Full Circle

By midnight_obsessions

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Alice's life had come full circle. A doctor had decided to save her life by ending it so many years ago to ki... More

EPILOGUE i guess.............


2.1K 67 1
By midnight_obsessions

Anywho, this my little prom chapter. I decided against doing the long prom chapter and placed some other stuff in there as well so I hope you like it. Please read and review and let me know what you thought of it. I'll see you down the bottom!

"Yeah but you're my girlfriend Al" Bella shook her head against my shoulder as she leaned in slightly to nuzzle my neck affectionately "He's been a real jerk to both of us and you don't deserve it so I think I'm going to just forget him for a little while so things can settle down. I don't want to be the cause for world war 3"

"Why Bella Swan, that is very wise of you" I said playfully as I relished the warmth of Bella against my body "I've missed this over the past few days. It's felt like years since we have been able to just sit in your room like this"

"I know, it feels good" Bella replied

Bella's bedroom was dark and silent, the only exception to that silence was Bella's heartbeat and her breathing. She rested her head on my chest with a possessive arm around my waist.

I played with the ends of her hair gently as I felt her breathing against my skin. I smiled as I watched her sleep; she was always just so peaceful at night.

I could tell that it was going to be a good day; I didn't need to have my ability to see that.

Well I knew it would be a good day for me, slightly painful for Bella though because it was prom, finally.

The day that so many high schoolers look forward to every year

I had been to a few proms in my lifetime but this time was going to be different.

It was going to be different because I had my Bella with me, my mate.

After Prom we would be going to Florida to visit Bella's mom for a few days just so Bella could catch up with her and more importantly; introduce her to me.

I was so nervous, even more nervous than I had let onto anyone.

I didn't want Prom night to end simply because I knew it would be great to see Bella in the beautiful dress we had picked out for her, I didn't want it to end because it meant that I had to go to Florida.

There was nothing more that I wanted to do than meet Bella's mom but I was just nervous that she wasn't going to like me or accept me for some reason. I was nervous that she might have thought that I wasn't good enough for her daughter or that she didn't trust me after the whole Bella in hospital incident.

Bella continued to reassure me that Renee would love me and that I had nothing to worry about but that certainly didn't stop me doing that.

My thoughts weren't exactly eased when Bella told me that I was going to be the first girl that she actually introduced to her mom as her girlfriend.

She told me that her mom met Lauren though she never actually told her that they were together but Renee didn't exactly like Lauren either.

I knew Renee was excited to meet me and I knew Bella was excited to show me off to her mom but everything still worried me.

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt Bella move slightly in my arms before she sighed quietly in her sleep. She mumbled something almost in inaudibly as she shifted once again, I guessed that her peaceful sleep had turned into something that wasn't so peaceful after all.

"What was that sweetie?" I cooed as I placed a kiss on the top of her head, trying to coax an answer out of my sleeping beauty

A sharp intake of breathe filled her lungs and her heartbeat spiked up to a panicked level when she sat up quickly, removing herself from my arms.

"Hey" I cooed as I sat up beside her, wrapping my arm around her waist "Are you okay?"

"Bad dream" Bella mumbled sleepily as she swept some hair from her eyes

"You okay?"

"I'm fine" Bella replied with a nodded "I'm glad you're still here"

"I'd rather be here than anywhere else" I said sheepishly

She turned to me with a small smile before she pushed me back onto the bed again so she could cuddle up to my side once again

"Did you want to talk about it?" I mumbled, pressing another gentle kiss into her hair

"It was just about what happened at the clearing" Bella mumbled "With Jacob"

"Do you miss him?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows

It had been almost two weeks since the whole clearing incident happened. She hadn't heard from him and she had made no move to contact him at all but she was still angry at him for what happened so I knew the time where she wanted to contact him would come.

"No" Bella said honestly as she gripped my waist tightly "Well maybe a little but not after what happened, what he did to you. I need time away from him and so do you"

"Thank you Bella" I whispered "What happened in your dream?"

