By Libranair4

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I'm Ayana, a chocolate 16 year old with some friends and some enemies. My enemies are my bullies. I've been a... More

Chapter 1- New Girl
Chapter 2- New Friends
It's KEY
Chapter 3- Love and Hate
Chapter 4- Jealousy
Chapter 5- Devonte
Chapter 6- Poncho vs Dashiki
Chapter 7- Hell on Earth
Chapter 8- The Bright Skai
Chapter 9- Here two love
Chapter 10- Mrs Thompson
Chapter 11- Okay then
Chapter 12- You should sign up
Chapter 13- Let's go
Chapter 14- Karate Class
Chapter 15- At the house
Chapter 16- Natalia
Chapter 17- Car Ride
Chapter 18- Just became a fool house
Chapter 19- Night
Chapter 20- Drive-by
Chapter 21- The Date Part 1
Chapter 22- The Date part 2
Chapter 24- SchoolBoySanto
Chapter 25- The savaggetes

Chapter 23- SchoolGirlPeach

62 2 3
By Libranair4

Peach's POV

"PRECIOUS!" I yelled banging on the bathroom door. It was a school morning and your girl not tryna be late for the 100th time!
"Hurry up I gotta get in there!"
"SHUT UP, I'M DOIN MY MAKEUP!" she yelled.
"You been doin yo damn makeup fo 2 hours!"

Precious is my 19 year old sister. She always takes foreva inna bathroom like nobody else got somewhere to be!

I banged on the door some more. My big brother Andrés walked upstairs. He's 18.

"She still in there?" he asked.
"Yea! I gotta get to school!" I exclaimed.
"Precious!" he yelled through the door.
"What nigga?!"
"Wtf you takin so long?! You finna make Peaches late again!"
"And? I gotta look good ok?!"she said.
I rolled my eyes.
"Momma finna be pissed if she see anotha tardy letter." he said.
"Ughhhh FINE!" The door flung open. She stormed out. "Y'all win!"
I smiled and went inside with my towel."AYEE DATWAYY!"
"Don't take too long kid." said Andrés as he walked back downstairs.
"Iight!!" I said.

I closed the door, stripped, turned the shower on and got in.

When I was done, I went to my room to get dressed. My parents go to work early and come home real late, so my brotha and sis basically be takin care of me. Me and my sis be fightin hard all the time, but we make make up. She the high maintenence, queen B, entitled type. I'm more of the hustle and grind type. My brother the same way, but he be hella lazy and grumpy sometimes. But other than we get along well. Prolly betta the me and my sis but aye, don't get me wrong, we fight too, but he more chill about things.

When I was all ready in my fit for the day (picture at the top), I went downstairs.

Dre was eating fruit loops and was on his cracked iPhone. I grabbed a pop tart out the cabinet and put in the toaster. Precious walked around in her high heels looking for her Louis Vatton purse.
"It's in the laundry room." I said.
"Oh okay."
She came walking to the front door with it on her shoulder.
Click Click Click Click
The sound of her heels against the wooden floors annoyed Dre. "Why you feel the need to where these heels all the time?" he asked.
She opened the front door. "Dre."
"What?" he asked.
"Stfu." She said before waking out and closing the door behind her.

Precious has a job as a fashion designer, but you see, it starts real late, at 11am. So she like to take her time in the morning to do her makeup perfectly. Andrés on the otha hand, is an aspiring rapper. After teachin me all I know, he decided to rap himself.

"So you ready to go?" I asked as I fished the pop tart out with a fork.
"You takin me to school right?" I asked.
He laughed. "Hell nahh. I got bars and hook to write kid."
"That's why I told you to hurry up, so you can call one of yo lil friends to come pick yo lil ass up." he said.
I rolled my eyes. "FINE."

<< <O> >>

"Prodigy still mad at me." said Roc as he drove. I called him and he came to pick me up to take me to school. He had on a muscle tank top and black jeans. My baby is fine. I'm lucky as hell. 

"Why he mad at you?" I asked.
"He dating Alyssa and h-"
"Wait. What?!" I exclaimed
"I know, that's what I said."
"Why he with her?! She a spoiled backstabbin brat!"

