Under the Elms

By voxofp

33.3K 1.8K 2.9K

Prince decides to try to rekindle a romance he dropped years before when it was inconvenient. Sofia Brown is... More

The cost of winning
Author's Note
Once Upon A Time
January 18th, 2008, 11 p.m.
First Date Reboot
Act II
The Beautiful Experience
The Beautiful Experience, Part II
Where were you?
The only woman
Trying again
Second Date
Snow Magic
Third Date
What am I gonna do?
Where are we going?
Prince Airways
The Sun, Moon and Stars
Captain Crunch
Candid Camera
Morning glory
Avoidance and Intimacy
Love in a Garden
All Eye Want Is You
Happy Endings
Time to fly
What do you Believe?
Surprises, Good and Bad
Catching Up
Reality Bites
Wait, what?
Ready for inspection?
Tea Party
Cherish and deeply respect

New Normal?

1K 50 67
By voxofp

Sofia woke to the delicious aroma of vegetables sautéing in butter. She realized someone had put her afghan over her, and carefully tucked her in, placing a sofa pillow under her head...confused, she started trying to remember why she was on the sofa. Suddenly, she remembered. Prince was back in her life.

Did she want him back in her life? The blush that she could feel covering her from head to toe told her she still desired him, but that had never been the issue. He had been a completely self-centered superstar when she knew him, with all the fascinating and irritating qualities that defined him as such. With maturity, she had realized that, despite his musical genius, he wasn't very good at relationships. He had just admitted that much. Grand gestures were his stock in trade, but the daily actions that would have meant commitment to her weren't there when they were together. Thinking of the afghan and pillow showed more growth than she would have given him credit for based on her previous experience with him.

Curious, she sleepily got up from the sofa and padded toward the kitchen, realizing he'd removed her shoes, as well. Three thoughtful actions, simple as they were, still came as a surprise. The little flame in her heart got a little brighter with each realization. Hold on, little flame; I'm not ready to commit yet, she thought.

She followed her nose into the kitchen. Prince was at the counter next to the stove, vigorously stirring spices into what looked like a bowl of eggs. The veggies were off the heat, still steaming in their skillet, while another skillet had butter sitting in it, awaiting a flame to begin the cooking process anew.

'There's Sleeping Beauty! I forgot how much I enjoy watching you sleep. You are so beautiful, Sofia.' Prince put down his whisk, and pulled Sofia into one of the kisses she thought she remembered; the extremely sensual kiss that left her brain hazy. Memory was no match for the intensity of this kiss. She was thankful Prince had his arms around her; she could feel her knees buckling.

'Oh, lawd, woman, I forgot what you do to me,' Prince said in a silly voice, trying to keep his body under control. He wanted her so badly, but hearing what he put her through left him truly sad. He had been such a jerk in the '90's, with a seething anger that simmered just under the surface all the time. It had influenced every choice he made. He was thankful that season of his life was over, but so very sad his anger and temper had ruined things for him and Sofia. Jehovah, show me what I need to do to help her trust me again, he thought.

'Ready to eat? I only cook one thing, but I'm pretty good at it now,' he said, turning back to the stove. As the butter began to melt in the skillet, he gave the eggs a final whisk. Sofia looked on in surprise as he created a very professional looking omelet, then plated it.

'I saw some fruit in the fridge. Would you like fruit, or is the omelet enough?' he asked, while dividing the omelet onto two plates, and placing them on the elevated counter above the stove top.

'That will be nice. I'll get some,' she replied.

'Nope. My turn to take care of you. I made a pot of Earl Grey tea. I remembered it was one of your favorites,' he said, smiling, as he ushered her to a barstool, pouring her a cup of tea. He placed a napkin in her lap, bowed, and said in a fake English accent, 'Dinner is served, madam.'

Sofia giggled. It had been a long time since she'd heard his butler voice. She watched him get a bowl of fruit that he'd already cut up from the fridge, and carry it over as well. Sitting beside her, he asked, 'Mind if I bless the food?' 

'Go right ahead,' she replied, and bowed her head. She was glad her eyes were closed, because holding his hand sent all sorts of electrical impulses running through her.

At the end of the prayer, he said, 'Eat fast! Cold omelets are terrible.'

'I'm surprised you remembered the Earl Grey tea,' Sofia remarked, taking a sip of the fragrant brew.

'I think you'll be surprised how much I remember,' Prince replied, with a wry twist to his mouth. 'Some of it I'm glad I remember. Some of it is embarrassing, to be honest. Some of it I wish I hadn't done. But I tell myself it all worked together to make me a better man today than I was then.' Now I just have to prove it to you, he thought.

When they'd eaten their fill while chatting about her school, Prince stood up, took their plates, and walked to the sink. 'What are you doing?' Sofia asked.

'Cleaning up. I don't like dishes in the sink,' came Prince's matter-of-fact reply, as he began methodically washing everything he'd used to make their meal. Sofia was glad his back was turned, because her jaw really did drop at the sight. She quickly closed her mouth, then said, 'Fine. I'll dry.'

Picking up a kitchen towel, standing next to him, Sofia marveled at the man beside her. She hadn't known Prince that long when all was said and done, less than a year, in fact, but she was sure this wasn't something that even crossed his mind back then.

As if he could read her mind, he said, 'This is the sort of thing I thought I was too good for back when you knew me. What I found is that washing dishes takes almost no time, and then I don't find myself avoiding the kitchen later. I do leave something in the sink if I know someone will be coming in to clean in a couple of hours, but otherwise, it hasn't killed me yet.' He shot her a side eye smirk that made her laugh out loud.