"You weren't exactly winning the fight between you two and I couldn't do anything to help" Bella sighed heavily "It was terrible"

"Well we're both okay and we're both safe here so you've got nothing to worry about"

"I know" Bella pressed a kiss to my neck

"Now Bells, I'll be gone when you wake up. Charlie will still be here but I have to go hunt with Jazz before we go away" I explained "If you need me while I'm gone then just call and I'll be right back. When I come back we can just spend some time packing your bag since you haven't started and I'll finally show you your prom dress"

"I had forgotten about prom for a moment and my life was perfect" Bella groaned

"Don't be like that" I growled jokingly "You're going to have fun tonight Bella Swan, I promise you that"

"Are you going to get ready here as well?" Bella asked

"Nope" I shook my head "Jazz is going to come over here and help you get ready if that's okay with you. Edward and I will come with the car and come pick you guys up. We're meeting Angela and Jessica in there, sound good?"

"Why can't you get ready here?" Bella asked

"Have you never watched any movie with a prom scene Bella?" I asked frowning "There needs to be a big reveal where you walk down the stairs and we are blown away by what we both look like"

"Seriously Alice?" Bella asked pushing herself off my chest to look me in the eyes "You already know what I'm going to look like and do you really think those movies are realistic?"

"No of course they aren't but that's what I want us to do" I shrugged "I know I can see you in the future with your prom dress on but it's not the same as seeing you in person with it on, being able to see how it looks like on you when it's right on front of me. I mean I saw you in my visions for a decade but it certainly wasn't as good as actually having you here. Please just do this for me?"

"Okay" Bella caved after a few seconds of seeing my prepare my pouting face "Just don't pout"

"Thank you baby" I cooed happily as I leaned over to place a quick kiss on her lips

"You know that you're manipulating me when you pout like that" Bella grumbled as she laid her head against my chest again

"I'm not manipulating you, I'm helping you make the decision that I want you to make" I replied jokingly "Big difference"

"Right" Bella yawned "So when will I see you?"

"Around lunchtime so you can pack and I'll bring your dress over" I said "I promise you'll like it. It's such a beautiful dress and I promise that I got a dress that you'll feel comfortable in"

"You're lucky I trust you" Bella replied

"I'm glad" I said with a small smile "At least you've got the bandage off your wrist now huh?"

"Yeah" Bella nuzzled into my neck slightly "You're so comfortable"

"And so are you" I replied with a giggle "Go to sleep honey, you need your rest"

"I'll see you at lunch" Bella mumbled tiredly "I'll miss you though"

"I'll miss you too" I nodded "Though at least my eyes will be all golden again and I won't want to rip everyone's throats out tonight and in Florida"

"I like your eyes no matter what colour they are" Bella shrugged

"I know you do"

"I love you" Bella mumbled quietly as I felt her heartbeat soften slightly

"I love you too" I nodded as I stroked her hair gently

She shivered slightly against me so I pulled her duvet up just a little bit to cover her comfortably

"No I'm not cold" Bella shook her head "That was just you"

I smiled to myself but I kept the duvet where it was just in case she did get cold at any point while cuddled up against me.

Bella drifted back to sleep very quickly and before I knew it the sun was up and so was Charlie.

Charlie had a habit of waking up early even when he didn't have to work which kept me on my toes to listen and see for when he would come in to check on Bella. Charlie was great about our relationship but I didn't exactly want him to know that I was sneaking into his daughter's room every night.

I waited a little while longer with Bella before I untangled my limbs from hers and returned home.

The T.V was up loudly with Emmett's video games, I grimaced from the height of the volume

"Have you gone deaf or something?" I asked

"How's Bella?" Emmett asked ignoring my question

"I guess not then" I mumbled to myself "She's great thanks"

"Prom tonight huh?" Emmett asked "Are you excited?"

"I am" I nodded and with that simple answer I made my way upstairs towards my bedroom

My room smelt like Bella, as did everything else that I owned and I loved it.

I sat on the bed for a moment when Jazz appeared at my door

"You ready?" Jazz asked

"Yeah" I replied "Let's go get some breakfast"

"Was Bella awake when you left?" Jazz asked

"No, she was fast asleep" I said with a small smile thinking fondly of how she slept soundly "We should go"

Jazz and I went into the mountains and hunted. I drank a little more than she did simply for the fact I was going to be away for a few days and I wanted to make sure I wouldn't be distracted by my hunger.

"Are you going back to Bella's?"

