Under the Elms

By voxofp

33.4K 1.8K 2.9K

Prince decides to try to rekindle a romance he dropped years before when it was inconvenient. Sofia Brown is... More

The cost of winning
Author's Note
Once Upon A Time
January 18th, 2008, 11 p.m.
First Date Reboot
Act II
The Beautiful Experience
The Beautiful Experience, Part II
Where were you?
The only woman
New Normal?
Second Date
Snow Magic
Third Date
What am I gonna do?
Where are we going?
Prince Airways
The Sun, Moon and Stars
Captain Crunch
Candid Camera
Morning glory
Avoidance and Intimacy
Love in a Garden
All Eye Want Is You
Happy Endings
Time to fly
What do you Believe?
Surprises, Good and Bad
Catching Up
Reality Bites
Wait, what?
Ready for inspection?
Tea Party
Cherish and deeply respect

Trying again

963 51 90
By voxofp

Sofia closed the door as Prince left, making sure the deadbolt was in place this time. She leaned back against the door, exhaling. It had been a rollercoaster of a day, filled with joys, sorrows, laughter and anger. She was emotionally and physically exhausted, despite her nap on the sofa.

Heading for her bedroom, she decided she needed something she'd been denying herself for years: what she had privately named a ‘Prince Bath’. She'd bought the ingredients years before, but indulged rarely, and never in the past several years. The memories it exhumed were often painful, and she was all about avoiding unnecessary pain.

The bath salts, bath oil and bubbles created a fragrant steam that was so familiar, especially after spending a day with Prince. Lavender with a hint of vanilla. This time she felt confident the scent wouldn't make her weep; she'd done enough of that for one day. Easing into the silky water, she leaned back and let her mind drift over the day, considering the day’s experiences and her reactions to them.

If the man she spent time with today was, in fact, who Prince had become, she was intrigued. True, you could maintain a false front for an extended period of time. Today had presented too many opportunities for him to relapse into the selfish man she remembered. He hadn't taken any of them, discounting the cavalier way he threw cash around at restaurants. She assumed that was a way to keep moving and avoid being accosted by folks while waiting for change.

He had exhibited kindness and thoughtfulness on several occasions. He could have been offended by her yelling at him and responded in kind. Instead, he took control, but didn't abuse the privilege. Well, maybe picking me up was a bit much, she thought, smiling wryly at the memory of being flung over his shoulder. It had always surprised her that he was as strong as he proved himself to be. He might be petite in frame, but he's all man, she chuckled to herself.

Even then, he had placed her on the sofa so carefully, showing a level of control that surprised her. His sincere apology and extensive explanation of how his life had gone the past 14 years was compelling. Discovering her unwitting part in all that was stunning, she had to admit, and a bit hard to believe. She hoped she wasn’t too big a disappointment compared to the muse version of her.

On the other hand, he never tried to take advantage, which is definitely different from the Prince I knew. He was always putting the moves on me! She blushed at the memory of all the times she put him off at the beginning of their relationship. She wasn’t sorry-far from it. She was glad she knew him as well as she did when they finally consummated their relationship. She was so naive back then; she really believed that when she gave him her body that meant they would be together forever. That had made it so much harder for things to end they way did.

The splash of her elbow in the bath water made her realize she had fallen asleep in the tub. After toweling off, smoothing herself with lotion, and slipping into a silk chemise, she got into her bed under the electric blanket and crashed.

Meanwhile, Prince headed straight for his studio in Paisley Park. He had songs flying around in his head that he wanted to record before they made him crazy. He was certain that his ability to create was a gift from Jehovah, beyond his understanding. He’d been raised to believe that with awesome gifts come awesome responsibility, and he’d done his best to give back and empower others using the wealth he had amassed as a result of his musical ability, hard work, and business savvy.

Entering the studio, closing the door, he made sure fresh tape was in place and ready to go. He sat down in a black studio chair, checked that things were still set on the board the way he liked them, and got busy creating what he could hear in his head. He couldn’t wait to share these songs with Sofia. He wanted to play a few others he felt were clearly about her, so clear even she would realize.

Hours later, he put down his headphones, and burned his new creations onto a disc before he put the tape in a box for storage. He didn’t know if these songs would be put out for public consumption, but it didn’t matter. They were finished; they matched what he heard in his head. They were ready to share with Sofia. He knew he’d need a little sleep to be his best for her, and he wanted to be his best for her.

