The Lost Princess

By may46117

9.2K 354 297

These six princes never expected to fall in love, especially with a commoner girl who had no parents. And def... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three

Chapter One

4.3K 136 104
By may46117

A structure built of cobblestone stood proudly before the world. Towers of many were connected with walls, surrounding the large castle within its strong border. The roofs were painted an azure blue color, accenting against the silver bricks from the walls. Elegant windows were scattered randomly across the tall silver exterior walls.

Blades of jade-colored grass swayed against the gentle warm breeze that swept over the valley. Trees of many surrounded the regal building like an enclosure, hiding it within the forest depths. A still clear stream reflected the bright blue sky as the white fluffy clouds flew across it. Swans gracefully swan on the water's surface creating little ripples in the water. The landscape was beautiful, absolutely breathtaking.

But that was not what had attracted the attention of the many people who came to the castle that day. Carriages of many rode briskly on the semi-smooth dirt road that led to the palace that waited atop the hill. Horses of varying breed and color pulled the intricately designed coaches with their powerful muscles, their hooves making a resounding trotting sound.

Crossing the stone arched bridge that crossed over the river, led into the courtyard where the main entrance of the castle was located in. In the center of the area was a large fountain that spewed water the beauteous statue.

Coachmen stepped down from their perches next to the driver to open the door of the carriage to allow the Royals out of the ride. Queens wearing gowns made of the finest thread and silk exiting with the hand the coachmen had offered them. Their crown secured atop their heads in the confines of their perfectly styled hair. Kings were dressed in matching colors to their wives, consisted of dress shirts and dress pants along with a long overcoat that reached mid-thigh.

The Kings and queens of their own kingdoms walked with pose towards the grand doors that were wide open for the many guests, their arms linked. Stopping for seconds to wait for a servant to find their name on the guest list before letting them enter with a bow of respect.

Inside a large ballroom was filled with royals from kingdoms of far and wide. High prestige and those of low social ranking were gathered. Standing on the polished marble floor, waiters carrying trays of the finest champagne and exquisitely made horderves catered to the guests. The noblemen and women talked amiably about various subjects, ranging from the economy of their kingdoms to politics. It was a very formal event but the guests were not just your everyday King or Queen.

Long strands of flaming red hair cascaded down the back of very beautiful women who was dressed in a just as equally beautiful green dress that accented wonderfully with her bright hair color. Blue, nearly grey eyes sparkled as the women laughed lightly as her husband talked to her and the others surrounding them

The aforementioned man had a head of yellow hair that was spiked up in multiple directions but still managed to look well kept at the same time. The man's sea blue eyes held warmth and wisdom far beyond his age. He stood nearly a foot taller than his wife that stood beside him loyally, clinging to his right arm as he motioned with his left while he spoke. A habit of his.

The couple was none other than King Minato Namikaze and Queen Kushina Uzumaki of the Sunridge kingdom. One of the most powerful kingdom across the land.

Smiling brightly from adjacent of the couple was a woman who had barely an inch more height than the other women. Her hair was black with tints of navy that shone more prominently against the light of the chandelier that hung overhead, stopping just past her shoulder blades. Her dress was that of a navy in color as well, going well with her diamond-like eyes of onyx.

Beside her was a man who had short faded black hair that barely touched the top of his broad shoulders. He stood tall with an aura that reeked of authority and power, his expression and hard dark eyes demanded respect. He held himself in a kingly manner that his already straight posture seemed even straighter, his firm disposition seemed firmer.

The two were King Fugaku Uchiha and Mikoto Uchiha of the Raven's Shire kingdom. With power that rivaled even the Uzumaki's. 

The Uchiha and Uzumaki families had been at each other's throat for as long as time could tell. Rivalry seemed to pass down from generation to generation, but peace was settled amongst the once warring kingdoms. Thanks to the efforts of the four that stood there. For friendship had blossomed in places that once held hate towards the other.

