His Princess

By princessarixx

160K 3K 612

Callie Pan. Peter Pans little sister, and his most prized possession.The sweetest girl you'll ever meet, but... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Charter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Darkness finds itself

Chapter 25

2.8K 68 15
By princessarixx


I just did that.

I could of killed them.

Emma, Snow, Charming, Belle, anyone. Even Peter.

I looked at my hands slowly. They Were glowing. They were also red too.

This wasn't good. Evil was starting to take over me.

I would just be this little girl Trapped inside an evil body. The shadows powers will take over me making me something that I'm not.

It will be like having two people in one head.

One good.

One Bad.

It scared me, I was changing to fast.

I could feel it.

I saw Peter finally get up with a cocky grin on his face looking at me.

He seemed pleased yet surprised by my power.

He always knew that I was more powerful then him.

If I'm evil though that will mean I'll be like him.


I can't and won't be like him.

Emma and everyone else got up and looked at me surprised and scared.

They were scared of me...

I felt so worthless.

Peter was right, I'm meant to be here. No matter how hard I try to run I am his sister and Neverland is our home.

He was my family, no one else could take his spot.

Why can't he just turn good like me instead of me turning bad Like him.

It didn't make any sense.

"Callie..." Snow said breaking my thoughts.

I looked up at her with a scared worried expression on my face.

"I... I'm sorry. I.. I didn't mean too." I stuttered.

"Its--" Emma started.

"She isn't sorry. She meant to do that. Remember she's Like me. She's my sister." Peter said interrupting her.

Everyone looked at him then at me.

"Leave Emma. Now." I said.

I wasn't letting anyone get hurt.

"But Cal--" Emma started.

"Leave! Go find Henry and get out of here. Peters right I'm starting to become like him. I'm his sister. I'm just a monster." I said turning around to where my back was facing them.

Peter smiled in victory coming towards me.

"Callie. Don't let him change you. Your stronger then this!" Charming said.

I shook my head no.

Peter came and put his arm around me pulling me into a hug. I hugged back surprisingly.

I felt safe with him somehow. He could help me control all of this.

As I slowly pulled away from the hug I looked into Peters eyes. They were a shining green. Lately they were a brownish black showing the darkness inside of him.

He wasn't trying to seduce me into staying with him. He was actually being there for me.

He could tell how scared I was.

I could see it in his eyes.

He still loved me. Sometimes the shadows darkness just took over him. It was confusing.

"Callie step away from him. He's trying to make you stay with him. Whatever he says don't listen." I heard Emma say making me and Peter turn towards her.

Peter gave her a disgusted look then looked back at me.

"Cal... please. I can help you control it. I promise it won't be as bad as you think. We can do this together." He said looking into my eyes.

I had no choice. I was going with Peter.

Whatever he was trying to do it worked.

I just want everything to be how it was. Before Emma, Henry, the Lost Boys, Everyone. We had so much fun those few days when I didn't remember anything.

I want that back.

I want Peter Back.

Even if that meant letting Emma and Henrygo.

I wanted it back.

More than anything I wanted it back.

"I'm sorry Emma." I said hugging Peter.

He smiled and hugged back.

"Callie No!" Emma yelled running towards us.

A force pushed her back though.

Me and Peters force.

We had a special connection when we hugged.

It was more powerful than anything.

"I'm sorry Emma. but your leaving one way or another." I said pulling away from Peter using my powers to make rock's, sticks (that were pointy), and even dreamshade.

It blocked them all from reaching me.

"Goodbye Emma."


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