
By Abitrandom

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[I don't want to add updates in my upcoming books so I decided to put them in here] Do you like the Cover? More

Update [29/9/17]

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By Abitrandom

So basically i deleted all my other stupid book becasue i hated them, i hated writing stuff about other people charactrs when i have an abundant of my own, and im not saying the lucy heartfelia or tracer are terrible characters its just i never felt like they where personal to me. 

There are also many other factors which pushed me to make this desicion but im honestly happier now that i can start a new. 

Im also debating why someone would be sad about me deleting those pieces of trash but i don't know. im also taken to writing on my laptop becasue its just easier then on a crappy phone whith the evil encarnated which is no other then  autocorrect. 

so have fun hopefully reading a new book which i have randomly imagined. i would have drawn this or animated this if i had the skill but the only skill i do have is being able to connect sentences using verbs and shit. [dont be surprised when this turns out to be total utter crap] The world didn't create me intending me to write a book. [im such a rebel] 

btw i have a mest up sense of humour so when i say "Of coure im great, its me!," i dont mean it. i have terrible self confidence so i basically lying to myself. [ yay ]

Follow me on Tumblr at Amy_is_Random ; you know its me if this is the icon:

Im not sorry for this! #selfspon


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