Who am I? Hermione Granger..O...

By Jubbly-x-Bubbly

420K 8.5K 6.6K

Hermione and her friends, Harry and Ron are destined to defeat the Dark lord and the death eaters one and for... More

Questions and back to Hogwarts
Meeting The Malfoys
A Plan
Ron becomes suspicious of Hermione
Mother-Daughter reunion
Family Moments
Emergency Death Eater meeting
Blood traitors?
Going back?
Back to The Burrow
Back to Hogwarts
Change of Plans
The Order meeting
A talk with Draco and This could change everything
Ugh Great, They have to ruin everything
Traitor in our midst
Punishing the Traitor
Planning his demise
A battle and A Huge Loss
Attack on the Burrow
Family Moments Part 2
Sirius' Funeral Part 1 -Family reunion
Sirius' Funeral - Part 2
Torn apart
Moving day
Back to Hogwarts (again)
Malfoy Manor
What does it take!?
Death Eater meeting
Authors note
Birth (Time Skip)
The Beginning of the end.
Preparing for Battle
The Final Battle

Hermione's 16th birthday

6.7K 161 148
By Jubbly-x-Bubbly

The next two and a half weeks passed without anything of importance to remember, only Hermione had found that Alecto was forcing the Death Eaters' beliefs on muggles to the rest of the Slytherins, they had been forced to take this, and then found that Amycus was teaching the dark arts to the Slytherins and setting meaningless tasks to the other houses since they don't have any Death Eater potential.

Hermione had also gotten herself into quite a few duels in the courtyard with Ron and Harry. She may have may not sent a few Unforgivables their way during particularly bad fights. Along with fighting 'the golden boys' the young witch had also been involved in a few arguments with Draco, he had been ticking her off more and more now that their parents are not speaking. One of the fights had actually turned physical, Hermione had slapped Draco and he had retaliated with a kick to her stomach, then once she caught her breath Hermione had actually punched Draco in the nose, breaking it. This had actually resulted in Bella and Narcissa being contacted. Narcissa gave Draco a stern talking to over the phone and removed his wand privileges when he is to return home, Bella however just cackled and put the phone down. Snape had also put Draco on a months detention and left Hermione alone. Ah the perks of being the Dark Princess.

Today was Hermione's 16th birthday. And she was dreading it. No doubt Bella would go all out for it, being it being the first birthday they had spent together in the last 15 or so years. Either that or her parents had forgotten completely, they had never once mentioned her birthday to her or asked what she wanted, not that she minded. As long as no one makes a big fuss over her, she would be glad.

The young witch sighed as she rolled out of bed on that Sunday morning. She slowly got dressed and walked towards the common room. It was Sunday, so that meant there was no classes and Breakfast was later than usual to give students a chance to sleep in and rest.

"Hey Hermione!" Pansy called her over upon spotting her enter. Hermione smiled and walked over to the couch she was sitting on, Pansy was annoying at first but she was starting to grow on Hermione.

"Happy Birthday love" Daphne Greengrass said. Hermione blinked, unsure how she knew it was her birthday.

"Uh thanks, How did you know it was my Birthday?" She asked.

"Draco told us, For actually no reason " Millicent Bulstrode said . "Sorry, we didn't get you any gifts, we only found out this morning"

"Oh no its fine" Hermione giggled "I wasn't expecting any"

"Do you want to come down to Breakfast?" Pansy asked, standing up and outstretching her hand.

"Sure"Hermione smiled and took her hand.

10 minutes later Hermione and Her new found friends were sitting at the Slytherin Table in the great hall along with many others. Hermione could barely contain her laughter when she looked at Draco, he had a big bruise from where Hermione slapped him and all around his nose was red. She figured he must have taken a potion to fix it.

Slughorn was currently standing at the head of the table. Apparently since Snape was Headmaster now, Slughorn had taken his old position up again and was head of Slytherin house. Hermione didn't mind this, Slughorn was a nice teacher and was very easy to manipulate. Still she preferred Snape.

Suddenly a loud Owls screech filled the hall and disrupted the breakfast. Every witch and wizard looked up, hoping it was mail for them, only to find that it was Ariella, Hermione's owl. Hermione smiled enthusiastically when she noticed the package. The owl dropped in front of her, waiting for her treat.

