Full Circle

By midnight_obsessions

100K 2.5K 423

Alice's life had come full circle. A doctor had decided to save her life by ending it so many years ago to ki... More

EPILOGUE i guess.............


3.7K 97 16
By midnight_obsessions

"Jacob, I'll see you when you just stop being a jerk" Bella said while she kept her eyes on me to keep me as calm as I could manage "Go home"

"You try it again and you'll be missing an arm" I looked past Bella "Just an arm, if you're lucky"

I quickly walked to the other side of the car and I opened the door for Bella. She kissed me on the cheek before she got in and I softly closed the door behind her.

Getting in the car, I backed up and began to drive home. I was driving fast but I made sure not to drive fast enough to make Bella uncomfortable.

Bella was silent for most of the drive back until we took an unexpected turn

"Al this isn't the way home" Bella said furrowing her eyebrows as she looked back at the turn we were supposed to take to her house

"It's the way to the hospital" I replied quietly "We have to get your hand checked out before I can take you home. I don't think we should go to dinner tonight either"

"But I want to go out with you" Bella protested

"You're not going with a sore hand, it looks too painful" I replied as I turned a corner sharply "Not tonight. We have tomorrow still if your hand is feeling up for it"

"I'm feeling up for it now"

"You're tired, I can see that" I mumbled "How's your hand? You okay?"

"In a bit of pain but I'm okay" Bella nodded

"My brave girl" I cooed trying to lighten both of our moods

"How did you know what he was?" Bella asked

"The treaty Bella, we are aware that they were descendants of wolves and we knew of the legends of the tribe. I just wasn't sure whether Jacob was one but it was confirmed as soon as I smelt him all over you" I grimaced "If I had known that he was one, I would have been a little more reserved about you going"

"Wait, I smell bad?" Bella asked

"No, he smells bad" I growled

"I'll have a shower when I get home" Bella added quietly

We were silent for the rest of the trip to the hospital; I was stewing in my rage at Jacob and my worry about just how hurt her hand was. Bella sat quietly with her injured hand resting on her chest. It actually came to my attention that she could have been silent because she had been scared of me.

I parked outside the hospital and I expelled a deep breath as I tried to stop myself being so upset. I gripped the steering wheel so much that I was scared it was about to snap.

"Are you mad at me?" Bella asked as a little more than a whisper, looking down at her hand

It was strange, she was more or less the dominant one in our relationship yet she was like a cowering little child stuck in a time out after being punished

I unbuckled my seatbelt and ran around to her side of the car, opening her door to kneel down in front of her so that my eye level would be below hers. I reached up to cup her face gently in my cold hand

"No sweetheart, of course not" I cooed "I could never ever be mad at you. Why would you think I was mad?"

"I just thought you might be angry because I went to La Push when you didn't want me too and this happened"

"Oh sweetie, no. First of all, I'm only angry and Jacob and second of all, if you want to go somewhere and I don't want you too, I would expect you to go anyway. I don't want you to stop doing something you want to do just because of me. Does that make sense?"

Bella nodded wordlessly


"I just don't want to lose you" Bella said "I can't"

"That's silly Bella. Why would you lose me? Why would you even think that?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows "You're my soul mate Bells, you're not going to ever lose me"

"Can you kiss me please?" Bella asked sheepishly

"With manners like that, how could I not" I replied

I couldn't be upset around my girlfriend; it just wasn't possible for me. Pressing my lips to hers, I breathed in her scent. I pulled away after a moment, deciding that she needed to be seen to more than she needed to be kissed and stood up. She got out of the car and I took her good hand while she held her injured one up stayed close to her chest

"So you just punched him in the face?" I asked with a small smirk "Just like that?"

"It was the first thing I could think of to do" Bella whined "And if I had of known he wasn't exactly human, I wouldn't have punched him. Thanks for the heads up by the way"

"I didn't know" I shrugged apologetically

"So how did you know he was a wolf?" I asked curiously as we walked through the doors and I led her to the elevators where we waited "Did he just tell you?"

"He transformed to show me" I heard Bella say

I groaned and I placed my fist against the wall, like I didn't already need another reason for me to murder Jacob Black

"He claims he cares for you but he does that right in front of you?" I spoke in a frustrated tone "He could have killed you!"

"But I'm fine" Bella said reassured me

"Your hand is hurt" I said shaking my head "And he ruined my night"

"Well we have tomorrow" Bella reminded me

We reached the 3rd floor, where I took Bella straight to Carlisle's office.

