The New Girl

By Kathy202

477K 11.8K 4.8K

Allie is the popular girl who says and gets what she wants with the snap of her finger. She's the most beauti... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
10 years later

Chapter 13

17K 400 112
By Kathy202

(Spencer's POV)

I called Stormy to pick me up from Allie's house after she told me what happened. It turns out the bruises on my face and wrist was from falling and being clumpsy, a lot, at the party last night. It still doesn't really explain how they got there, but she said she wasn't paying attention to me the whole time, because she wasn't my babysitter.

"So how'd you end up here?" Stormy asked me once I was in her car.

"It's a long drunk story." I told her.

"You can tell me some other time, besides I had a long night too. I remeber drinking and dancing then passing out on a couch, but when I woke up I was in the front yard. And the worse part was when I woke up the sprinklers came on." She said feeling embarrassed.

After she finished telling the rest of her story I just smiled at her. For someone whose supposed to be the student council president, she sure doesn't act it half the time.

For the rest of the day we just stayed at my place and hung out and I eventually told Stormy everything that happened last night that Allie told me.

She said she doesn't believe anything that Allie told me, but she was she was just happy that I was all right and somewhere safe.


(Allie's POV)

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm so glad I'm back at school. It just gives me other things to distract myself from what happened that night.

I'm currently sitting in my second hour class listening to my teacher teach until she stopped when she heard a knock at the door.

She went out in the hall and started talking to a teacher and someon else. That person looks familiar, I thought. I tried getting a better look, but still couldn't see.

the teacher came in," everyone it appears we have a new student today, her name's Blaire."

My eyes widened and eventually turned into a glare when she stood infront of the class. Purple hair!?! Why is she here, i thought.

"Would you like to introduce yourself?" the teacher asked.

"Nope. I'm good I don't plan on talking or being friends with any of ya'll except her." She said pointing and grinning at the new girl.

It made me a little mad when she did that, but what do I care. You do of course.

"Ok, well why don't you take a seat in one of the seats up front."

She walked past the seat the teacher told her to sit at and sat right next to her.

"No I'll sit right here." She said smiling.

The teacher looked a little irritated, but said fine and continued teaching again.

I looked over at Blaire and the new girl, I guess she was shocked too cause her eyes were also wide.

It turns out she has the same classes as me and the new girl. It was so annoying cause all she did was talk and argue with teachers, causing to get her a day of detention. Suits her right for making me feel jealous, because I never feel jealous. Wait.... I'm jealous?

(The bell rang)


I plopped down at our table and sighed heavily.

"Looks like someone's having a bad day." Quinn said.

"I don't want to talk about."

"Are you sure it's not about Spencer?" She asked smiling and pointing at her.

"Like I said, I don't want to talk about it." I said angrily.

"Ok grouchy pants." she said laughing.

"Anyways, are we still going to do anything about Ash?"

I almost forgot about him, speaking of Ash, "Where is he?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen him at all today."

"Who are we talking about?" Emily asked sitting down at the table.

"Ash and have you seen him today?" Quinn asked.

"Nope and I don't really care." She said.

"It's fine it just gives us more time to think of a plan." I said.

We sat there talking and thinking of a plan which mad us miss our next class, but we didn't care.

"Ok so do ya'll know what to do."

"Yup, Yes." They both said.


School was finally out and I was fixing to leave when someone said my name.

"Hey! Allie wait up!" Derrick said.

Crap I totally forgot about him.

" Hey babe!" I said fake smiling.

"You weren't gonna leave without saying goodbye first were you?" He said pulling me into him.

"Of course not I was just looking for you."

"Well you found me." he said then gave me a kiss that caught me off guard.

The kiss was really, how do I put this, gross you could say. It was really sloppy especially when he started using his tongue.

The kiss was nothing compared to hers, it was soft and gentle, but this was the complete opposite.

We stood there like that making out, well pretty much just him until he broke off the kiss first. Thank goodness.

" I wish we could keep going, but any longer things would've become too heated." He said raising his eyebrows up and down.

"Yeah, well I got to go, see you later." I said not really caring.

He quickly gave me a peck on the lips and said bye, winked at me then left for football practice.

"What am I going to do with him?" I asked myself.


(Spencer's POV)

I started walking to my car when I saw Allie talking to her boyfriend. They were talking for a little bit when all of a sudden they started making out.

I stood there frozen, not knowing what to do. I've seen them kiss before, but they were full on making out and for a long time.

My heart dropped and a little part of me felt betrayed. I felt like crying, but held it back and continued walking to my car.

"So where to?" Blaire asked.

I didn't look up or say anything.

"Did something happen?"

I shook my head no then took a quick glance at Allie, but I guess she saw and looked at them then at me.

I guess she caught on, because she looked mad and was fixing to get out to say something, but I stopped her.

She looked at me, "why don't you want me to say anything?"

"It's not really my business and that is her boyfriend. I don't really care what she does it's not like I like her and she most definitely doesn't like me."

