Artificial Intelligence (Ai M...

By SimplyKuudere

49.7K 1.8K 255

Saito Yuki fell for one of the members of Quartet Night Mikaze Ai. Graduating at Saotome Academy as an Idol h... More

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2.2K 75 8
By SimplyKuudere

A/N: Listening to Ai's songs over and over again XD

I started walking closer to where the sound is emanating. My heart is beating faster and louder, I can hear it, albeit the fact that I only wanted to hear the sound that attracted me here. I was close enough, only a little peak wouldn’t hurt. I really wanted to see him, a little more motion and I’d be able to. I was about to sneak a glance when I suddenly stopped midway, gravity is pulling me. I can’t move. cold sweat started pouring down on me. My mind is playing. The thought of him gone when I peak is weighing me down.

I calmed myself up and straightened my posture. What the heck, if his not there then accept it right? What would be his purpose here on the first place? I’m worrying for nothing. I was about to peak again when… *thud*

I fell and my butt kissed the cold floor. I rubbed my head trying to get rid of the pain. Someone hit me hard on the head.

“ow ow ow- ouch” There’s someone in front of me jumping like crazy. My eyes were greeted by black pants with dangling chains and something fell in front of me, a hat? Only one person I know that wears a hat wherever he goes. I looked up and saw a blond hair with shades of pink that is parted on the right and has red bobby pins. His eyes are blue and a little bit teary. His holding on to his nose and he has black nail polish on his nails. I’m looking a bit dumbfounded in this situation. My eyes are locked on one of the members of Starish- ‘Kurusu Syo’. I’m still holding on to my head where his nose collided. He opened his eyes and looked down at me; he stopped jumping and took his hands off his nose. It reddened, Oh my gosh, if this idol’s face gets ruined it’ll be my fault. I’m still looking like an idiot staring up to an idol, such a fan girl.

“Sorry. I didn’t see you there.” His voice echoed down the hall way. He held out his hand and I took it. I stood up and noticed that his maybe… an inch taller than me. I shifted my eyes from his hair to his nose. I can’t speak, I wanted to apologize but my words seemed stuck on my throat. I opened my mouth but not a word came out.

“What exactly are you doing there?” He asked me, face a little curious.

“I-I-I” I can’t speak my mind! I’m still trying to recover; my mind is still processing what was going on. I’m going gaga all over again. This is soooo unprofessional. He cocked his right eyebrow, unaware of what was making me nervous. I’m only seeing Kurusu Syo and I’m going berserk… How much more if……

“Syo-chan!” a cute voice and a cute way of saying Kurusu’s name? O_O ~> I look like this… unable to explain what I look like right now. A blond mega-ne (four eyed) opened the door just enough for his upper body to go through.

He looked at Kurusu-senpai but because Kurusu-senpai is looking at me he also directed his look at me.

“Oh! Kawai! (Cute)” He opened the door completely and was about to hug me but Kurusu went between us even before he can come closer to me.

“Natsuki.” Kurusu-senpai said like his trying to discipline a child. He glared at him and Shinomiya just pouted. Despite of his height, he’s adorably cute because of his childlike actions.

I remained flabbergasted at what was happening. I totally lost my cool. I ate my words from before about not being a fan of any idols because it’s not professional like. My barrier that I was building the entire time is starting to crumble down. What I thought easy before is pretty difficult when you are personally looking at them and you’re just one step away from them. I wanted to shout, I wanted to hug them… I want… I want to be a fan right now.

“Shinomiya Natsuki!”I finally regained myself, but at this time I’m a totally different person. I can’t restrain my fan self any longer… Especially to this two, they are connected to Mikaze Ai in more ways than one. As a fan or a lover of Mikaze Ai, I researched all about him. Kurusu Syo and Shinomiya Natsuki the two idols in front of me is connected to him somehow.

Upon saying Shinomiya-senpai’s name they both glanced at me at the same time. Me smiling the widest smile I have ever done in my history of living. Shinomiya-senpai also smiled at me and laughed at the same time. What? Is my reaction that ridiculous?

“I-I love your Piyo commercial!” I suddenly exclaimed without my awareness. I don’t have any idea on what to say, so I said the first thing that comes to my mind.