I knocked on the door and he opened immediately

"What's wrong Alice?" Carlisle asked

"I think Jacob may have broken Bella's hand"

Carlisle stepped aside right away and I tugged Bella in with me. He closed the door behind him and took Bella to the couch. I followed quickly, sitting next to my girl as she squeezed my hand while Carlisle checked her other one out.

"What happened?" Carlisle asked

"Well, Jacob Black decided it would be a good idea to kiss Bella" I grumbled, holding my other hand in a tight fist by my side "In turn, Bella hurt herself because of him"

"I punched him in the face and I think I heard something snap. I mean it feels like I broke it" Bella said as she winced painfully while Carlisle checked it out with a concerned face

"I'm sorry Bella" Carlisle apologized quietly

"Oh and he transformed right in front of Bella into his wolf form. Not only did he hurt her hand, he could have killed her. We all know how out of control young wolves are!" I hissed with narrowed eyes "He needs to be taught a lesson"

"It won't be taught by you Alice, you need to calm down" Carlisle said looking to me

"Okay fine but if this happened to Esme you would be the same way" I snapped as Bella squeezed my hand tightly to deal with the pain "If your mate was hurt because of someone else than you would be upset"

"Alice calm down" Carlisle repeated

I cursed to myself in Latin, at which Carlisle frowned at me.

I knew I was overworked but she was my mate. My one and only, I had to protect her with everything I had and I felt as if I had let her down.

"I thought I smelt something bad" Carlisle mumbled referring to my comment about Jacob being a wolf

"Carlisle that really hurts" Bella yelped

"Carlisle" I said with pleading eyes as I looked to him, hearing the distress of my mate "What can you do to stop the pain?"

"The good news is that I don't think it's broken" Carlisle said with a furrowed brow "But I think you've sprained your wrist quite badly. I'll bandage it up for you and give you something for the pain. You're going to need to rest your wrist tonight and I'll need you to come and tell me how it feels in the morning"

Carlisle bandaged her wrist up and gave her some medication for the pain, she was still hurting but it seemed to make it better.

Once he was finished with her, we began driving home; the only sounds in the car coming were coming from the radio. Bella reached over to place her good hand on my knee

"How are you feeling?" I asked quietly

"Fine" Bella nodded "The medication helps"

"I owe you an apology" I mumbled

"What for?" She furrowed her eyebrows

"I shouldn't have reacted like that to Jacob, you were hurt and I shouldn't have been like that. I'm sorry" I replied, taking my eyes off the road only for a second to glance at her

"I would have done the same thing though Al" Bella replied

"I'm just glad I can see you again" I mumbled, referring to my visions "Not being able to see you was hard"

"I like seeing you too" Bella said, a smile tugging at her lips while meaning that in the literal sense

"So you told Jacob about us, are you going to tell Charlie?" I asked looking to her for a moment "You still up for it?"

"Yeah" Bella replied "I want him to know and I want you to be able to come over as my girlfriend"

"So what are we going to tell him?" I asked

"Actually...I was kind of planning to do it myself" Bella said cautiously

"Oh...well...okay but why?" I asked shaking my head

"I just want to speak to Charlie on my own because I know it's going to be a bit of a sensitive subject for him" Bella replied "It's a conversation I should have had with him a while ago"

"He is your father" I nodded in agreement "Whatever you want"

"Thank you" Bella cooed "But I want to still spend the night together if you do. Can I come over to your house?"

"I would love that" I replied smiling "Are you still going to be friends with Jacob?"

"Right now, I'm not sure" Bella shrugged looking down at her hand "He's one of my best friends but if he's going to be a jerk like that...if he's going to act that way towards you then I want nothing to do with him. If he can grow up then maybe"

"I just don't understand how you can handle weird so well. You didn't freak out when I told you what I was and you seem fine about him" I shook my head in confusion

"My girlfriend is a vampire and my friend is a werewolf" Bella replied quietly "It is what it is but I always knew there was something different about you. I was a little surprised about Jacob but with you at least I had some signs"

I soon pulled up to Bella's house and Charlie's car was in the driveway

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay?" I asked "I could help"

"I'll do this on my own" Bella replied shaking her head

"Well if you do need anything just call me" I said "And I'll come pick you up when you're ready"

"What should we do at your house?" Bella asked

"We'll figure something out. You need to rest though" I replied "How's your hand feeling now?"