Now y'all might wondering, Why she hate that Alyssa girl so much?? Lemme tell y'all a lil story about Miss Mulatto aka Alyssa. We used to be friends in middle school. This group of girls would always bully me, makin fun of my name, calling me ratchet, poor, and ugly. Alyssa never backed me up, and one day those girls were walking down the hallway and guess who was with them?? Alyssa. She betrayed me. That's not even the worst part. The next day, instead of them beating me up, it was her. She jumped me and beat the shit outta me after school. I didn't know how to throw hands back then like I do now. I had to go to the hospital and get stitches in my stomach and my face. When I got out and went back school, she wasn't there, she had transferred. Now we go to high school together and she's with another group of bullies. I haven't said a word to her. I can't do it in school cuz I don't wanna get expelled again, like the other times I fought girls in school, but when summer break comes, imma jump her like she jumped me and get my damn revenge. It saddens me that Prodigy, Roc's good friend, a seemingly good humble guy, would date someone like her. I'm not too surprised though, she pulls a lot of guys with her looks. 

"That's what I told him. Now he pissed."
A red truck suddenly cut us off in the lane.
Roc stomped the brakes. "DAMN BITCH, WATCH WHERE YOU GOIN!!!" he shouted as if the guy could hear him. I forgot to mention, Roc has road rage.

"It's okay baby, calm down." I said, chuckling a bit. His freak outs be scary, but they low-key funny as hell.

"People act like they don't know what the hell a turning signal is! It's too early for this shit babe."

I held back my laugh. "Hella early." I said. 

It was 6:48, they expect us to be at school, in our seats,  and ready to be some, happy go lucky, bright, perky, inquisitive, perfect ass scholars at 7:00! Yay! UNREALISTIC BULLSHIT, if you ask me.

I yawned. We stopped at a red light. "You know we got 5 tests, extended gym, and an extra science lecture today right?" I said.

He looked at me with wide brown eyes. "Excuse me? Oh, they lost they damn mind!" he exclaimed. 

The light turned green. He turned into a BP gas station. "Baby whatchu doin?! It's 6:50!" I yelled.

He hopped out the car. "Come on!" 

I got out. He grabbed my hand and marched me in the convenience store. "We both sleepy as hell and they ain't finna catch us slippin!" he said.   

I cracked up. This crazy boy right here mane. 

We went straight to the refrigerated section. He opened up the door. "WE FINNA GO BEAST MODE TODAY." he said, as he handed me two Organic Rockstar energy drinks. ORGANIC.

"Um, what are these sweetheart?" I asked.

"You said you was tryna be healthier right?"


"Ok then.. BOOM! Healthy."

We walked up to the cashier and he paid for them. When we got back in the car, the time read 6:55. He popped one of the cans open and handed it to me. "GO SUPA SAIYAN SUPA PEACH." he said.

I laughed hysterically. "Thanks baby but we gone be late." I said.

"Aye not on my watch. We finna make it." he said. With one hand one the wheel and the other one holding his energy drink that he was guzzling down, he zoomed out the parking lot and down the street. I started drinking mine too. 

We were going really fast. I was worried we would get pulled over. His eyes were squinted and determined as he drove like we were in the Indy 500 mile race. "Please don't catch a ticket bae." I said, cringing. He stopped drinking and coughed. "We good." he said with a voice crack. 

He turned into the school parking lot and parked in the nearest space. It started raining. It was 6:58, we had just made it. Before I could say anything, he jumped out the car. I started fumbling with my bookbag with my rockstar drink in the other hand. Roc opened my door, grabbed my bookbag, put it on his shoulder with his and scooped me up in his arms. He held his keys in his teeth. 

"Wegottahunedtwenneseconz." he tried to say as he ran through the parking lot with me. "Huh??? .... nevermind, I gotchu." I said, realizing what he said. We literally did have only 120 seconds to get in that classroom. 

He bit the key fob to lock the car. HONK!  Then he let the keys drop on me. 

"Hold those for me please. And drink that, we almost in there." he said. I started guzzling the drink down. It tasted good, like tropical fruit soda. The rain sprinkled on us. He rushed through the doors and put me down. We both BOOKED to first period, racing down the hallway like Kenyan track stars. I finished drinking and threw it in nearest trash can. He opened the classroom door. We ran in, slid into our seats, and dropped our bookbags on the ground. Everyone turned around and looked us. Two panting, wet, frazzled, messy haired, out of breath wrecks. I looked at the clock, it was exactly 7:00. 

"We did that shit." said Roc.

"Hell yeah." I said. 

"Y'all niggas are a mess." said this boy named DeAndre. 

"Yeah, but at least we not late this time." I said.


For those of y'all who don't know, Roc is Roc Royal from Mindless Behavior aka Santo August. I thought he was handsome so I put him and Supa Peach together because they look cute together in my opinion. So, BLOOP lol. Plus a Leo and a Pisces in a relationship aut to be interesting. But yeah, thanks for reading, stay tuned, and keep voting <3 byeeeeeeeeeee

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