Misconceptions ✔

By geethu_sweetie28

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Highest ranking: #4 in Indian; #7 in General Fiction; #7 in politics. •2nd place category winner of The Stell... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1:First Encounter
Chapter 2: Clash of the Titans
Chapter 3: Vile plan and major decisions
Chapter 4: Vows of forever(?)
Chapter 5: Truth and collaboration
Chapter 6: Naughty guy and arrogant girl
Chapter 7: First day of marriage
Chapter 8: Chief Minister. Arjun Mehra
Chapter 9: (Un)Known feelings
Chapter 10: Jealous Arjun
Chapter 11: Realisations
Chapter 12: Dinner to muse on
Chapter 13: What in the Sam Hill?
Chapter 14: A Dream?
Chapter 15: Surprise gift opening
Chapter 16: A dream that has come true
Chapter 17: The Devil
Chapter 18: Mrs. Radhika Arjun
Chapter 19: A glimpse of the past
Chapter 20: Work is God
Chapter 21: A step towards Tweety
Chapter 22: A danger
Tagged (Not an update)
Chapter 23: Fear
Chapter 25: The Past.
Chapter 26: The confessions.
Chapter 27: The Seduction
Chapter 28: The Reconciliations
Chapter 29: The Old Skeletons {with flesh}
Chapter 30: Behind the masks.
Chapter 31: The Disclosure.
Chapter 32: The Aftermath
Chapter 33: The Villain
Chapter 34: The Blast

Chapter 24: The Punishment

5K 273 102
By geethu_sweetie28

Salaam everyone... How are you all?? Here is the next chapter of misconceptions...

Happy reading...


Hitesh wandered around the corridor escaping Vikas and Pawan who are laughing to their heart's content whenever they find him. Traitors. Both of them. They are laughing as if Radhika has never ever made fool out of them. God only save him from the idiot fellows he has got as his brothers and sister. What is Radhika thinking to say such words aloud? What will happen to his reputation of being an Ice King? He, most definitely, does not want to get shackled right now. There are still so many things he has to achieve. If he thinks back what he has to achieve, he was unable to remember anything. Did all the things in his list were fulfilled? Now no one can save him from Radhika. That girl will surely get him married now. Hitesh was thinking all this with a sad face and did not see the commotion that is happening outside the hospital.

Vikas and Pawan were searching Hitesh in the entire corridor and found him at a corner where he is sulking and his face is so sad that Pawan wanted to apologise for laughing at him. But Vikas, who knew all the tricks of Hitesh did not budge and is seeing him with his shrewd eyes.

'What? Don't you think you should say sorry to me too?' asked Hitesh.

'Not when I know in which direction your mind is working.' Said Vikas and smirked seeing the fallen face of Hitesh.

Hitesh now understood why people cry when their life-long friends are in the vicinity. These are the perks of having a friend who knew you inside out. Hitesh facepalmed himself for ever opening his mouth in the hospital room. If he did not open his mouth, his sister would have smashed Arjun to pieces. Poor fellow! He has already suffered so many injuries. And Hitesh thought why to add more injuries to Arjun and opened his mouth only to get his leg pulled by his one and only sister.

The trio made their way to the waiting room when Hitesh saw that an apology is not coming from Vikas only to be stopped by the duty doctor who is running towards them as if he is participating in a marathon. He took several minutes to calm his breath and spoke in a manner that appeared to be a movie in fast forward motion.

'What did you just say?' asked Vikas when he didn't understand a thing.

The doctor watched him as if he sprouted two horns and said he is going to jump in the Arabian Sea for a swim.

'What? We did not understand a thing what you said, that's why he is asking.' Said Pawan who is as annoyed as Vikas at the moment.

'There is a commotion outside the hospital asking for the health condition of the Chief Minister.' Said the doctor.

'Oh!!!' said the trio in a casual manner but faced each other when the words dawned on them.

Commotion! Media. Information. Oh! Holy Hell! Media reached the hospital already. – thought the trio and sprung into action by thanking the doctor and dragging him with them to the room where Arjun is kept.

They stopped in their tracks when they saw Arjun and Radhika are sleeping. But there is no time to sleep right now, they have to formulate a plan and that should be loophole-free. They woke up both Arjun and Radhika who made grumpy sounds but did not scold anyone seeing their tense faces.

'What happened?' asked Radhika.

'Media is here.' Answered Vikas.

'Haan, so?' said Radhika and trailed off when she understood what that meant.

Their enemies should not know that Arjun is out of danger or else they will plan another attack. Before any of this happens, they have to nail their opponents.

Vikas hurriedly made a plan and discussed it with all of them. The doctor has to give his statement, so he was involved too.

