Unexpected // h.s.

By DependsOnForever

827K 3.9K 840

~Unexpected no. 1~ Sharissa has never been lucky, but that doesn't stop her from living her life. After Edwar... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 16

29.1K 118 46
By DependsOnForever

Chapter 16

***Sharissa's POV***

The gang and I arrived in Fort Lauderdale, Florida around noon, so that gave us just enough time to meet Paul so they could go over the show and practice schedules. Thinking of Harry doing what he loved, I smiled. "What are you smiling about?" I looked over at Harry, who had a serious look on his face. "You've been smiling like crazy all day, and I have a feeling I didn't cause it!" Harry continued in a funny voice. I laughed a little before turning my head away and not answering. I felt it wasn't too important to say anything, and I knew he wouldn't be too upset about it.

We waited at the airport since Paul be arriving shortly after us. I got impatient. While Harry was sitting back in his chair, I was walking around, pacing in front of him, constantly checking the time. My hands kept running themselves through my hair, making it greasy. Pacing faster, I checked my watch for the tenth time. I groaned as Harry rolled his eyes. Trying my best, I ignored him. It felt like hours had passed before Paul arrived. "Rissa!" I looked over at Danielle who was glancing over at me. "Quit that," she warned.

I couldn't help it. I didn't feel good and I hate flying on planes. "I'm sorry. I'm just pacing around so I don't get sick." That's when Harry sat up straighter, shooting me a worried look. "My stomach has been upset since we ate at Steak and Shake. This flight didn't help it any either." I took my seat between Harry and Niall and rested my head against Haz's shoulder. 

"Why didn't you tell me? I could have gotten your sickness pill out of my bag." Guilt hit me. From the look on Harry's face, he knew I was in guilt. "Don't worry, I'm not mad just tell me next time, okay baby?" I nodded my head slowly.

"I don't think I can take them though. While I'm pregnant I'm not allowed to take much medicine, I can't even take my allergy medicine." Niall tensed up next to me, I could feel it. My eyes floated over to him to see he was giving me a sorry look

"That has to suck," he stated groggily. Niall's gaze shifted from me to Liam in a matter of seconds. "I hope you get better, though." I smiled at him and switched my gaze down to my ring while Niall stood up and walked over to Liam who was a couple chairs down.

"Paul just texted me," Zayn said breaking the silence. "He said he's here and that'd he'd come get us in a few minutes." I sat up and grabbed my bag from under my chair. Everyone was standing by now and starting to walk away except for Harry. Instead, he handed me his hands to help me up. 

I took his hands graciously and pulled myself up. "Thanks." I gave him a smile and we followed the rest of the gang. "You're so thoughtful, Harry," I complimented as he took my hand in his. He gave my hand a slight squeeze and rubbed my thumb. We got to the front of the airport and hid from all the fans. "I can't believe I'm almost seven months pregnant. I feel like a cow."

Harry put his free hand on my belly that was covered with my long flowing t-shit. It was meant to go down to my knees but with my huge stomach in the way, it only went to my mid thigh. I had grey leggings on with white socks that came almost to my lower knee. I had black combat-like boots on that zipped up in the back. Since it was winter time, I had to dress pretty warmly.

"You're not a cow." His green eyes stared at my face, giving me reassurance. "Even if you were, I'd still expect you to be my maid." My mouth dropped to the floor briefly before I smacked him lightly. "I love you," he chuckled out as he gave me a big famous cheeky Harry Styles smile.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm so late. Traffic is crazy." I shook my head slowly as I turned to face Paul. "I have two vehicles waiting for us all, so let's go!" I waited for Harry to start moving before I started. In the vehicle I was in it was Liam and Danielle, Harry and I, and Paul and Zayn. We had room for one more but Niall wanted to be with Lou and Ell. I didn't question it though.