"I have to help her pack for tomorrow" I said nodding "I'm going to go home and change though"

"I know you're nervous about tomorrow but you don't need to be" Jazz said

"You never had to meet Edward's parents so you can't really say anything" I said with a smirk

"I know but I wish I got the chance" Jazz shrugged "Renee is going to just love you"

"So Bella keeps saying but I'm not going to be convinced until I meet her"

"Trust Bella in what she is saying Alice" Jazz said simply "Is she okay with me helping her get ready tonight?"

"She's fine with it" I nodded

"Well good. We're going to have a good night" Jazz said confidently "And you're going to go to Prom with your mate"

I couldn't help but smile widely at her comment

"I'm so excited for you" Jazz said with a grin

"I'm excited too" I nodded "I'm taking her dress over this afternoon"

"She'll love it"

"I know she will and she looks great in it but I just hope that she'll let herself have a good night" I shrugged "That's all I want for her"

"I'm sure she will" Jazz replied "Now quit all of your worrying and thinking because you've been driving Edward and I crazy over the past week"

"Sorry" I shrugged

Jazz and I went home where I changed and grabbed Bella's dress. I paused for a moment as I admired the simple yet pretty dress that Jazz and I had picked out for Bella.

It was simple yet stylish and I thought that it would look a little edgy on Bella with her hair and makeup all done. Jazz and I had decided to give Bella the simplest of dresses so we chose the infamous 'little black dress' for her.

It was a strapless black cocktail like dress that would run just above her knees. The dress had a black sash just above the waist that could be tied into a bow just to give it a little more character. It was simple yet it was an edgy style that my Bella was going to look amazing in. I placed her dress into my Porsche along with the black flats I had bought for her just to finish off her outfit and made my way to the Swan residence. I noticed that Charlie's car wasn't in the driveway so he had left for work already.

"You're a little late" Bella called from the front door as I opened my car door

"Did you miss me?" I asked teasingly

"You said lunch time" Bella replied smirking "It's past lunch"

"Aw I'm sorry sweetie" I cooed playfully "I'll make it up to you, I swear"

"How?" Bella asked

"By giving you an amazing dress for tonight" I said

"Okay so how many ruffles will I be dealing with?" Bella asked "My limit is 0"

"No ruffles" I shook my head as I pulled the dress from my car, grabbing the flats in my other hand. I used my foot to close the door before I made my way to the front door "Do you like it?"

"Wow" Bella said admiring the black dress. She reached out to touch it on the hanger shaking her head "You know I kind of feel bad for expecting the worse"

"You expected over dramatic, bright pink, sparkly with plenty of ruffles didn't you?" I asked raising an eyebrow

"Actually yeah" Bella said "You're over the top Alice and I love that about you"

"You just don't like being over the top for yourself" I nodded "I think I know you pretty well by now Bella and besides, the over dramatic dress will be for senior prom next year"

"You do know me" Bella laughed "It's really nice Al"

"I'm glad you like it because it looks amazing on you" I grinned "Can I come in or are you going to keep me out here forever?"

"Sorry" Bella said sheepishly

Before she moved I placed a soft kiss on her lips, pulling away after a few short moments

"I didn't get to do that this morning so I just wanted to give you a proper hello" I smiled

We made our way up to her room where I hung her dress up in her closet.

I could feel her right behind me before I turned around but I smiled as I found her face just inches from mine when I move to face her.

"Hi" I grinned playfully

"That wasn't that good of a greeting downstairs" Bella said with a mischievous smirk

"Oh really?" I asked placing my arms around her neck "I'll admit it wasn't really up to my standards"

"Maybe we should try again?" She asked

I nodded as I felt her warm hands place themselves on my waist, pulling me completely against her.

Bella captured my lips with hers in a gentle, slow kiss. She knew what she was doing because she was certainly taking her time with the kiss. If her aim was to drive me completely crazy with the kiss, she had achieved it.

My hand moved to play with her hair gently and Bella backed me up against the wall, it wasn't that unusual for her to take complete control but I always appreciated it when she did.

I wasn't really sure what had brought on the sudden assault of her lips on mine but I certainly wasn't going to ask her to stop.

One of her hands left my waist, finding its way to the base of my neck, planting herself firmly against me so that I knew she didn't want me to move away anytime soon.

