Zhen (Naruto Fanfiction) -Wat...

Von Raveness

646 17 4

How would you react if you were ripped from your home due to a massacre, and you had nowhere else to go? Wou... Mehr

Chapter One


497 6 0
Von Raveness

How would you react if you were ripped from your home due to a massacre, and you had nowhere else to go?  Would you run away and never return again, or would you stick around and wait for the carnage to end, before venturing back?  Would you be scared or just downright shocked?  Nobody knows the answer to this, except for you. 

Whether you like it or not, the answer would always be written on your face, deep in your heart and soul.

It started when the village elders had just retired for the night, and the mothers had tucked their young ones into bed.  The village on the coast was very quiet and small; a peaceful place for all travelers to come and rest up before continuing onwards.

It was that night when an ear shattering scream pierced the quiet night.  The males of the family all ran outside, out of their small homes to investigate.  There were never any murders in their village, so they assumed there was a wolf or cougar nearby, causing grief. 

If only they knew how wrong they were.

Earlier that day a group of males all dressed in black came into this small village.  They requested to stay for a night, and the elders quickly complied, leading them to the quest house in the center of the village.  They joined in on the nightly activities, flirted with the women and had drinks with the males. 

It was an average night, and everybody enjoyed themselves.  Some of the men even told stories of their travels to the children, who loved to meet new people, even if they couldn’t understand a word they said, as the villages language differed completely from the travelers.

Their trustfulness and generous nature would be their doom.

Late that night, the men piled the dusty paths, looking around for the source of the scream.  They were all armed; holding kunai and shuriken, some of the men ready to perform the villages’ jutsu’s in order to protect their loved ones.

They must have failed to realize that the entire village was under a genjutsu.

Screams of terror and pain filled the air as blades slashed through the men.  The children and women were brought out to the streets, as the mothers cried and sobbed loudly for the loss of their husbands and friends.

The men took the children away from their mothers and slit their throats, holding them upright so the mothers could watch their dear and beloved children be choked to death by their own blood.

After the men, children and elders were slaughtered, these crazed men turned their sights to the teenage women of the village.  They fondled, groped, raped and beat them senseless as the rest of the men killed the older women.

Discarding the dying bodies of the teenagers away, they carried onto igniting buildings on fire, despite the pleas of the young girls clinging to life, screaming in their own language about the newborns still in some of the buildings.

The men couldn’t understand their language, and they didn’t even care.  They slaughtered the one who was screaming and sobbing.  Once the village was set ablaze, they just vanished.


They thought they had successfully wiped this loving village off the face of the earth, but they forgot to do one vital thing –Check all the bodies of the victims, to ensure that they were all in fact dead.

A woman of about eighteen years sobbed silently, as she pushed the body of one of her friends off of her, crawling out from the pile of corpses she encased herself in.  Blood was covering her body, and she couldn’t even tell if it was her own blood or not. 

She ached in places she never even knew she had.  Her innocence was ripped clean out of her, as she limped around the burning village, trying to find any survivors.

Sadly, there weren’t any.

With a howl of pain, anguish and grief, the girl takes off in a sprint, running from her village.  Tears flew down her tanned face, as she closes her crystalline gray eyes.  Her muddy and blooded up chocolate colored hair flew behind her in long wavy wisps, as she ran through the forest.

She was barely wearing anything, thanks to the men who defiled her.  She was clad in a ripped and torn white sleeping dress, bare feet and an empty heart.

She ran for what appeared to be days, but in reality it was only one day.  She finally collapsed by a river after clearing a grassland.  Her body heaved in fatigue, her stomach ached from running and lack of food, and her eyes felt like stone.  She slowly crawled over to the river and slid into the cold water. 

Yelping out, she shakes as she slowly wipes the blood and grime from her arms, legs and head.  She then walks out of the river after gulping up as much of the icy water as she could.  Now cold, wet, sore and tired she begins to jog upstream of the river, hoping to just get away.

She barely knew the land, and her mind just couldn’t figure out why people would destroy and defile her village, her friends, and her family like that.  She just couldn’t understand. 

Scared and with nowhere to go, she just kept running.  She hoped a wolf would just jump out and devour her; she didn’t know what to do.

Women from her village were never allowed to learn how to fight; only the men were able to learn jutsu, weaponry and hand-to-hand combat.  Despite the women being ninja themselves, they were not allowed to learn, it was their custom.  That never stopped a small group of girls from spying on the males while they trained, and then used those techniques to learn themselves.

This girl was no different.  She was a very accomplished ninja, even if she couldn’t prove it to her village, but she knew.  She understood how chakra worked, and she utilized this.  She used bursts of chakra to keep her upright and moving.

She was becoming even more exhausted that what she was before, and she took note that she hadn’t rested for two moon passings.  She didn’t know where she was, and she didn’t care, as long as she was away from the bloodbath.  She swore that she would find those men, and kill them.  She would get this revenge, even if it meant she were to die by their hands.

She was exiting a clearing when her body finally gave up and she went hurtling forwards, collapses on the hard dirt ground, her mind shutting off as she was encased in the arms of sleep.  Her body hurt so much; she assumed it was the pain that finally took her down, not just exhaustion, though that played a key role.

Two men standing outside heard the sound of a crash, and they looked at each other with confusion before going to investigate.  They both gasped as they saw the bruised, bloody and battered body of a girl lying on the ground, twitching in pain, but unconscious.

“Kotetsu, what do we do?” One of the men asks, looking at his partner.

“I’m not entirely sure Izumo, go get help or something,” Kotetsu says, kneeling down to pick the girl up.  Izumo nods, and then disappears, going to get help.

“Konoha never fails to bore me,” Kotetsu mutters, as he hauls the unconscious girl through the gates.


I have brewed up a new story.  Its even being added to the Watty Awards 2012, so hopefully I'll do alright, and actually finish it.  It's a Naruto fanfiction, and I'm not even sure how it's going to turn out, so bare with me guys!


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