Love in a Shanghai Summer

By MeiSummer

1.3M 44.6K 15.6K

After falling in love with a younger and much less successful man, can Yiwen convince herself and her parents... More

1: Leftover Woman(剩女)
3: White, Rich, & Beautiful(白富美)
4: Oh, my god(我的天)
5: Wechat(微信)
6: Eat Bitter(吃苦)
7: I Rely On (我靠)
8: Lose Face (丢脸)
9: Pig Head (猪头)
10: Golden Week (黄金周)
11: Be a Light Bulb (当电灯泡)
12: My dish (我的菜)
13: Underground Love (地下情)
14: Three at Dawn, Four at Dusk (朝三暮四)
15: Add Oil (加油)
16: Blow Cows (吹牛)
17: No door (没门)
18: Long Time, No See (好久没见)
19: Numb Flesh (肉麻)
20: Fight the Wind, Eat Vinegar (争风吃醋)
21: Limb Contact (肢体接触)
22: Sticky Person (粘人)
23: Heavy Color, Light Friend (重色轻友)
24: Older Sister, Younger Brother Love (姐弟恋)
25: Collapse and Burst (崩溃)
26: Begin Again (重新开始)
27: My Dear Love (亲爱的)
28: All the Way Peace (一路平安)
29: Spare Tire (备胎)
30: Separate Hand (分手)
31: Thank Heaven, Thank Earth (谢天谢地)
32: Old Female, Old Male (老婆, 老公)
33: Put down (放下)
34: To Knot (结婚)
35: Put Heart (放心)
36: Tight Paper (紧张)
37: Moth to the Flame (飞蛾扑火)
38: Untie and Set Free (解放)
Epilogue: Daughter Becomes a Phoenix(望女成凤)

2: Small Fresh Meat (小鲜肉)

75.1K 2.4K 925
By MeiSummer

Word of the day: xiǎo xiān ròu (小鲜肉)

Literal translation: Small fresh meat

Definition: Refers to handsome young men in their teens and early twenties. Aside from being handsome, a xiǎo xiān ròu usually has perfect skin and a muscular body. The term can also have negative connotations when used to mean that someone is all looks but lacking everything else.

Other relevant terms: lǎo là ròu (老腊肉) cured/preserved meat, typically ham or bacon a.k.a. DILF


"Master?" Wu Chen scoffed, eyes widening into saucers.

Lili looked like a carp out of the water.

Yiwen saw an opportunity to make them disappear.

Giving Lili a smirk of her own, she turned around and glided her hands up Li Zi'an's chest until they entwined at the back of his neck. "Sorry for neglecting you, honey."

"As long as you don't do it again," he tapped the tip of her nose, "honey."

"I won't."

Yiwen wondered if they still had an audience, so she gave Li Zi'an a questioning look, hoping he'll understand what she meant. When he gave a subtle nod, she raked her fingers through the soft strands of his hair.

"I'm going to kiss you," she mouthed.

Though shock fleeted through his face, the hand he had on her waist tightened. "Then why don't you make up for that terrible neglect?"

Taking it as his agreement, she stood on tiptoe and pulled his head down. In turn, he cupped her face with one hand and closed the distance between their lips. The kiss started slow, almost tentative. Then, he nipped at her lower lip. She did the same to his. He ran his tongue along the seam of her mouth. She parted it open. When his hand wrapped around her neck applying light pressure, she tightened her grip on his hair.

Soon, his tongue met hers. He tasted like mint-laced alcohol. Fresh and intoxicating. Yiwen soon grew light-headed, but she couldn't stop. He tasted so good. But why was he pulling away? She grabbed his arm.

"Wa-wait," he gasped, gently pushing her away.

Yiwen let him go.

"The-they're gone," Li Zi'an said.


"That Lili girl and the man."


For a while, she had forgotten all about them. Now she looked around. Wu Chen and Lili were indeed nowhere to be found, but several other pairs of eyes were aimed their way, instead. Women were whispering amongst each other, while men gave her knowing glances. Yiwen quickly turned away and hid her face.

"Excuse me?" A waiter arrived. "Your starters are ready. Would you like me to serve them?"

"Yes, please do," Yiwen replied.

