We Met In a Barn!

By GeekyGirl424

62.9K 946 1.1K

WARNING: I don't own Transformers or any of its characters!! About a young, abused girl named Melody. When s... More

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12.6K 191 151
By GeekyGirl424

Melody's POV

"There might be a little dust on the bottle, but don't let that fool you about what's inside!" I grinned, singing a song that was stuck in my head. My dad is out at the bar right now and told me to clean the house before he got back. "I'm a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world! Life in plastic, it's fantastic!" Now I have more songs in my head. 😣 Oh well, '\_(^.^)_/'

Now that I'm done cleaning I need to check what came in the mail~! I frowned in boredom at all the bills. "Water, electric, mortgage, some big word I can't pronounce..." My eyes kept skimming over everything making me sigh in sadness. You see, the thing is... my dad isn't the best at his job.

Ever sense my mom left him for Tom when I was 4 he became mean. Now he hits me and is always drunk. I was already super pooper smart thanks to my mom. So, when my dad dropped all of his grownup tasks on me when I turned 5 I understood most of it. Now I clean our semi-large house and pay the bills all by myself! *Cue proud smile and puffed out chest.*

The low rumble of an old dodge truck reached my ears as my dad pulled in the driveway. I waited with baited breath as the car door slammed shut. His footsteps pounded along to the beat of my heart. I winced at the slight creek the front door gave off when he opened it. I stood straight as a board and watched my dad's tall figure move into the kitchen doorway. "What are you lookin' at brat?" He scowled down at me with dead brown eyes.

"Nothing sir." Was my soft reply. I lowered my head in respect, mentally going through all his rules. "What would you like to eat sir?"

I gasped when I felt his fingers grab the back of my hair and yank my head back so my face tilted up at him. "Did I say you could speak?!" His teeth were clenched and I bit back a whimper when his grip tightened, "Answer me when I speak to you! Did I or did I not say you could speak?!"

"No sir!" I clamped my eyes shut as tears threatened to fall.

"Don't raise your voice at me you ungrateful brat!" He slapped me and shoved me to the ground. I instinctually curled into a ball; my legs covering my stomach and my arms protecting my head. He kicked and stomped on me yelling awful things. Once he was satisfied he spat his last orders at me before going upstairs. "Make me some spaghetti and get out. Don't come back till tomorrow afternoon."

I laid there for a few minutes with silent tears falling down my face. Pushing past the pain I remembered my mother's sweet words whenever I got hurt. "Shh, shh, shh. I know it hurts baby. But remember this: Pain is just weakness leaving the body. So, whenever you get hurt, smile. Because you're just getting stronger." I smiled and slowly limped to the stove. I boiled the water and heated up the sauce, reaching up to the cabinets I pulled down a plate and cup. I placed the kitchenware on the table and grabbed a fork, putting the noodles in the now boiling water I used the fork to help me stir them. I let the noodles sit while I poured sweet tea into the cup and laid out oven mits to set the hot pans on. Once that was done I turned the stove off and moved the food onto the table. Time to pack.

I trotted upstairs and into my room. The room was bare with only a wooden, twin sized bed base and on old wooden desk that had my notebook and sketchpads laid out on it. The bed base served as my bed, sad, I know. I grabbed a duffle bag and walked over to the bed, folding, rolling, and packing the thin blanket. Trotting over to my closet I grabbed a hoodie, pants, underwear, and another shirt. I hear shuffling downstairs in the kitchen signaling my dad is out of the shower. I run over to the bathroom and grab my toothbrush and some toothpaste. Now fully packed I run back to my room and climb out the window.

The warm night air comforted me and the black of the night cloaked me. I ran diagonally to the back left area of my house, going deep into the woods. There used to be a clean cut path back to the old barn but after years of neglect the weeds took over again. The barn itself was another story; I always took care of it, even at my young age. Ducking branches, jumping logs, and avoiding potholes I finally made it to the well-kept barn. I had both a food and flower garden, the flower garden standing proudly in front of the barn. Pushing the big door open I slide in and reclose it. The inside of the barn was mostly clean. An old Stingray car I was repairing was in the far right corner with tools and cloths littered around, on, and in it. There were broken phones, radios, computers and other trinkets dad brings home for me to fix in exchange for money on a metal desk to the left. I have a shelf for souvenirs and food and a mini-fridge I found and fixed full of water and soda. If you climbed up one of the many latters to the upper level you would find hay. You could see the big piles of yellow straw threatening to fall from down here.

