Fix You || A.I

By 5SOS_Paradise

890K 26.9K 6.2K

A girl once told me to be careful when trying to fix a broken person, for you may cut yourself on their shatt... More

Fix You || Ashton Irwin ||
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
~ Playlist ~

Chapter 26

16.5K 555 116
By 5SOS_Paradise

Anna and I were running in the rain back to her house, when we opened the door we couldn’t stop laughing I don’t know why, I think it was because of the fact that I fell at one point while running. I was so in love with Anna I pulled her towards me and gave her a passionate kiss making our way to the sofa

“Anna, can I say something” I said

“Sure, you can”

“I love you Anna, since day one” Anna seemed shocked and backed away

“You…you love me”?

“Shit I said it too soon didn’t I, shit I’m so stupid” I felt stupid I forgot about Anna and her falling in love again I sat up and said “I fucked this whole thing up” I picked up my coat and said “Sorry, I should go”

“Ashton, wait” I turned around looking at her

“I do um”

“Love me”?

“Uh yeah, but I just can’t find the words to say it, I’m just afraid of it”

“But why, Anna it’s just three little words”

“That mean something, it’s a strong word Ashton”

“It’s not a bad thing to fall in love Anna, I know you love me and I will wait until that day comes when you tell me those 3 little words but right now I’m telling you that I’m in love with you and I’ve fallen for you hard, now come here” Anna walked towards me and gave me a hug

“I’m sorry”

“It’s fine, I love you Anna and I don’t care how long it takes you to say it because I will wait” Anna gave me a kiss and said

“Thank you Ashton for everything” she gave me another but this one had more passion than any of our other kisses. She slowly laid down with me hovering over her, her hands were entangling themselves in my hair as I was kissing her, I opened my mouth allowing her for entrance, Her hands soon moved to my muscles and I started kissing her neck and I soon got her sweet spot making her moan

“Ashton” I pulled away and she said “My parents are going to be home soon”

“Alright we’ll finish this another time”

“No, why wait, I’ve got a room” Anna and I ran upstairs to her room and soon as I slammed the door I pushed Anna up against the wall continuing to kiss her and I pulled away and said

“Jump” She jumped up and I grabbed her ass and her legs wrapped around me and we continued kissing making our way towards the bed, I could fell Anna tugging on my shirt

“You want some help with that”? I took my shirt off and continued kissing her neck

“Ash” she said

“Mmm” I said, Anna tried to find the words but she just couldn’t, I started to unzip Anna’s dress and soon her dress was off.

“You have no idea what you’re doing to me, Anna” I said taking deep breaths I wanted Anna so much now

“I think I know I can feel it rising up” she pointed down at my pants, I started blushing. Anna started kissing my neck and I said

“Oh shit Anna” I could feel Anna’s breath on my neck making me shiver. 5 minutes later after our make out stage it was starting to become more than that

“Anna, are you sure”? I wasn’t sure if she was virgin or not but I might as well say it, Anna nodded and grabbed a condom out of her draw and put it on. I was so thankful that Anna’s parents and Luke wasn’t home because Anna was loud and that’s all I’m saying.

After we were finish, Anna and I were in bed cuddling up to each other and we were naked I might add.

“Hey Ashton”


“Just to let you know that was my first time”

“Wait, so you never did it with”

“Nope, it was just making out that’s it our plan was to wait until formal and get an apartment that night”  

“Well I feel special to be your first and also you’re my first as well” Anna looked up at me, our noses were touching and I gave her a peck on the lips



“I love you” a huge smile appeared on my face.

“I love you too, Anna” We were about to kiss until we heard the front door open and Liz’s voice

“Anna, honey, are you still up”? Anna’s eyes grew wide and said

“She can’t see us in bed naked, she thinks I’m still the innocent one”

“What are we going to do”?

“Get under the bed”


“Get under the damn bed” She pushed my off the bed, I heard the door open and got under the bed. It felt like Liz was in here for an hour once she left I got up and grabbed my clothes

“Where are you going”?



“Alright fine, but you can explain to my mum why I didn’t end up coming home”

“Fine by me, now lock the door or else with Luke or Dad will be the next ones in” I walked up to the door locking it and I got back in bed with Anna and gave her a kiss goodnight. 

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