The kiss might have started slowly, innocently but it had quickly evolved from that. Pent up feelings from weeks on living on edge due to being hunted down by a tracker vampire were being released from Bella, feelings that I had felt for the past decade enjoyed being released as well.

Our lips and hands became urgent until I heard the front door close quietly.

I had been in such a haze that I didn't even pay attention to a car pulling up into the driveway.

"Bella" I mumbled against her lips

She grunted slightly, trying to come up with a reply but she was too busy in her haze peppering my lips with kisses

I pulled my lips from hers, placing my hand on her upper chest; forcing her body back slightly

She looked at me questioningly until she heard a knock on her bedroom door moments later

"Bells?" Charlie asked from her door

Bella looked flustered and her hair was pretty messy thanks to my roaming hands so I knew it was going to be amusing to watch Bella and Charlie interact with each other.

"Co...come in" Bella said clearing her throat

She stood awkwardly by the wall right where I had left her while I sat on her bed, flipping through a book I had found sitting there

"Hey kiddo" Charlie paused as he saw me and smiled "Oh hey Alice, I didn't think I would see you today"

"You see me every day so I thought that today should be no exception" I said with a grin "How's work today?"

"Quiet so it's good" Charlie nodded while looking at his daughter "I just came home to have some lunch. I thought we could eat together but Alice is here so I'll just eat by myself"

"Sorry to ruin your plans" I replied with an apologetic smile "Bells and I were just starting to pack her suitcase for tomorrow"

"It's okay, I'm sure she'd rather be doing that than having lunch with me anyway" Charlie said as he looked to Bella "You okay kiddo? You look a little flushed"

"She was asleep when I came over and the door was unlocked, which I got angry at her for. I mean you never know who could be roaming the streets at this time of day" I began

"Yeah there are a lot of short, dark haired, crazy girls running around the streets these days" Bella replied

"Oh funny" I playfully retorted "Anyway, I may or may not have scared her when I woke her up and she kind of freaked out. She's okay now though, totally normal"

"You should remember to lock the door" Charlie said nodding pointing to her hair "You should probably brush your hair sometime tonight as well"

"Speaking of tonight" I pointed to Bella's dress "What do you think Charlie?"

"That'll look nice Bells" Charlie said with a smile "Really nice"

"Thanks" Bella said with a shy smile "Do you want me to make you lunch?"

"No you start your packing or it'll never get done and your mother will get angry at me" Charlie said "Alice you'll make sure she stays on task?"

"I will" I nodded saluting him jokingly

"Good girl" Charlie smiled "I'll be downstairs if you need me"

Bella laughed quietly when Charlie exited the room and I grinned smugly in my place

"You scared me while I was sleeping?" Bella raised her eyebrow "That's all you had?"

"Well you didn't think of anything else either" I protested "At least I could manage to spit the words out"

"I was a little...shaken" Bella replied

"Sounds like you still are" I winked

"You have that effect on me" Bella smiled sheepishly

"And so do you which is dangerous because I didn't even hear the car pull up" I replied with a quiet laugh "We should actually start packing or Jazz is going to come here and we would have done nothing"

"I wouldn't mind if we had done nothing" Bella folded her arms

"You will mind when we're in Florida and you have nothing to wear"

"I guess that's true" Bella responded "We should start then"

I nodded wordlessly while Bella pulled out the suitcase she was taking. I went through numerous outfits for her, making sure that all of her clothes matched and didn't clash. I packed her an outfit for every occasion, which she protested against but I insisted and I always got my way.

"I'm going to have to stay inside for a while when we get there, it's going to be sunny for most of the week" I said "But I have plenty of sunglasses, long sleeved shirts and scarves to cover myself up if need be"

"Alice you might as well just sparkle because you're going to stick out even more wearing that in the warm weather" Bella replied

"I'd rather look like a freak than everyone know that I actually am one" I replied simply

"You're not a freak" Bella frowned

"I know but I'm not human" I shrugged "Do you wish I was? A human that is?"

"No" Bella furrowed her eyebrows "Did you think I would?"

