Saving Insanity

By OnceUponATime73

483 31 0

"Welcome to the New World, where dreams are followed and lives are glorious." Unless you count the insane. More

Prologue: Idols vs. Mutts
Chapter 1: Classifications
Chapter 2: Increasing Numbers
Chapter 3: The Institution
Chapter 4: The Boy
Chapter 5: Vulnerability
Chapter 6: Hopeless Imaginations
Chapter 7: Shifted Tiles
Chapter 8: Not One Protesting Soul
Chapter 9: Treading Lightly
Chapter 10: Houses
Chapter 11: Stripped to the Bone
Chapter 13: Lurking in the Shadows
Chapter 14: The Empty Facility

Chapter 12: Unwilling to Play

24 1 0
By OnceUponATime73

"What the fuck happened to you?" Benin was at my side before I could even step through the doorway. His referral to my tattered hair and torn skin left a bitter taste in my mouth. I hadn't even bothered to go to my own home before I came to India's. Bahrain had said himself that they had already raided it. The last thing I needed was another slap across the face.

I held up my hands, signaling for him to not invade my space. Dropping my bag onto the marble coffee table I collapsed into the leather couch. India stood above me, her arms crossed over her chest as her eyes nervously darted between myself and Benin. Benin sat next to me, his fingers rubbing the dirt off of my cheeks.

"I was 'dismissed'", I lifted my fingers to use as air quotes. I kicked off my high heels and leaned my head back against the sofa, "I am now a Basic." I turned to India, "Just like you."

She sighed, "Ireland."

"That was all you wanted," I said, a hysteric scoff escaping past my lips. Lifting myself back to my feet I reached for my bag, "I just thought I would inform you. I think it would probably be best if I left. I do not exactly know what sort of twisted plans Bahrain has. For all I know he has a hovercraft following my every move."

"Ireland," my friend repeated my name, reaching out for my arm as I stepped past her. I dodged her, "You do not have to be sorry," I said. The room fell silent. India stared at me with watering eyes, her gaze dropping to the floor once I met it. Benin remained on the couch, looking like a lost puppy who had just been whipped. I gave my companions my best smile as I bent to pick up my shoes, "I will be fine, I will try to come back tonight. If not, I will gladly see the two of you tomorrow." My sentences came out in puffs before I swiped at my cheek and walked back out through the doorway.

The door closed quietly behind me, leaving me standing alone on the porch. I stared out at the road as I slipped back into my heels. My breathing quickened before I plummeted down the steps and across the street. My legs burned from my fast pace, and I jumped across the sidewalk as I reached my house. I slammed my palm into the scanner and waited as the door slid open with force.

My bag fell to the ground, clattering against the tile. I took a slow step inside. I had heard horror stories about tornadoes, or hurricanes, they were odd things that the Old World named. I remembered my mother telling me that they used to name these disasters with female names. That seemed atrocious to me, but then again so did the devastation that was blatantly obvious within the stories. My home reminded me of them.

The halls echoed as I advanced through them, my fingers running along the over turned furniture and the shattered trinkets. I bent down to the ground, picking up the remains of my jade vase. My knees dropped to the floor, causing my behind to follow. I sat on the tile, hundreds of pieces from dozens of different objects scattered on the floor around me.

It seemed that the government might have thought that Benin had been hiding within one of the now shattered vases, or that maybe he could fit inside the couch. Or they simply wanted to destroy everything that I owned. It was a silent threat, a threat that I had to decipher in my own head.

Any idiot could have deciphered that threat. I let out a huff and got back to my feet. They would not have found anything of importance to them, and for that I was thankful. My feet carried me to the bedroom where I slowly made my way back to the window. I stood in front of it, diving back into my life before it had been destroyed. From there it seemed like nothing had changed. The streets were still filled with Idols, the smiles on their faces reminding me that no one else's lives had been ruined. On the other side the factory still stood, the Mutts slaving like they usually did.

My ears pricked up at the sound of knocking. I narrowed my eyes, confusion spreading across my face. It came again. It was knocking, I was sure of it. On my front door? I had lived in this house for years, and as I walked to the front door I couldn't think of a single instance where another Idol had knocked on my door looking for me. I rested my hand on the knob for a moment before I turned it. The door slid open, revealing a tall, built man.

"Miss Ireland? Past Sorter of the facility of District A?"

His voice was robotic, like he couldn't muster up any emotion even if he had tried. I placed my hand on the door frame as I nodded my head. The man lifted his chin, exposing the rich muscles that scattered his entire body. "This house is no longer in your possession," he spoke again. Still no emotion.

I shook my head, "What else do you want from me? He was not here, was he? What are you trying to prove?"

"The government will not stand for defiance," he stepped into the house, causing me to step back. "You have until the sun sets to gather your things, Miss Ireland," he said, "or you will be taken out along with your home."

I stepped towards the man, "Try me."

My whisper was enough for his hand to lash out. His strike slapped across my cheek, sending me spinning to the ground. My head cracked against the tile. I couldn't hold back my scream. I held my cheek with both hands, crumpled against my floor as I turned over in agony.

"Sunset," he repeated. And then he was gone.

I let out a moan, rolling over onto my back. My head throbbed, forcing me to squeeze it with both hands. My cheek burned from the slap. I let out a whimper, glancing out through the still open door. I remained lying on the floor, my body turning over as the pounding in my head continued in excruciating pain, and I realized that the government was not willing to play games.


"That was quick."

Except India's statement wasn't sarcastic, instead it sounded almost scared. Benin grabbed my arm, leading me over to the couch. I had my hand bag along with one other larger one, filled with my clothes and any other priceless possession that hadn't been destroyed.

"Your face," Benin mumbled. I nodded, tears spilling down my cheeks as India placed my bags against the wall. She walked back over and gently sat on the coffee table across from me, placing her hands on top of mine, "You can stay here, Ireland. There is not a problem. Those assholes can go to hell."

I scoffed, "Those assholes ripped me off everything I have." I shuttered, "Had."

She shook her head, "I have to head out. You can take my bed, Benin can have the couch." India leaned forwards and kissed my forehead, "Get some rest." She rose, slipped on her coat, and left.

"So now what, Captain?" Benin dropped onto the sofa beside me, his face reading of pain. His fake smile was his best attempt at appearing optimistic.

"Where's the white flag?" I said, a slight chuckle following. He waved a hand, dismissing my thought, "You aren't really going to surrender, are you?"

I smiled, "I would be one crazy motherfucker if I surrendered after all of this."

Benin laughed, "Or maybe," he shifted in his seat to face me, "it makes you crazy to continue on."

"That is just what they want me to think," I said. Benin smiled at me, his blonde hair falling loosely over his perfectly chiseled facial features, just like it always did. I leaned my head against his shoulder before I let out an exasperated sigh.

"I still say that the Idols are the crazy ones," he mumbled. I laughed at his comment, lifting my head so I could look him in the eye. "I am starting to think you are right," I said.

He lifted his hand and ran it through my tangled, dark hair. "Let me ask you something," he said, followed by my gaze returning to his. Benin pressed his lips together, "This is harder then you thought it would be, isn't it?"

I shook my head, resting my head back onto his shoulder, "I never expected it to be easy." And silence seemed to take over.



Chapter 12. Hope you enjoyed (:

- xoxo Meah

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