had been in hiding for so long and was ready to feed once again.

But somewhere deep inside was real Stiles and he was so desperately trying to get out. But he couldn't, all that appeared was a tear that traveled down from his eye to his chin leaving a shinny path.

"Please, please don't hurt me," the girl whimpered but even her cries couldn't reach Stiles. Her eyes were round saucers of fear as she tried to escape Klaus' grip but he effortlessly held her in place.

"Sorry," was all Stiles could say before the monster bit into her neck. He had meant it in good will but his face at twisted into a sick look of delight. He probably didn't look very apologetic.

His body was instantly delighted with the taste of blood. Its richness travelled down his throat and he was in heaven. Both Stiles and the monster. Why did I ever give this up? Stiles questioned but he couldn't remember. His mind was fuzzy with pleasure, nothing else mattered in this moment.

Klaus had taken a step back, letting the body fall into Stiles' awaiting arms. Klaus marvelled at what he had created, the perfect killing machine. An out for blood vampire that would give Klaus no more problems. Because he knew that although the brother before him had a kill anyone, careless attitude but it was Stiles that had an amazing strength but also a smart streak, that could surpass Klaus'. And this was a problem, so Klaus decided he would rather have minion that someone who could rival him.

Stiles wasn't aware of Klaus' plan that he was playing the part perfectly in. All he was concerned with was how amazing he felt.

Scott had been walking for what felt like forever but he had finally spotted two cars. One of which was Stiles' blue jeep. He was relieved but he could hear something going on and just wasn't able to see it from behind the jeep.

But then heard one word, 'sorry'.

He couldn't tell who said it or why but he definitely needed to find out. That was when he took of in a sprint.

Scott stopped when he saw what was in from of him. His shoes made a screech against the road but if anyone noticed they didn't pay attention. The scene stayed the same.

Straight in front of him was Stiles, well at least he thought it was Stiles but Scott didn't know what to think anymore. The person in front of him was still wearing what he had been wearing at school earlier that day. A faded red checkered flannel top with a pair of jeans. His hair was dark and messy as usual.

What shocked Scott was the head hanging limply over Stiles' shoulder, as if he was giving her a hug. Except it looked more like Stiles was viciously making out with her neck. What the hell!?

Now Scott could hear something new. It was the sound that you would expect to hear as a predator rips apart its prey. All was quiet apart from that horrible sound ringing in Scotts ears.

He felt like the truth of this situation was staring him in the face but he couldn't see it or he didn't want to, in fear of what it would mean. Like a part of his brain was trying to hide something big from him. Scott just wanted Stiles to pop out from somewhere the same as ever and tell him what to do. But Scott somehow knew this wasn't going to happen. He had the airy feeling that something big was about to take place, there was a prickle in the air like static and Scott knew there was no going back.

"Stiles..." he started weak and quiet, unsure why he was doing this. But once again he was disregarded.

But then something moved behind Stiles, a person came out. They smirked, waved at Scott as if they were best friends saying goodbye and then they once again disappeared. Scott's heart skipped a beat as he realised that it was Klaus who had just waved at him. Things went from bad to worse in Scotts mind.

He was desperate now so he tried again louder and stronger.


Stiles was mildly aware that there was things going on around him.

But he didn't really care about them, nothing else mattered except from the beautiful liquid in his mouth. Speaking of blood, his meal was starting to run out, not as much was coming out and he could feel the body getting limper in his arms.

If the girl was to have any chance at living, he would have to stop now. But he couldn't. Once he started he couldn't stop, no one not even his family could pull him away.


He heard his name but it sound as if it was coming from underwater. Not important he decided, nothing could be more important then this.


The voice was more persistent this time and Stiles could hear it clearly. It was urgent and on edge. The person behind the voice needed him. Stiles wanted to pull away but the monster wanted to stay until the body was dry. Stiles wasn't the one in control.

The blood flow was slowing and he relaxed. Stiles took this as a chance to stop.

He tore his head away and looked up. His eyes meet Klaus'. Klaus had moved backwards and had a killer smile on his face, and Stiles could tell he was extremely pleased about the situation.


He heard the voice again, it was more questioning this time. Stiles didn't know who it could be, no one else had been here last time he checked. Curiosity got to him, he didn't even think about what he looked like.

So Stiles turned.

It was Scott.

At first Stiles was filled with joy. It was his best friend, Scott had come to help him. Together they could get rid of Klaus.

Then there was a thump. The sound of a dead body hitting the road.

And he remembered what he had just done, what Scott would be seeing right now. A monster.

Stiles blinked away his horrid red eyes, the vivid veins below his eyes faded away and he felt his teeth retract. But it was to late Scott had seen everything. Stiles could tell by his face, it was twisted, horrified and hurt.

He took a step foreword but Scott took one backwards. He's scared of me, Stiles thought, my best friend is scared of me.