Once I buckled myself in I laid myself on Harry who was quick to rub my stomach. He was drawing circles everywhere. While he was doing so, I studied his face and tried to imagine what he was feeling or thinking. Harry's face was happy, you could tell by his eyes. He had a slight smile on his face as he felt one of the babies moving. I could feel it too but I didn't let him see my emotions. I wanted him to experience them for his own. "Babe, I just felt o-" My eyes widened as I sat up kind of quickly. A weird feeling came from my lower region of my stomach, like one of them had kicked my bladder. "Did one just kick?" I nodded my head and watched Harry's face change from a small smile to a huge one. If I had to describe his mood I would have to say ecstatic.

"They must know their daddy has their hands on them, protecting them," I whispered happily as Harry looked up at me once more. This time he had a single tear rolling down his cheek.

"This is such a beautiful miracle of life, and I'm glad you are carrying them." I reached my hand up to Harry's face and he smiled bigger. "They're going to be so active, I hope we can handle them." He kissed my forehead.

"We can, Hazza. You're talking to someone who grew up with random rambunctious kids that my mother watched." Harry looked more at ease once I said that, which was good because I knew he needed to be.

We drove by food places left and right and Zayn's stomach must have growled because Paul spoke up. "How about we go get something to eat?" I shrugged my shoulders, still not feeling my best. "Liam, can you call or text one of the boys in the other car to see if they're hungry," Paul asked as he turned into a parking lot of a department store. We sat here and waited for Liam to get a response. 

It only took about two minutes before Liam's phone pinged. "He asked when and where," Liam announced. Paul turned around and looked at all of us. I looked to Harry who was looking at me.

"I say Ris should decide since she is the American born one," Harry stated happily. I smiled and looked at all of the guys in the car. "I'm feeling down for some seafood," Harry commented. That seemed to spark everyone's interest in the car so Liam texted back and quickly heard a response.

"Niall says yes in all capital letters." I chuckled and told Paul where to go. I knew of one seafood restaurant that was fantastic, only because my father used to tell me about it from when he used to live here. I never talked to my father much, nor do I remember much about him but he did tell me about this seafood place. It was all he talked about before he passes away when I was younger. My father was a businessman, very successful from what I remember. At least that's what I thought because mom and I never had to struggle with paying bills, or maybe she did and just didn't tell me. My mind got abruptly thrown from my thoughts as Harry took my hand in his and started pulling me out of the car. 

Our eyes met as I started helping myself out of the vehicle. Liam and Danielle were already walking inside followed by Lou and Eleanor. Niall stopped by Zayn who was waiting for Harry and I. Paul went to order our food while we picked a big booth and sat down. It was luckily near an exit in the restaurant, I guess you could never know when fans were going to go crazy. Zayn scooted in first followed by Lou, Eleanor, Harry, Me, Niall and then Liam and Danielle. Paul and one other guy who drove the other vehicle sat down at a table near us and began talking after Paul got back from ordering food. "So, I'm glad this tour is almost over," Zayn sputtered out to break the silence. I nodded along with Harry and a few other lads. "Then once it's over, I get to be an uncle!" My gaze snapped over to Zayn who was smiling over at me. "I just can't wait!"

I laughed, "Well I think you'll have to be added to the list of people who can't wait." He looked confused.

"Come again?" I rolled my eyes with a huge smile on my face

"I think Harry has you beat, bud." His eyes went straight to Harry and Harry just raised his head upwards once as if to say "come at me, bro." I shook my head and looked over at Niall who was sitting there on his phone. Harry and Zayn fell started a conversation between them, Lou and Eleanor, so I figured I could try to talk to Niall, seeing as he hasn't talked to me for a while.

"Hey, Niall, can I talk to you?" Niall looked up at me and furrowed his brows. He nodded and went back to his phone. "Why have you been so distant from me? We used to talk all the time." He shrugged his shoulders, refusing to look me in the eyes.

I placed a hand on his arm, hoping he would just open up to me. "Don't," he hissed quietly. I was taken aback as I removed my hand and placed it in my lap again. "Don't worry about me." 

"Then explain why you've been distant." I hissed back, not taking my steady and pushing gaze off of him. He looked at me for a split second and turned to look out the window. "Is it because I don't love you back?" Niall was about to answer until the food came out.