Dishes clean, dry, and put away, he inquired, 'How about a movie?'

'You mean go out?' Sofia answered his question with one of her own.

'No, I meant stay in, if that's okay. I'd have to call ahead and get something set up for a time of night that won't really work with your current schedule. I doubt you'd stay awake through a film at 2 a.m.'

'You're right about that. I'm typically asleep by 9 on Friday nights. Teaching takes a lot out of you.'

'Do you want to laugh, cry, feel romantic, or think?' Prince asked, leading Sofia back into the living room. They each carried a teacup and saucer. After putting his down, Prince went back to the kitchen for the teapot.

Sofia sat down, and realized that across from her was a flat screen tv on a stand, replacing the older model color Tv she'd had for years. Hearing her small gasp as he returned with the teapot, honey bear, trivet, spoons and napkins, he said,

'All of this can go back tomorrow if you don't want it. I've had one of these for about a year, and I'm spoiled now. The picture is so much better than what we were used to. I thought it would make our movie date more fun. By the way, you sleep hard! I had the guys unbox and put things together on your back patio, but you didn't move while they were bringing things in and setting them up. Your old tv is in the guest room now, so it will be easy to move it back. I hope you'll accept my gift, though.'

'Wow! I hope you tipped those guys well. It's cold outside! This is a huge gift, Prince.'

'I know what you're thinking. 'Oh, here's another of his grand gestures, thinking it will make up for hurting me earlier.' Honestly, Sofia, I've had this idea for awhile. I figured you'd be more comfortable here than Paisley.'

'Well, you're right about that. I'm willing to give it a try. It's so BIG.'

'This is only a 37-inch. I have a 52-inch at home. I hear there will be 70-inch tvs soon. I'll be getting one for sure. I had some movies brought over, too. You pick.'

'Remember, you're with an elementary teacher. Would you mind watching 'Enchanted'? It's between that and 'Music and Lyrics', and I don't see you enjoying that one as much.'

'I thought you might pick that one. I haven't seen it yet, but the reviews have been good. And, you're right, I don't think I'd enjoy watching a movie about songwriting.' Prince got the disc out of the box and settled it in the player.

'I've never seen a player like that before,' Sofia remarked, watching the disc slide in.

'It's a blu ray player. It plays dvds and cds, too. I'm sure you have lots of VHS still, and we can get that set up later if you like. I think you'll like this picture quality, though.'

Prince came back to the sofa with the remotes and got things started. 'Would you mind sitting a little closer, babe? Or would that make you uncomfortable?'

'You've already had me on your lap, so I think I'll be okay sitting closer,' Sofia replied. Scooting over, she giggled to herself as she watched Prince do a little manspreading on the sofa, stretching his arms across the back of the piece of furniture. It was obvious he expected her to sit right next to him. With his legs spread, she wouldn't be in his lap, exactly, but she'd have to stay focused on the movie. I wonder if he realizes-no, I'm sure he realizes just how open he looks, but I guess he doesn't care, she thought.

As the movie began, the clarity and size of the picture made it easy to focus as the movie switched from animation to live action. She was amazed at how clear everything looked. Then she heard Prince say, 'Do you mind?' as he picked up a lock of her hair and started playing with it. 'I've gotta admit, I missed your hair.'

'That's fine,' Sofia replied. This is going to make it hard to focus, she thought, as his hand alternately twirled a lock of hair and stroked the back of her neck with his fingertips.

Ok, so this just backfired...Prince thought, as the touch of Sofia's petal soft skin caused an immediate response in Prince's anatomy. Better stick to the hair, son. The point is to make her comfortable with you, not get yourself all hot and bothered. He chose one soft tendril of hair and let it slide through his fingers, over and over.

Sofia started to feel slightly hypnotized by the repetitive actions of Prince's fingers in her hair. She sat a little further forward, thinking that would make it easier to focus on the movie. Prince resisted the temptation of Sofia's back, determined to stick with his plan.

When the movie ended, he said, 'It was okay, but I felt like the ending was a little weak. How do you like the tv?'

'I'm sold,' she replied. That picture is amazing.'

'I'm glad you like it,' he replied. It will make movie nights lots more fun!' Checking his watch, he said, 'I've kept you up past your bedtime. It's 10:30. How about if I take you out to breakfast tomorrow around 10?'

'Isn't that a little early for you?' Sofia countered.

'You're worth any sacrifice I need to make, babe,' he replied, standing and pulling her to her feet. 'Now, there's one more thing I want to do before I go, with your permission.' Tilting her face to his, he whispered, while staring deeply into her eyes, 'May I kiss you goodnight?'

'You may,' she breathed in reply, and another, much longer series of mind-numbing kisses commenced, causing strong physical reactions from both of them. Sofia's moan was almost Prince's undoing, but he kept his hands where he knew they wouldn't get him in trouble.

Ending the kiss, he reveled in her slightly unfocused eyes. Though he had been able to create this response in many women, no one elicited the same response in him. Except Sofia. It was stronger than lust. There was a protectiveness that came along with it, a deeper feeling. The feeling he remembered from February 1994. The feeling he was afraid he'd never feel again.

Giving her a quick peck on the nose, he said, 'Night, Sofia. Hopefully tomorrow will be less dramatic.'

He turned toward the door, and tried to loosen his grip so he could put his hat and coat back on. She pulled him back, gave him a kiss that made his toes curl in his shoes, and whispered in his ear:

'It better be.'

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