Left Behind

By KNSJ1995

150K 3.6K 419

Hermione is left behind by her two best friends. She thought they were in this together. But she guess that w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 12

4.6K 113 2
By KNSJ1995

The week flew by fast. It was the same old same. Hermione walked with the other Gryffindor's to classes and back to the common room. Then got tortured by the two death eaters for detentions and punishments. But nothing fazed Hermione. She stayed strong and brave for the other students. The weekend came and Ginny and Hermione was heading down to Hogsmeade. As they got down there Hermione recognized some and ran up to him. He engulfs her into a huge hug. There standing in front of Hermione was Charlie Weasley.

They stayed like that for a while until they heard a coughing noise from behind them. They both looked behind them and saw Ginny still standing there. She was now with Luna and Neville. They were smiling at Charlie and Hermione. Ginny walked up to her older brother and gave him a hug.

"Hey big bro." She said with a smile.

"Hey little sis. So why am I here? You said it was important." Charlie asked.

"Oh that, you know. Luna Neville we are going to be late for that one thing." Ginny said grabbing Luna and Neville's hand.

The three quickly walked away and went down the street and went into a random store. Charlie looked to Hermione and said,

"So I got my answer."

Hermione smirked and said,

"Well, what was it that you wanted to talk about that you could not say in your letter."

Charlie looked around and saw people were staring at them. Hermione saw it too and she leaned in and asked,

"Do you want to go somewhere else?"

He nodded and was about to go to the Three Broomsticks. Hermione grabbed his hand and took him down an abandoned street. He looked at Hermione confused. They walked quietly to the Hog Head. Hermione walked in and went to a corner of the room where there was a table in the dark. Charlie followed and was surprised to see Hermione here.

"Wow Mione, you really do surprise me sometimes." Charlie said looking around.

"Well, I thought maybe we would talk somewhere where there are no students and because I want to see if certain people come in here." Hermione explained.

Charlie looked at her impressed. He did not realize that Hermione was still so into the war even if Harry and Ron left her behind. He looked at Hermione and asked,

"Do you want something to drink?"

"No, I would never get anything here." Hermione said smirking at the owner of the hub.

"Well, who are you looking for?" He asked looking around the not so crowded room.

"You will know when they come in. So what is up with your recent letter? What is it that you want to talk about?" She asked.

"Oh that. Well, the thing is..."

Charlie was about to say but Hermione's eyes went to the door as a group of Slytherins came in. They looked around the room and then looked at them. They walked over to them and sat at the table next to them. Charlie looked over the group and then back to Hermione. She got up and walked over to the bar and whispered something to the owner. He nodded and then shut down the hub. Hermione walked back to tables and said,

"Alright, we are alone now. Let's talk."

Hermione sat down next to Draco Malfoy and then looked over to Charlie and said,

"You can come over Charlie. They won't hurt you. Isn't that right Slytherins?"

The Slytherins smirked to Charlie and Pansy spoke up and said,

"If the dragon tamer scared of a few little snakes then I don't know what to think anymore."

Charlie got up and sat next to Hermione. The room was quiet and then Hermione spoke up and said,

"I know that you few did not want to come but I this means a lot."

"Yeah we know Granger." Blaise said with a smirk.

"What is it that you need?" Theo asked.

"I asked you here because I need to know what you got so far. Since the break in at the Ministry from Harry and Ron, have you heard anything lately?" She asked.

None of them said a thing. They looked over to Charlie and Draco spoke up and asked,

"Can we trust him? What is he doing here anyways?"

"He is here for me. But that is none of your business of why he is here. But yes you can trust him." Hermione explained.

"Alright, father was telling me that the Dark Lord was not happy that Potter and Weasley was in his grasp and that they did not get them at all." Draco explained.

"That and just for a good mood news is that Potter attacked the frog during it all." Pansy spoke up with a laugh.

Hermione smiled and the others told them that they got nothing. Hermione nodded and said,

"Thanks for coming. I know that this is all very risky but I promise you that I will do everything to keep you all and your families protected." Hermione explained.

"Yeah, well if it means that we all get a better future then it's worth the risk." Blaise stated.

The rest of the Slytherins nodded and Hermione said her goodbyes to them. She walked them leave the pub and turned to Charlie and asked,

"Do you want get out of here and go to the Three Broomsticks?"

Charlie nodded and they got to the Three Broomsticks. Charlie opened the door for Hermione and let her walk in first like a gentleman. Hermione smirked and blushed. Charlie told her to find a table and he will get the drinks. Hermione found a table in the back of the hub and sat down. She looked around the packed room. There was so many students there but Charlie stuck out like a thumb with his red hair and toned body. She saw lots of other girls staring at him and was about go up to talk to him. But Charlie walked away from them and back to Hermione.

Hermione snickered and Charlie raised an eyebrow and asked,

"What's so funny?"

"Those girls over there can't take their eyes off of you and you didn't even know it." Hermione explained.

They sat in silence and them Hermione spoke up and said,

"So you never answered my question earlier."

Charlie blushed and said,

"The thing is I wanted to talk to you about.....

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