The next morning Sofia woke at 8 a.m., shocked she’d gotten more than 6 hours of sleep. Throwing on her robe and slippers, she headed down for a pot of English Breakfast Tea. While waking up over her second cup of tea, she turned on the news to catch the forecast. High of -15 with weather moving in. I don’t think he’s going to take me on a sleigh ride today with this weather. She felt safe securing sheer black stockings onto a lilac garter belt, and a slim black wool maxi skirt with a slit that made it inappropriate for school. Tucking in a blouse in an impressionistic print of black and white, she fastened a black belt with a filigree silver buckle around her waist. Tall black boots would keep the wind away from her legs. Finishing her outfit with a long basketweave cardigan, she felt ready to face whatever Prince had in mind.

Taking one last look at her hair and adding one more layer of fragrant lotion to her dry hands, she was surprised to hear her doorbell ring at 9:30. Who is that? She thought, heading to the door.  I'm not expecting anyone but- She was extremely surprised to see Prince on the other side, with snowflakes swirling around him.

‘Get in here before you freeze! I don’t remember you ever being early for anything!’ she remarked, taking his coat and hat. He started laughing when he realized they had ended up color coordinated, he in a black and white striped sweater and black pants, she in black and white blouse and black skirt. Funny how things worked out that way. ‘Really-black and white? We are just fine as wine!’

Sofia giggled. ‘It is an interesting coincidence.’

Prince grabbed her and pulled her in. ‘Now you know I don’t believe in coincidence, babe. This is all part of a master plan.’ He leaned in closely, looked her in the eyes in the spell-binding way he had, and murmured, ‘Hi there.’

‘Hi, yourself,’ Sofia murmured back, before her mouth was captured in a sweet, non-demanding kiss. She took it to the next level, running her hands up to the back of his neck and toying with his hair, while her tongue begged entrance, which it was quickly granted. As they both clung a little closer and Sofia groaned, Prince broke it off, stepped back, and said, ‘Babe, I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but I think it’s too early in the day.’

Now, that's a change! she thought, unconsciously licking her lips. The man she remembered would have headed straight for her bedroom. The girl she'd been would have gone right along. It wouldn't have occurred to her to object.

Girl, if you don't… Prince forced his attention away from that enticing sight of the tip of Sofia’s tongue. The things I remember…

‘All right, what's on the agenda today?’ Sofia asked, eagerly looking forward to whatever he had in store.

‘The agenda isn’t exactly what I planned. The weather has something to do with that. I thought we’d pick up some food and head for Paisley Park.’

As Sofia’s mouth opened, Prince laid one finger against it and said, ‘I get it. What you shared yesterday truly broke my heart. If I could go back in time and change my reactions, I would. But I can’t. The only thing I can do is help heal the damage from the past. Paisley is my home right now, so that’s where I need to do it.’

‘Okay,’ Sofia replied, nodding. I promised myself I’d give him a chance. ‘So, where are we picking up food?’

‘People’s Organic. Ever been there? Everything I’ve ever eaten has been delicious.’

‘Yes, I’ve been there a time or two,’ Sofia replied. Or three, or a hundred.

Bundled against the weather, they left Sofia’s home, Prince once again locking the front door and handing her back the key.

‘A girl could get used to this,’ Sofia remarked, zipping the top of her bright red handbag closed.

‘Until she didn’t have to anymore,’ Prince said, cryptically. When Sofia raised a brow at him quizzically, he just laughed.

They got in the car, and as Prince started it, and turned down the volume on the car sound system so they could have a conversation, Sofia remarked, ‘No Bentley today?’

‘This weather and the Bentley don’t get along. Well, I don’t like to drive it if there’s weather. Other people on the road, you understand. The Caddy, though? If someone hit it, I could fly to Detroit and get one right off the assembly line.’

‘It’s a very nice Caddy, even so. Doesn’t feel like a downgrade at all,’ Sofia remarked, settling into her seat more comfortably. ‘What are we listening to?’

‘Some jazz I’ve been working on with other artists. What do you think?’ He slid a side eye her way, admiring her thigh through the slit in her skirt. He could just see the top of a stocking. She remembered how much I like stockings. I must have made some progress yesterday. That kiss, just now...he smiled to himself.