With a sigh I dropped my bag next to the mini-fridge and grabbed a soda. "Might as well work on Shock." That's the Stingray's name. ^.^ He's an old black 1960 Corvette Stingray with silver patches on the sides. Turning on one of the fixed radios I get to work.


I woke up with a start. The loud rolling of the barn doors being roughly closed and something heavy falling disturbed my slumber. I looked around finding that I fell asleep under Shock. "That's dangerous." I sleepily mummer and roll out from under him. Sitting up I sleepily rub my eyes. A deep, soft groan causes me to quickly look around. I see a tall metal... thing in front of me. "Huh?" Upon further inspection (a.k.a I looked up) I found that the metal thing was really a leg to a giant robot.

The robot was huge and lime green, covered in blue and green goop, suffering obvious wounds. "Fragging back stabbing, no good, pit spawned humans. After all we've done!" He continues to mumble to himself as he looks over his wounds. At least he sounds like a he. After a few minutes he sighs tiredly.

Maybe now I should make myself known. I step closer to him and hesitantly call out, "E-Excuse me?" His eyes widen and his arm quickly shifts and remakes itself into a cannon. My eyes widen as he points it at me.

I give him a timid smile and his narrowed eyes widen again, "A sparkling?" He retracts his gun but still keeps it at the ready. "Hello little one. What is your designation?"

I smile brightly up at him. "My designotion is Melody and I'm seven!"

He smiles lightly and transforms his gun back into a hand. "Designation." He lightly corrects. "Nice to meet you Melody, I am Ratchet. Where are your parental units?" He looks around a bit before returning his gaze to me.

"My mom is with Tom and my dad is eating dinner." He quirks and eyebrow shifts slightly causing him to wince. I frown and tilt my head, "Are you hurt?"

He sighed and surveyed the damage to his body. "Yes, big bad men are out to get me. They badly wounded me in the process. Nearly ripped out my spark!" His tone was light but coated in anger. He carefully examined me, "You are hurt as well are you not?"

My tongue shot out and swiped over my bottom lip, the faint metallic taste of blood still there. "Ya, but I'm ok! I can help you though! I know how to weld and a little about first aid." I smile proudly, puffing out my chest.

"I don't know." He looked down at me worriedly, "Energon can be dangerous for humans. Plus your human first aid isn't really that helpful because I'm Cybertronian."

"I'll be careful!" I held out my pinky. "Pinky promise! Maybe you could teach me a bit about first aid for Cybertarians."

"Cybertronians." He corrected me again. "I suppose you could help a little... for educational purposes." I smiled and nodded enthusiastically. "Very well. You'll need to carefully clean up the energon first though."

I managed to reattach Ratchets leg, weld his wounds closed, and reconnect/repair his wires. "You did splendidly Melody." Ratchet praised. I grinned proudly at myself; I even learned basic Cybertronian anatomy. "It is 3 in the morning," He informs. "Are your parental units not worried?"

I shake my head while putting away the tools I used to repair Ratchet. "My dad said I'm not allowed back until the late afternoon."

A shocked look crossed his face, "Why on Earth would your Sire do that?" He was alarmed as he scanned me, as if he could find the answers visibly on me.

"I spoke without permission." I looked down sadly, "After he punished me he told me to make dinner and get out. That I'm not allowed back till tomorrow afternoon." He looked at me with sad optics, "But hey, if he didn't kick me out I'd never have met you!" I smiled up at him trying to lighten the mood.

He sighed sadly, "He still shouldn't have kicked you out." I shrugged and yawned tiredly. "It's still early. You have helped my greatly all night. It's time for you to get some recharge. I will wake you when it's time for you to return." I nodded and climbed onto his offered servo. He gently set me on his shoulder and I snuggled into his warm neck cables. "Goodnight Melody."

"G'night Ratchet."

"Melody." I groaned at the loud, gentle tone in protest. Chuckles could be heard and I shook with each one. "Come on now, you must online. It is one in the afternoon." That got my attention. I quickly shot up and mumbled angrily under my breath. "Down ya get."

I quickly crawled into his servo and then hopped onto the floor, "Thanks Ratch!" I chirp happily. I quickly rush to my bag and pull out my toothbrush and toothpaste. Lining the brush with the minty paste I run over to the faucet sticking out of the ground. Pulling the handle up, water gushes out so I can wet my toothbrush. I furiously scrub my teeth and collect the fixed trinkets so my dad can return them and collect the money. I walk over to a silver bowl and spit out the mint foam, using the faucet to gargle water and clean off my toothbrush. "Ok." I sigh and gather all my stuff up in my semi-small arms. "I'll be back later Ratch! You need to rest up, doctor's orders. Do you need anything?" I look up at the giant robotic being with a smile.

