Spirited Away 2: Run Away...

Por sartify86

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I do NOT OWN Spirited Away. The rights go to Hayao Miyazaki. Chihiro has been in the human world for six yea... Más

River {Edited}
'Want to Talk Or Fight?' {Editied}
What Lord Mist Wants{Editited}
Yabaki- The Earth Kepper{Edited}
Fun {Editied}
Emotions {Editited}
The spirit of Lies and Promises{Editited}
Hide and seek{Editited}
Life story{Editited}
Back to the start{Editied}
Shoulder to cry on{Editited}
Lightning strikes {Edited}
Is he Soft? {Edited}
Some people cannot be trusted{Edited}
Frozen River{Edited}
What Is Happening{Edited}
My Knight{Edited}
Gateway To A New World{Edited}
The Room {Editied}
Unicorn Family! {Editied}
Failure {Editied}
Stay back
The Vist.
"Don't Hate Me For My Actions"


130 5 0
Por sartify86

**The waterfall
Chihiro 3rd Person Pov: Zeniba House**

After when they had tea Keikou was bringing up the subject again about Chihiro going back to the Royal Dragon Family, Sumi had enough.

"She's not going! Can't you get that through your head?!" Sumi yells standing up.

"I have to make sure that she is going back home with me if she doesn't-" Keikou starts but Chihiro cuts him off.

"Like I said, again and again, Keikou, I won't go unless Haku goes with me. He's the only one that I trust." Chihiro says, her blue hair was shining. Sumi sits down.

"Wow, I haven't seen that since we were little." Keikou gasp.

"What are you on about?"

Keikou grabs Chihiro's blue hair. "When it shins means your emotional." He explains.

"I am not, let go of my hair!" Chihiro snaps instantly Keikou did as he was told.

A knock on Zeniba door made everyone jump. Kia went up to answer it.

It was Haku. He was back.

"Hey guys," Haku says with a smile.

Everyone has an 'o' shaped mouth. "Master Haku!" Sumi yells sprinting to the door hitting his knee on the table leg in the process. Once he reaches the door Sumi bears hugs Haku.

"Take it easy!" Haku yells as Sumi was squeezing him.

"Haku..." Chihiro whispers then blush. Haku pause as he heard her.

"Yes?" Haku says blinking.

Chihiro stands up and faces Haku. Her blue strain of hair was shining.

"Can you go with me and Keikou back to the dragon kingdom? I'm not going alone, and would prefer it if you came along." Chihiro asks.

"Of cause, I'll come with you. But, we have to come back sometime as I need to head back to my river." Haku explains. Keikou faces light up with joy.

"I can go home..." Keikou whispers, with tears in my eyes. "Thank you, Haku!" Keikou says with a quick bow.

Haku nods at Keikou. "When do we leave?" Haku asks.

"Now!" Keikou tells his eyes shining with joy.

"Kia, Sumi. Can you go to the river? I'll visit some days but you have to protect it while I'm away, understand?" Sumi and Kia nods and smiles at the command going home.

"Yes, we do," Sumi says with a large grin on his face.

"Chihiro are you sure you want to go to the kingdom?" Haku thought to Chihiro as he notices that she was quiet.

"I'm scared, Haku," Chihiro whispers back, in his mind. Chihiro looks down at her hands.

"It'll be alright. I won't let anything happen to you." Haku says and smiles at her. Chihiro looks up and does a small smile back.

"Come on!" Keikou yells. Running out of the house in his mid jump he transforms into his dragon and flies up. Keikou spins round to face the house, as well as the other spirits who were looking at him.

Haku shook his head and grabs Chihiro's hand drags her outside.

"Transform into Avonmona," Haku commands, Chihiro nods and does so.

Blue light emerges from Chihiro's body and transforms into her dragon. Avonmona jumps into the air wanting to fly but couldn't do Keikou flys back down.

"Forgot how to fly?" Keikou asks.

Avonmona deeply sighs. "Unfortunately I have, brother." She replies back to Keikou.

"Imagine your walking on air!" Haku yells at her.