"Sore" Bella said shrugging

I sighed and I leaned over to cradle her injured hand in both of mine mine. I brought it to my lips and placed a very gentle kiss over her bandage

"All better" I mumbled with a small smile as I looked back up to meet her eyes

"Thank you for making sure I was okay" Bella whispered

"That's what I'm here for" I said shrugging

She placed a hand on my cheek, stroking it with her thumb

"You look beautiful by the way" Bella complimented

We shared a brief goodbye kiss and Bella walked inside.

Sighing I tapped the steering wheel then sped my way home.

Carlisle was home and I knew he would have explained everything to everyone already which was good because it saved me doing it

"How's Bella?" Jazz asked in a concerned tone as soon as I walked in

"She's sore" I grumbled "But in one piece which is more than can be said about Jacob Black if I see him again"

"Your girlfriend punched a werewolf. That's so bad ass" Emmett said chuckling

"Well she wouldn't have had too if he didn't kiss her" I growled "He stepped over the line"

"Alice you can't do a thing about that though" Jazz said "If you touch him, the treaty is off and they'll try and kill us. We'll just have to move again"

"So he gets away with it" I nodded

"Let it go Ali" Jazz said "It didn't mean anything to Bella so it shouldn't mean anything to you. She's yours and not Jacobs so just let it be"

"Easy for you" I grumbled

"We know you're going through a bit of a protective stage with Bella but you really are going to have to keep yourself calm dear" Esme said soothingly "We don't want you to do something you'd regret later"

"You're right. But Jacob did say something interesting while I was considering ripping his throat out" I said sitting down on the couch with a sigh "That nomad we've been tracking; well he's been running through La Push"

"So the warning we can take in that is we need to be alert for him" Carlisle said "No matter what else is going on"

"Well it's not like I can see him when he's there" I replied "The only way I'm going to be able to see him is when he gets through La Push to come to us"

"He's probably trying to get to us but he can't get through the wolves" Edward said shrugging "I'd expect him to be successful soon though"

"Great, just what we need right now" Rosalie said "More things to worry about. You're lucky that I just want you to be happy Alice because if we were going through this for anyone else I wouldn't be putting up with it. I would be long gone"

"Somewhere buried in that rant, I can find some kind of heartfelt message" I said smirking "And I thank you for your kind words"

"Don't be smart" Rosalie snapped "I mean it. I wouldn't be staying if it weren't you involved"

I felt myself pause for a moment and I knew the rest of my family were about to observe me closely as I was pulled into a vision

"Alice? As in Alice Cullen?" Charlie asked

"Yes dad" Bella replied simply "Alice and I are together"

"Well I have to say; with the time you were spending together I should have guessed" Charlie replied with a furrowed brow "Does her family know?"

"We only told them the other day" Bella shrugged "She's really great dad. Really great"

"She...she makes you happy?" Charlie asked


"I guess that's the most important thing" Charlie said in an awkward tone

"Are you okay with this?" Bella asked quietly

"Bella, you're my daughter and I love you more than anything. I'm okay with this as long as this is what makes you happy"

"It is" She nodded with a small smile

I came out of the vision with a small smile on my face; I noticed that my entire family was watching me intently. I looked to Edward who had a small smile on his face before he diverted his eyes to the ground

"What did you see?" Jazz asked

"Nothing really important" I said shaking my head "Just a conversation between Bella and Charlie"

I spent about an hour in my room, waiting for my Bella to call me. I quickly saw her deciding to call just moments before my phone began to ring

"Hey you" I cooed, picking up after the first ring

"You saw me calling didn't you?" Bella asked laughing

"Maybe, how did you go?" I asked hopefully "Charlie seemed to be okay"

"You saw that too, huh?" Bella asked

"He is okay with everything, right?"

"He's okay as long as I'm happy" She responded

"And are you happy?" I asked

"The happiest" Bella replied "Can you please come and get me? I've had a shower so I don't smell like Jacob anymore and I don't want to be away from you any longer today"

"I'll be over before you can blink" I said

A few minutes after getting off the phone, I knocked on Bella's front door to see Charlie standing there with a small smile but he looked serious so I knew what was about to come

"Hello Alice" He said opening the door

"Hi Chief Swan" I replied as politely as I could manage

"Alice, Bella told me that you two are together and I want you to know that I'm okay with that. I'm okay with you being in a relationship with my daughter because I like you and I feel like I can trust you but I want you to promise me you'll take care of my girl" Charlie said "And if you hurt her, there will be trouble. No matter how much I like you, my daughter comes first"

"There won't come a time where I will hurt Bella. I'll take care of her with the best of my ability" I answered nodding "You have my word that I would never do anything to harm her"

"And you make sure that when you're ready to let other people know, if anyone gives you any trouble, tell me about it and I'll deal with them" Charlie said firmly

"I'll remember that Chief Swan, thank you" I replied with a smile

"Bella told me that you took her to see your father at the hospital about her hand so I wanted to thank you for that" Charlie said as his stern face turned warm again.