"Here you go girl" Hermione chuckled, reaching into her robe and pulling out a treat. The owl hooted a flew off. The Slytherin student shook her head in amusement and got to work opening the package and letter. She picked up the letter first which said Hermione on the front in elegant blood red handwriting. She immediately knew that Bella wrote it.

The letter read: Dear Hermione,
                                                          HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you enjoy your day!. In the parcel is a dress that I wore for my 16th birthday ball. Thats how i met your father. Not only is it a dress but remember how you were saying how much you wanted a snake like Nagini? Well the dumb snake went and got pregnant and we decided that you should have one as your familiar so we sent you a live snake. Anyway, you Obviously don't want a ball or a party but hurry home as there will be a special surprise waiting for you, that your father is setting up.  ;)

                                                                                       Love from, Momma

Hermione snorted when she read about Nagini, that Damn snake was always getting into trouble. More than once Hermione had found her in awkward places and had to bail her out. And now she was laying eggs? Haha thats her fathers problem. She wondered what the surprise was and failed to notice Pansy pick up the box.

"What is it Hermione?" Pansy asked, examining the box.

"Its a dress" Hermione smirked. "Open it"

"K" Pansy shrugged opening the box. Hermione's smirk grew, watching her. Finally Pansy opened the box and promptly began to scream, attracting the attention off everyone else. She threw the box back on to the table and ran to hide behind Daphne. The poor Snake peeked his head out, scared out of his mind.

"Aww, Its only a baby" Hermione teased, reaching into the box and pulling out the snake.

"Hello" The snake Said to her  "Are you Hermione?"

Harry Potter, the only known ParselTounge shot up and all but ran over to the Slytherin table.

"Why have you gotten a Baskilisk?" He growled at her. "They are dangerous"

"Ignore him" Hermione hissed, much to the shock of everybody. "You are not dangerous, you are a little cutie"She booped its nose.

"Voldemort said you are gonna give me a name" The sanke hissed back.

"Oh yes, um how about Noodles" Hermione said. The snake stared at her and slowly shook its head.  "Ok then, How about Asmodeus or Asmo for short"

"Asmo, I like it" The snake said.

"Hermione stop being creepy" Millicent said.

"Sorry"Hermione giggled.

"Oh, before i forget, your father told me to tell you to take cover"Asmo Said. Hermione stared.

"What?"She shrieked, ducking under the table, Many Slytherins copied. No sooner than she did this loud crash was heard and glass was flying everywhere and Screams echoed around the Hall. Hermione stared at Draco, who was looking back at her, confusion written on his features.

'What's going one?" He mouthed to her. Hermione just shrugged in response,Asmo wrapped around her arm and tucked his head in her sleeve. She opened her mouth to reply to Draco but a very familiar cackle cut her off and she literally face palmed.

"Is that Bellatrix LeStrange?" Pansy asked, very excited. "She's my favourite"

"Bellatrix Riddle" Hermione snapped at her. She was extremely fed up with the fact that her mother was still referred to as a LeStrange. Pansy's eyes went as wide as saucers and her mouth formed into a 'o'.

"Thats who you look like!" She squealed. "Is she your real mum?"

"How do you know that the Grangers aren't my real parents" Hermione defended, not wanting to reveal the secret to the schools biggest gossip.  Pansy didn't reply and just gave her a 'duh' look.

"OH MY MERLIN"They heard Ron Weasley shout. "DIE ALREADY"

As soon as those words left his mouth a woman's scream entered Hermione's ears and her blood went cold. That was Bella.

She jumped up and slowly removed the now sleeping Snake from her arm and retrieved her wand.

"Christ, Hermione what are you doing?" Pansy yelled. Hermione ignored the witch and marched of in the direction of the Battle. As she stalked towards Ron and Her mother, she was suddenly grabbed and pulled in another direction. She was pulled into the direction of Snape's  new office. Once in there she was pressed against the wall.

"Hey, HEY LET GO OF ME"She screamed and kicked out"MY FATHER WILL HEAR ABOUT THIS"

"Hey, thats my line" Her attacker said, halting her movements . Draco.

"What the Hell are you doing?" She shouted, pushing him off of her.

"Hermione, calm down would you" An new voice said from the shadows. Hermione turned and glared. "Leave us Malfoy"Draco nodded and bowed before leaving the room

"Daddy, I was Gonna save mum"She pouted and stamped her foot. Tom chuckled.

"Your mums fine at home, probably resting now"He said.

