The New Girl

By Kathy202

485K 12K 4.8K

Allie is the popular girl who says and gets what she wants with the snap of her finger. She's the most beauti... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
10 years later

Chapter 15

14.7K 392 115
By Kathy202

(Spencer's POV)

Allie was hovering over me apologizing, until she passed out on top of me. Gosh she's kinda heavy, I thought to myself. I then carefully scooted her off of me, laid her beside me and covered her up. I then got up and was heading to the bathroom when a couple barged in, which made me jump. They were kissing and giggling, but stopped when they saw me and Allie. They looked confused, but apologized and left.

Seeing the couple reminded me there was a party going on, which I completely forgot about. I went to the bathroom and cleaned up and was fixing to open the door to exit the room, but stopped. I turned around and stared at Allie for a while and then left to find my friends.

Once I found Stormy and Blaire I grabbed both of them and dragged them outside with me.

"Hey where are we going?" Stormy asked.

"Yeah we were having fun." Blaire said whining.

I ignored them until we got outside.

"Now can you tell us what's going on?" Stormy asked.

" I just wanted to tell ya'll I'm not going home tonight."

Stormy smiled, " Who's the lucky someone you're going to be with?"

I blushed then cleared my throat, "no one special."

"Please, I can tell you're lying, just tell us who it is?"

"Fine I'm staying with Allie."

"On second thought, you're coming back home with us." Stormy said and was fixing to grab my arm to take me home.

I moved my arm, " No i'm not going home, Allie kinda needs me right now."

"And why is that?" Stormy asked crossing her arms and raising her eyebrow.

"Because I left her passed out on a bed upstairs." I said quietly.

They widened there eyes, "What happened?"

"Nothing really." I said playing with my hair.

"She didn't hurt you did she?" Blaire asked concerned.

I stopped playing with my hair and looked up at her, " No she didn't... well not really."

That was enough to make her mad, because her eyes widened with anger, " What did she do to you?"

Too scared to lie I said, " We were making out and things got a little out of control and she was trying to force herself onto me."

Blaire was fixing to take off up stairs, but I grabbed her arm and stopped her. " If you would let me finish, she was forcing herself onto me, but stopped when she realized what she was doing."

Blaire yanked her arm away and headed up stairs with an angry Stormy following behind.

What did I do, I thought to myself.

I then took off to try and stop them. Once I got upstairs i saw them opened doors trying to find Allie, thankfully they didn't. But I spoke too soon because they were walking toward the room Allie was in, but I quickly got in front of it.

"Move out of the way!" Stormy demanded. which made me flinch, but I still stood there.

"No!" I said.

"Please move and let me teach her a lesson for laying hands on you." Blaire said angrily.

"Like I said she's passed out and she didn't do anything and I'm alright."

"But- Stormy was fixing to speak, but I cut her off.

"Just let me talk to her when she wakes up." I said to them.

"Fine whatever, I'm gonna go cool off!" Stormy said and stormed off, but Blaire just stood there.

"Please Blaire just go."

"Why?" Blaire said.

"So I can talk to her."

"No I mean why do you like Allie so much From what Stormy told me and when I met her, she's a terrible person who manipulates and hurts people especially you, but you still like her. Then she goes and does this and yet you protect and forgive her and keep falling for her! Why!?"

"I- I don't know why I just do" I said also thinking why I like Allie.

Blaire started laughing and I looked at her confused.

She kept laughing, when all of a sudden tears started streaming down her face. Ok now I'm more confused.

Her laughing stopped, but she kept crying quietly, while her forehead was against the wall.

I walked over to her, put my hand on her shoulder and asked," Are you ok?"

"No Spencer I'm not ok!" she snapped.

"Then what's the matter?" I asked rubbing her back.

"You're what's the matter." She said then turned and looked at me.

I raised an eyebrow, " I don't know what you mean?"

She laughed," of course you don't, you're oblivious to people's feelings toward you, even your own."

I stood there still confused.

"Ok let me make it simple for you."

I shook my head ok.

"Remember when we were little, like 6 or 7, and we were playing outside, but I went to the bathroom and you were left alone and these 3 older kids went over to you and started bullying you and breaking all your toys?"

"Of course, how could I forget, because you came and saved me and beat all them up. They were crying like little babies." I said smiling, while remembering that memory.

"Ok and do you remember what I told you after that?"

"Yeah, you said that you loved me too much to be left alone anymore and that you would always be by my side to protect me."

"So do you know what I'm trying to say?"

"No." I said feeling bad still not knowing what she's trying to get at.

Blaire sighed, " you know what fuck it. Spencer!" She said yelling my name which made me jump, I love you!"

I stood there in shock.

"Since when we were little and now. I would've told you along time ago, but I was too scared."

I still just stood there, but finally asked, " When did you fall in love with me?"

"I don't really know, I guess it was just by spending so much time with you. And you know when I moved I was heart broken, because I never knew if I was ever going to get the chance see you and to tell you how I felt and like fate I ended up seeing you again at that restaurant. But I guess it was too late seeing now that your eyes are set on someone else." She said tearing up again.

I didn't know what to say, so I walked over to her and hugged her.

" I'm sorry I never noticed your feelings toward me and if I did things probably would've been different."

We broke from our hug and she looked at me,"Yeah, but there not and now I guess I'll just have to except the fact you like someone else. It'll hurt, but as long as she makes you happy then I'll be ok."

I feel like a horrible person not loving someone the same way they love me.

"I'm gonna head home, but can I ask one favor before I leave?"

I shook my head ok.

"Can I kiss you?"

I stood there taken back by her question.

"You don't have to if you don't want to I mean-

feeling bad already I cut her off by kissing her, which caught her off guard.

She kissed back and placed her hands on my waist.

The kiss was surprisingly good, her lips where soft and tasted like cherries and she knew what she was doing. But sadly it wasn't the same as kissing Allie and I didn't feel sparks, even though a little part of me wanted too.

When we stopped Blaire looked at me, " That probably wasn't the best idea since you probably didn't feel anything... did you?"

I shook my head no, "Sorry."

She looked sad, "That's ok, what could I have expected?" She then checked the time, "Well I'm gonna leave, see you later Spenc." She waved bye and walked away.

"I'm such a terrible person!" I said to myself putting my face in my hands.

I then looked up and took a deep breath and walked in the bedroom Allie was in. I texted my parents, saying I would be at a friends house. I then locked the door and crawled into bed and fell asleep not caring there was still a party going on.


Hey guess sorry for the late update, I know I said I would be updating more, but I haven't had time. So now I'm just gonna update whenever I can, but anyways I hope you like this chapter and sorry for any errors and misspelled words, I'll go back and fix it later.

But feel free to leave a comment and vote :P

Peace out

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