Which was certainly to my relief, it was almost amusing how intimidated I was by a human when I could crush him with my pinky finger. It was actually the first time I had ever been intimidated by a human, for obvious reasons so I was in unusual territory

"I just wanted to make sure she was okay" I said "Did she tell you how she hurt it?"

"Jacob. I'm going to speak to Billy later" Charlie said "Don't you worry about that"

I heard a door open upstairs and footsteps coming down the stairs. Bella paused at the stairs when she saw me by the door

"Dad why didn't you tell me Alice was here?" Bella asked slowly

"Alice and I were just chatting" Charlie said shrugging "Can't help but do my fatherly duties"

Bella groaned slightly and she walked down to the door

"I'm sorry Alice" Bella said

"No it's okay" I replied cheerfully "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah" Bella replied nodding "Dad, I'll see you later"

"You two have a good night" Charlie said "And Alice, remember what we talked about"

"I sure will Chief Swan" I replied with a grin

"Remember, call me Charlie" He nodded

I giggled as I drove out of her driveway and began our short trip towards my house

"Okay, what did he say to you?" Bella asked with a groan

"Oh, secret father, girlfriend business that I cannot share with you" I winked to her quickly "How's my patient?"

"I'm fine, my wrist hurts a bit but I'm fine" She replied bravely

"So I was thinking tonight that we could maybe spend some time with my family and watch a movie or something after?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows "I mean I had other plans but I figure we have tomorrow to do whatever we want and I know my family would love to spend some more time with you"

"That sounds like the perfect night" Bella said happily "Today wasn't the best day but I have a feeling tonight is going to be good"

"Of course it will be silly, it always is with me" I said jokingly with a giggle "You smell so much better now after your shower. Not like that dirty, wet dog smell"

"What do I smell like usually?" Bella asked

"You smell like Bella Swan. The best smell to me" I answered

"Jacob said I smelt like you" Bella said with a smirk "He hated it, he said it was too sweet"

"Probably because we spend so much time together" I shrugged "We'll have to spend even more time together so that you can just be coated in my scent"

"I have no objections" Bella replied with a smile

The night was spent playing board games with the family, of course Edward and I would constantly win for obvious reasons, making Rosalie angry but it was a usual night for us. I took Bella home after we watched a movie in my room; she was feeling drowsy from the pain medication Carlisle had given her.

She made me promise to stay with her at least until sunrise, which I did. I only left to change and get ready for our date in Port Angeles.

I was excited; it was our first official date as a couple. It was something I had been waiting to happen for a decade.

By 11am, Bella and I were in Port Angeles, deciding to have a look around at the stores and see a movie after.

"See, I don't know why you cancelled on me the first time. Look how much fun we're having!" I said cheerfully as I picked out another shirt for Bella to try on

"We've been here for an hour and all we've done is find clothes for me" Bella said

"Why would anyone want to do anything else?" I furrowed my eyebrows "And we found some really great clothes for you"

"I know but we've been shopping for an hour, how long do your shopping trips usually last for?" Bella asked

"Much, much longer" I grinned and paused at some vintage shirts "You should like these ones at least"

"No, I like them all so far...well except for that one that you got me with frills...anyway, it's not that I don't like them, I just don't really like shopping" Bella groaned

"You're just pretending to be upset because you're actually having a good time with me" I said turning to Bella and placing a kiss on the tip of her nose "You just won't admit it"

"I suppose this is what I get for having a shopaholic as a girlfriend" Bella replied with a small grin "I don't like the shopping but I will admit that you do look adorable when you're looking at clothes"

"See, there's something in it for everyone" I joked, poking her in the ribs gently

"So did you speak to everyone about the vampire going through La Push?" Bella asked quietly

"I told them that he was there, yes" I nodded "I wasn't sure whether you had picked that up when Jacob and I were talking because you didn't mention it before"

"You two were yelling at each other so loudly that it was a little difficult to miss" Bella replied "Though I have to admit, and this doesn't mean I condone it but you wear jealously really well"

"I wear everything well Miss Swan" I said with a smirk

"That you do" Bella mumbled

I looked to Bella, raising an eyebrow which just caused her to blush

"So" Bella said clearing her throat "Any idea why he was in La Push?"