"Well then, Who the Hell is fighting Ron?" She demanded. Tom laughed again.

"Narcissa, using a poly juice potion" He said.

"Dad, Narcissa cant duel for a toffee" Hermione rolled her eyes. Tom waved his hand.

"Eh, Draco or Lucius will help her out" He shrugged. Tom gestured for his daughter to sit in front of the desk.

"Whats all this about then?"She asked once she was seated.

"I was bored and Bella was no help"He shrugged "Besides can't a Evil Dark Lord cause a mass panic and Kill some people just to see his daughter on her birthday"

Hermione laughed at the way he casually said that sentence.

"So, whats this about a surprise?" She asked, cocking an eyebrow. Both ignored Cho Changs scream as she ran past the open office door. Tom waved his hand and it slammed close, effectively blocking out the noise.

"Right, well, I was Hoping for your mum to be here" He told her, rubbing his chin "But I'll just tell you"

"Ok" She nodded.

"You are 16 years old now, which means you are now old enough to recieve the Dark Mark" Voldemort said with a big smile. Hermione's eyes widened and she nodded her head, holding out her arm.

"Do it" She smiled. Tom raised an eyebrow.

"It hurts you know" He told her. Hermione just shrugged in response. "Ok" Tom raised the Elder wand to her arm and pressed very lightly, trying to ease the pain as much as possibly. Hermione hissed in pain and bit her lip to stop herself from crying out in pain. This lasted for only about thirty seconds before he removed his wand away from her. Voldemort grinned when he noticed that the Dark Mark was different on Hermione, instead of the usual Skull and Snake, it was a Rose and its stem with thorns sticking out. Hermione however had a different reaction.

"Why is it different?"She frowned at her arm. Tom's smile faltered a little.

"Because Its showing that you are my heir and when you take over my legacy, that, along with my Dark Mark will be your Mark. " He said with pride.

"Wait, So I'll have two Dark Marks?" Hermione asked. Tom nodded.

"And your siblings will have probably have different ones"He said thoughtfully.

"She still hasn't told you the sexes yet?" Hermione giggled . Tom scowled

"No and she has been using Occlumency whenever she is around me so I cant read her mind" He growled. "You know, I still don't understand how she is a Legillimens"

"Neithe-" Hermione began but the door blew open revealing Lucius, Snape, The Carrows And Bellatrix ahem Narcissa.

"What!?" Tom yelled standing up "Cant you see that i'm busy"

"I apologise my lord" Alecto stepped forward. Hermione sniggered behind her hand, Her mother was right she does look part troll. "But The Potter Boy and The Younger Weasleys have been captured and taken to the Malfoy Manor"

Voldemort's eyes widened and sat back down, contemplating what to do next. Hermione rolled her eyes and decided to take charge. Knowing the boys, it was only a matter of time before they found a way to escape.

"Everyone go to the Malfoy Manor and keep on the look out, it is only a matter of time until they get a Lucky escape" She said, Voldemort watched on with pride. "Snape,  you stay here"

"Yes Princess" The Death eaters chorused and bowed. They began to apparate out, one by one.

When they were all gone Voldemort turned to Snape.

"Any dead?" He asked. Snape nodded,

"A few, My lord" He said "Oliver Wood, Cho Chang, Colin Creevey and Lavender Brown to name a few"

Aww, Hermione had rather liked 3 out of the four mentioned.

"Any Death Eaters descendants" Voldemort asked, not caring about the others.

"No, My Lord, they copied Hermione's actions and taken cover" Snape smiled. Hermione stared at him, he never smiled and yet here he was doing it. How creepy.

"Any of our own?"Tom asked.

"The LeStrange Brothers and Narcissa all got hurt but other than that no we are fine" Snape replied. Both father and daughter smirked when the LeStranges were mentioned but wore a frown when Narcissa was mentioned.

"That is all Snape" Hermione dismissed him.

"My Lord, Princess" Snape bowed and walked out of his own office.

"You are going to make a fine leader one day" Voldemort said. "But not for a long time"

"Whatever"Hermione smiled "Come on, lets get mum and got to the Malfoy Manor and finish this once and for all"

What a birthday. First she got her fathers mark, the youngest Death Eater ever, breaking yet another one of Bella's  records since she was 17 when she got her mark. And now she gets to torture and Kill her sworn enemy. Ah life was sweet

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