No one there doubted that the newly born children that were being cared for back at their respective castles would be the greatest of rivals yet the best of friends. The parents could already see it.

In another part of the room, a group of six stood in an awkward circle type shape. The Royals of the Shadow's Peek kingdom held themselves with grace despite the king's slight slouch that his wife had nearly slapped him for. Shikaku Nara, the king, saw no reason to be so formal in the presence of his longtime friends but alas Yoshino Nara, was his wife and the queen. There was never room for argument with her, especially when her way had a slight tendency to lean towards the violent side.

And the list simply continues name after name of high-ranking individuals. You would not have enough time to name them all.

But what could be so important that so many kings and queens would come together like they were that day?

With all the kingdoms, war easily broke out between two or more of them. The others forced to take a side which never ended well. So long ago it was deemed necessary that someone must rule over all the of them. This person was known as the Lord. Lord Kizashi Haruno. The nobles were currently gathered at the Lord's very palace and home. It came customary that once every year that kingdoms would come to a gala held by the Lord himself as a way to maintain peace. For it was sacred land and even during times of war all would gather under a banner of truce.

But that was not the case. For the gala was held six months ago and was scheduled to be held this coming August.

So why had Lord Haruno summon all of them?

It was to celebrate the birth of his heir. His wife, Mebuki, had given birth to a beautiful girl that will one day take his place as the Lord of these lands.

And speaking of the Lord, it was at that moment that he had decided to make his entrance. With smooth movements, he entered onto the balcony that overlooked the large ballroom. All chatter had stopped upon the arrival of the Lord.

The white-haired man looked down at them with his icy blue eyes, a warm smile that he was known for blossomed on his face.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to personally thank you for being here today. It truly is an honor to see so many faces here. As you all know today is a very special day. Not even two days ago my beloved wife had gone into labor and gave birth to a child. A daughter who will take my place once she is old enough".

His voice was as powerful as it always was. But today his expression came more tender as he mentioned his newly born daughter. A sense of happiness that only a father could feel had washed over him. Never before had he thought about having children even though it was a necessary to continue his bloodline. But when he was informed of his wife's pregnancy, a new set of emotions had filled his being.

"She was born on March 28th, a day that will be forever remembered even long after my time. And I proudly announce that her name will be-"


The sound of an explosion echoed in the large space, shaking the very building. Gasps and screams could be heard from the guests who had begun to panic. The guards had gathered around the Lord at the sound of the possible threat.


The left wall came crumbling down against the sheer force of the explosion. All eyes turned towards it as hundreds of troops dressed in all black armor stormed through the hole the wall. Swords bared and readied to strike.  The Lord's guards fearlessly confronted the intruders as the Royals began to flee the castle. Even the proud Uchiha had left in haste. But the attackers paid them no mind as they cut down all that stood in their way.

More men swung through the large windows on a thick rope, shattering the glass.

They ran to where the Lord stood wide-eyed and terrified. Very unbefitting of a man of his prestige. He quickly snapped out of his daze and called out to one of the knights.

"Go and protect Mebuki and our daughter!" He shouted selflessly.

For he did not care if he died today, as long as his and wife and child remained unharmed.


Mebuki Haruno tried her best to sooth the crying child that was wrapped in blankets and held in her arms. One of her most loyal servants sat near her, shaking slightly in fear. The two could hear the sounds of hurried footsteps nearing them with every second. The clashing of metal against metal rang in their ears.

The Lady then turned to the young servant who was no older than sixteen. Her short brown hair was disheveled due to the number of times she had run her hand through her short locks. Mebuki frowned sadly. This girl was far too young to die, not now and not like this.

And her daughter, oh her poor baby girl had barely even opened her little eyes to the world. Had yet to see it or even take her first steps. The red-haired women wanted to cry. She was a mother all of two days and now all of that would come to an end. Dreams of raising the little girl in her arms would never be for filled. The Lady knew deep inside that she would not survive this attack.

But her daughter... she would not just give up her only child so easily.

