Don't leave me. Ever...

By SexyPokemonTrainer

197K 4.1K 673

Blake being the sexy party boy he is soon introduced to Brooke, a girl who his friends mocked everyday. Once... More

Don't leave me. Ever...
Chapter One: The beginning...
Chapter Two: I want her to trust me...
Chapter Three: Do I hate her so much that I will lose my friend?
Chapter Four: I will suffer to keep him happy...
Chapter Five: We all have secrets.
Chapter Six: Everyone has reasons for what they do.
Chapter Seven: Leaving without saying goodbye.
Chapter Eight: The pain I live with everyday...
Chapter nine: A kiss of a blossoming romance.
Chapter Ten: What a stupid thing to say...
Chapter Eleven: Cuts and Bruises.
Chapter Twelve: Protecting me.
Chapter Thirteen: Goodbye.
Chapter Fourteen: Love, Lost, Hate, Death what's the difference?
Chapter Fifteen: Is this what I want?
Chapter Sixteen: We all need some happiness.
Chapter Seventeen: Running away...
Chapter Eighteen: Skylar?
Chapter Nineteen: It's the truth.
Chapter Twenty-one: The lost friend.
Chapter twenty-two: The Party.
Chapter Twenty-three: For the better or the worst.

Chapter Twenty: Wake Up.

3.8K 78 7
By SexyPokemonTrainer

Chapter Twenty: Wake up...

[Katie’s POV]:

A loud yawn escaped my mouth as I opened up my eyes and stretched. I looked over to Skylar quickly, anxious to see if he was awake. He was so still, so emotionless. It was strange to see him perfectly still as if he was carved out of stone. I bit my lip and reached out for his hand wanting him to know that I was still here, that I wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. I smiled at him stroking his fingers wanting him to wake up; I wanted to punch him for scaring me so much. Tell him how much I cared about him.                                                                                                                                                                              

“Come on Skylar,” I whispered trying to keep up my composure of calm even though I wanted to cry.                                        

“Do you really believe that he can hear you?” Someone asked.

I turned from Skylar unwillingly to see a young girl who looked like she was six standing right outside the doorway. I looked closer at her to see that she had an admitted sticker on her shirt. She was so young to be in hospital, it made me sad to think what was wrong with her. She looked so sickly and sad as if she didn’t have long to live.                                    

“Yeah I do. What’s your name sweetie?” I asked motioning for her to come inside the room.                                                            

“Light,” She answered walking in.                                                                                                                                    

“What a beautiful name, your parents must have loved you a lot to call you light. I’m Katie,” I said holding out my hand kindly.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

I tilted my head slightly as she didn’t take my gesture and stood there as if she was thinking about something really deeply.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

“If my parents love me so much why do they want to kill me?” She asked seriously.

I looked at her for a moment shocked. What was she saying? Hearing her say that made me think back to my parents and what they use to do. I remembered coming home one day to nothing but screams and blood. It was like it covered the whole house, you couldn’t go anywhere without hearing the girl in pain. If only I had saved her, if only I knew what was happening. I also remembered hearing my parents talking about killing both my brother and me just before they went to prison. Their pathetic excuse was that they didn’t want us to live under the name of what they did. If they thought like that why didn’t they stop?                                                                                                                                                                   

“What makes you think that?” I asked quietly kneeling down so that I was her height.                                                                        

“I heard them talking with the doctors... They said that I was so sick that I didn’t have much time anyway and that they could consider putting me out of my misery,” She said getting all teary in her eyes.

I wiped away her tears and grabbed her hands. I was quite surprised on how smart she was and how adult like she was already.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

“I’m sure everything will be alright...” I said trying to make her feel happy.