Shinomiya-senpai’s eyes glistened and his smile widened upon hearing my statement. He run directly at me with arms wide open not minding of Kurusu-senpai being thrown out of his way. He hugged me tight for a few seconds. My inner fan self is screaming. I’m being hugged by Shinomiya! When he finally let go, he cupped both of my hands into his and faced me. His face is so close I can see how beautiful his emerald eyes under his spectacles.

“Sing with me.” He uttered in a serious tone.  What does he mean sing with him? He began swaying me around in circles as he sang his ‘Piyo-chan song’

“Piyo piyo pi-yo piyo piyo-chan, piyo-chan, notamago, yoroshikudes.” He sang while swaying both of us in circles. I was getting dizzy but Shinomiya-senpai looks happy. I caught a glimpse of Kurusu-senpai with his ever adorable expression. He looks dumbfounded, with his jaws dropped and his eyes wide open. I laughed at the sight and found myself enjoying the moment. I began singing with Shinomiya-senpai. I was caught off guard by his childishness.

We were just repeating the song over and over again while going around in circles.

“Piyo piyo pi-yo piyo piyo-chan, piyo-chan, notmago, yoroshikudes. Piyo piyo pi-…”

“What an unsightly scene.” That voice. I stopped from my tracks while Shinomiya continued singing. I can’t look, I can’t move, I’m just looking at mine and Shinomiya-senpai’s hands. Shinomiya-senpai finally stopped and looked at the only point of entrance and exit of the room where Kurusu and Shinomiya-senpai came from moments ago.

I slowly turned my gaze to where the voice was coming from. A guy about 5’10 of height wearing white trousers  matched with a simple T-shirt that matches the color of his hair and eyes. Simple yet hot, was my only comment. He’s standing straight by the door his arms crossed in front of him. His cyan blue hair fastened in a pony tail and his eyes the same color of his hair was staring back at me. I’m melting! Shiori, where the hell are you at a time like this?! My mind is shouting. I’m seeing him personally, I’m a few step away from him. His eyes as emotionless as ever stared right back at mine. Just like the same day I fell in love with him. Ai Mikaze.

“Yuki!” I was pulled back to reality by Shiori’s voice. Nice timing, she heard my prayers. I looked at her direction and she was with Haruka-senpai. She waved at our direction. Behind them are Oda-kun and the other two newbies. I returned my gaze back to where Mikaze Ai is and he’s no longer there.

Shinomiya-senpai held both of my shoulders from behind and started pushing me inside the room. Shiori and the others followed. My eyes we’re greeted by a vast of space. The only things visible in here are the piano and the other musical instruments needed by the idols to practice with. After a few minutes or so other Starish members entered the vicinity- with them are the three remaining members of Quartet Night.

My expression is preposterous, completely unthinkable. My eyes wide, while insanely looking around. Who would see me as an idol now? As I regain my composure, I caught myself unconsciously sneaking a peak to where Mikaze-kun is. Am I this in love with him? I tried questioning myself only to be answered by nothing. How can I answer my own question when I’m confused myself? Okay… I’m going insane.

Sound suddenly emanated from somewhere. All newbies such as myself hysterically look around not knowing where that sound was coming from around the room. Our senpais on the other hand look calmed and bored. Is this another one of Princi- I mean President Saotome surprise entrances?

Looking up, we saw Hyuga-sensei in a tuxedo with Tsukimiya-sensei in a pink balloon gown with plenty of ruffles around its base. They were being hoisted down by a thing that looks like window washers use in a building while washing windows. After being landed, they step out and greeted us with a smile.

“Konichiwa mina! (Good afternoon everyone)” Tsukimiya-sensei greeted us with glee.

A sudden burst of laughter followed. It’s emanating from everywhere. All of us glanced around, now this I know is Saotome’s grand entrance. I was expecting he’d fly somewhere up so I looked up, looks like others expected that too. Most of us are looking up until the laughter slowly emanated from one point. It’s coming from Tsukimiya-sensei. We all stared at her and she blinked at us with frustration.

Saotome emerged from tsukimiya-sensei’s balloon gown making her go ‘kya!’ She flushed a bright red.

“Moh! President Saotome! Why did you make an entrance there!?”Tsukimiya-sensei bellowed her face still flushed while holding down to her gown. President Saotome just laughed hysterically in response.