"Well she doesn't have to do that there and besides who wouldn't like you. You're an awesome person." She winked then smiled at me.

"Be quiet." I said punching her arm.

"It's true and owe that hurt I think you left a boo boo." She said fake pouting.

"Whatever I barely hit you." I said rolling my eyes and smiling.

"You could've then you would've felt bad." She said trying to sound serious.

I just rolled my eyes. We continued sitting there joking around until Allie got in the car, "can you two quit flirting it's making me sick."

We weren't flirting, I thought to myself.

"You're just jealous." Blaire said.

"Psshh as if and by all means you can have her, she's not my type."

That hurt a little.

I decided to take Blaire home since she lived further away, like 30 minutes away.

We were driving on the highway out in the middle of nowhere when all of a sudden I hit something in the road causing me to get a flat tire so I pulled over and we got out to look at my tire.

Blaire pulled out the thing that caused the flat, which turned out to be a nail.

"That's weird?" Blaire said.

"What's weird.. you. I already know that." Allie said rolling her eyes.

"No." Blaire said glaring at her, "this nail, it looks brand new like it was just put here not to long ago."

Now that I think about it that is pretty weird.

We ignored it and sat their waiting for someone to drive by since none of us had signal.

"Why did you have to live so far?" Allie complained.

"It's not my fault." Blaire said, "and no one said you had to come along!"

"Well she is my ride home for the rest of the year!" she said pointing at me, "and because of you we've been stuck out here in the middle of nowhere, with no signal and to top it off it's dark out, so thanks!"

Wow I've never seen her so mad, but is it weird that I kinda liked it? Wait what?

It was quiet for a second then Blaire finally apologized.

"It's ok and it's not your fault." I said.

"Yeah it is and you should be!" Allie said.

I looked at Allie who looked at me then back at Blaire and said its ok.

"Well since I got us stuck here I'll go walk to my house get my truck then come back."

"I don't think that's a good idea." I said feeling a little worried.

"No it's ok and besides I know how to fight. I also have this pocket knife for protection." She said while twirling it around.

We argued for a little bit, but I finally gave in and agreed tht she would go and that me and Allie would wait here.

I watched Blaire slowly disappear down the road.

Time went by and me and Allie sat there not doing or saying anything.

"The stars are pretty."

It caught me off guard, but I looked at her then the sky, "They are." I said.

Then I heard a noise and looked over and saw Allie crawling on my car and laid on the hood.

"Much better." she looked at me, and i'm assuming she rolled her eyes cause that's a little habit I noticed she does, "Are you just going to stand there or look at the stars with me?" she asked sounding annoyed.

I crawled up by her and laid down with my hands on my chest and we both laid there looking at the stars.

I can't remember the last time I did this. It was nice and calming especially with Allie by me.

I then decided to lay my hands by me and I guess Allie thought the same thing cause our hands ended up touching and again I felt the sparks I felt back at the library, but it seemed a little stronger.

She then moved her hand and fixed them to where our fingers were perfectly intertwined. My heart started beating like crazy.

What is she doing and why? I thought.

I looked at her, but she didn't look at me, I could fairly make out her face, but knew she looked beautiful. Cause she always does!

Then I heard her move and I assumed she moved her head to look at me cause she asked me a question.

"Can I ask you something?"

I nodded my head yes, but realized she couldn't see, so I said, "Ok."

She didn't say anything for a second then finally asked, "How come I feel sparks when I touch you, but with no one else? I've never had that happen before."

Her question caught me by surprise, because I've never felt it before either.

"I don't know I haven't felt this before either." I said.

I then noticed she was slowly moving towards me until we were inches apart.

I could feel her breath on me and I knew if we leaned any closer we would end up kissing.

I closed my eyes and I heard her inching closer, this moment felt so right, but fate had other plans, as soon as we were fixing to kiss a bright light shined toward us and we both jumped in fright, looked at each other and quickly got off the car.

I then realized it was Blaire. "Hey guys I got here quicker than I thought cause this guy gave me a ride home." She said pointing at the car behind her.

The car also pulled up so me and Allie walked over to thank who was ever in the car.

"Thanks for giving my friend a ride." I said. Hmm this guy looks kinda familiar.

"Yeah tha- but Allie paused when she saw who the guy was. "Thanks Ash, Oh now I remember him, for helping us out." she said with a tone in her voice I couldn't really explain.

"No problem, I'm glad to help someone out especially if it's one of my friends." He said smiling , while looking at me up and down. It made me feel uncomfortable. Then he looked back at Allie.

"Well I better get going, I got things to do, see ya'll later." He said then pulled out and drove off.

We then got in the truck with Blaire who eventually said she'll be taking us home and that she was staying the night with me since it was late.

"That guy seems cool. Does he go to school here? Blaire asked.

"Yup.. he does." Allie said in a kind of angry tone.

I feel like there's something going on between them, and I get the feeling I know what it is, but I can't think of it.


Here's my update I hope you like it!!!

Fingers crossed!

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