Wrong Passion {Zarry} ✔️

By Esi-jenny

221K 11.4K 22.6K

Highest ranking #1 Zarry Highest ranking # 2 Mysteryromance Highest ranking # 1 Niam Liam turned towards zayn... More

† Prologue †
† Chapter 1 †
† Chapter 2 †
† Chapter 3 †
†Charter 4†
† Chapter 5 †
† Chapter 7 †
† Charpter 8 †
†Chapter 9†
†Chapter 10†
† Chapter 11 †
† charter 12 †
†Chapter 13†
†Chapter 14†
†Chapter 15†
†Chapter 16†
†Chapter 18†
†Chapter 17†
†Chapter 19†
†Chapter 20†
†Chapter 21†
†Chapter 22†
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
New Story

†Chapter 6†

5.7K 335 371
By Esi-jenny

Zayn was waiting outside Harry's window,waiting for Harry's family to leave but it seems they were not going back to their rooms any time soon. He frowns and growls quietly when he remembered what he had saw earlier, that damn doctor touching and looking at his princess body. He was supposed to be the only one who could touch Harry's body but that damn doctor did.

He nearly smashed the window opened to break the doctor's arms for touching what was His but he couldn't. His future mother in law was sitting beside the doctor and he didn't want to scare her, one wrong move and they will take his princess away from him.

The styles already disliked him for putting painfully bruises on Harry's wrist. He didn't want them to hate him. So he controlled and forced himself to look away while that damn doctor touched and looked at his Harry's body. All he wanted was to ask his beautiful princess to forgive him but its seems he can't do that today. After asking for his forgiveness, which he knows Harry will. He will do whatever necessary to earn the love and trust of Harry's family.

He realised he had to get back or else his father might notice he had sneaked out. He placed his face on the glass of the window and looked through it staring at the sleeping boy holding his teddy.

"I will be coming back princess" he said still frowning his face as he couldn't get the chance to talk to Harry as he thought.


Harry has always been spoilt rotten by his parents and his brother, but Anne takes it a bit extreme even though Robin and Liam were always against it, claiming she never let Harry do anything for himself and always baby him. But now they have joined her extreme ways of spoiling Harry without even realising it.

Harry hasn't even stepped on the floor or walk around on his own ever since he had woken up the morning after the incident. If Anne is not carrying him on her waist or him sitting on her lap, then he is either sitting on the couch in his father's study playing with his teddy where Robin can keep an eye on him. Robin will not allow Harry to get up from the couch.

If Harry wants something he either calls one of the maids to bring it or he picks him up and they go get it together. And his older bother Liam always carries him on his back when they move around the house. The only time he gets to walk on the floor is when he is going to the bathroom in his parents room. Whatever Harry wants Harry gets.

And ever since that night, Anne has allowed Liam and Harry to sleep with Robin and her in their master bedroom since on the bed was bigger. She was scared something will happen to their kids if she leaves them alone in their rooms. Every night they will sleep in each other arms as a one big happy family.

"Where is Harry?" Robin immediately asked when he walked in the living room and didn't see Harry with Anne who was sitting on the couch checking on her phone.

"He is with Liam in his room" Anne answered without looking from her phone. Robin smirked as he sat on the couch besides his wife and got closer to her.

"I miss you" he said smoothly as he took the phone from her hands, placing it on the glass table in front of them, he wrapped his arms around her as he starts licking and biting the shell of Anne's ear, he quickly dip his face in her neck kissing and nibbling her sweet spot.

"Ro-bin ple- please not n-now" Anne said as she tries to keep her moans down, her eyes were closed and she was trying hard not to give in to her husband's demands as Robin starts caressing her body with his hands while kissing her sweet spot. They were in the living room for Christ sake and she knows Robin doesn't care where they are until he gets her underneath him.

"Come on baby, Daddy misses you very much, don't make Daddy beg hm" he said softly in her ear.

"Wa-it Robin not now" Anne pushed him lightly as she finally gained control over her body, Robin whines "Then when?" he asked impatiently and you can hear the frustration in his voice.

Anne blushed and whispered "tonight." Robin smirked and kisses her on the lips... "Daddy is going to fuck you senseless and make you feel so good, it will be a very long night baby so get ready" he said quietly in her ears and Anne blushed while she giggles loudly.

"What do we tell the kids?"

"You know they have been sleeping in our room for these past few days" Anne asked. "We tell them daddy wants to play with mommy so get OUT " Robin said as he chuckles quietly and starts licking and biting Anne's ear again. Anne slaps his chest and she giggles.

"Besides these few days we have been spoiling Harry rotten he doesn't have any nightmares and his bruises are fading.. He can start sleeping in his room for now."

"But Robin what if something happens to him?" Anne asked worriedly.

"Hey look at me nothing will happen, trust me"...Robin looked seriously into her eyes. "You have to stop babying Harry and let him learn to do things on his own besides he is safe in this house, in his room. That boy can't pass the security in this house." He kissed her lips lightly "Yeah?"

Anne nodded her head and smiled.. Robin smiled and kissed her again passionately and Anne melted.

"Wa-it" she pushed Robin away again.

"Wait for tonight".. Robin sighed in frustration. "just send the kids to bed early I can't wait any longer".


Zayn waited for thirty minutes after Harry parents had kissed him good night and left the room. Its seems his lucky charms worked today, finally Harry's parents are allowing him to sleep in his room alone after days of him watching and waiting to get Harry alone.

He opened the window and jumped inside the room quietly.. His Princess was sleeping and he didn't have the heart to wake him up but he needed Harry to forgive him or else he will continue having sleepless night.. He walked towards the bed.

Harry was holding his teddy tightly as Zayn crawled quietly on the bed and laid close to Harry facing him. He can feel Harry's breath against his face, his light snores escaping his lips and his wonderful vanilla scent. He watched Harry's beautiful face and his eyes landed on his red sinful lips.

Zayn's heart started beating faster as his lips starts getting closer to Harry's lips, he pressed his lips lightly against Harry's lips. He immediately got up from his side hovering over Harry's body while kissing him slowly which caused Harry to open his eyes.

Zayn broke from the kiss, his hazel eyes meeting green sleepy eyes staring back at him with a confused expression. But Harry suddenly closed his eyes again falling back to sleep as he turns his head side ways exposing his neck to Zayn's eyes. Zayn quickly leaned down to press kisses along Harry's neck while inhaling in his vanilla scent.

He removed Harry's blanket from his body and he starts touching him, Harry whimpers in his sleep and he finally jolted awake. Harry tried to turn his head but all he sees is a Raven haired head kissing his neck he became scared and starts pushing the person off him. But he couldn't, the person was stronger and bigger than him.. Zayn finally realised Harry had woken up when he heard sobs and felt Harry's tiny hands trying to push him off..

He moved his head from Harry's neck and looked into the confused and scared green eyes staring back at him. Zayn knew at any moment Harry will start screaming so he immediately covered Harry's mouth with his hand.

Harry starts struggling and screaming with tears in his eyes hoping his parents or Liam will hear him but with Zayn's hand over his mouth no one could hear his cries or screams.


Hope you guys are loving the story.

Thoughts on Robin and Anne?

Please they will not be staying as kids forever.. They will grow up hopefully from chapter 10 or 11 or 12...

Thank you.

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