"No" I replied honestly "I know that you love me for what I am, sometimes I just wonder if you wish I was human so you wouldn't have to deal with some of the baggage I carry"

"I do love you for you" Bella said firmly "And you really don't have that much baggage at all and I wouldn't care if you did. I've told you a hundred times before and I'll tell you again that it doesn't matter what you are, I love you for you"

"I know" I smiled softly "I'm lucky to have you"

"Yes you are" Bella laughed lightly

"I hear laughing" Jazz said as she walked into Bella's room

"Oh hey" Bella said with a furrowed brow

"Your dad let me in" Jazz said grinning "He's great"

"Charlie is pretty great" I nodded

"I see you've packed" Jazz said looking around the room "And that Alice did most of it because your room is a mess"

"She does have a habit of just throwing things around" Bella said as her eyes quickly glanced around the room

"Did you like the dress?" Jazz asked

"I do" She answered simply "You made a good choice"

"I know" Jazz grinned "Now Alice I'm going to need you to leave so Bella and I can start our preparations"

"Preparations?" Bella asked raising her eyebrow "Aren't we just getting dressed?"

"You have so much to learn my young friend" Jazz said jokingly "But seriously Ali you need to go"

"I'm going" I nodded "Jazz will help you clean up"

"I will?" Jazz asked

"Yep" I responded before I moved to my Bella who stood by the foot of her bed "I'll see you later beautiful"

"Yes you will gorgeous" She responded with a grin "I can't wait to see you"

"Me too" I nodded

I placed a kiss on her lips before I made my way to my sister to give her a brief hug

After a painfully long two hour wait, Edward pulled up to Bella's house where he parked smoothly in the driveway.

I practically jumped out of the car before it stopped moving, slamming the door in my attempt to get to the front door as soon as I possibly could where I knocked on the door obnoxiously

"Charlie, I'm back!" I announced eagerly

"Well don't you look beautiful" Charlie said as he opened the door with a wide grin

"Thank you" I nodded

"Come on in" Charlie said "I'm waiting for Bella to come down myself"

"We're ready" Jazz called out from the top of the stairs

"Do I really have to do this?" I heard Bella sigh

"Come down Bella" Charlie called to his daughter "Alice is waiting for you"

"I don't mind waiting" I shrugged

As soon as I finished my sentence, Bella walked down the stairs shyly. She clung to her matching clutch purse as she walked cautiously down the stairs.

Her hair was loosely curled to perfection, hanging gorgeously around her features.

Jazz had done an amazing job on Bella's make up; she always looked stunning without makeup but she looked exceptionally beautiful with what Jazz had applied.

"You look beyond amazing" I whispered, struggling to find my voice

"You look amazing yourself" Bella said swallowing a lump in her throat

"You girls look great" Charlie said with a proud smile "Your mother will love these photos"

"Photos?" Bella asked

"Your mom made me promise to take a few photos" Charlie said as Jazz made her way down the stairs to find her place next to Edward

After a few photo's we made our way back to the car where I sat with Bella in the backseat so Jazz could sit with Edward at the front

"So what do we think of my work?" Jazz asked "How do you think you look Bella?"

"Different but its nice" Bella nodded with a smile "This dress is actually okay"

"Actually okay, that's a pretty big compliment" I said playfully

Bella smiled, reaching over to take my hand that was resting on the middle seat between us

"I'm actually looking forward to tonight" Bella admitted "You're so gorgeous that it's almost painful"

"Well I have the hottest date to the prom tonight so I wanted you to have the same" I winked

"Do you think anyone's going to stare at us?" Bella asked hesitantly "Because we came together"

"Yes" I answered quickly "People are going to stare at you because of the way you look tonight but they're not going to stare because we're together"

Bella nodded with a shy smile, looking down at our hands. She laced her fingers through mine, giving my hand a gentle squeeze.

"I'm kind of expecting Jacob to come out somewhere and ruin our night" I said looking out the window "I don't know if I can fight that well in this dress"

"He won't ruin our night" Bella replied "He won't be anywhere near the prom"

"I hope you're right" I mumbled

We arrived at the prom and I was right, people did stare but they stared at us because of the way we looked.

People at school were used to us being together, it had taken a while for some people to be completely used to the idea but generally everyone had accepted us. It didn't really matter if they did or not because we weren't going anywhere and we weren't going to change.