The waitress walked up to us with a very bright and happy presence. She had fake curls in her hair that was in a ponytail. The blonde that was in her hair wasn't true either because her roots were coming in a dark brown colour. Her smile was big and fake, I could tell by the way she looked at me. "Alrighty, guys," her fake voice belted out in a high pitch. "Your food is here." She nodded, a small blush appearing, and sat Niall's food down. I rolled my eyes as she carelessly sat my food down. That was the last plate, and she gave Liam a smile. Her eyes flicked up to me, and they narrowed. Liam seemed to notice the tension so he cleared his throat and reached for the salt.

"You were the worst thing that ever happened to this band. If Harry would have never found you, he would never be in this mess! What does Harry see in you anyway?" The one thing I couldn't figure out was what she meant by Harry being in a big mess. He didn't seem to be, and I quite frankly smiled back at her, letting her know that she wasn't causing any harm She looked me up and down. "I mean come on, you look like a cow." I felt Harry move so I held up my hand, telling him to stop. "And that ring on your finger? I bet he only gave that to you because you got knocked up. Let me guess, they aren't even his?" She gave me a cocky smile and walked off before anyone could say anything.

My eyes followed her until she was out of sight. No one dared to speak and I wasn't sure why. I looked at everyone and they were all looking at me. "Well, I'm starving," I said nervously. I laid my eyes on my food and began eating, letting the tears weld up in my eyes. However, I didn't let the group see.

"No matter what you think, she wasn't right," Niall whispered in my ear. I didn't look up. My hands reached for my phone, and I opened Twitter. I read through tweets, some nice and some of them were harsh. Niall grabbed my thigh softly. My tear filled eyes looked up at him. Niall shook his head no. Somehow I knew what he was saying even though he didn't say it. My finger hit the lock button on my phone and I put it away. "I swear, people are very mean around here." I nodded in agreement.

Harry took my hand in his and I looked over to him. "I love you." I didn't answer because I had a mouthful of lobster. I gave him a smile as I held back my tears.

"That waitress was a total bitch to you, girl," Eleanor made a pouty lip at me but I shrugged it off. "She was lying, you know. She doesn't know the situation." I swallowed my food and smiled over at her. 

"Thanks," I sweetly muttered, catching glimpse of the waitress again.

I prayed she wouldn't come back but I must not have given God much warning time for my prayer because she came straight to out table. "How's everything today?" She acted like a preppy school girl, only dissing me. Zayn popped his knuckles and looked up at our waitress.

"Are you a fan of One Direction," asked Harry.

She smiled over at him. teeth showing and all.  She acted innocent, but I had a feeling it was just an act. "Oh, yes! I've been a fan for a while now." She ducted off her outfit and folded her hands together.

"Quit your act," Danielle spit out, slamming her silverware down. "I listened to what you said about Rissa and Harry. A real Directioner wouldn't say anything like that to Rissa, especially when we are all right here." Tears welled in her eyes and she walked away in defeat.

"We can always order room service when we get to the hotel," Niall added, digging into his food. Liam nodded along to what Niall had said. "I don't want to be in a place where they dis my best friend." I gave Niall a small smile as I took another bite.

Lou slammed his hands down on the table in excitement. "Guys, maybe we can all watch a movie tonight!" Louis belted as soon as we all had jumped from him slamming down his hands. Liam and Danielle agreed happily. Paul came over and sat down in front of me.

"What was that all about?"

"The waitress was being rude, but I think we all handled it." Niall squeezed my thigh tighter for a couple of seconds. I still never allowed a single tear to fall. "You don't have to worry." 

"Are you sure? I could complain to the manager?" Niall chuckled as I smiled over to Paul. 

"You really don't have to," I murmured. 

Harry shot me a stern look. "Go ahead and complain. She wasn't very nice to her, and if she isn't nice to her then she isn't nice to all of us."

My eyes floated up to meet Harry's stern gaze. "Okay," I whispered. "You can complain to the manager." Harry kissed my forehead and Paul got up and went straight to the counter. I couldn't hear what he said but his facial expression said it all.

Another ten minutes had passed by and everyone had finished their meals. "I'm stuffed," Niall huffed, laying back against the booth. I smiled and seconded his remarks.