Meanwhile, Li Zi'an plopped down in his seat, raking his fingers through his hair. The evidence of what they had just done was a bright red smear around his mouth.

While the server laid out their food, Yiwen took her own seat and pulled some tissue from her purse. She offered it to Li Zi'an, gesturing at his mouth.

"Thanks," he mumbled, eyes not quite meeting hers.

"Would you like me to pour the wine, sir?" the waitress asked her companion.

"Ah yes," he replied.

Yiwen touched up her own lipstick while the wine was being poured. Once the waiter was gone, she mustered the courage to look at her companion. He was staring at her freshly made-up lips. She cleared her throat. "New master? Where'd you get that?"

Crescents appeared beneath his eyes and on the sides of his lips. "From idol dramas."

"Ah, I thought it was some sort of weird fetish."

Li Zi'an's eyes widened before he flashed her a rakish grin. "Only if you're into that."

"N-nope," she stuttered.

Images very much inappropriate for the time and place flashed through her head. She grabbed her glass of wine and swallowed a mouthful to cool her body. A stupid move because alcohol fell under heat-inducing beverages. Now she was even hotter.

"Are you sure?"


"That's too bad."

She glared at him. "Wh-why?"

"Because I wouldn't mind being your new master."

"Ugh," she exclaimed. "This is not an idol drama and you're not some bratty, angsty teen."

Li Zi'an laughed. "True, true. Shall we try some adult drama plot then?"

"No. And before you say anything else, eat your food before it gets cold."

"All right, all right."

Li Zi'an examined the set of cutlery in front of him. Since it was a formal table setting, there was a collection of forks, spoons, and knives.

"Start from the ones farthest from your plate," Yiwen said.

"Thanks. I don't usually go to places like this."

He grinned, looking very much like a mischievous cat. She was once again struck by how good-looking he was. Yiwen thought back to her earlier decision. Maybe she should be more flexible with her standards? Her eyes were drawn to him once more. He was happily digging into the soft shell crab on his plate, a look of pure enjoyment on his face as he chewed.

"I--I'm sorry about... about what happened earlier," she said. "And thanks for helping me out."

"No worries. I just wanted to distract you. You looked like you were about to murder them."

"I was," she said, cutting bits of her own foie gras then letting the decadent flavor melt on her tongue.

"I figured. That was your ex-boyfriend, right?"

"Ex-fiance, actually."

"He cheated?"

She stopped with her fork midway to her mouth. "Was it that obvious? It's because she said I'm old, right? Men always go for younger women."

He waved his hand in front of his face. "No, not all. You're beautiful, successful, and smart. And, you're not old at all. If I was your fiancé, I'd have you for keeps."

She felt a blush creeping up her face. "You're just saying that to make me feel better."

"Nah, I'm always honest."

"Hmm..." She accepted the compliment. "So how did you know he cheated on me?"

"It was the woman. She seemed insecure. Thieves always worry about the things they've stolen. They know it's not theirs, you see."

"You're quite observant, aren't you?"

"I'm an artist." He winked.

She rolled her eyes.

As soon as they finished their appetizer, a waitress came to clear the table while another person came to serve their mains. The aroma of truffles and grilled meat made her mouth water. She attacked the steak with gusto.

"How's your food?" he asked.

"Good," she said. "How about you? What do you think?"

"Not bad. Could be better."

"Really? This is one of the best restaurants in the city."

"Sure, but nothing beats the taste of home-cooked Chinese food."

Yiwen grimaced. "Are you the type who expects your future partner to be a superb cook?"

"That would be a plus. Do you cook?"

"Not at all."

"Oh well, I guess you're right. The two of us won't work after all."

Yiwen realized he was joking, but she couldn't help but ask. "Just because I can't cook?"

"Well, if I'm expected to work and bear the financial burden, shouldn't I expect my wife to be competent at taking care of our child and home? That means being able to cook, clean, and do other wifely duties. As the saying goes, 'men plow, women weave'."

"And you know when that saying came about? The Zhou Dynasty. That's over 2000 years ago."

"All right." He put down his utensils. "But if you have your own standards, why can't I have my own?"

"And what do you think are my standards?"

"Just like other women, you want a rich man with a house, car, and high-paying job. Am I right?"

"That's true."