She stopped crying for a second and looked up at me with such beautiful deep brown eyes.                                                      

“I know you’re just trying to make me feel better, perhaps this is what is supposed to happen to me. Maybe I was born to die...” She mumbled sadly.                                                                                                                                                                                         

“No, no one is born to die Light. Life is just cruel,” I said bitting my lip not wanting to show much emotion.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

“Why do you bit your lip so much?” She asked.                                                                                                                                                         

“Cause you’re going to make me cry,” I said honestly noticing that she seemed to pick up on such minor details.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

“Don’t cry for me,” Light said giving me a cute baby like smile before looking at the door.                                                     

“Light what I say about annoying other people,” Someone almost yelled at her.

The woman seemed like her mother, just hearing the annoyance in her voice made me want to hit her. Her daughter was dying and she had the nerve to talk to her like that. I tightened my hands into fists, what was with parents and being such control freaks. I let out a huge sigh, what could I do about it anyway? I was one person alone wanting to change such a messed up corrupted world. Sometimes I thought that this world would be better without most of the people who occupied it, but what can one person do to stop the corruption alone?

[Brooke’s POV]:

Blake walked out of Alexis’s room leaving me to find myself some clothes for today. I grabbed the small sapphire in my fingers and looked at it closely; clearly he must have loved me if he gave me the belonging of one of the most loved person in his life. I looked into the large wardrobe almost struck on how beautiful and full it was. I grabbed one of the closet shirts and a note dropped to the floor. A note? The rushing feeling of finding it brought all the memories of finding Anthony, lying cold in blood. The note looked just like it, folded perfectly like it was meant to be read by someone special. I folded it out and looked at the first sentence. ‘To whoever finds this,’ they where the exact same words that was written across Anthony’s note. Alexis, Blake’s sister. Didn’t he ever think about wondering why Alexis couldn’t deal with her life anymore? Was he never curious, or did he not care about Alexis as much as he made out he did. No, of course he cared about her, Alexis was his sister. He had to care about her, didn’t he? I continued to read what the note said curious of why she was so miserable.

‘I’m sick of this. Sick of being everyone’s most loved person. I hate being popular, no one wants to get to know the real me. I’m just a figure, just a face everyone recognizes as being head of the school. I might as well be silent no one would notice the difference; there’s no one that cares about the real me. Whenever I get home from school I’m always faced with my innocence of a brother who looks up to me. I know that he cares about me but he wouldn’t understand my suffering... No one understands...’

I read the final sentence over again. No one understands those three words felt so familiar, it brought me back to how much I felt lost, unloved, as if I was invisible. I put the letter back on the shelf not wanting to look at. It reminded me of how much I hated my life; I didn’t want to think like that anymore, I wanted to forget. I dropped the shirt to the floor. Someone so much like me wore these clothes, and she was the sister of my boyfriend. Why was this sounding worse and worse?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

“Hey, you haven’t picked out anything yet?” Suddenly the voice of Blake asked startling me.                                                     

“Don’t you think it’s a bit weird for me to borrow your sister’s clothes?” I asked turning around to him.

My eyes widened as I saw him. He was wearing only a pair of dark blue fitted jeans leaving his chest bare covered with water droplets. I noticed a huge smile on his face as he saw me travel my gaze all over his body. Blake walked closer and put his arms around me kissing my neck invitingly. I pulled away from him feeling kind of selfish, he seemed to be forgetting about everyone to be with me.                                                                                                                                                          

“Try this,” Blake said handing me a dark purple dress.

I looked up at him to see that he didn’t seem to mind any of this at all, how come he seemed so calm with this. Letting me in his life that I doubt no one knew of, well expect Anthony. I took the dress out of his hands and gazed down at it, it was beautiful. Dark purple short with rhinestones across the stomach region, it was so delicate. I looked back up at Blake who seemed to be almost cold like, thinking about something that obviously made him sad.                                                

“What’s wrong?” I asked grabbing hold of both his hands forcing him to look into my eyes.                                                           

“Nothing, it’s just that Alexis loved that dress. She’d wear it to most of the family occasions when we had them.” Blake answered me, holding my hands tightly squishing them slightly.                                                                    

“I love you Brooke, and I trust you with everything in my life. Please don’t hurt me...” Blake added pressing his lips against mine before I could answer him.