"I'm glad you decided to stay," Harry whispered in my ear and scooted me closer to him. "Did you know you look absolutely stunning in that outfit." I bit my lip and hid my facial expression from everyone. "I feel like we haven't had proper time to spend together, and I was hoping we could spend some extremely high-quality time tonight." I felt my cheeks flush with heat and all I could do was nod my head. "I'll have to rush Paul then."

But Harry didn't have to because Danielle and Liam were the first ones to stand up. "Well, lads. Danielle and I are heading to the car. Anyone care to join?" I felt Harry relax and nod his head. 

"Lou and I'll join," Eleanor cooed. They weren't the only ones to agree because everyone decided to go back to the cars. On the way out, Ell stopped to talk to Paul and some old man who was wearing a nicer work uniform than the rest of the people here. "Hey, Paul. Everyone decided to go back to the cars. We'll see you when you finish this business." All Paul did was nod and that was the last I saw of him until he got in the van. Once he did, it was another hour or two before we got to the hotel.

Harry and I walked into the room and set our bags down. It was around four in the evening now and I hadn't slept a wink. Of course I was tired but I didn't want to just sit around for awhile until Harry wanted to do what he mentioned earlier. Harry walked into the bathroom carrying a new change of clothes so I took that as he was getting a shower. "Hey, babe, I'm gunna shower," he hollered through the shut door. I responded back that it was okay. I slipped out of my shirt and changed into a hoodie that belonged to Harry. Right when I got it on, there was a knock at the door. I quickly answered it to see that Lou was behind the closed door.

"Hey, wanna hang out before we watch that movie?" I smiled and nodded.

I knocked on the bathroom door and opened it slightly. "Hey, Liam just showed up at the door so I'm going to go hang out with him before the movie, okay?" Harry peeked his head out of the shower, curls dripping wet. 

"Okay, that's fine. I'll be here." 

He smiled at me and I smiled back. "Okay, I love you. I'll see you later." Harry nodded, smacking his lips together before disappearing behind the curtain again. 

"So how are things with Harry?" He caught up with me and kept up with my even pace. I chewed on my bottom lip, not knowing if I should complain about my pregnancy or not.

"Great," I replied with a smile. "Things are tough because I'm pregnant, but we're managing." Liam hit my arm slightly, giving me a face I hadn't seen before and pain shot through me. "The only thing that Harry doesn't like is how I always need help getting up. I try getting up most times by myself so he doesn't have to worry." For a few minutes, Liam was quiet.

He finally opened his mouth. "No one said pregnancy life would be easy." I frowned, knowing what he had said was true.

"Yeah, but I wish it could have been at least a little easier. It sucks when you're carrying two children. It's almost like the cravings become stronger and the pain becomes a whole lot worse." He looked away from my face and laughed. "Has Niall said anything to you since the engagement?" I asked sincerely.

My arms crossed over my chest as we walked into the chilly elevator air. "You and Harry have been through a lot, It's obvious that he was going to propose. Niall just didn't want to face that realisation." I nodded as I watched Liam press the main floor button. "He told me that it hurt to hear that phone call, but seeing that today with the waitress? He's pushed it behind him." I smiled up at Liam.

"You know, I regret doing what I did to him when he came to Aberdeen. I felt like I used him in a way." Liam looked back at me and gave me a half smile. "I feel like a bad friend," I laughed out. "Am I a bad friend?"

The elevator doors opened and Liam opened his mouth to respond. "No. Yo-" Liam was cut off because a girl who had her eyes on her phone walked right into him. She had a Starbucks coffee in her hands and it spilt all over his shirt.

"I am soo sorry," the girl squealed. Liam looked down at his brown t and back up at her. "You're..."

"Yes. I am." Liam replied, catching the drift that the girl was flowing in. She smiled, and surprisingly didn't fangirl.

"Hi," she said calmly as she stuck her hand out for a handshake. "I'm sorry about the shirt L." I exchanged a look with Liam and went back to staring at her. "What? I know you guys get swarmed by people 24-7. I thought I'd cut you some slack." Liam and I smiled at the mysterious girl. She had her hair pulled up in a ponytail that was hanging out of a tore up fishing cap that said Bass Pro Shop on it. She must have been a fisher. That was my kind of friend.