"Gives out good advice that lad." Keikou comments though Avonmona head.

"Oh shut up," Avonmona says.

She tries Haku advice and jumps then floats in the air.

"There you go!" Haku yells. "Kia, Sumi! I'll see you in a couple of days!" He speaks as transforming into his dragon flying up to Keikou. Soon, Avonmona joins them.

"Have a nice time!" Kia yells.

The three dragons were off. Keikou took the lead, then Haku, then Avonmona the slowest.

Haku growls at Keikou to slow down. Keikou spins round to sees what's the matter, Haku mentions landing Keikou sighs but nods. The three of them lands.

"Transform back to Chihiro," Haku commands Avonmona nods and does that. Following Keikou then Haku.

"Why did we stop?" Keikou asks Haku.

"We need sleep Keikou," Haku replies.

"No we don't, it's only a couple of hours away." Keikou objects.

"I am feeling pretty tired," Chihiro says putting her head on Haku shoulder yawning.

"We can't stop. What if someone attacks us while we're sleeping?"

"We'll take night shifts," Haku suggest.

Chihiro was already snoozing on Hakus shoulder.

"Fine, you take first watch," Keikou says. He walks towards a tree and lays down by it closing his eyes.

Haku gently sits down holding Chihiro so she doesn't full. Haku places Chihiro's head on his lap and hums a song. Haku looks up at the night sky thinking about what happened the past days/months.

"Wonder what will happen in the kingdom..." Haku whispers. Chihiro opens her eyes."I'm sorry did I wake you?"

"No," Chihiro says. Haku smiles.

"That's good."

"Haku..." Chihiro whispers.


"I'm scared. I don't want to go back." Chihiro admits.

"It's alright to be scared, Chihiro. We need to concur our fears and face them." Haku says.

"What did you talk to Evan about?" Chihiro asks, Haku froze up.

"Nothing much." Haku lies.


"You two get some sleep," Keikou orders, Haku turns around and sees Keikou awake.

"How much of that did you hear?" Haku asks.

"Just the part where Avonmona-"

"It's Chihiro." Chihiro corrects him.

"-Where Chihiro asked you about the talk what you had with my dad. Just get some sleep the both of you."

"I'm fine now, I can take the night shift," Chihiro suggest.

"Chihiro only men do the night shifts," Keikou say.

"I'm afraid he's right. That's always been the tradition of the spirit world." Haku agrees with Keikou.

Chihiro gasp at them both. "Woman can do it too, goodnight then!" Chihiro yells, storming over to a tree sitting down away from Haku and Keikou. Slowly and angrily she fell asleep.

"She may be the queen of the dragons someday, but that's how it's always been and won't ever change." Keikou spits glaring at the tree where Chihiro was.

"Mhm, well, you going to bed or am I?" Haku asks.

"You're going to bed. I had my sleep." Keikou states.

"Okay then," Haku says and lays down going to sleep.

-----Hours later-----

Keikou counted his dad and a hologram of him shows up, Keikou was a couple of spaces away from everyone so that can't hear him.

"I wish you didn't force me to take Chihiro back by force, farther," Keikou admits. "What did you talk to Haku anyway?"

"Stuff that doesn't concern you, boy," Evan says.

"Stop treating me like a damn kid."

"What was the reason you called me Keikou?" Evan says and lets 's out a long sigh.

"When I'm with Haku and Chihiro, I feel like they are in a relationship in a way..." Keikou thinks out loud.

"Keikou, don't assume people relationships with people," Evan warns.

"I know I'm sorry. We're halfway to the dragon kingdom."

"Good job. If they somehow disappear don't come back home without Avonmona, understand?"

Keikou bows his head. "Yes father, I understand."

"Good night, son," Evan says as the hologram of him disappear.

Keikou sighs deeply. A tear flows down his face, a dawn of a new day was rising. Keikou whips his tears away, marches back to the camp.

"You lot! Wake up!" Keikou yells. Haku jolts up wide awake.

"What is it?" Haku asks with a yawn.

