Left Behind

By KNSJ1995

150K 3.6K 419

Hermione is left behind by her two best friends. She thought they were in this together. But she guess that w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 21

4K 117 12
By KNSJ1995

*Time jump*

It was winter break. I sighed and took everyone onto the train to make sure that everyone was safe. I got most of everyone a safe place to go to this holiday. I was going to be joining the Weasleys for most of the holiday and then visit a few others here and there while on break.

"Hermione, I am so glad you are safe!" Mrs. Weasley said giving me a big hug.

"Same for you Mrs. Weasley. I am glad all of you are safe." I said.

I looked over to Fred and George. They were acting weird and I saw that they kept looking at their watch ever few minutes. I gave them a look and knew what they were up to. I actually needed to talk to them later today anyways. We all got back to the safe house. The Weasleys were not staying at the Burrow right now because of safety. They were staying at their Aunt Marge's place.

I looked around the place and was impressed on how big it was. I went back down to the kitchen to see if Mrs. Weasley need any help and ran into Tonks and Lupin. I ran up to them and gave them both a big hug. I saw how big Tonks was getting.

"Oh, Tonks you are so big. I am so excited for you." I told her.

"Thanks Hermione. I just wish this all happened at a better time and not around this time." She said honestly.

"I know but I believe that things happen for a reason. You two were meant to have this baby now and not later. I know the baby will be a wonderful baby. Do you know if you are going to do home birth or got to St. Mungo's?" I asked her.

Tonks thought about it and then said,

"Remus and I talked and we think it would be safer if we had it as a home birth. Molly and my mother Dorea said they would deliver the baby and make sure everything goes smoothly."

I nodded. I told Tonks that I agree. I went over to where Remus was and gave him a huge hug. I was so glad that he was safe and alive. He asked if I was alright and how everything was going. He hoped I was not causing too much trouble. I shrugged and told him that I was doing what I had to do. He nodded in agreement.

I saw Fred and George leaving the back door and I followed them out. I stopped and yelled,

"Where do you two think you are going?" They turned and looked at me but I did not let them speak. "Like I said, where are you going.... Without me? I know that you two and Lee are the one's doing that radio broad cast and I want in."

They gave me a smile and Fred waved me over. I ran up to them and we apparated away. We landed in a private warded place. It was dark at first and then the lights started to come on. You heard a voice ask,

"What is she doing here?"

I turned to see Lee and Kinsley standing there. I gave them both smiles and said,

"Good to see that you both are well and alive."

"Same for you Miss Granger. I heard that you have been causing a lot of trouble back at school. Good job." Kingsley said with a grin.

I nodded and looked back at Lee. He was confused on why I was here. George spoke up and said,

"She knows it's us that is broad casting and she wants to help while she is on break. Fred and I think it's a great idea. If people that listen knows it's her voice then they will see that there is hope still left out there."

Lee sighed and nodded. He started to get everything set up and turned to me and asked,

"Do you have a code name figured out?"

I nodded and said,

"Just start it and let's get on with the show."

He nodded and started.

"Hello everyone out, there that is listening. I am here today with our friends the Grimm, Foxtrot, and the Knight. Let's get on with the news." Lee started to say.

The guys took turns talking about everything that has been going on and who has gone missing or dead. Fred then spoke up and said,

"We got one more person here that has a few things to say. Here is...." He looked over to me and I just leaned over and said,

"I'm Lioness. I am here to give everyone out there some words of wisdom and hope. Because I know for sure that we all need it right now. But I am also going to be truthful to you all. These are hard times but we must stick together. Everyone out there cannot be prejudice right now. We must band together and show old Moldy. He can not destroy all the hope and love out there. There is one power that is stronger then him and that is love. We have to give all the love we got and be there for one another. Help each other out because I know for a fact that Harry and Ron are trying to help all of you out by being out there in the real world sacrificing all their lives. Now it's your turn to show some bravery and love. We can not give up hope right now. Just remember that even in the darkest of times all you have to do is turn on the light. Now let's turn on the light and get rid of the darkness."

Kingsley ended the broad cast and they all looked at me. I looked at them confused and asked,


"That was amazing Hermione." Lee said.

"A true leader." Kingsley told me.

"I am no leader. That is all Harry." I told him.

"Hermione, are you kidding me. You are a leader. Look what you just did there and what you are doing at Hogwarts." Fred said.

"All I am doing is giving some hope and trying to protect everyone so they can have a better future. They at least deserve that." I told them.

"We agree with that. But Hermione you know how to speak to people to where they will listen. You were so passionate about your words right there. I believe that you think Harry is the leader but he would not be anywhere without you." George explained.

We headed back to the house. Mrs. Weasley didn't even know we were gone. I headed up to my and Ginny's room when I felt someone grab me. I was pulled into a room and I turned to see Charlie there. I gave him a hug and he then said,

"Very moving speak you did there."

I did not know what to say. I didn't realize that he listens to it. I just gave him a shy smile and said,

"Well, I wanted to help out some way."

"And protecting the whole Hogwarts school isn't enough helping out. Plus being part of the order and being best friends with Harry. Isn't enough?" He asked.

I shrugged and said,

"I guess I like to keep myself busy."

That made him laugh and he pulled me into another hug. We sat there like that for a little while. It felt comfortable. We got disturbed when Mrs. Weasley screamed for dinner being ready. I gave Charlie a look and we headed downstairs. I felt like there was more to be said but he just didn't want to say anything. The rest of the night was peaceful as much peaceful you can get.

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