"No, I am fine. I will see you soon Melody."

Grinning up at him I nod, "Okie! See you soon!" I crack the heavy door open and slide through, then reclose it. Running through the woods I make it back home. I see dad ready to leave and quickly give him the trinkets in exchange for my chore list.

~ Le Time Skip ~

My day was long and tiring. My dad trashed the house in drunken anger, so that took forever to clean. I had to go shopping for food, pick up parts from the auto part store, and work out in the yard. (So I'm flippin tired.) I just finished making the pulled pork when I heard multiple engines in the yard. Who? What what? I walk to the kitchen window to see dad and his friends from the bar. Oh snap, crackle, pop! I'm gonna die.

The front door swung open with a bang making me jump. Loud footsteps made their way towards me causing me to take a sharp intake. "Hey brat, I'm home~!" I cringe at his mock cheery voice. "I brought some friends." They all stood at the kitchen entrance, successfully blocking my only way out. I widened my stance obviously trying to find a way out. "Oh, I don't think so." One of his friends sprinted at me and successfully tackled me to the ground. I let out a cry in protest, struggling to get free. "Aww, what's wrong princess? Daddy and his friends playing too rough?"

The friend that had me pinned laughed and nibbled on my ear. "Mmm, I just wanna take her right here." Tears fell down my face and my body went into autopilot.

My leg bent, my foot clashing with his no-no square. He yelled out and abandoned his hold on me to hold himself. I shot up and ran for the door, "Grab her!" My father ordered. He got into a wide position ready to snatch me but I was full of surprises today. Diving forward I slid between his legs past him. "No, damn it!" I barreled through the door slamming it in my father's face. I heard a bang and felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. Ignoring it I sprinted through the woods and to the barn.

With it in my sights I got faster, desperately slamming my body against the door before clawing it open and shutting it behind me. I slid to the ground, my back to the door, and cried. My body wracked with sobs as I desperately looked around for Ratchet. Upon seeing him I barley took in his wide eyed expression, scrambling towards him. "Ratcheeet!" I hugged his ped and sobbed more.

"By the All Spark! Melody, what happened?!" He was frantic with worry not knowing what to do.

"M-m-my d-dad! He- he 'nd h-is friends t-tried to r-r-rape me!!" My sobs died down after a few minutes as I tried to regain my breath.

"WHAT?!" He roared. He scanned me with this green light, "That's where your injuries from our first meeting came from! By Primus, he shot you!" I gave him a confused look and followed his gaze to my shoulder. "Don't worry sweetspark." He cooed, trying to reassure me. "I'll have you patched up in 3 nano-klicks!"

I mumbled incoherently rubbing my eyes as a wave of exhaustion hit me. "Tired."

"I know but don't recharge just yet. You need to stay online for me." I yawned and nodded numbly. A man appeared next to me but I was too tired to care. "You're doing good sweetspark, nearly done." That's the last thing I heard before darkness.

"Hello child."

Ratchets POV

"Frag." Melody fell asleep. How could a mech do this to a sparkling? Especially their own sparking! Even the pit spawned Decepticons frown down on that! I finish patching up her shoulder and move on to others wounds.

With a sigh I took her shirt off and gagged at what I saw. Her ribs were completely visible and she had ugly bruises on her stomach that were healing. Must be from our first meeting. Gently flipping her I saw more bruises and some broken skin, no blood but a bruise would surly form. There's nothing I can do. I clenched my fists and grit my teeth, all she can do is heal. Putting her shirt back on I lifted her, moving her to a pile of hay upstairs. Once the task was complete I let my holoform fizzle out of existence.

The rage I felt towards her sire was indescribable. She was such a sweet sparkling, her intelligence far surpassed others her age. Sadly, a side effect of having to grow up too fast.

Venting deeply I roughly rubbed my faceplates. I still have to find the others. Optimus is alive, I know it, and I have to be fully prepared to assist him when the time comes. Glancing over at the recharging sparkling I smile softly. I have no choice but to take her with me, no way in pit would I leave her with those fraggers. I was both happy and sad about this. Happy because I didn't have to see her crushed expression when I tell her I have to go. Sad, because of the reasoning behind me taking her with me. With one last vent I settled my racing processor down and watched over the strong sparkling.

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