It didn't matter what they thought of us because we knew what we meant to each other and that's what really mattered to us.

We were greeted by Angela, Eric, Mike and Jessica. They had really grown on me since Bella and I started dating, they were great supporters of our relationship. At first it was a little difficult to win them over but I managed through persistence and patients.

Jessica was the one who surprised me the most, I suspected we would come across some resistance with her but she was just as understanding as Angela.

We exchanged compliments before we moved through the small sea of students on the dance floor. Jazz and Edward disappeared halfway through the night, they had navigated their way out of the prom to make their way home.

They had made their appearance and had done the cliché prom for what must have felt like the millionth time.

I was having a great time with Bella, we hadn't danced because I didn't want to place her in that much discomfort. As much as I wanted to dance I didn't want her to feel like she had to in order to make me happy.

In truth, I was just happy spending time with her and her friends.

The loud music quietened as a slow song was played over the sound system and Bella looked to me

"You want to dance don't you?" Bella asked

"We don't have to" I shrugged, squeezing her hand gently "I'm happy sitting with you here"

"I know you are and I love you for it" Bella said smiling "But if you want to dance, I'll dance"

"Really?" I asked raising my eyebrow "What's the catch?"

"No catch" Bella replied "You deserve this"

I smiled curiously before I stood, pulling Bella with me enthusiastically onto the dance floor where other couples began to move slowly to the music.

Bella wrapped her arms around my waist as my hands joined lazily behind Bella's neck as I rested my arms on her shoulders.

"This is nice" I spoke quietly as we moved slowly

"I'm probably going to step on your feet" Bella said "You're dancing at your own risk"

"Step on my feet all you want, I won't feel it" I replied shrugging "Thank you for letting me have this"

"Thank you for pushing me to do this" Bella said "It's been fun"

"It has?" I asked as a grin spread on my features

"Yes but you'll never hear that from me again" Bella replied

"Well I'll make sure to save that memory to play back for you later when I'm convincing you to do something you don't want too" I smiled "You really look amazing"

"So you've said" Bella laughed softly "You look better though, you always look amazing"

"Jazz was okay this afternoon?" I asked curiously

"She was great, I really love your family" Bella answered "Especially Jazz"

"They love you too" I replied "You're stuck with us for a long, long time"

"How does forever sound?" She asked "Is that long enough?"

"I don't know, maybe longer than forever" I smiled a cheesy grin

"So how's your first prom been with your mate?" Bella asked resting her forehead against mine "Is it everything that you imagined it would be?"

"It's so much better" I nodded "Having you really here in my arms is so much better than just seeing it in visions"

"It's been such a weird year" Bella laughed "I'm so glad I decided to come here"

"See that's karma for you" I shrugged "You came here to give your mom some time with Phil and you were rewarded with me"

"You do realize how much of an ego-maniac you just sounded like right?" Bella asked

"If I weren't me, I would want me for a reward as well" I giggled softly

"You're so cute" Bella laughed "An ego-maniac but you're a cute one at that"

"That's the best kind" I brushed my nose against Bella's softly "I'm excited for tomorrow"

"So am I" She nodded, grazing her lips against mine "Are you nervous still?"

"So nervous" I admitted "But I'm going to be so charming that your mom will have no other choice but to love me"

"Just be Alice Cullen and you'll be fine"

"Sweetheart I don't know how to be anyone else" I grinned cheekily

She rolled her eyes in response before squeezing my waist tightly

"I really don't want to have to wake up so early tomorrow morning" Bella groaned

"You're mom is going to be so excited to see you"

"I'm excited to see her" She replied simply

"You do realize that when you're one of us you'll have to go to proms all the time, right?" I asked "I mean we'll be repeating high school countless times so you're going to have to go to countless proms. Wearing countless dresses, dancing to countless songs"

"Can I groan and complain countless amounts of times?" Bella asked

"If you must" I nodded "As long as you continue to come with me, I don't care"

"We've got a deal then" Bella replied

"Repetitive proms don't change your mind about being one of us?"

"You'd have to threaten me with a lot more than seeing my girlfriend looking stunning countless amounts of times" Bella said "If anything you just sweetened the deal"

"This will always be my favourite prom though, our first together" I replied thinking aloud

"I agree" She said nodding

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