Going out of the hospital room, Radhika made a sad face making others believe that Arjun is still in critical condition. Pawan is amazed to see the changes in her facial expressions but he composed himself. The doctor gave his statement stating Arjun is still not out of danger. Many reporters flew from their places to report the same news to their media houses. Some others stayed there as they are telecasting the live. Vikas will have none of this and called in for the police protection. No one other than family and the doctors should be allowed inside Arjun's room is his request.

After giving the required information to the media people, Radhika, Pawan, Hitesh and Vikas re-entered the hospital and alerted all the doctors to be very careful as to who is entering the premises of the room as their lives are also in danger seeing the grievous condition that Arjun was put into. The doctors who understood the situation put up the list and the photos of the doctors and nurses who are going to enter Arjun's room.

Being a Chief Minister and their relatives is not at all an easy task.—they thought.

Vikas asked to take Radhika to home so that she freshens up. Even though she protested against it, Vikas said it is for her benefit so that she can have some choice words with Pawan who thought he is somehow responsible for the situation Arjun was in. Radhika gave in finally so that she can give Pawan an ear full.

After exiting from the hospital with grave faces, Pawan and Radhika took their seats in the car. It is not they are so happy with the situation, but their faces should not give away anything that can make someone doubt that there is something going on in the hospital. They knew media and the civil services minister will somehow send their spies to the hospital, so they are taking shifts of going home so that they can come back with a fresh mind and new ideas to save Arjun.

'So, Mr. Po...' started Radhika only to chide herself as to what she was about to speak. Potato is the nickname of Pawan that she gave when she is Ayushi, her one slip of a tongue would have brought the entire mystery to the forefront. She bit her tongue and looked at Pawan who is watching her peculiarly. She cleared her throat and started again.

'So, Mr. Spoon, why were you crying in the hospital?'

Waah! Radhika! You should get the dumbest-of-all award. Was that even a question?—chided her brain.

Oh! This brain came in again. What am I going to do now? So, Ms. Right-part Brain, we have to start a question to lead to the other questions, right? So I have asked this question. – answered her other part of the brain.

Bringing her out of her conflicted thoughts brain, Pawan spoke.

'I don't know, Minx. I thought he is in this condition because of me.'

'Why would you think that?'

'Hmm... If I can understand that, then I can tell you. But I don't have a clue of why I have cried.'

'That's it or you are not ready to tell me?' asked Radhika who knew Pawan is still skeptical when it came to talking his feelings in front of her.

'Why will you ever ask that question or even think that way? Yeah! It is true that I didn't like you at the start but as the time went by, I recognised there is more to you than the foolish lady who made fun of me and Arjun.' Said Pawan and made his way to the edge of the seat guessing her next move after apprehending his words.

He is correct why he made himself scare because the next move of Radhika is to smack him on the shoulder, thankfully the good one.

'I am not foolish, Mr. Spoon.' Growled Radhika.

'Of course, you are. If not, who will say words like marriage to the media when you hardly know a person standing beside you?'

If only he knew, that I am the same Ayushi whom he treated as his sister.—thought Radhika.

She smiled a small smile and turned to the other side. Pawan thought she was not going to respond when he saw her in deep thoughts.

'I trusted that the youngest Chief Minister of our state is not a beast.' Responded Radhika after a long pause.

Pawan understood what she meant. Arjun may look like a cruel man, but he is patient and understanding and not at all a beast to jump on any person and try to conquer them. He nodded and started looking outside.

'And there was no other option too.' Continued Radhika. 'If only, you did not kidnap me.' She said and smacked him again.

'Woman! You and your lovable husband should worship me daily for that stunt. Only because of that, you both got each other. And why are you smacking me like that? I am injured too if you forgot.' Said Pawan and started rubbing his shoulder where Radhika bet him.

'Oh! My poor boy. Is it paining?' asked Radhika and when he nodded, she pinched him hard.

'Ahhh!!! Radhika, you idiot! How dare you pinch me?' asked Pawan with mock indignation.

'There is no necessity for bravery to pinch you. My fingers are enough.' She said and blew air on her fingers as if cleaning them.



Pawan smiled and went back to his gazing out of the window. She is showing attributes of Ayushi more and more day-by-day. He prayed to God that his friends find the location of Ayushi sooner so that this confusion can be cleared.