“I see… you already met your seniors.” He uttered with his usual tone of speaking.

“Just like Starish before they won the uta-pri awards, as their start here at the master course, we assigned one senior to each of them. Well one senior per two newbies that is.”  Tsukimiya-sensei regained her usual self and explained every other details.

“As of now, the Starish members are a little bit unexperienced on supervising. So, you’ll be assigned to the Quartet Night members. As for the Starish members, they’ll act as an assistant supervisor so they can gain experience on how to supervise for the future newbies.” Hyuga-sensei continued.

“Just like before, the rules are still the same. You’d be sleeping with your Supervisors. Well except for the assistants, It’ll be too crowded if you still joined in.” Tsukimiya-sensei giggled. I heard the members of Starish sighed. I don’t know if it’s because of depression or relief but from the looks of their faces, I’m betting on relief.

My mind was flying… I’m an idol of beauty and talent but no brain… I laughed at my thought. Sudden realization strucked me like a bullet embedding itself on my brain. WHA?! S-sleeping with your supervisor!? I’m not sleeping at the girl’s dormitory with Haruka-senpai and Shiori?! I slowly turned my gaze to the group of four supervisors-the Quartet Night. Being dumbfounded is beginning to be a habit.

Tsukimiya-sensei finished her role and turned over the stage to President Saotome whose grinning widely.

“Now…” he announced like it’s something worth being nervous of as his glasses flashed. “I’ll announce who’s who and what’s what.” He’s usual accent overtaking the seriousness from all over the place. I can’t take him seriously from the way he talks.

He looked at us the ‘newbies’ and shifted his eyes to Quartet Night. Their so hot that I can melt… specially my Mikaze. I’m beginning to fantasize again as I imagine myself drooling at the thought. If President pairs me with Mikaze I’d be in heaven.

“You…red fella ” he pointed at Matsuoka-kun, Matsuoka as cool as ever frowned upon hearing him being called by the President ‘red fella’. “…go with Kurosaki Ranmaru-san” he bellowed and pointed at the white headed guy with monochromatic eyes of purple and gray. My lips formed a gap. I know a little about Ranmaru-senpai, and believe me. Matsuoka-kun is not the best guy for him. 

“It’s like fighting fire with fire.” Tsukimiya-sensei whispered.

Matsuoka-kun approached Ranmaru-senpai. As soon as reaching his side, Matsuoka clicked his tongue “tch” as he always do that made Ranmaru-senpai get pissed. He wrapped his arm around Matsuoka’s neck and started rubbing his knuckles on his head painfully.

“I’m older than you. You don’t go clicking your tongue on me.” Ranmaru-senpai bellowed as he let go of Matsuoka.

“Next would be… you white headed fella.” President Saotome pointed at Oda-kun. Oda-kun blinked twice and confusedly looked at his back and returned his look to Saotome while pointing at himself.

“You’d be going with Camus-san” he pointed at a long haired guy with emerald locks. Oda looked at him and blinked twice and he pointed at himself again. He did as he was ordered and went with Camus-senpai.

Two down and two to go. I’m between Mikaze and Reiji-senpai. It’s either the two of them and I’m praying inside to the god of love to make my fate and Mikaze’s cross.

“Next would be… you…” he pointed at Hotaro-kun who didn’t mind a thing. “You’d go with…” he rubbed his chin as he think. Please not mikaze… please not Mikaze… please not Mikaze… my mind is going berserk.

“You go with Reiji-san” YES!!!! My inner self overjoyed! I’m with Mikaze-senpai.

“And Miss Saito… you’ll be with Mikaze-san” he uttered as his glasses glimmered. I stared at him blankly but my inner self is already going gaga of the thought that I’d be staying at the same room with Mikaze-senpai. Such heaven…

Before Saotome could make his eye-catching exit… he told me one more thing…

“I let you be with Mikaze-san because I have plenty of reasons…Miss Saito… And you should take in mind that, inside my territory… Idols are forbidden to fall in love…” Upon saying that his glasses glimmered and he flashed me a toothy grin, then as an exit he returned to Tsukimiya-sensei’s gown.

A/N: What will you do if you got the chance to be at the same room with the person you longed for?... Nose bleed <3 more like lusted for... kidding XD

Shinomiya's Piyo-chan song >>>

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