"Coffee's on me," Liam stated with a smile on his face. The girl laughed and nodded. I smiled and followed them to the coffee shop that was still open in the hotel. Liam was just so nice to the fans. While he was ordering, the girl and I talked.

She was wearing a green hoodie that had a big stain in it from the coffee. She was wearing jeans with tennis shoes. "What's your name," I asked giving her a small smile. She smiled back.

"Shay. I already know who you are though!" I shot her a confused glance. "I've seen pictures of you and Harry. I've seen the rumours too, but I don't believe them for a second." My heart started racing. "Honestly, I think it's stupid. The people who come up with this stupid crap. If I see a rumour then I defend you guys." I thought that was incredibly sweet of her. Liam walked back over and sat at the table Shay and I reserved in a private corner. "I hate it when mean fans try to threaten you guys. It's just not right. I defend them as much as I can, but they just send me death threats.. It's worth it though, especially for Niall." She sighed, taking a drink of her new coffee. Liam smiled over at her. "What?"

"Can I have your Twitter name?" She nodded and wrote it down. Liam pulled out his phone and pressed something on his screen. "Check your followers." Her eyes became huge and a smile began to appear. 

"You didn't have to follow me! But thanks." She blushed slightly. Liam waved his hand like it was nothing. I pulled out my phone and texted him.

"She's so sweet. She should be able to meet the rest of the lads. Her names Shay btw. lol."

Liam checked his messages while Shay was lost in Twitter on her phone. "She is. I agree. I'll get my hands on some tix and bsp and I'll give them to her."

"She must like Niall." Liam looked at me and smiled.

"Are you thinking about setting them up?"

I smiled up at Liam."That'd be so cute. Niall might actually become happy. He needs another friend, one that won't hurt him like I do."

"Well, let's hope you're right."

I smiled again. "I am, I promise."

Faintly, I could see Liam nodding. "Hopefully this could work. I know it would need time, but hey. It's worth a shot."

Liam locked his phone and faced Shay. She locked her phone and caught his energetic gaze. "What?" We smiled quickly at each other and the looked back at her.

"How would you feel if Ris and I gave you tickets and backstage passes to our show here?" Her eyes went huge.

"That would be awesome!" She replied happily. "I'd feel great! But I only need one...I don't really have any friends. I actually just moved here from Tennessee. I've been travelling around trying to find what place seems to suit me, but nothing really does. Not yet!" That's all it took for my mind to start rushing back to my old life. I had no friends at all. Until Edward came along, and then I felt like someone actually did care enough to be my friend.

"Rissa and I could be your friends. I'm sure the lads will love you." Liam reassured. She smiled.

"Thanks. You really don't know how much those words just made my day better." I smiled at Shay and stood up. Liam and Shay did the same. "I can't believe I met you guys. You guys are awesome. A lot nicer than some of the haters make you out to be."

"Thanks. And here's my number. Send me a text so I'll get yours." She nodded and punched in my number. "Here's Liam's too." She smiled and punched in the digits of his number.

"Thanks!" I waved my hand as if to say, "It's nothing really." She smiled, and I held my arms open for a hug. Shay walked into my hug and then Liam held his open. She blushed but walked away from my arms and went into his. We parted ways and Liam and I headed back to Lou's room for the movie.

"So now that we've got coffee, I have a feeling Danielle will be jealous." I looked over at Louis with a furrowed brow. "That woman loves coffee." I let out a laugh as we got back into the elevator. "I'll give her mine," he said as he took another swig of it.



"Thanks for being a great friend." Liam looked taken aback by my sweetness, almost like he didn't know how to respond. I laughed and continued, "You and Danielle both have been so great to me." Slowly, a smile stretched onto my face as Liam and I rode in silence the rest of the way to our floor. Then from there we decided that we would mention Shay to Niall and if he was interested, we would invite her over to the movie. Hopefully this plan of mine would pan out.

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