With determination blazing in her golden eyes, she faced the servant girl who was shocked at her expression.

"Akari, I am not well enough to run. But you, on the other hand, are young and still have a life to look forward to. So I beg of you, take my daughter and run!" The Haruno pleaded.

Akari, could not believe that the kind and gentle Lady she had served for two years was begging her of all people to flee with her only child. She was hesitant and unsure of what to do.

"Please!" The Lord's wife was on the brink of tears.

The servant took the child into her arms and stood up. A sense of relief washed over Mebuki.

"Come! This way!" The red-haired women informed.

She pulled a bookshelf from the wall, huffing and puffing from the exertion. It revealed dark and musty hidden pathway which caused the brunette to gawk at.

The Haruno looked back at the girl who held her only child in her arms, tired from the strain of her muscles but ignored it due to her growing worry. She reached behind her clumps of hair to the back of her neck where she unclamped her necklace.

She let the piece of jewelry drop into the palm of her hand until offering to the servant girl.

"Give this to her, please. I-I want there to be something she can remember me by" The Lord's wife spoke.

With a shaky hand, Akari took the necklace before tucking it securely inside the confines of the blanket the young princess was wrapped in.

"Now go! This will lead you to the forest! Hurry!" The golden eyed girl exclaimed.

Akari bounded in the pathway as fast as her nimble legs could carry her. Only looking back when she heard the bookshelf slide back into place, hiding the escape route once more behind the wooden structure.

The young servant did not know how much time had passed but when she reached the end of dark tunnel, the once bright sky was covered with dark clouds. She ran through the forest that the Lady had said would be there with a moments delay. Clutching the baby in her arms as if it were a lifeline.

Sounds of dogs baying fell on her ears. Panic shot through her veins, she dared a look back at the palace and saw dogs closing in on her. And fast. She knew she could not outrun them, and that those dogs would tear them apart when they caught up. Akari faced forward once more, tears streaming down her face. She didn't want to die, not yet.

She looked down at the child in her arms, was this girl really going to die before even taking her first words? She was only two days old. and compared to Akari, the brown-haired servant had lived a lifetime. And Lady Haruno... she trusted her to keep her only child safe while she faced her doom.  Even if she was going to die tonight in these woods, she was going to honor the brave Lady's last wish.

The Lords wife had said to take her daughter to the women who lived in the forest, just head south and you'll reach it. And she could see a small cottage in the distance.  With a new found determination, she forced her legs to run faster as the dogs barked at her heels.

By some miracle, she had reached the cottage before the dogs had caught up, now she stood pounding on the wooden door while her other hand supported the princess. When the door opened she didn't even hesitate to push the child into the person's arm. Then giving them a note Lady Haruno had drawn up to explain the situation.

"Take care of her please!" Was all Akari said before running away from the house and leaving a very shocked woman standing in the doorway.

The aforementioned women watched as the brown haired girl lead the dogs away from her home. Not missing the white empty circle that was imprinted on the girl's uniform.


Kizashi watched his beloved wife be ruthlessly dragged towards him. The men clad in all black held him at his knees, the tip of a long sword was held at his throat. The castle was destroyed to ruins, his men were killed and his staff slaughtered. The dropped her on the marble floor beside him, then roughly pulling her head up by pulling her hair. Forcing her to her knees as tears fell from her golden eyes.

Then a man, he too wearing the same colors as the other attackers walked in as if he owned the place but his face was one that the Lord would never forget. Anger overtook him, glaring at the new arrival with such hate-filled eyes that it scared his wife slightly.

The man grinning evilly at the couple before him. That man was the one who had orchestrated it all, gathering all these men to attack the most highly guarded castle throughout the land, planning out every move like the pieces on a chessboard and he was about to take the king after wiping out all the other opposition.

"You traitor!" The lord yelled. "How could you do this?!"

The man simply laughed.

"It was quite simple really, I had spent years planning this and when I had heard of the child. I just simply couldn't pass up the opportunity!"