‘I like it, but I’ve always liked the jazz side of your music. It always feels authentic and also funky. That’s hard to beat.’

‘I’m glad we agree,’ Prince smirked.

He parked in the parking lot, and Sofia reached for her door handle out of habit. Prince gently put his hand on her arm, and said, ‘Please let me spoil you.’

‘All right,’ Sofia graciously relented. Prince walked around the car with his usual strut, opening Sofia’s door and handing her out. ‘This wasn’t about watching the slit in my skirt, was it?’ Sofia asked, a dubious expression crossing her face.

‘I have no idea what you’re talking about,’ Prince said, a false look of innocence making Sofia laugh in spite of herself. ‘Honestly,’ he continued, ‘is there anything wrong with enjoying the beauty of Jehovah’s creation?’ Tucking her arm in his, they both bent forward a little to keep the wind out of their faces as they walked across the parking lot. The snow was getting a little heavier.

Walking to the counter, Roy looked up from organizing treats, a smile wreathing his face. ‘Hi, Sofa, how are you-oh, hi, Prince? I didn’t know you two knew each other?’

‘I didn’t know you knew Sofia?’ Prince responded, looking from Roy to Sofia.

‘Sofia has been a regular for years, now. I can see why you two would never run into each other, you’re never here the same time of day.’

Sofia just smiled.

“Ah, a woman of mystery, I see!’ Prince teased.

‘Mama always said I didn’t have to tell everything I knew,’ Sofia smirked. Prince pulled her a little closer. ‘Mmhmm,’ he replied. We’ll see about that.

‘Well then, Roy, do we need to change the order, now that you know Sofia is involved?’

‘No, it’s kind of funny, you two tend to like the same things.’

‘Roy, you know everything you make is delicious,’ Sofia interrupted. ‘I’ve enjoyed everything you’ve recommended.’

‘If it's all good, let's get this show on the road!’ Prince declared, handing cash to Roy and picking up the bag he offered in return.
‘Keep the change,’ he said, pulling Sofia along with him out the door.

‘Whoa,’ They said in unison, as they fought their way to the car through very heavy snow.

Handing Sofia in, walking carefully around the car, and placing his bag in the back seat, Prince took a quick look at the snowfall on his car and decided the wipers could take care of it. He got in quickly and got the car started, making sure the front and rear defrosters were on.

‘I'm glad there are no other stops. This is starting to get busy!’ Prince remarked, pulling carefully into the road and heading for Paisley. ‘The roads are still okay, so we'll get there in no time.’

Sofia was thankful for the heated garage as they pulled in. As she was exiting the car, helped by Prince, she heard a tiny but insistent ‘mew’ behind her. Pulling away from him, she turned around to see a tiny kitten covered in dark calico fur. As she walked toward it carefully, the kitten walked right toward her, instead of backing away as she expected. Picking it up, she was gratified to feel the rumble of purring against her hand.

‘Would you look at this little girl!’ she exclaimed, turning around with a joyous smile.

Prince took two steps toward them, and the kitten mewed once again, looking straight at him.

‘She's a bold one, she is,’ he commented. ‘I think she'll fit right in. Come on! Breakfast is calling me!’

In they went. Sofia was so distracted by the kitten, she forgot to be upset walking back into the building where her heart was broken all those years ago.

In the kitchen, Prince busied himself unpacking bags and storing things in the fridge. Sofia opened her breakfast container, and realized scrambled eggs were something a cat could eat. She got a saucer, put a small amount of eggs on it, filled a teacup with water, and placed both on the floor. The kitten attacked the eggs like it hadn't eaten in days.

‘Looks like it's our turn,’ Prince said, turning her attention away from the kitten. He had plated their meals, poured orange juice, had everything ready for their meal. He pulled out Sofia's chair, seated himself next to her, and grasped her hand as he said a quick blessing.

They chatted as they ate, enjoying each others’ company, giggling as the kitten twined around their legs. Meal finished, they washed the dishes companionably, as if they'd been doing these chores together for years.

Once things were put to rights, and an old dishpan was filled with some cat litter Prince got from his trunk for the kitten’s needs, Prince took Sofia by the hand and said, ‘Come with me. There's something I want you to hear. Something I've been working on.’

A/N-We'll see if this works! Prince seems to be trying hard, and Sofia seems receptive-so far, anyway.
Thanks for reading, voting, and those lovely purple comments! 

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