Still hearing those words made me realize how special he was to me. I was never going to hurt him, how could I even think of doing such a thing? I loved Blake more than anything, he was everything to me. I wasn’t going to let him go... Ever.

[Lauren’s POV]:

Life obviously isn’t a fairy tale, well maybe that’s just for me. I could feel my body tremble as everything was going all wrong, Skylar wasn’t going to hear my cries. I messed up our future over something that was merely a dream, a farfetched unrealistic dream. I was nothing compared to someone he deserved, Skylar deserved the world. I was in the back of the police car being taken home, it was pretty pointless. No one was going to be there. I was alone in life, my father was nothing but a thug who sold drugs for a living and well my mother isn’t that much older than me who has been waitressing for way to long. I always thought that I could break away from both of their nothingness lives and find someone who wanted me. I knew I was a mistake since I was born, otherwise they would have cared about me. I looked out the window seeing that it was starting to rain again, why wasn’t I perfect? Why wasn’t I beautiful, rich and smart? I suppose this is reality and well it sucked.                                                                                                                                                            

“Get out,” The police practically spat at me.

I looked out the window to see my house; I couldn’t complain about it, so many people had it worse. I got out the car and walked over to the front door squinting to see through the rain. I looked back to the police car to see that it hadn’t driven away yet which odd since the man inside wanted me to get out so quickly. I pushed the front door open stumbling inside, darkness. Perfect. I slammed the door shut and started making my way slowly to my room; I looked at the phone and saw that there were six new messages. Who would have left them? Skylar? I sighed, of course it wasn’t Skylar. If he wanted nothing to do with me I wouldn’t object since I had been so awful to him. Blake? It wasn’t going to be Blake either. I had no one in my life that would have cared enough about me to call... I was alone. I dropped myself onto my bed and hugged my pillow to my chest. I felt the hot tears start running down my cheeks looking over to the side where Skylar had slept next to me. Why was I so selfish? I screwed up, Blake wasn’t the one I loved it was Skylar... But now there was no way I wasn’t going to get him back, but if only I could have Blake maybe he would take my pain away...

[Blake’s POV]:

“Where are we going?” Brooke asked me, her eyes still closed from when I told her to close them.

I wanted our first date to be a surprise and I wasn’t going to let anything ruin it. Brooke looked stunning purple really suited her, but since we left the house she seemed quiet as if she was keeping something from me. I smiled pulling her along with me. I really didn’t know what to expect with the whole dating system, surprisingly this was the first date I had ever brought someone to. I wasn’t sad though seeing that it would be perfect just knowing Brooke was here with me, ever if I messed it all up she’d probably have fun anyway.                                                                                                                           

“Surprise,” I said just before she opened up her eyes.

Brooke looked straight towards the ocean as the waves crashed onto the sand. The beach looked stunning when it was cloudy also it meant not many people would be here so that it would be relaxing. Brooke wrapped her arms around m waist and pulled me down for a kiss. I couldn’t refuse her after not kissing her for such a long trip. She was the same mouth watering taste as usual, it tasted like strawberries and roses and odd mix but it was so right in so many ways. I felt her tongue gently touch my lips I opened my mouth to let the sensation blend but to mean I did something else. I bit her lip making her stop kissing me and looked up at me puzzled. I couldn’t help but to smile at her almost causing myself to laugh at her face expression.                                                                                                                                                                                 

“Meany,” She said teasingly pretending to be mad at me.

I poked my tongue out at her and pulled her closer to the beach, ready for what I knew was going to be an amazing day together.


First things first, I'm appolgising for this chapter. Hopefully you people thought it was alright because personally I got annoyed at it soooo much it wasn't funny. o_o Sorry for such a wait like I said I was angry at what was written and started over a few times :/ and it still didn't turn out perfect. But anywho hope you did like it and will keep reading because it's almost the end :O *gasp* dramatic right.. -.- no. Enjoy, hope next chapter will be better. Sorry D: LLL [smile.or.die] ANdy

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