Scott regretted repeating himself immediately. His name felt like poison in his mouth. This couldn't be his friend, he refused to believe. This has to be Mieczyslaw, he thought, not Stiles. No matter how similar they look, this can't be Stiles. My best friend is human, he wouldn't kill, he's not a....... a monster, Scott reassured himself.

Scott's heart was beating at a thousand miles a hour, hammering inside his chest. He was sure the two originals could hear it with or without advanced hearing. Scott started to walk backwards hoping to get away from them without a fight. He was so scared he just wanted to sprint away, but he was stopped when the bloody face in front of him said...


Stiles wasn't sure why he said it. Maybe he had a small amount of hope that somehow their friendship could continue. Scott put his hand to his mouth with a stunned look and Stiles instinctively copied but found when he removed his hand it was red.

Sweet, delicious blood ran down his fingers. Stiles was tempted to lick it off but he had once again found some sort of control, so he wiped it on his jeans.

He meet Scotts line of sight again and Klaus decided it was time to enterven and do what he does best, cause havoc.

"Well you must be Scott then," he started "and I'm sure you already know who I am. So the million dollar question is, do you know who this is?" Klaus finished, clasping a hand on Stiles' shoulder.

"That's Stiles, my best friend." Scott replied. He had come full circle in the span of a second. He figured it had to Stiles and that Klaus was toying with them. Playing some cruel trick for amusement.

"Hmmmmmm," Klaus placed placed a finger on his chin as if he was thinking, "that might be true. But do you want to know his real name?"

There was silence. No one moved or said anything.

"Oh come on," Klaus said louder as he threw his free hand in the air. 

"I'm sure you must have figured it out by now," Klaus continued, zeroing in on Scott, "Stiles wouldn't keep a useless werewolf around."

"Mieczyslaw..." Scott said quietly, little more than a whisper. He wasn't sure why he said it he knew he was playing the exact part Klaus wanted him to. But he also had this curiosity to know, if his gut feeling was somehow correct.

"Louder, my boy," Klaus wickedly encouraged.

"Mieczyslaw," Scott repeated. 

Klaus sneered. "That would be correct wolf." 

It was silent once more.

Before Klaus interrupted it again, "Got anything to for yourself little brother?" he said slinging his arm right over Stiles' shoulders. 

Stiles didn't have anything to say. His built up world was crumbling around him. Stiles realised his had never identified more with the praise "I wish the ground would swallow me whole." than he did right now. He so desperately wanted to disappear.

Scott wasn't much better off.

His worst suspicion had just been confirmed and he didn't know how to feel. There was a small part of him that felt relieved that he knew the truth to a secret he hadn't known was being kept from him. But most of him felt otherwise. The person I called my best friend has been lying to me since we meet. Scott was hurt his heart was aching and his eyes were stinging. He just wanted to get away from it all.

So he did.

Scott took off in a sprint back the way he had come. He didn't care if he looked like a coward. 

He had to get away. Away from those fangs and blood red eyes.

Stiles wanted to follow him but as he took a step forward there was a strong as iron grip on his shoulder and he was forced to turn.

"They won't care for you anymore Stiles now they know what you are," Klaus said and Stiles knew it was true, Scott had just watched him kill someone.

"They don't need you anymore but your family needs you," Klaus cooed, his voice repeating in Stiles' head. 

A tear dropped from Stiles' eye and Klaus noticed.

"Just turn it off Stiles and I'll take you home," Klaus said it with so much kindness that Stiles was lulled into almost believing him.

But he didn't. Stiles had no home anymore he had moved and fled to much for any one place to be his home. He knew Klaus wanted him to just turn of his emotions and let the monster within take over but he couldn't. 

He couldn't.

He couldn't.

He couldn't. 

But I can.

Klaus' words were getting to him, clouding his brain but he believed him. Why would they want someone who killed people around, why would they want to be friends with a lier and a monster?

Klaus pulled Stiles' head so he was looking him right in the eyes and then almost as if he were compelling him he said, "Turn it off."

And Stiles, once again, was going to make the mistake of listening.

He was letting go of all his emotions that kept him constrained.

But then his phone beeped and that really ruined the moment. 

Instinctively he took his phone out of his pocket and opend the message. It was from Lydia and read: "Hey Stiles, are we still studying tonight at yours? :)"

It wasn't really saying anything important but it was enough for Stiles to realise he didn't want this. He wanted his emotions. He wanted his friends and his possible girlfriend.

And then as if he was never there, Stiles was gone.

Leaving Klaus with what might be called a dumbfounded look and a query on just how much this girl meant to his brother.


Well there it is.

The big reveal and by no means the end.

I hope it is good enough to maybe bring a tear to your eye.

Anywho I just read the first two books of the heroes of Olympus series and I'm on to mark of Athena, and this was just in three days. I think I have a problem. but I love Percy, if anyone wants to fangirl I am ready and willing





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