"Time to go," Keikou says. Haku went over to Chihiro and gently shook her.

"Chihiro..." She sneered. "It's time to wake up." Chihiro flutters her eyes open.

Chihiro yawns. "Morning. We need to go straight away?" She asks.

"Yes," Keikou says, Haku deeply sighs getting annoyed at Keikou.

Chihiro softened her eyes at Haku telling him to calm down. He nods.

"Let's go then!" Keikou yells, causing Haku and Chihiro to jump.

"Fine," Haku says. "Chihiro transform into Avonmona."


Chihiro stands up away from Haku so she has space and the blue light flows out of her body once it disappeared a dragon stood where she was once was, it was Avonmona.

"My turn," Keikou says with a smirk causing Avonmona to look at him.

Keikou had red smoke flowing around him once that disappeared a dragon took his place.

Haku transforms into his dragon. He couldn't talk to Keikou only Avonmona (Chihiro).

"Let's go!" Keikou yells in everyone's head then dashes off into the sky, Avonmona follows him second then Haku.

*-*-*Time skip-*-**-*

The group was now walking into a forest in human form. Keikou had a grin on his face.

"Why are we going this way?" Chihiro asks.

"It's a shortcut," Keikou replies.

They reached to a tall rock. Keikou places a hand on the rock mumbles a few words. The rock merges into a waterfall gap. Keikou gore through the waterfall causing the other two to look at each other cluelessly.

"Come on!" They hear Keikou's voice through the waterfall. Haku went in first then Chihiro.

They were all soaking wet. When they got out they saw cherry blossom leaves fly past them and a river up ahead was a bridge. On the river banks by the tall rocks cliff was a line of cherry blossom trees.

"Lady's and Gents, may I percent the gateway of the Dragon Kingdom," Keikou announces.

"This is amazing," Chihiro whispers looking all around.

Haku mutely nods. "Come on then!" Keikou says going to right they turn to see where he was going. On the side was a gold staircase going down.

Keikou ran down them and on the second to the last step he jumps causing the petals underneath him to fly up and glow a light blue.

Chihiro smiles and walks down the gold staircase with Haku behind her. Once their feet hit the ground it glows light blue.

"They glow blue if anything touches them," Keikou explains.

"Is it a spell?" Haku asks looking at the glow that slow diapers.

"It's been around for decades no one knows, but I doubt it's a spell."


Keikou walks towards the wooden bridge.

"Keikou, slow down!" Chihiro says running up to Keikou who was by the edge of the bridge. Haku calmly caught up to them.

"Why'd you stop?" Haku asks.

Without a warning, Keikou grabs Chihiro and Haku's hand and walks them over the bridge.

"Keikou?" Chihiro whispers.

"Okay, it's safe now you can let go," Keikou says as they reach the end of the bridge.

"Huh?" Chihiro says.

"No, he's right, the river was dangerous right?" Haku asks Keikou nods.

"Right, don't ever cross that bridge without holding someone hand. If you are on your own then, you give a drop of your own blood to the river." Keikou explains.

"If you don't?" Haku asks.

"Then the dragon spirit of that river will kill you," Keikou announces.

"Why is the spirit so violent?" Chihiro asks in a whisper.

"Humans." Keikou spits. Chihiro tenses.

"I see..." Haku says. "Chihiro I'll keep you safe," Haku announces in Chihiro's mind.

Chihiro nods and relax.

"Even if a human did manage to know the tradition he'll instantly kill them," Keikou adds. Chihiro swallows. "He can't touch royal blood from the spirit world though. So, even if you were to cross when you were human he wouldn't hurt you.

I did that because Haku isn't of royal blood." Keikou explains.

"Ah," Chihiro says. "Should we go or..?"

"We need to stay until a teleport spirit shows up." Keikou answers.

"Ah," Haku grabs Chihiro's hand and leads her to the bench. "Don't be scared okay?" Haku says.

"I'm not don't worry." Chihiro comforts Haku.


A wave of cherry blossom petals flew past them. Almost as if they were dancing.

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