Upon his words, the man suddenly realized something.

"Where is the child?"

He looked at the crying women who wouldn't meet his eyes. He stalked towards her and roughly grabbed her chin, forcing her to look him in the eye.

"Where is the child?!" He demanded angrily.

Despite her red and puffy eyes, her golden depths held a look of defiance. Unlike the noble she was raised as, she spits in his face that was now distorted in disgust. He didn't hesitate to backhand her right cheek, causing her head to whip to the side.

The man grabbed her face as aggressively once more, his fingernails digging into the smooth skin on her face.

"Where is the child?!?" He demanded viscously.

The crying women glared at him, though it was not very threatening due to her shaking form. But she responded with power that fitted her title.

"You'll never find her, and everyone knows that there is an heir. So you will never be made Lord as long as she lives"

He slapped her once more, even more harshly than before.

But he knew that what she spoke was true. All that tedious and well thought out planning, all gone down the drain because of some mere child. It enraged him to an unbelievable extent. He glared at the couple before him, more particularly the women who had managed to sneak her baby past his guards.

But this was only a setback. He could still use this to his advantage, this would still throw the kingdoms into turmoil. But the fact that there was still an heir made things more complicated. He would think of plan later, as for now...

He would get some long overdue revenge.


The blonde women quickly shut the door. Her honey colored eyes still wide from confusion as she leaned her back agonist the wooden door. Her eyes were glued to the bundle that was cradled in her arms. The girl who had given this child to her was in distress, that was obvious. But she couldn't quite piece together why those dogs had chased her.

Then she remembered the note the young brunette had given her. The first thing she noticed was the seal on the envelope. A seal she knew belonged to the lord, which surprised her even more. She opened the paper encasement and pulled out the paper She unfolded the paper and read the beautifully written calligraphy which she too recognized to be Mebuki's handwriting. She was one of her dearest friends and most politically in powered.

If this letter was from Mebuki then that would mean...

She then looked back at the sleeping child in her arms. This was Mebuki's child and only heir to the Lord's throne. Frantically the busty women read the letter.


You must be wondering why a child has been left in your care and why this is all happening so fast. I'm afraid I can't explain in full detail that this is all that you need to know. The castle was attacked so I gave my child to one of my servants and told her to run. Hopefully, she reached you. By now the palace has been overrun and it is too late for me. You are my most trusted friend and the only one I would trust this responsibility to.

Please take care of my daughter, I wish I could be the one to raise her but it seems the fates forbid it. She is the Lord's only living heir, her life will always be in danger as long as they know she lives. She is never to know who she truly is or who her parents are. But one day she must claim her birthright and mend the damage that has been.

Until then care for her and protect her with everything you have. Please Tsunade, I beg of you. Take care of my daughter, take care of Sakura.

- Lady Mebuki Haruno

The women, Tsunade, dropped the letter right after reading the final word. Horror filled her eyes as she stared in disbelief at the wall in front of her. Her mind went blank at the news, unable to process all that was written at the moment but one thing kept echoing in her mind.

The castle was attacked

It would take someone incredibly stupid or completely insane to attempt an attack on the Lord. No one dared tried for fear of facing the wrath of the other kingdoms. For the first Lord was elected by all the other kingdoms to rule over them, the Haruno's since that time have always ruled justly. And because of that no one questioned their rule and held them in the highest respect.

But for Mebuki to send away her only child in fear for her safety, things must have been grim. She must have known that there was no way to defend against whoever attacked them. Then that would mean she would already be dead along with her husband. And without the Lord...

"Oh dear god..." She thought aloud.

Without a Lord to keep the peace between the other kingdoms then everyone will be thrown into chaos. Wars would break out without someone to intervene. People, innocent women, and children will die for something they don't even know.

Tonight was a gala held for the birth of the princess, all the kingdoms had met under a banner of truce. Accusations would start flying left, right and center. Each blaming the other for breaking the peace agreement. And then who would take the Lord's place? They would choose one of the Kings but they would never agree on one.