"I wish I knew" I muttered, pulling a pair of jeans out for Bella to try on "If I knew than I would be doing something about it but I don't so I guess I just have to wait"

"Do you really think that he's hanging around because of you guys?" She asked me as I pulled her towards the changing rooms

"I hope so because if he's staying around to hunt then we have a problem" I said shaking my head "I just wonder what his intentions are because if he meant no harm, would he have run away like he did when we confronted him?"

"Well you guys kind of ambushed him" Bella shrugged "So maybe he thought he had to run"

"You're defending him?" I furrowed my eyebrows

"No" Bella said shaking her head "No baby, I just think he might be scared or something"

"Believe me, I don't think he was scared" I mumbled as I stopped by the change room door "Okay, you try these on and I'll wait out here"

"I have to say Alice, for a first date, you're pretty demanding" Bella said jokingly

"For a first date, you complain an awful lot" I joked back with a smile

Bella began to change into different clothes though seeing as she was a human, her pace was painfully slow compared to what I was used to with Jazz or Rosalie when we went shopping.

"Okay, ow" I heard Bella complain after hearing a thud

"You okay in there?" I asked close to the door

"Yeah, I may have just tripped over myself in here though trying to get this shirt on with one arm" Bella said

"Oh, I'm sorry honey. Some of those shirts are going to be a bit tight and I totally forgot" I said apologetically "Did you hurt yourself?"

"No...a little" Bella mumbled

"Unlock the door, I'll come in and help you" I said

"No, it's okay" Bella said shyly

"Honestly Bella, we're both adults" I replied shaking my head "I mean, I can't help where my mind may wander but I can help you if you need it"

I heard a moment of silence before she unlocked the door. I stepped in quickly, to see her standing in the corner with a blush on her face. Her shirt was half on but her arm was not through the sleeve on her injured side. If I hadn't been so distracted by her being only half dressed, I would have laughed at how adorable she looked

"You're not comfortable with this are you?" I asked "I'll go again if you aren't"

"No, stay" Bella nodded as she walked over to me "Can you just pull that down please?"

I nodded wordlessly, gently pulling her arm through the shirt and tugging it down her torso. Once it was on properly I turned her towards the mirror and smiled

"That looks really nice on you Bells" I whispered, resting my chin on her shoulder as I stood behind her

"Thanks" Bella replied just as quietly "I like it"

"I'll help you get it off" I said, turning her around once more "Put your arms up sweetie"

Bella did as I said and I swiftly, but gently removed her shirt. I paused when I realized that she was standing in front of me with just a bra and jeans

"Right" I said clearing my mind before I grabbed her shirt

The next thing I felt was Bella gently pushing me against the wall, pressing her lips to mine. I stood still for a moment before I dropped her shirt and my hands looped around her neck, pulling her closer to me. Bella brought her good arm to my waist before she let her fingers wander under the material of my shirt, only to let them rest on my hip. She broke away after a few moments, breathing heavily

"This is one hell of a first date" I muttered as her lips floated just over mine

She nodded before capturing my lips with hers again but I ducked under her and stood at the other side of the dressing room

"I'm sorry, you just smell extra tempting with no shirt on" I said shaking my head "Maybe we should get you something to eat. The movie is going to start soon anyway"

"Okay" Bella nodded "Sorry, I can't help myself"

"Either can I" I laughed quietly "And it's not your fault. This is just all new to me, everything, so I'm just trying to get used to it"

After a little protest from Bella, she allowed me to buy the clothes for her which we returned to the car before I took her to lunch. We went to a small restaurant and she ordered herself some food

"So you're not even going to get a salad or anything?" Bella asked

"I don't think I need too" I shrugged before I winked at her playfully "You know I can't eat anything with my special diet"

"So I'll admit, I'm pretty sorry that I cancelled our date the first time if it was going to be like this" Bella smirked

"Well your hand would have been fine so the whole change room thing never would have happened" I shook my head "Charlie's going to speak to Billy, about Jacob?"