Radhika knew she is taking a risk by showing Ayushi's characteristics every day. If she has to bring her mother to light and introduce her to them, she has to take this risk. They will be shocked for sure but she did not want to see revulsion or hatred in their eyes for hiding her identity this long. She sighed and hoped that day of introducing her mother comes soon so that she can unload this burden she has been carrying for too long. She is afraid of Pawan's reaction more than Arjun's. Pawan always had a strong connection with her mother out of the two. He listened to the stories of her mother as if she is his goddess and him, her devotee. She used to be jealous when her mother made something to Pawan. But her jealousy turned to ecstasy in a matter of hours when his mother used to make her favourite dishes. The expression on his face was must watchable one. She wanted that life back where there are no secrets, no hatred. The life that is so simple. She wanted that life back with a vengeance. But will her life ever go back to the same? She can only hope for that.

Radhika and Pawan came back from home to send Hitesh and Vikas to freshen up. After all the four gathered in the waiting room, the lads tried to send Radhika to Arjun, but the stubborn lady stood her ground and wanted to listen to the plan. By this time, they all knew that Radhika was aware of the person who is responsible for all of this. The only thing that is remaining is submitting the evidence to the court and let the judiciary take its action.

Pawan contacted his friend who is a public prosecutor and took the appointment of the magistrate. In this way, the evidence will directly be in the hands of court without crawling its way from the police station. Of course, Pawan there are sincere police officers in the department. But there is no time for him after the recent attack on Arjun. If the minister can make an assault, he very well can kill the people. If they can prove this in the court, the minister and his minions will be behind bars for a good long time. He is just waiting for that day.

The magistrate took the evidence and asked the concerned police station to file a case of assault on Arjun and also a search on the low-grade food items that are being distributed to all the government schools. The police officers sprang into action and arrested filed a case on the minister on all these charges. Mr. Khanna is removed from Arjun's cabinet of ministers as civil supplies minister. Later he was arrested and his case was shifted to a fast track court. The bench of judges who are listening to this case stated all the evidence provided by Pawan and Vikas were true and the minister is sentenced to a period of fourteen years for harming other people and a murder attempt.

All the proceedings of the court took three months of time and the minister is being escorted to the local jail from where he will be shifted to the central jail to complete his punishment.

It seems there is no love lost between husband and wife as Mrs. Khanna caught herself a protector in no time.

And the biggest blow to the minister came in the form of his by-blow whom he tried to kill when he was in his mother's womb. Somehow his mother saved him and escaped the evil clutches of Mr. Khanna. He helped Arjun to ascertain some more details of his evil father. Even though the relationship between his parents is illegitimate, he is a legal heir according to the law. But he did not want any property from his father who is a murderer of his mother.

They say crime never pays. It holds true to this case as the former minister who is responsible for deaths of many people is behind bars and serving his punishment for life time.—has been the headlines of the next day's newspaper.

Arjun is quite content of how all this has turned out. The minister is behind bars, Pawan is happy because he got a sister again, Vikas and Hitesh are happy teasing each other and he, he is happy with his Radhika.

If only fate agrees.

'Ma?' is the question in his eyes when he saw Sweta in front of him in his house accompanied by none other than Radhika, Vikas and Hitesh.


End of the twenty-fourth chapter. Not proof-read, I am tired by the time I have finished this. I am going to edit a bunch of chapters before I become busy this week, so please bear with me with the updates. *Sheepish smile*

How do you like the chapter? Did I leave it with a cliffhanger? What will be the explanation of Radhika for hiding her identity? How will Arjun react? What is Vikas and Hitesh's role in this equation? Are they variables or constants in this equation? *Lol, I can't keep my shut without talking about mathematics for a minute, excuse me for that.*

And, and, there are certain sections in the Indian law I have used here. First one, you can file your case through a concerned police station or through a magistrate. The second option is used when the applicants (victims) do not trust the police officials or there is no time for them to file a complaint through the police station. The second one, even though the relation between two people is illegitimate, that is the relationship is formed outside marriage, the children from such relationships are also legal heirs. Note that, if the relationship itself is void in the eye of court, then the children are illegitimate and no property is given to them. The third one, the people who are convicted of murder or attempted murder are usually given an imprisonment of a lifetime or for a period of 14 years. Capital punishment of Indian law, which is hanging till death, is not usually preferred because of human rights and the fundamental right of 'Right to live.'

If you have any other queries, please PM me. I will try my level best to clarify your doubts.

Till next time, Sayonara. Have a nice day and Advanced Happy Dusshera to all of you.

Please vote, comment and share the story.

I totally forgot to say that I am working on another story which is an out and out fan fiction to a novel. I had this notion from the moment I have finished this novel but my time constraints did not allow me to do that. So, I am going to finish my other story 'That's How We Happened' and will work on this one. I thought to post the prologue this week, but festival holidays and relatives will not give me that chance. So, yeah, please wait for the prologue.

Love you all and take good care of yourselves.

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