And then there was the girl in her arms. She is the Lord's only heir, the rightful successor to his throne. Even though she is still young too young to take his place it still is her birthright. But until the day she is old enough, she will be hunted all her life.

Tsunade looked down at the child once more. Mebuki's last wish was for her to take care of her daughter and she won't deny this child a proper life, the blonde women was going to raise this child as her own. Maybe one day she'll tell the girl the truth of her origins but until then...

"I'll take care of you, Sakura..."


When the nobles returned with their men, it was already too late. The once glorious castle was reduced to ruins, bloodstained everything in sight. Piles of corpses could be seen sticking between the rubble. And the Lord and his wife... were among all the other bodies.

After dealing with the wreckage they returned to their homes and spread news of the Lord's death, causing heartache amongst the people. For they all had received such kindness for him and his caring wife. They didn't deserve to die. Not when they had a new responsibility, to care for their daughter. They had such little time with her...

Yet no matter how long they searched, they couldn't find the child. Which lead room for inquiry. Perhaps she was alive, perhaps she had escaped. But even so, that didn't change the fact that the Lord was dead. And that is not something that ever ended well.

So the kingdoms met once more in the grand hall of the Sunridge kingdom. The rulers of each country sat around the large hardwood table. Neither of them had said a word, a deathly silence had fallen upon them. Until someone asked the question everyone had on their minds.

"What are we to do about the Lord's death?" Fugaku asked bravely.

And again the silence returned. The Uchiha's voice echoed in spacious room and seemed to bounce through the heads of the powerful mean seated around him. Everyone was unmoving in their chairs of velvet leather in the brightly lit room that contrasted the grim ambiance of the situation. 

"He has an heir, but we don't know where she is or if she is even alive," said Minato.

"So who is going to take his place?" Questioned Rasa, the king of the Sand kingdom.

And with that, all hell broke loose. Arguments broke out as quick as a blink of an eye, accusations were shot at all the occupants. Be it for their name and heritage, or words of spite that simply were the first thing that came to mind.

"I believe I am qualified for the role"

"Why should you be the lord? For all we know you were the one who planned this!"

"I did no such thing!"

"And how can we be so sure?!"

"How dare you accuse someone without proper proof!"

"And who you are to talk of honesty and justice?! Your kingdom is the most scandalous place across the land!"

"All of you are acting childishly"

"Watch your tongue Uchiha, your most likely the one who orchestrated all of this!"

"Yes! You Uchiha have a long history of betrayal, we should have expected you to follow in your ancestor's footsteps!"

"Let us be reasonable!"

"Oh, always the peacemaker aren't you, Namikaze?! Your talk of peace and the greater good is all simply an act! Working to earn our trust to only attack us at the place we least expect, this was your plot all along!"

"All of you are being overly troublesome about this"

"Nara! You are the greatest tactician known to man and home many skilled strategists! You could have easily surmised a plan to take on the Lord's defenses!"

"Enough of this foolishness!"

"The fool is you Akamichi! Trusting him blindly as he plots your end behind your back!"

"You speak as though you were a saint!"

"And who are you to question him when you are faced with an active probation set by the Lord?!"

"Well he isn't here to uphold that now, is he?!

"So you admit to attacking the castle!"

"I said no such thing!"

"It should be me who takes the Lord's place!"

"No! It should be me!"

"You are nothing but a greedy beggar!"

"You- !"

As the kings argued heatedly at each other, none noticed the presence that entered the room. It was a man of long white hair that was as white as fresh milk and was as untamed as a lion's mane. His clothes were robes of fiery red and earthy green. His footsteps echoed yet no one heard the loud sound, he kept marching towards the fighting kings. He only stopped when stood a few feet from the large table and there had yet to be one person to notice him.