"Yeah, Charlie was pretty angry" Bella replied looking around the room before her eyes fell back to mine "Though he didn't look like he was about to rip Jacob's head off like you did"

"Oh I was about to rip his head off" I grumbled before I paused "Any chance that Charlie could talk to Jacob at your house so I can hear him being scolded?"

"I don't think so babe" Bella laughed, she shook her head as she ran her hand through her hair "And I think you should just keep away from Jacob for a while, you know, cool down?"

"I know" I nodded

"But how about we don't talk about Jacob on our date, why don't we talk about something else?" Bella asked

I looked over to the restaurant doors to see Angela and Jessica walking in the door, a smile playing on both their faces

"Well, we could talk about how your friends just walked into the restaurant" I said pointing to the door

Bella's eyes locked onto her friends who hadn't spotted us yet

"So if I told Jacob and Charlie in one yesterday, do you think I could go one better and tell them both at the same time the next day?" Bella asked raising her eyebrows

"You could try" I said with a small smile

"Angela" Bella called "Jessica"

Both of her friends looked to Bella, a smile breaking out on their faces when they saw Bella but they both paused when they saw me with her

"Hey" I greeted cheerfully, lifting my hand to give them a small wave

"Hey Bella" Angela said walking to the table "Hey Alice"

"What are you two doing here?" Bella asked

"We just wanted to get out of town for a little bit" Angela said

"Yeah, we were so bored and the guys didn't want to do anything" Jessica said looking to Bella "And you said you were busy all weekend...I can see why that is now"

"It's just that Alice and I have had this planned for a while" Bella lied quietly. She had said she was busy because she wanted to spend all weekend with me but we hadn't actually planned to do anything at that stage

"You don't have to explain" Angela shrugged "So what are you guys doing?"

"I just took Bella shopping" I smiled "She didn't enjoy it as much as I did though. We're getting some lunch and catching a movie after"

"Sounds fun" Angela looked to Bella, thinking that I wasn't watching and she raised her eyebrows. Bella just grinned back at Angela, who chuckled quietly "Well we should leave you guys to it I guess"

"If we're all here we might as well eat together" I shrugged. I didn't want to share my Bella time but I didn't want to be rude to her friends either

"No it's okay. I'm pretty tired so I think we'll get our food to go" Angela said, using a lame excuse to give us privacy again

"It's not like they're on a date though so we could stay" Jessica said with a small smile before looking between us both "Are you on a date?"

I didn't know whether to answer the question or not but I quickly saw Bella make her decision

"Actually, yeah" She nodded "Alice and I are together"

"Oh" Jessica said quietly

"I have to admit, I kind of already had an idea that you two might be together" Angela said smiling "I mean you guys were spending a lot of time together and Bella kind of hinted to us that she was gay, so we saw it coming"

"So you aren't freaked out?" Bella asked hopefully

"Don't be stupid" Angela said shaking her head "I actually think you guys are really cute together"

"Thanks" I said, yet another reason why I thought I had always liked Angela

"And it does make sense why you sat with them at lunch" Jessica said

I laughed quietly at the fact that Jessica was still obsessing over the fact that Bella had sat with my family at lunch

"We're going to get our food and go. We'll see you guys tomorrow" Angela said before she looked to Bella "And I expect a phone call from you before I see you tomorrow"

"Sure" Bella nodded

Angela and Jessica got their food to go, saying goodbye to us once more before they made an exit

"I'm glad they took it so well" Bella said in a relieved tone

"I'm trying to work out whether or not Jessica is still jealous that you were sitting at our lunch table" I giggled

"Why don't you just let her sit at your table for one day?" Bella asked "I think it might be a popularity issue"

"Rosalie can hardly tolerate one human, no offence" I replied "She would not be happy with me inviting others. I'll gladly sit with you more at lunch though"

"How is that going to help Jessica?" She asked

"Oh it's not but it's going to benefit me because I get to sit next to you at lunch" I shrugged

"She's going to tell everyone isn't she?" Bella asked

"She is" I nodded "Are you okay with that?"

"Alice I've been through this all before with Lauren at my old school" I shrugged "People are either going to be okay with it or they aren't. I can't change anyone's mind that is going to look at it as a negative so I'm not going to try. All I care is that I have you"

"Well aren't you miss mature" I cooed jokingly

"I really hope she does tell everyone" Bella said "Because I don't want to have to hide our relationship anymore"

"Oh don't worry Bella, she's going to tell everyone" I smirked

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