"Then if I act like, would you then blame me if I wanted a young, beautiful wife who'll stay at home to cook, clean, and take care of our child?"

"But you can hire people to do the housework for you," she argued. "You don't need your wife to do that."

"In the same vein, these days, both men and women can work to earn a living. You don't need just one person to do that."

Yiwen couldn't refute his points. Anyway, it wasn't like she disagreed. He was right. She was just annoyed at how he took her own words and used them against her. Plus, she hated losing, so for now, she refused to admit defeat.

"What's your ideal woman, then?" she asked.

He leaned back, his lips curling up into another boyish smile. "Someone who loves me."

"That's it?"

"Isn't that enough?"

She shook her head. "That's too naive. That's something I expect someone in their early twenties would say. But at our age? We know better than that."

"Uh... How old do you think I am?"

Her eyebrows furrowed. "Wait, aren't you in your thirties?"

Li Zi'an's shoulders started to shake. His eyes brimmed with amusement.

"You're not?" she asked again.


"Don't tell me--"

"I'm twenty-five," he blurted out.


She needed a drink. Yiwen grabbed a glass of water and gulped it down. Unfortunately, it went down the wrong way. She ended up in a coughing fit, water dripping from her nose.

"Are you okay?"

A piece of paper napkin appeared in front of her. She grabbed it and wiped her face.

"Are you serious?" she asked once she recovered.

"Why would I lie about my age?"

"Oh my god," she groaned. "You're a xiǎo xiān ròu!"

"I guess you can say that."

"Oh no." She buried her face in her hands. "I can't believe I've just kissed a guy five years younger than me. Did you know I was going to be older than you?"


"So why did you still come?"

He considered her for a minute, seemingly battling with himself. In the end, he sighed. "Okay, I don't wanna lie so I'll come clean. Jisen owed Gao Shan a favor, so to get his sister off his back, he asked me to come. I owed him a favor, too, so here I am."

"I see."

It made sense. Why else would he agree? Despite his not so favorable background, he was young and attractive. He could have his choice of equally young and attractive women in this city. In normal circumstances, he probably wouldn't give an old woman the time of day. The joke was on her for thinking she had the upper hand here with her standards and all.

Yiwen put down her fork. Her appetite was gone.

"I've just remembered I have to meet someone early tomorrow," she said. "I have to go."

"What about dessert?"

She waved to a waitress and asked for the bill.

"You can stay if you want. You can eat my share, too."

To Yiwen's relief, the waitress quickly returned with the bill and a card reader.

"I'll get this," Li Zi'an said.

"No, I'll get it," she countered, searching her bag for her phone. Before she managed to find it, Li Zi'an had already paid and the waitress had left.

"I told you I was going to get it," Yiwen said, annoyed.

"It's the least I can do."

Yiwen got up and slung her bag over one shoulder. He did the same.

"On the contrary," she said, weaving her way out of the restaurant, "you don't have to do anything for me."

"I don't have to, but still..."

She didn't say anything else. Instead, she focused on making her way to the elevator. To her chagrin, no one else was waiting to leave. When the elevator arrived, only she and Li Zi'an stepped inside.

"Where to?" he asked.

She hit the button to the basement parking herself. Meanwhile, he pressed the one to the ground floor. As the elevator swooshed down, Yiwen kept her eyes on the screen with the descending numbers, wishing it to go faster.

"I'm sorry," Li Zi'an said.

She didn't reply.

"Despite everything, I enjoyed this date," he added.

She pressed her lips together. Yiwen didn't know why she was so angry. Or maybe disappointed was a better word? Anyway, she had no reason to be. Hadn't she written him off from the very beginning, so why did it matter that he only came because he was doing his friend a favor?

It didn't, she said to herself.

"I hope we can see each other again?"

"I think it's best if we don't," she gritted out.

The elevator dinged and halted. They had reached the first floor. Li Zi'an lingered by the door, giving her a hesitant look.

"It's your floor. Why don't you step out?" she asked.

"So this is goodbye then," he said.

She shrugged, then looked away. She heard him sigh, then make his way out.

And just like that, the metal doors shut, and he was gone.


Author's note:

Did you expect Yiwen and Zian to get down and dirty in the second chapter?

How will they meet again?

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