Past Transgressions - Mature...

By BlackShadowCC

65.4K 2.7K 126

After 2 years Brace has returned home to be with her family, the danger passed, only it seems it hasn't as th... More

Chapter 1 - Returning Home
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 31

1.5K 79 6
By BlackShadowCC

"Well I am here?" Came the snarky reply from the man across the table from Marcus, "you wanted a meeting so I came on your terms but we will discuss the mess my men, and particularly my son were left in!"

"Please take a seat " Marcus invited the gentleman

With a huff the man sat in the chair across from Marcus in the conference room. He knew that he would come in all bluster but he also knew that he hadn't been aware of the attack and that his son had gone behind his back and started this feud.

"Bit, why don't you get us some drinks and is Brace here?"

"Yes boss, I believe she was just heading out."

"Can you ask her to stop in before she goes"

"Sure Boss." Bit said with a smirk, knowing what Marcus was doing.

Turning back to the angry gentleman, "Now I get that you were upset at the condition your son and his friends were left in but you know what he did and that could not go unpunished."

"You left him bloody and beaten to a pulp on my front lawn, with a cut to his man parts! What kind of man lets another man do that?!"

"You are mistaken I didn't beat your son, none of my men did."

"Are you trying to tell me that no one in your family did this?" the man said raising his voice.

"I did not say that" Marcus replied just as there was a knock on the door, calling out for Brace to enter.

"Bit said you wanted to see me Marcus?"

"Yes sweetie, come on it."

Turning back to the gentleman, "I said none of my men touched him, not that none of my family did. Damien, please meet my daughter in law, Brace"

Brace turned with a polite smile, about to put her hand out to shake Damien's when she heard Marcus continue to speak, "Brace, this is Damien, Riley's father"

The eyes that swung back toward Damien were filled with rage, causing him to jerk back in shock that such a delicate female could show such intense rage.

"This Damien is who did the damage to Riley, well within her rights since it is my understanding this was her second run in with him after he tried to attack her at the bike Rally and she put him in his place there as well."

"This girl put Riley in his place?" he scoffed

Brace started toward Damien still filled with rage, after all Riley had to learn his behaviour from someone so perhaps his father needed a lesson too! Marcus grabbed her arm to hold her back, Damien appeared surprised that she was actually coming for him.

"You can ask your son to confirm the story if you doubt it, or his friends that watched." Marcus interjected.

Marcus turned to Brace, "It's alright I will take care of this why don't you take Rowan and head to pick him up, I am sure he will be eager to get home."

Taking a deep breath and tamping down on the rage she turned to Marcus with a smile, "Thank you I am sure he is. Be sure you take care of it, I won't be generous next time and I will eliminate the entire line to save myself further trouble in the future!" She said with a cold, deadly calm and walked out the door.

Marcus turned back to Damien, "As you can see, even if something should happen to my son my daughter in law is more than capable of ensuring that those individuals pay, their whole line I guess would pay now."

"So why did you bring me here Marcus?" Huffed Damien, more than a little uncertain that the new daughter in law meant what she said.

"I wanted you to understand that we didn't start this fight, your son stepped out of line and it was handled by the individual most deserving to handle it. And that she is more than capable of handling it in the future, and that it won't just be a beating. She has the full backing of my men and I with any decisions she will make so it is in your best interest to ensure your son understands, as I won't be able to stop her next time and I have no doubt she will end your entire line."

"Well I never-" Damien blustered

"Damien, enough with the bluster I am giving you fair warning. My daughter in law is strong and she will not accept people messing with her family, it is not a threat it is a promise. Keep your son in check."

"Fine I will talk with him and ensure he knows there is no stepping out again!" Damien said getting up from the table, their "discussion" over and walking to the door he turned back to Marcus, "I hope that Riley is able to find a woman like the one your son found, as that is someone who will ensure the family stays strong."

With a smile Marcus replied, "she was a diamond in the rough I never knew was there but Lex did, the entire time he knew she was what we needed."

With a nod, Damien opened the door. Bit was waiting on the other side to escort them down the hallway and out of the garage to their waiting vehicles.


Brace finished putting the final touches on the house so that when Lex came through the door that night all was ready for them to start their life together! She had the kitchen fully stocked, Bit had helped her move the bulk of Lex's stuff to the house and been a huge help with getting the furniture and such set up. Rowan seemed to have grown over night, his kennel was set up in their room until he was entirely house broken then he would be trust to the entire house.

Brace heard honking from outside, it was Jake and Topaz, they had offered to come and help get Lex home so that Brace could focus on Lex and not on having to drive. Putting Rowan in his kennel she grabbed her bag and headed to the door to get in Jake's SUV.

Arriving at the hospital they found Lex in a wheel chair in his room ready to go, his bag in his lap packed with the few things that he had at the hospital. Jake took over pushing him to the door while Topaz grabbed the crutches he would be using at home, Brace walking ahead to the nurse's station to sign the paperwork before they headed for home.

Loading Lex into the SUV took some work, Brace was glad that Jake and Topaz had come to help out as it was more difficult than she had anticipated to get him in the SUV with his air cast on his leg and his arm still in the hard cast with a sling. The drive to their home wasn't a long one and Brace could hardly contain her excitement to have Lex see their house in its finished state.

Jake helped Lex out of the SUV while Topaz brought around the crutches for him to lean on with his one good arm, Brace grabbed his bag and provided support to the other side the crutch wasn't on as they started up the walk. Opening the door she let Lex lead the way in, using the walls for support she wanted to see his expression when he saw what they had done with the place.

Turning in circles he looked at Brace with a huge grin, "you did all this?"

"Yes, but with a lot of fantastic help" she replied

Jake and Topaz understanding that they need to have this time alone, quietly exited the house closing the door to the outside world behind them.

Lex continued to look around, it was everything they had talked about. Their vision come to life! She had done all this while he was in the hospital, making their home ready for them to start their lives when he got out. Turning back to her,

"You made our house a home!"

Smiling Brace walked to him and gently put her arms around his waist, "Now that you are here it is finally a home!" she said as she gently kissed him, standing on her tip-toes to avoid him having to reach down and hurting himself.


A/N - Well all that's left now is the Epilogue... thanks for reading everyone and hope you enjoyed it.

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