He wise dark eyes that seemed to hold the answers to all the world's watched on as they fought for what seemed like eternity. Patience. The man had plenty of that despite urgency of his coming here, and perhaps if he waited long enough they would resolve this quarrel. But that is something to be left to wonder.

The white-haired man raised his walking staff and slammed it against the marble floor creating a loud sound that silenced the kings immediately. They all turned to him in all his wonder, some of the heated glares, some with blank faces but Minato only stared in awe and surprise.

"Jiraiya!" The blonde ruler cried.

Yet the man known as Jiraya paid the greeting no head as he faced the kings with a hardened expression that showed the wisdom and leadership he accumulated over the years. His gaze was serious and his aura seemed to demand attention and respect that made the men of room old their tongues.

"Now, all of you. You all have been blinded by greed and your lust for power. You have forgotten everything the Lord ever stood for, everything he fought for, everything he died for..."

His voice was strong, not hesitating in the least. And despite of the urge many of the ignorant rulers had to yell at the intruding peasant, his words spoke the truth so they continued to listen.

"I have foreseen a prophecy about the Lord's heir, the princess that was lost who shall one day return to claim her birthright. It is one that will dictate the very future of our existence. What I say may not make sense nor will you be able to decipher its meanings but when the time comes all will be understood."

"And why should we believe you?!"

"Mind who it is you speak" Minato, the usually cheery man said in such a stern voice that had the man quaking.

"He is Jiraya, my mentor, and the legendary toad sage. One of the big three. He is a very powerful man, not of political status but of the magical arts and ancient fighting styles. He is a prophet of great wisdom, so let the man speak"

Jiraiya simply closed his eyes, inhaling deeply before opening his eyes that were now yellow with a black horizontal in the place of his pupil. A sudden wind blew open the windows of the room and began whipping about, tossing aside papers and even chairs. The kings were forced to stand up in order to keep their balance from the ferocity of it. They covered their eyes to protect them from the bite of wind and even with all the noise the prophet's voice was louder than everything.

"Times of old and times of new will forever be changed.

Traditions and ways of the past forgotten and remembered,

history, philosophy shall be rearranged.

A silent voice will speak that through the nations, it shall be heard.

What is lost shall be found, what is found shall be lost.

The strong will become weak, the weak shall become strong,

but it shall all come at a cost.

When the time is right, all will see it clear,

a figure of pure heart and true beauty and grace,

shall bring even the furthest near.

A light so bright that not even the darkness could face,

a strength far greater than many have feared.

A bringer of desired peace and unknown war,

And all will know when the diamond has appeared.

The ragging gusts of wind came to a sudden halt and when the kings opened their eyes, the man, Jiraiya, was gone. Silence overcame the room once more and for once in their lives, they were unsure how to think. Caught off guard, they begrudgingly admit. Not expecting such significant yet puzzling words to be said. They were unsure as to what this 'prophecy' meant or what it shall do the future. One thing was for certain, they would never in their lives forget these words.

But what these rulers didn't know, was that it would be their children who would ignite the spark. The beginning of something so much bigger then what they could ever imagine. Something their feeble minds may never fully understand, and despite what they aspire and believe. they have no say in what is to come. For even their sons will oppose them for the sake of the one of the prophecy. No matter what they do, no matter what they say, there will be nothing they can do to prevent the events shall occur.

For this is a tale that was long ago written in stone, one that evil of the ages of spent years trying to put a stop to. One that a great evil attempted to obstruct but failed to due to the love of a mother. But the question is, can the heir live up to the expectations placed upon her? Will she be able to carry this heavy burden?

And thus commences our story of hope, love, bravery, danger, and betrayal.

The beginning of the search for The Lost Princess.


Wow, this turned or better then I thought it would.

This is an original idea, something that sprouted from my head! And I'll be damned if I let someone claims it be their own, don't get me wrong, I am perfectly fine if someone would like their own version but if you so chose to then please be sure to make it none that it was not your idea.

Hope you guys like this story!

Please comment and vote

Thanks for reading!


Number of words: 5310

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